VS 2008 : Error : Too Many Arguments To 'Public Overridable Overloads Function Queryname() As Integer'

Jun 2, 2009

i'm accessing an access database and want to execute the following query

INSERT INTO sometable
(date, field1, field2)
SELECT ( ? AS Expr1, field1, field2)
FROM othertable

? is a date i generate in code and field1,field2 belong to othertable i put it in a tableadapter and execute it by me.tableadapter.queryname(calculated date) but i get the error : Too many arguments to 'Public Overridable Overloads Function queryname() As Integer' Also if i try to generate the date in the query builder in the form dateserial(year(now),month(now),1-1)the query builder does not accept it?

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VS 2008 Too Many Arguments To 'Public Overridable Overloads Function Fill(dataTable As TetrisDataSet.tblTransactionDataTable) As Integer

May 14, 2009

I'm following this tutorial: [URL]..except I'm connecting to my own data source - a MS Access database.This is the query I have setup with the dataset:

SELECT Terminal_ID, SUM(Transaction_Quantity) AS Total
FROM tblTransaction
WHERE TransactionType_ID=3 and Transaction_DateTime>[@fromdate]
GROUP BY Terminal_ID

The debug fails immediately because it needs the extra parameter so I change the code from:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
'TODO: This line of code loads data into the 'tetrisDataSet.tblTransaction' table. You can move, or remove it, as needed.


The error I get on build is:Too many arguments to 'Public Overridable Overloads Function Fill(dataTable As tetrisDataSet.tblTransactionDataTable) As Integer

...I gave it the extra parameter, so what gives? Something special I need to do as it's a datetime field?

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Too Many Arguments To Public Function.add (item As Object) As Integer

Nov 10, 2011

I'm writing this program to determine deterioration after X amount of years and i keep getting that same error.ive tried redetermining and revaluing variables.

Public Class Form1
Dim Anldep As Double
Dim endval As Double


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Argument Not Specified For Parameter 'url' Of 'Public Overridable Sub LoadMovie(layer As Integer, Url As String)

Feb 7, 2010

I am trying to load a movie from openfiledialog.filename, but i keep on getting an error. Here are the 2 things ive tried

1) AxShockwaveFlash1.LoadMovie(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)

2) Call AxShockwaveFlash1.LoadMovie(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)

Both of the codes get the same error that looks like this

Argument not specified for parameter 'url' of 'Public Overridable Sub LoadMovie(layer As Integer, url As String)And here is the URL it goes to when you click "Show Error Help" http:msdn.microsof...f0a(VS.85).aspx

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Addline Function - Public Overloads Sub AddTextLeft(ByVal Text As String

Dec 13, 2010

I've got question. I created this;

Public Overloads Sub AddTextLeft(ByVal Text As String, ByVal Fontsize As Decimal, ByVal Bold As Boolean)<br/>
'-- PBA / 22.08.2006<br/>


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Difference Between Overloads, Overridable And Overrides

Oct 28, 2009

Difference between overloads, overridable and overrides .

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Error1 Too Many Arguments To 'Public ReadOnly Default Property Chars(index As Integer)

Nov 27, 2009

Error1 Too many arguments to 'Public ReadOnly Default Property Chars(index As Integer) As Char'.K:\VB\Chap06\SumOddEven Solution\SumOddEven Project\Main Form.vb2645SumOddEven Project

Private Sub calcButton_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles calcButton.Click
Const prompt As String = "please enter even and odd numbers click cancel to end"
Const Title As String = "odd & even Number"


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Too Many Arguments To 'Public ReadOnly Default Property Chars(index As Integer) As Char'?

Nov 16, 2009

i get this error?

' Create the order and store the order ID
Line 175: Dim orderId As String = ShoppingCartAccess.CreateCommerceLibOrder(shippingId, taxId)


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VS 2010 Too Many Arguments To Public Function?

Jul 22, 2011

I am somewhat stuck on this little problem, I am using Visual Basic 2010

Error3Too many arguments to 'Public Function Calculations(txtSoilTemp As Double, txtSupplyTemp As Double, txtCarrierPipeWallThickness As Double, txtInsulationThickness As Double, txtJacketThickness As Double, txtExternaldiameterofcarrierpipe As Double,


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Overloads Vs Generic Arguments

Aug 24, 2009

I have a question. In the framework, that was largely written before the generics came, you often see a function with lots of overloads to do something with different types. [code] and then have some kind of ifs/switch statements with typeof() to try to infer what the types are and what to do with them.What is best practise? Or what are the ideias that'd help me choose between a) and b)?

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.net - Subclass Inherit A Constructor - Error 1 Too Many Arguments To 'Public Sub New()"

Jun 25, 2009

I have a base class, "B", which has two constructors, one with no paremeters and the other that accepts one param, an integer. I have a subclass, "S", which inherits from "B" and does not define any constructors in it. I create an instance of S, attempting to pass to the constructor an integer.

I get the error: Error 1 Too many arguments to 'Public Sub New()"

This surprises me because I thought that if a constructor is not defined in the subclass, S, that the base class constructor method, specifically, the one with the single integer param would be invoked w/o an error. why I am getting this error? Are constructors a special case?

View 8 Replies

Error:"InvalidCastException Was Unhandled Overload Resolution Failed Because No Public '=' Can Be Called With These Arguments

Nov 2, 2010

I'm implementing following code in VS2010:

If xl.cells(1, contacolonna).Borders(Excel.XlBordersIndex.xlEdgeRight).LineStyle <> Excel.XlLineStyle.xlContinuous Then
End If
or following


but in both cases VS returns following error:"InvalidCastException was unhandled Overload resolution failed because no Public '=' can be called with these arguments:'Public Shared Operator =(a As String, b As String) As Boolean':Argument matching parameter 'a' cannot convert from '__ComObject' to 'String'. "

View 5 Replies

String - 'Public Function' Has No Type Parameters And So Cannot Have Type Arguments

Mar 12, 2012

I am having some issue here, and I am not too sure how to handle it. If you could lead me in the right direction


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Error "too Many Arguments To Public Sub New()"

Mar 4, 2010

I trying to place a rectangle onto a canvas in a WPF form and cannot get past the error Too many arguments to public sub new() I've coppied the examples found as they appear to be correct according to [URL] I'm using vb.net 2010 express (beta) I've even tried the same program under VB.net 2008 express?

Dim pt As New Point(5, 5)
Dim sz As New Size()


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.net - Declaring A Function Inside A Base Class Non-overridable?

Aug 5, 2010

I have a base class foo that will be used in multiple child classes of similar but slightly different function:

Public MustInherit Class foo
Public Function bar1() as Something
''// Perfectly OK to change what this method does


How do I get the compiler to generate an error when bar2() is overridden by a child class?

View 2 Replies

[Public Sub / Public Function] Equals [Sub / Function] Declaring A Function Or Sub?

Jun 12, 2011

I want to know what implies to declare a function or a sub using public or directly Sub / Function i.e.:

Public Function Whatever()
' Process
End Function


Function Whatever()
' Process
End Function

View 4 Replies

VS 2008 Multithreading A Function With Arguments?

Aug 26, 2010

I have a function which has multiple arguments, but takes around 30 seconds to complete. Is it at all possible to put it under a thread?

Private Overloads Function XLSParse(ByVal WorkBook As String, ByVal CellFrom As String, ByVal CellTo As String) As Boolean


And it runs fine because it doesn't have any arguments. So is it possible to run a function on a seperate thread if it has arguments?

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Statement Is Not Valid Response Error, Want To Put A Public Function In A .vb File?

Aug 17, 2009

I am a excel vba developer, and all public functions i would put in the module. I assumed by creating a .vb rather then a module i can put all functions i use regulary throughout forms in this.however i get the error on this code

Function CopyFile(ByVal x As Integer) As String
Dim FileToCopy As String
Dim NewCopy As String


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Error:"1'Public ReadOnly Property Right() As Integer' Has No Parameters And......"

Nov 13, 2009

i get the following error in the follwoing code , the word right is underlined in blue and the error is "1'Public ReadOnly Property Right() As Integer' has no parameters and its return type cannot be indexed."

Declare Function GetHDDSerialId Lib "HardDiskInfoV1.dll" () As String
Declare Function LoadLibrary Lib "kernel32" Alias "LoadLibraryA" (ByVal lpLibFileName As String) As Long
Public Function SetHardDiskID() As String


why by the way i got this code of some one else , i am trying to read my HDD Serial number but i don't know how i need the code to read it in vb 2008.

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Too Many Arguments To 'Public Sub New()'

Oct 24, 2008

I am working on someone elses code, and this is in a Public Class I have the following code (same error msg both procedures):

Protected Sub New(ByVal info As SerializationInfo, ByVal context As StreamingContext)
MyBase.New(info, context) <<<------ Line With Error
End Sub


and get the error message "Too many arguments to 'Public Sub New()'"This is the first time I have seen this type of code in a class?

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Too Many Arguments To Public Sub New()

Jun 17, 2009


Public Class Printing_CopyFrm

Private quer As String="select * form cust_details"

Public Sub New(ByVal query As String)


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IDE :: It Says Too Many Arguments To Public Sub ConnectDatabase?

Apr 27, 2011

im having a problem in providing a connection to SQL SERVER 2005 if the system is move to a different PC...but im having a problem with the code at the Connect Button...where the user must first input the servername,login Server,Database Name, User ID, and Password...it says to many Arguments at the Public ConnectDatabases

Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices
Imports CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine
Imports CrystalDecisions.Shared


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Difference Between Public Sub And Private Sub And Private Function And Public Function And Sub And Shared Function?

May 31, 2011

explain me the difference between them? I'm new to visual basic, and I need to know the very basic things in Visual Basic allowing me to become a professional User

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Function Syntax - Call A Function With 2 Arguments When The Function Is Only Defined For One

Apr 1, 2010

I'm trying to undersatnd the syntax of calling a funciton and it seem confusing when I'm using a web service in ASP.net. Maybe this question should be in an ASP forum, but it is a VB question. This simple web service allows you to type in your name and it response with an alert box with you name.

My question is, How can you call a function with 2 arguments when the function is only defined for one. I understand that the second argument is actually a method that handling the respons, but how can you interchange function arguments for methods and how do you know that there are methods for

Here's my call:

<script type="text/javascript">

function HelloWorld()

var yourName = $get('txtYourName').value;


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Too Many Arguments For Public Shared Create Auto-CompleteItem?

Mar 1, 2012

I didn't write the function for the AutoCompleteExtender so I am not quite sure how to change it without screwing it up, so I figured I would ask here. Recently, it was requested that the AutoComplete show a product name & the date of launch of that specific product. I do not know how to add the date to the AutoComplete.

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Too Many Arguments To 'Public ReadOnly Default Property Chars'

Nov 8, 2011

One of my ASP.NET websites makes use of the CultureInfo class to format currency values and normally this works fine. However, some new code is causing some unexpected problems. In the code sample shown below, txtBox1 correctly displays £99.00 while the line that specifies a value for txtBox2 generates the following error,Too many arguments to 'Public ReadOnly Default Property Chars(index As Integer) As Char'.The key difference in the txtBox2 value is that it is derived from a SQL Server database reference using Linq-to-SQL (CurrentUKFees.Print1). The relevant database value is the integer 8 and I was expecting txtBox2 to show £8.00. If I delete the CultureInfo code then txtBox2 correctly shows the value '8' without any currency formatting.[code]

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VS 2008 Public Function Null Reference

Oct 2, 2009

why I am getting a NULL reference error. Form: Public Sub CreateSession() ' This will be the execution function after the date, provider, session type, session number ' and consumers have been entered. Each Consumer will have it's own tabpage and seperate record.


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Cannot Find The Source- Overload Resolution Failed Because No Public 'Add" Is Most Specific For These Arguments

Aug 10, 2011

I have a VB.Net app which scans the Outlook Inbox for specific emails with specific subject lines and adds the details to a listview. One of my beta testers received this error yesterday:

|+--JDMils|+--VB6 & XL VBA+--VB Dot Net 2K8|

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VS 2008 Integer Division And/or The Mod Function?

Mar 18, 2011

coding a shipping application where it adds .75 for every 100.00 dollars it would look something like this

0.00 to 100.00 = .75
100.01 to 200.00 = 1.50
200.01 to 300.00 = 2.25
300.01 to 400.00 = 3.00

and so on where the equaled value goes up .75 everytime i think i could use integer division and/or modulus

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Error : Private Function Close() As Integer Implements IVsPersistDocData.Close Has Multiple Definitions With Identical Signatures?

May 12, 2010

I have two Close() functions in same class as below:


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