VS 2008 Convert String To HTMLDocument?

Feb 21, 2010

I have a string in html format and i want to convert it to an htmldocument.

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Can't Convert A String To A Htmldocument

Oct 30, 2009

In my project i want to search a word in 10 different music sites and return all the links on the site, the problem is that i can't convert a string to a htmldocument.[code]

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Convert Html String To HTMLDocument For Parsing?

Apr 2, 2011

I'm able to retrieve the source code of a web page and store it in a string variable. I would like to cast that string variable into an HTMLDocument if possible, to make parsing its elements much easier.

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VS 2008 From String To HTMLDocument.Links

Mar 1, 2010

I'm trying to write a function that can retrieve all the links from a webpage. I'd like to send only a string containing the URL. Basically, given a string of a URL, I'd like to "load" that into an HTMLDocument so I can access the Links collection. I just can't figure out that part.I've already written the function by using the Document in a WebBrowser. But, after selecting a link, I'd like to get its links, and so, and so on....while the user is still browsing the first page.

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VS 2008 <'HTMLDocument'> Is Ambiguous In The Namespace <'mshtml'>

Jul 30, 2009

This line is throwing the error; Public WithEvents CurrentDoc As mshtml.HTMLDocument
Researching the error tells me that HTMLDocument isn't fully qualified. Isn't this fully qualified? If I change it to Microsoft.mshtml.HTMLDocument then it says it's not defined.


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[2008] KeyPress - Convert To A String And Add It To Overall String?

Aug 3, 2011

Currently, I'm using the following code to pull info from the management class.


I'm also pulling info from the bios, disk drives, video, etc. What I've noticed, is although it runs fine on my pc, it may error out on some pcs since it is hardware dependent.I'm having trouble implementing a check to find if it exists before I convert to a string and add it to my overall string.

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VS 2008 Convert .jpg To String?

Jun 10, 2009

I need to take a picture, test.jpg and read it in and convert it to a string.

The string is going to be sent via email attactment where i need it to work as a .jpg when i download the file attachment.

I can only build the file attachment using a String so i will need to convert the picture into a string, without losing any of the data bytes.

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.net - Convert String To A Date 21/08/2008 00:21:00?

Sep 28, 2010

I'm using vb.net 2005. How do convert this date / time 21/08/2008 00:21:00 to a DateTime object ?

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Convert A Listbox To A String In Vb 2008?

Oct 31, 2009

how would i convert a listbox to a string in vb 2008

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Convert An ASCII String To Hex For VB 2008?

Jun 13, 2010

I'm trying to convert an ASCII String to hex for VB 2008. So far I have this :

Function asc2hex(ByVal StrName As String) As String
Dim loopCount As Integer, strHold As String
For loopCount = 1 To Len(StrName)
strHold = strHold & Hex(Asc(Mid(StrName, loopCount, 1)))
Next loopCount
asc2hex = MsgBox(strHold)
End Function

However, It is not reporting all the bytes that it should be. For example: This is the correct format.


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VS 2008 - How To Convert Unicode To String

Oct 17, 2010

How would I convert a Text File that is Unicode into string (readable text)?

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VS 2008 : Convert A Resource To String?

Apr 28, 2010

How do I convert a Resource to String? I dont want the Resource to be "written" or "extracted" from the program.

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VS 2008 : Convert String To Barcode?

Jun 22, 2009

I am looking for a good example code to convert a string to barcode.

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VS 2008 Convert 2d Array Into A String?

Nov 20, 2009

converting a 2 array into a string At the moment I have a 2 array and a string

The 2d array goes as follows:

0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5
0 1 2 3 4 5


I have tried to use the string to char method but its not working

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VS 2008 Convert Float Value To String?

Jul 26, 2010

how would i go about converting a float value to string?

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VS 2008 Convert String To Date

May 18, 2010

example: I have these 2strings: Quote:


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VS 2008 How To Convert A String To If Condition

Sep 11, 2010

i want to know how to convert a string to if condition exmample

dim myExpression as string
myExpression = "if a>b then" & _
" MessageBox.Show("beware from dog !")" & _
"end if "

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VS 2008 - Convert String To Structure Point?

Oct 4, 2009

I want to know how I can convert string to a point ( {X=150, Y=150} ) I'm having a little trouble figuring this one out.

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VS 2008 CellValidating - Cannot Convert A DBNULL Value To STRING

Nov 2, 2009

I am having a problem with the DIM statement. It is saying that it can not convert a DBNULL value to STRING even though there is something in the cell.


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VS 2008 Convert A String Into A Linq Query?

May 20, 2012

Is there a way to convert a string into a linq query? Searching for those words brings up tons of stuff unrelated to what I'm trying to do..For instance, this works, of course...

Dim lstMyQuery = (From item in htMyTable.values where item(0) = "Apple" Select item)

But somehow I want to do this:

Dim strQuery = "From item in htMyTable.values where item(0) = " & CHR(34) & "Apples" & CHR(34) & " Select item"
Dim lstMyQuery = (Somehow run/convert strQuery as a query)

The reason is strQuery will be different each time depending on what the user has selected earlier in the program.R if lstMyQuery is already a collection, is there a way to add to it?

Dim lstMyQuery = (From item in htMyTable.values where item(0) = "Apples" Select item)

(this obviously doesn't work, but it's basically what I want to do...)

lstMyQuery.Add(From item in htMyTable.values where item(0) = "Oranges" Select item)

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VS 2008 Convert String To Long Integer?

Feb 14, 2010

i am trying to convert test from a label into a 'long integer' type. i will then use this long integer type to read from the database (Ms access 07). i will be reading an autoNumber from the database

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VS 2008 - Failed To Convert Parameter Value From String To Int32

Jun 5, 2010

I am getting an error - "Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Int32"

Background Information:
Table: Customer
Fields: CustomerID, Title, Forename, surname, street, town, country, postal code, home phone, mobile phone, work phone, email.

All the data types in this are Strings with the exception of CustomerID.
Table: Country
Fields: CountryID, Country
CountryID = Integer, Country = String

There is a relationship between country.country and customer.country. I have made country a combo box with the contents of country inside it. This problem is resolved if I remove country as an input - but I need it in!

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VS 2008 : Convert A IP Range String To Base64String For XML Storage?

Jul 14, 2010

Been a while since I last posted here. I'm busy on a new project and I need to convert a string which represents a IP range (like this:, to two Base64 strings which represents the first and second IP adress in this range definition. Like this: (start IP: CgAAAA== End IP: CgAA/g==)I've got it to work, but it such an ugly code, and I know it can be done with 2, or at max 4 lines code. But I'm not so handy with the Base64 string conversion jet. So this is where I ask for help from you guys!

Here's what I got (in goes: Apf.Iprange = "")

Dim StartIp As String = Apf.IPRange.Split("-")(0)
Dim EndIp As String = Apf.IPRange.Split("-")(1)
Dim StartNumbers() As String = StartIp.Split(".")


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Convert String To Form Object To Invoke Function Using 2008?

Mar 1, 2012

In My project, i have Multiple Forms in which same Function name with return values. i like to convert the String name to Form Object and try to call the user defined function in the corresponding form from the Module I am using vb.net 2008 .

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VS 2008 Convert Access Database Null Values To String Type?

Jun 7, 2011

i am working in windows appl vb.net 08. And i am working in Access DataBase.I have one Table Called "Person" . In this "Person" Table one Column Name Called "OtherName". In this Column binded in one of the Combobox in a Form.But the Problem is "OtherName" Column having the Null Values.Before i bind this Column to Combobox i want to convert this NULL Values to String. Why i need the values in STRING means , In my code i using this Combobox as a filter in SQL Query.If i didn`t change the Null Value to STRING , The Combobox SelectedText or SelectedValue is Showing Nothing. So i am not able to get the Record.

Whn i write a Sql Query to Combobox and apply filter in WHERE statement like Combobox.Selectedtext or Combobox.SelectedValue In "Selected Change Committed Event" then i should get the record in the Output right but unfortunatly i am not getting the Record. The Record Count in DebugPrint showing 0.


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Create HTMLDocument From .HTM File?

Mar 17, 2011

I would like to read a file from disk ( TEMP.HTM ) and convert it to a System.Windows.Forms.HTMLDocument.I know that I can set a WebBrowser control to Navigate to the file and then get its .Document property, but is there a better way, possibly using something in the System.IO.File space?

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How To Set Attribute Value Of 'A' Tag In Live HTMLDocument With Quotes Around It

Feb 10, 2012

Bascially, all i'm trying to do is change the value of an attribute (such as the TARGET attribute of an A anchor tag) to "_TOP" if the attribute exists, if it doesn't exist, (if IsNull returns True) then I just create the attribute and set the value to "_TOP".The problem is, it almost always sets it without quotes around it, and even if i try to set it with quotes by setting .value = Chr(34) & "_TOP" & Chr(34) then what it does is it sets SINGLE QUOTES around the quotes I place (it's like a bad joke) and turns up in the HTML as '"_TOP"' (lol), and if I set it normally, its just saved as <a href="..." target=_TOP>some link</a> (without quotes).[code]I've changed the above variable names & turned vars into strings ("target") etc to make it easier to read for anyone reading.

I have wasted heaps of hours on this, MSDN docs are as usual horrid, there is no real documentation or tutorial on this stuff either. I've even tried using .nodeValue instead of .value to do the setting, but makes no difference. Also, I've tried (in the Else section) removing the attribute and re-creating + re-adding it from scratch to see if this would make a difference, but it didn't.Of course, quotes are important because if you try to perform an action (call a method) on this element or use it later, you will get the dreaded "unspecified error". I do this through the WebBrowser Control in VB6, but same principle should apply everywhere... C#/.NET/JavaScript etc as it seems to be DOM related).since posting we realized that if we pass the attribute name in uppercase, then the value is saved with double quotes around it. although this is not a real solution (just a temporary one), i am still looking for answers if anyone has one and accepting any thoughts you may have about this in this post. However, the temporary solution has created another sub question, being a post about the problems that arise from using this temporary solution. The sub question related to this temporary solution is located at the following link for those who may find it useful or interesting to read about, and for those who would like to contribute to this discussion further: Must pass uppercase to set MSHTML element attribute (.setAttribute) correctly, why? And CaseInsensitive .setAttribute doesn't work

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Unable To Access DOM Of Mshtml.HTMLDocument

Dec 17, 2010

I have one sample project to automate Internet explorer in VB 6.0. The same thing when I am trying to do with .Net its just hangs my Internet explorer document. I am not able to type or click on any control on the page.

Here is the sample code block.


Even i am not able to fire any htmdoc_focusin or focusout of DOM which was really easily accessible from my VB code.

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C# - Selecting Multiple Items In A Listbox Using Htmldocument's SetAttribute?

Jan 27, 2012

I know that I can select an option in a listbox within my HTMLDocument (which refers to a webbrowser control's HTMLDocument) using SetAttribute. For example:

htDoc.GetElementById("lstCountries").SetAttribute("value", "88")

However, I can't figure out how I can select multiple items within the listbox. When I call SetAttribute repeatedly, it always unselects the old one first.

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Use A Website Url To Create An HtmlDocument Object That Contains All Html From That Webpage?

Dec 15, 2009

I was trying to use HtmlDocument and a given url to pull in the html contents of a website to use. However there is no constructor for HtmlDocument and it's Url property is readonly. Is there any way to create an object that contains the entire DOM for a given url?

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