VS 2008 Count The Number Of Key Strokes?
Jul 14, 2009
I have been searching the forums but have not found anything like what I am wanting to do.Anyways what would be the easiest way to count the number of key strokes? Then when X amount of strokes have been reached, display a message?
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Aug 1, 2011
I am making a little application to provide a simple GUI for editing controls for some old games that use INI files to store their config.I have just come across the following ini file key but I can't see how it is storing the controls. It is meant to be for an NES pad, which has 8 buttons - Up, Down, Left, Right, Start, Select, A, B.
[Controller 1]
View 2 Replies
Dec 10, 2010
designing a Windows based computer program that will allow a user to enter some number (n) and a choice of a count up or count down for that many numbers. So for example, the user enters 5 as their number and selects the count down option, the message box displayed would contain the message: "Here are your numbers: 5,4,3,2,1,0"
View 14 Replies
Oct 1, 2011
This is what I have, but It doesn't work with strings for some reason (only text files):
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Feb 26, 2011
Currently, my program code is:
Imports System
Imports System.Data.SqlClient
Imports MySql.Data
Imports MySql.Data.MySqlClient
Public Class Form1
How do I get it where when I click button2, it will count the number of rows in the mysql table and then display it in a messagebox or label1.text?
View 1 Replies
May 13, 2012
I amusing VB.net to count the number of HPageBreaks in an Excel worksheet...here is the code I'm currently using:[code]Sometimes it returns the proper count...but most of the time it returns "0" and I have no clue as to why.
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Jul 12, 2010
is there anyway i could count the number of say Black pixels in my picturebox say i have a picture in it that has 1 black pxiel i would like to to but that to a string so i could put it in a textbox or a msgbox like this
so in RGB black would be 0-0-0 but how would i have it scan the pixtuebox and count how many pixels show up with the rgb color 0-0-0
View 10 Replies
Jun 5, 2009
It's exactly as the topic says. I have a text file with an unknown amount of words, typed out like this:tastymuffinsaredeliciousWhat I need is a counter that will tell me how many words there are, and in this case (besides a tasty muffin), there are 4 words. Is there a simple way to do this?
View 3 Replies
Mar 4, 2010
I'm helping the IT department at my school do an audit of all our printers (there are hundreds). They are all networked, so I wrote a vb.net program that sends PJL (printer job language) commands over port 9100 to all the printers to retrieve the page count. @PJL INFO PAGECOUNT actually gets the page count for all the printers, but for color printers we also need to know the color / mono page counts (number of color pages printed, number of black and white pages printed).... the number being returned by the PAGECOUNT command right now seems to be the total pagecount on color printers, so if I can find a command that will give me either the mono or color page count, I'll have the other number. I also need the serial number of every machine (the spreadsheet I'm working off of is unreliable). @PJL INQUIRE SERIALNUMBER actually returns the serial number for about half of the HP printers, and some random non-HP ones, but I can't figure out a way to get the serial number for the other 50%. I sent emails to some of the people who wrote the articles about PJL I was following, and they advised I try using printer spooler functions (from my brief google search it would appear these are windows API's that facilitate communication with a printer).
Does anyone have any experience with working with the Printer Spooler functions or know a PJL command I might have overlooked that will help me get any of the info I'm looking for?here is my program right now. Ignore GetSerialNumber2 and GetSerialNumber3... they don't work (well actually GetSerialNumber2 works on 5 printers... but yea). GetSerialNumber() is the one that gets the serial number successfully for about half of the printers. (edit: I took out those functions in the version I posted, along with some other stuff that wasn't needed for this, to fit the post size limit)
View 2 Replies
Aug 2, 2009
How do I get VB 2008 to Listen to the Keyboard Key strokes when I am in another program??
View 4 Replies
Jun 21, 2009
i need to know how to send key strokes as it were type from the keyboard.(no sendkeys)
View 3 Replies
Jan 8, 2012
how do i count the number of rows that are affected when I updated a table, and display the number of affected rows in a message box ??
here is my code for updating the table ...
For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows
req = row.Cells(Column1.Name).Value
If row.Cells("Column1").Value = True Then
View 1 Replies
Feb 13, 2010
I want to search my access database and count the number of records in the column "Type" in each group. For example
View 7 Replies
May 23, 2010
I have two listbox.listbox4 have a number from 0 to 10.i want to count that number and put into listbox5oid to count item 1 - 10 in listbox4.start count from item 11.
View 10 Replies
Aug 8, 2010
Can I do it,Like this..
I want to count the total number 0 - 9 in Textbox and put in to ListBox
View 16 Replies
May 10, 2011
I have a bunch of pdf files in a folder and would like to know the best way to either via a free PDF counter software or programmatically how to count the number of pages for each pdf and put the result in either a excel or access table. I already have the table populated with the pdf filenames. I googled "PDF page counter" and there were a number of hits, however I'm not sure how trust worthy these tools are. So, what some names of trust worthy pdf page counting tools/software and alternatively, are there any good VB.NET code samples that attempt this?
View 2 Replies
Jan 21, 2011
I am trying to count the number of records that match Course_ID = 1 in a table.
Here is the expression I am using
I always get the number of records in the whole table and that is not what I want.
View 8 Replies
Aug 9, 2011
how I can count the number of tabs embedded at the beginning of a line in a text file when im parsing the file.
View 3 Replies
May 10, 2012
I have a VB report which contains a list of locations. I have this list separated into areas and I need to count the total number of rows per area section. I have a groupHeader which contains my area field, then in the group I list the corresponding entries for that area. Then in the groupFooter I would like to give the total number of entries in the group. How can I do this? I have two fields in my groupFooter
View 1 Replies
Apr 4, 2011
I need to arbitrarily count the number of cells in a row. Then return to the cell directly below the cell from which I started counting. In this cell I need to print the number of cells that contained data in the row.
View 1 Replies
Jun 12, 2011
i am developing an online shopping site..so when the user adds any item to the cart i store it in a table...now what i want is to count the number of items in the cart as well as update the number of items in cart every time the user adds a new item....
Public Function AddToCart(ByVal itemID As String, ByVal itemName As String, ByVal itemPrice As Integer, _
ByVal offer As String, ByVal buyNo As String, ByVal userID As String) As String
Dim sqlStatement As String = "INSERT INTO shoppingCart" & _
View 1 Replies
Jun 21, 2010
I'm using vb.net and a DGV to open a access DB. On load im filtering out everything except what was created on the current date. [code]...
View 1 Replies
Dec 20, 2011
I am writing a simple GUI for a 7-Zip command that will zip multiple directories, with two files in the working directory, to their own separate archives. The problem is that I have no idea on how to count the number if directories (only directories and not files) and find the name of just the first directory.Here is what I have so far:
View 8 Replies
Mar 4, 2009
Does anybody know how to count the number of iterations in a for-each loop? I want to have a variable inside the loop, returning the corresponding counter every time the loop iterat
View 5 Replies
Mar 23, 2010
I need a TextBox to resize depending on the number of lines entered by the user, I note that TextBoxes has no AutoSize Property.
Is there a way to Count the number of Lines in a Text?
View 13 Replies
Nov 14, 2011
I've googled for a while now, but I can't seem to find it.
I'm looking for a way to determine how many times a character occures within a string.
Let's say for example I want all comma's to be counted in the following string:
How can I retrieve the number of comma's? in example 5.
View 4 Replies
Jul 28, 2009
How can i count number of Saturdays between two given dates?
View 8 Replies
Nov 29, 2009
What I would want, is a way to get a count of how many sub-folders another folder consists of. For instance, if "c:TestAppTestFolder" contains the sub-folders "Videos", "Pictures and "Audio", I would somehow want to get the code to get the value '3' in this case.
View 4 Replies
Dec 11, 2011
How to count number of text line until certain condition using vb 2008? Here is the code to count the number of line until the end of the text file. But I want to count until certain line of the text file.
View 10 Replies
Apr 10, 2011
This text book i have is not very good at all. the exercise's at the end of each chapter ask u to code projects without first covering the basic of what u will need do to code them. (Programming in Visual Basic 2008 Julia Case Bradley + Aninta C. Millspaugh)
Design and code a project to calculate the amount due and provide a summaray of rentals. All movies rent for $1.00 and all customers receive a %10 discount. The form should contain input for the member number and the number of movies rented. INside a groupbox display the rental amount, the 10 percent discount, and the amount due. inside a second groupbox, display the number of customers served and the total rental income.(afterdiscount).Include buttons for Calculate, clear, print and exit. The clear button clears the information for the current rental but does not clear the sumarry information. A print button allows the user to print the form. Do not allow bad input data to cancel the program; instead display a message to the user.[code]...
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