Read A CSV File And Display Results In A Grid In Program?
Aug 15, 2010
How do you read a CSV file and display the results in a grid in Visual Basic 2010? This sounds so simple but I still can't find the answer to it after googling for a while. I have DataGridView on a form and it's called DataGridView1. I have a csv with just 3 columsn of data and I want to be able to display them.
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Jun 11, 2011
I'm trying to make a page where you enter some data in the textbox and on button click you search a database and you have a results in grid. But on button click nothing happens.
Here is my code.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"
ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:RIL_FilijalaConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT * from ol
And (OL.JMBG = @TextBox1) ">
[Code] .....
View 1 Replies
May 15, 2006
Get Program To Read Text File And Display 2nd Line Of Text
View 6 Replies
Jan 8, 2012
I'm trying to make a form where the user enters a customers account info and then saves it to a file. the user should then be able to search for a customer by their last name and when it is found it display the customers info[code]...
View 6 Replies
Apr 5, 2010
How can I display only the most current results from a text file? I have a button the user can click that needs to display only the most current results from the text file.
View 9 Replies
Oct 21, 2009
I am writing my own script for a simple calculator that determines if a number is prime, and its prime factors.[code]The loopcount = compare - 2 means I want the loop to be 2 less than the square root of the answer so that when do a descending calculation (loopcount = loopcount - 1) it doesn't see if 1 or 0 is a factor of the answer. for the calculations after that, I want, every time n1 = n2 (a whole number factor of the answer), I want to report those results to a text file (n2 and n3) in this format "(n2, n3)" then go to the next line. and continue to execute the loop until the loopcount is zero. Currently, when I run the code, the application closes when I click the prime button (button that runs this code) and I don't know why. This is my first semester in school, and have never coded before, so I am a definite laymen with code, but I really really want to learn it (hence why for fun im just creating algorithms for different things).
View 2 Replies
Mar 11, 2010
i have a prob that i have a gridview on the parent window. when i open a child window using showmodaldialog, i enter some data in the textboxes. now when i close my child window i want to display the text entered by me in the grid. i want to know how can i access the grid in child window
View 1 Replies
Dec 31, 2010
I'm working on a project that incorporates an Arduino Duemilanove board and a program that a wrote in VB 2008. Basically, when the Arduino receives a symbol from COM3, it sets a Pin on the board, high or low. I'm using two Pins, one is going to be for a laser, the other a relay. The relay is going to close a circuit, and act as the button on the Nerf Vulcan. That's right, I'm creating a Nerf sentry gun.It's going to be fully controlled from my computer. I have all of the code done for the servo, and all of that, both on the Arduino and in VB.
The Arduino sends the angle of the Servo that will control the right and left movement of the gun through COM3, every time it changes. I want my program to display that position in a textbox, as my program needs that value in order to properly function. Basically, I need the code to read from the serial port, and display what it receives in a textbox, textbox3.
View 2 Replies
Mar 9, 2009
why I cannot populate the data grid with the results of my loop>
Public Class FormInput
'The disabled close button declarations;written by Achmad Zeanuri
Private Const MF_BYPOSITION = &H400
View 2 Replies
Jul 4, 2010
I an new to VB.Net as well as this forum. I have a problem in working with printing my results from the Data grid view. Actually I am working on my project "Library Management System" and I have to print the results of the DataGridView. Like if I search for an author in the book catalogue, the results are shown in the datagird, I need to print those results to printer. I may be the selected or the whole page. Please help me it's urgent. And please remeber I am new to it, so wud be gr8 if it is given with example and explanation.
View 1 Replies
Feb 27, 2012
Reading a .txt file in My file path is C:UsersMyLilMulePepeDocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projectscurtain_calls.txt.
This is my line of Dim LoanOptionsFile As String = "C:UsersMyLilMulePepeDocumentsVisual Studio 2008Projectscurtain_calls.txt"
I can read the file when I run the program, but how do I write the file path so that someone else can download my program and file and read the file on their system?
View 3 Replies
Jun 9, 2009
I finished a course on VB in school. Now, I know how to read in a file, but I'm only used to plain text files. The file type I wish to use is called .pkm. It is a pokemon file type (yes, pokemon, don't make judge). Anyways, it's basically a file full of hex values that the game reads to display a pokemon. A friend of mine made a program that displays the hex from this file. He used Delphi so I'm not really sure about it in VB.
View 5 Replies
Jan 9, 2011
Suppose I have a table with columns userdef1, userdef2 userdef6 and I have another table that defines these fields. i.e UserDef1 = "MyName" etc
What would be the best approach for retrieving these values and updating the column headers?
View 1 Replies
Jan 18, 2011
Visual Basic 2005 I have a DataGridView on a form. It's bound to a DataSet, and I'm working by way through the dataset doing various things to the records based on the "status". What I would like to do is scroll the grid, so that the row that the program is 'looking at' is in the middle of the grid.
View 1 Replies
Oct 29, 2009
QuoteI would like to display my password from database (MS Access)into datagrid but in invisible. Below is my coding retrieve data from database, but my password is visible,
con.ConnectionString = "PROVIDER=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source = " & connectionpath
View 7 Replies
Jun 22, 2009
I'm using VB 2005, how do I open a CSV file and read the columns/rows and display the values in a datagrid?
CSV file example: jsmith,
I then want to perform an action on each row i.e. each user, how would I do this?
View 4 Replies
May 2, 2012
300,CA,San Francisco,twenty five,$50,PTL
300,WI,Queens,two fifty,$250,RTS
400,CA,Los Angeles,three twenty five,$100,LTL
View 10 Replies
Jan 26, 2011
I want to write a small program which can be read the content of the text file or via the textbox and then displays the characters content into "Big5" code (Traditional Chinese Font coding).
View 9 Replies
Sep 18, 2009
Ive figured out how to open a file to read and then display it, and i can probably work out how to write a string to a file. The part i am stumped by is this. Say i open a text file with the following text I has a badger i then want to correct this to I have a badger.
Its just an example and not for a grammar corection program. What i want to do is detect what was said and alter it acordingly. I presume this would come under string manipulation but i cant find any details on this.
View 10 Replies
Nov 12, 2011
How to Read EntryPoint from an file (.exe) and to display it on textbox field?[code]...
View 1 Replies
Aug 6, 2008
how do i read excel file at & display the result in a label or something..e.g i know cell A2 is a string of text - e.g Hello this is the P/L for the month i want grab that and put in a label etc.
View 11 Replies
Aug 25, 2009
When the user clicks the Process Files button, do the following:
Read and process the contents of each of the 6 files.
Each file contains data in a different format.
and display them in arrylist. In the list it should contain name of the file and number of person in the text file example below.[code]...
View 1 Replies
Jan 4, 2010
Do you have a sweet solution in VB (visual studio 2008) to read an OWL file and display nodes on a treeview? It works great for XML but not for OWL when nodes are like as follow: [Code]
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Oct 10, 2011
I am making trying to make a program that can read the file information directly from a specified file, but I am having a lot of difficulty reading things like file comments.An example of this can be found in windows XP when you alternate / right click on any file and click on properties. You'll get a lot of extra information.Now I have a few questions about this.
1.Can this information even be read in VB.NET
2.If so how
3.If not do I need to create some kind of data file to store the file information
Here is what I did so far
View 4 Replies
Mar 30, 2011
Does anyone know if you can actully read a file from your visual basic program? i just built a program and an updater with it and tried it on a few free hosts, but everytime i upload the version.txt and navigate to it i get a bad exstension error in the browser, anyone know how i can override this or of a free host that allows me to to it?
View 8 Replies
Sep 1, 2011
Is it possible that we can include word read me file in our Project.
i.e when we click on help the read me ms word file should be opened.
View 4 Replies
Aug 2, 2011
How can i read a .sql file in and execute query which in file?
View 2 Replies
Aug 22, 2011
I had this query sp_msforeachdb 'select "?" AS db, * from [?].sys.tables' when I execute it in sql server, it return multiple results. How I can read all the results in my vb?
View 2 Replies
Jul 22, 2009
How can I make this program not to give me the results for the quit command input of -999 but rather just to quit without the results?
Sub Main()
Dim TempIncelsius As Double
Dim TempInput As Double
Dim Formula As Double
View 4 Replies
May 4, 2010
A VS 2008 desktop .NET program needs to open a PDF file and read its contents as data. That is, the program must scan through the PDF file searching for certain text. The program will not merely open the PDF file and display the contents using a control such as an ADOBE Reader control. It has to actually read the individual data within the PDF.
How can a .NET program read data within a PDF file?
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