VS 2008 Let The User Be Able To Drag A Picturebox To One Of The Empty Pictureboxes?

Mar 17, 2010

I have an application where I have different picture boxes which the user can drag and move.I also have different empty pictureboxes.

What I want to do:I want to let the user be able to drag a picturebox to one of the empty pictureboxes. Also, If the user drags a picturebox to an invalid place (outside the bounds of any of the empty pictureboxes), the dragged picture box should return to its previous location.

So what I currently have is the usual drag-drop code and on the MouseUp event, I run this code (currently only checking for one empty picturebox):

If Not pbEmpty1.Bounds.Contains(Me.PointToClient(pbRemote.Location)) Then
pbRemote.Location = OldLocation
End If
(pbEmpty1 = Empty picturebox, pbRemote = picturebox that is dragged)

But it doesn't work, it doesn't care if the picturebox is inside the bounds of the empty picturebox or not, it still returns to its previous location...

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VS 2008 Drag/Drop From Picturebox To Picturebox?

Jul 13, 2009

I was wondering how could I drag an image from a picturebox to another picture box. Anyone knows? Any tut or something.

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Drag And Drop Pictureboxes At Runtime?

Oct 14, 2010

Having created my picture boxes at runtime, I am able to drag and drop them, but I have a few technical problems. After a few days of 'playing' seem to be going around in circles.There are three main problems:-

1. The last picturebox created is the only one I can drag.

I tried using "CType(sender,PicBox)" but never got it to work successfully.

2. The picturebox moves to the mouse cursor whenever I click it.

3. There seems to be an offset from where the cursor actually is, to where the picturebox actually moves.

Heres what I have so far.

Private Sub BtnRepeatCubDes_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles BtnRepeatCubDes.Click
intPicBoxCount += 1
ReDim PicBoxes(100)


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Drag And Drop Pictureboxes On The Form With A Background?

Jan 5, 2010

I would like to ask for some help in my playbook project regarding its interface. Here's the scenario: I have 6 picture boxes 5 of which shows the players and 1 picture box for the basketball. What I would like to do is to drag those picture boxes on the court at run time but when I drag them inside the court the images should not be moved instead they should only be copy inside the court.

how do I do it? Im having a hard time solving this problem. what I have right now is that when I drag the images the image are moved to the court and not copied. Also after dragging the first picture box that picture box from the source should be hidden then the 2nd picture box will now be visible and so on...


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Select Multiple Pictureboxes For Drag'n'Drop?

Nov 23, 2010

Is it possible to modify this section of code to select multiple instances of pictureboxes, so that I can drag them all together. At the moment I have to do one at a time, and when there's more than half a dozen, its a bit tedious. I've added the Control key to distinguish it from single drag'n'Drop, but.

'using Left mousebutton and Control to multi drag & drop
e.Button = MouseButtons.Left And My.Computer.Keyboard.CtrlKeyDown Then
newPictureBox = DirectCast(sender, PictureBox)


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VS 2008 Have A Picture In A Picturebox And Then Drag It To Another So It Gets Placed There?

Apr 21, 2010

1. is it possible to have a picture in a picturebox and then drag it to another so it gets placed there? if so, how?2. can you assign a picture a name? because if i move it a cant use a code like this: picturebox1... = whatever. if so, how?and something that doesnt fit the topic but i still need help with it.if i want to check for 2 variables thats right, do i use "textbox1.text & textbox2.text = 8" or "textbox1.text && textbox2.text"?

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VS 2008 : Hide PictureBox If Empty?

Oct 23, 2010

How can i hide a picturebox if it contains NOTHING

Dim a As Integer
Dim PicString(26) As Image
Dim PicBox() As PictureBox = {Box1, Box2, Box3, Box4, Box5, Box6, Box7, Box8, Box9, Box10, Box11, Box12, Box13, Box14, Box15, Box16, Box17, Box18, Box19, Box20, Box21, Box22, Box23, Box24, Box25, Box26}


This does not work... The PicBox(c) = Nothing ... is not a valid command.

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VS 2008 Several Images In One Panel/picturebox With Drag And Drop?

Feb 27, 2010

Here is my code on A Drag and Drop from button to PictureBox:

Public Sub New() InitializeComponent() Dim img As Image = Image.FromFile("C:file.png") Me.btnImage.Image = img Me.picBox.AllowDrop = True AddHandler btnImage.MouseDown, AddressOf btnImage_MouseDown


And what i want to do is to make the picturebox 500x500.then make several buttons representing different images. and then make it possible to drag and drop several images in the same imagebox and move them around. and hopefully i can make a button for saving the coordinates of the images and the image paths into a text file.

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Drag Image From Picturebox To A Dynamically Created Picturebox?

Sep 27, 2009

I have a program I'm working on that, for one of the features, allows the user to drag an image from a picturebox, into the main form space, anywhere they want. [code]...

When trying to drag the image from the CurrentTilePicBox, the very moment I move the mouse while dragging the cursor becomes a circle with a cross and won't drag and drop into the new picturebox.

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Drag A Picturebox Inside Of Another Picturebox?

Dec 16, 2009

i would like to drag a picturebox inside of another picturebox and I think I already made it. the problem is the object I am trying to drag is behind the picturebox ....how to I make it so that it will appear infront of the picture box? also when I drag it out again of the picturebox I would like to restrict it so that dragging out of the picturebox is not anymore possible?


Public Class Form1
Dim dragging As Boolean
Dim mousex As Integer
Dim mousey As Integer


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Allowing Drag On A Form / Picturebox?

Apr 17, 2010

I can't find a basic thing: how to enable a picturebox to be dragged inside a form? I'd need to be able to drop it inside a listbox so that listbox would get the picturebox's name-value in it. But I'm having trouble even getting started.

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Drag Items In A Form, Such As A Picturebox?

Aug 13, 2010

I was wondering how to drag items in a form, such as a picturebox. I know how to get it to follow the mouse when you click on it but I was wondering if there is any mouse down function, so it will only drag when the button is pushed down then it will let go when the button is released.


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Drag'n Drop From A Picturebox To Word?

Mar 5, 2008

I'm trying to enable drag'n drop with VB 2008:Source is a bitmap in a picturebox, destination is MS Word.When I use Wordpad instead of Word, every thing works quite well. But not with Word.


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Detect Picturebox Is Empty Or Have A Picture?

Jun 21, 2010

How to detect picture has a picture on empty?Suppose , I droped a picturebox control on form, there is no image loaded in it, what codes should I needed those will tell me that picturebox is empty?

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Display An Image In A Picturebox By Drag Drop?

Aug 29, 2009

i know how to display an image in a picturebox by drag drop. but cant find anything on the net about dropping an image to a textbox then having the textbox display its location

reolved if any one else searches for it.
Dim Files() As String = CType(e.Data.GetData(DataFormats.FileDrop), String())
Dim fileDetail As New System.IO.FileInfo(Files(0))
txtFilePath.Text = fileDetail.FullName

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Drag And Drop A Picturebox That Was Created During Runtime?

Mar 19, 2010

I have found multiple examples of how to drag and drop images, but all of them use controls that are already on the form at runtime.

In my program, all of my pictureboxes are being drawn during runtime with the following


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How To Drag / Drop Image File In PictureBox

Dec 2, 2010

I have one picturebox. I need to drag drop image file in picturebox change image in the picturebox?

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Drawimage On An Empty Picturebox Keeping Transparency?

Nov 15, 2010

In the following code is the way to make a picture transparent (picture i1 is emty and opacity can get values from 0.00 to 1.00[code]...

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Implement An Algorithm To Drag-and-drop A Picturebox In Form

Aug 30, 2011

implement an algorithm to drag-and-drop a picturebox in my form. For example, what Windows does when i want to drag and drop files (or folders) on my desktop.

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PictureBox Drag And Drop - File Renaming Needed?

Jun 12, 2009

I am once more stuck:There are 2 PictureBoxes on my Form. They get the image from the Application's StartUpPath, "1.jpg" for PictureBox1 and "2.jpg" for PictureBox2. All the dragging and dropping works fine. What I still need is a bit of code change that will allow me to rename the original files:

"1.jpg" -> "2.jpg"
"2.jpg" -> "1.jpg"


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VS 2008 - Minigame - Game That Lets The User Move A Picturebox Around With Arrowkeys

Nov 21, 2009

I've made a small game that lets the user move a picturebox around with arrowkeys. The monster picturebox is moved towards the player and keeps growing while you are "alive". If it touches you, you lose.

How to improve my code. Im the worst ever at OOP programming. The main reason is i dont understand how i can pass variables between subs/functions e.t.c. I've read up on overloading operators but i dont feel that i can grasp it. If someone has any comments or any simple examples on improving my ability i wouldnt mind hearing them ^^

This is what i have now. Attached project (with "graphics") without .exe files and all code is also below. Also an image of what it looks like below.


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Add Picturebox Drag And Drop Function Like In Firefox Bookmarks Toolbar?

Apr 11, 2010

I was just wondering if it was possible to create a code so that when you drag the favicon on another textbox that textbox's text could be the URL of your navigation textbox (aka the url you are on right now) Like a kind of bookmarks toolbar like firefox.

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Drag An Item From Treeview & Drop Picturebox In Windows Form?

Jun 11, 2012

I am trying to drag an item from treeview node and number of movable picturebox should be created on windows form as we drag.But in my programme, we can drag a parent node also, and only one picturebox is created.

Public Class Form1
Dim pic As New PictureBox
Public drag As Boolean = False


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Allow The User To Drag And Drop Them?

Oct 20, 2010

I am trying to generate buttons and allow the user to drag and drop them.

I have this sub:

Sub Form1_MouseClick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Me.MouseClick
Dim nodebtn As New Button


Also if I declare the nodebtn as a global variable, I do not face this problem, the button is dragable. However when I click to add new buttons, no new button is generated, instead a button is generated with the count on it.

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Drag User Control Into Form?

Sep 15, 2009

How can i drag already created user control into a form? In a clear statement, i have created a user control. I need to use this user control 2 times and i need to drag it into a form.

I currently using vb 2008 express edition.

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ListView Resize With User Drag?

Dec 8, 2009

I am converting my company's VB6 program over to VB.net and I have hit another stupid little roadblock.

The old program had a ListView docked to the left side of the application screen. The user could place the cursor over the right portion of the ListView, the cursor would turn into the SizeWE arrows, then they could drag it, which would resize the ListView.

I am trying to recreate this. As far as I can tell there is no Property called "Resizable," or at least nothing is popping out to me. I do not believe that it is being done in the code.

Is there a property I am missing? If not, is there an easy way to do this within the code? (ie. is there a event that would make my life easier)

I am using Visual Studio 2008.

Edit: I see how how it was done in the previous program (you always seem to find it once you ask the question, don't you?). The old program had a invisible picture that was only a few pixels wide that when hovered over would change the cursor to SizeWE. You could then drag that invisible picture and that would hit an event that would then change the size of the ListView. This seems rather convoluted. My question still stands: Is there a better way to handle this dragging and resizing?

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VS 2008 Moving 9 PictureBoxes As One?

Feb 1, 2010

I set up some code that allows the user to drag and drop PictureBoxes. The problem is that I have 9 PictureBoxes arranged in a 3x3 square and I need all of them to move as one. I put them in a panel hoping I could use my code with the panel, but that doesn't work since the PictureBoxes are what the User clicks, not the panel.

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VS 2008 PictureBoxes And Scroll Bar?

Jun 10, 2010

I have split conainer with a tab control on panel2. I am adding tab page to the tab control at run time. On the tab page I am placing 2 picture boxes next to each other. Then I am loading images to the picture boxes from *.tif file (frame1 and frame2). All works fine except when moving vertical scroll bar the invisible portion of an image in one of the picture boxes becomes smear.

Private Sub fadingstyle()
If pathload IsNot Nothing Then
Dim pathload7 As String = pathload


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Ability For A User To Drag An Area On Screen

Mar 14, 2012

i want to give the ability for a user to drag an area on the screen that they want and a that area to be print screened. or alternativly they click anywhere and that location is the top left of the box and then when they next click that location is the bottom right of the box and that box is print screened. [code]

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Allow The User To Drag The Text Back And Forth From Labels

Nov 10, 2009

Im trying to allow the user to drag the text back and forth from labels. The code I have below seems to just show the little circle with a slash through it, and I cant drag or drop the text?

Private Sub Label_MouseDown(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles Label1.MouseDown, Label2.MouseDown, Label3.MouseDown
Dim lbl As Label = DirectCast(sender, Label)


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