VS 2008 Make Datagridview Current Row Bold And Green Color?
Jan 20, 2010How to make datagridview current row bold & green color?
View 1 RepliesHow to make datagridview current row bold & green color?
View 1 RepliesI have one question related with MonthCalendar control in Visual Studio 2008.Is it possible to bold some dates, but with, for example green, or red color.url...
View 2 RepliesHow to make datagridview current row bold?
View 1 RepliesHow to programmatically change foreground color and make bold text in individual cell location on DataGridView control (Visual Basic)?
I use "dgMatrix.Rows(r).Cells(c).Value = x" to assign individual numeric values to individual cells in a DataGridView control. My question; is there a similar way to change foreground color and make bold the text in this cell, by specifying the individual row/column cell location?
For example; for cell (row 3, col 5) in the DataGridView make text in cell say red and bold or blue and bold so as to highlight and distinguish individual cell contents. As needed, I will also need to reset these properties (foreground back to automatic/black and font from bold back to regular); the reset could be done globally to the whole DataGridView as opposed to indiviaually by cell.
How do I make VB.net console recognize the color red and green at XY-axis? I start up the program. The program check...if X450 and Y503 has a green pixel or something like that...do this. If X450 and Y503 has a red pixel or something lik that...goto line number. You know what I mean? I took the X450 and Y503 as random numbers.
View 1 RepliesI am using following codes to format datagridview column headers,that works fine.My question is: how to make all headings bold? (bold header row)[code]
View 1 RepliesUsing VS 2008 vb.net how can I change the color from green to yellow to red as my values decrease? Actually the logic is easy but my color isn't changing.
progressbar1.forecolor = color.red -- This is not working
How do I create a sub which does things when mouse over? For example, mouse over my button changes it's back color to green?
View 1 RepliesHow can I modify this:
Content.Font = New Font("Verdana", 8, FontStyle.Bold)
So that in my datagridview it only makes the selected row bold when it is double clicked?
Whole Thing:
Private Sub Content_CellContentClick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles Content.CellDoubleClick
row = e.RowIndex
How come when I make a group box "caption" text bold it also makes everything in the group box bold? How do I do this from the IDE - change just the font characteristics of the group box itself and not it's contents?
View 6 RepliesI would like to get the color of a pixel at my current mouse location, when the mouse is clicked. The location is anything on the screen, not just a jpg, gif, png, etc..
View 1 RepliesPrivate dt As DataTable
Private ds As DataSet
Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim Row1 As DataRow
I want to change the font to bold of the current row in the loop and i m also binding the datatable with datagrid as it is in code..
I want to make a small application for my web designing needs that will display the color of the current pixel under the mouse pointer. I need this to work on the entire screen (no matter what form/application is in focus) and it needs to update in real time.
I'm not worried about the math or working with coordinates, but I don't know (and can't find) anything that might get the color of the pixel under the cursor on any form. I've found a small number of VB6 examples, but I'm with .NET 2008. Does anyone know of a method or anything (DLL even >.<)
I understand that within a rich field text box you can search for a string and then format that string, but I am looking to change the formating of a certain position in a string regardless of what character is at that position.Can this be done in VB 2008?
View 3 RepliesI know that with some of the programs I use, when you click on an item to change it's color, the color dialog will actually show the current color and it's rgb value.
I'd like to do that in my application but can't find the answer on how you do it.
To change the backcolor on a textbox, the user double clicks the box and it shows the color dialog.
I think I have all the properties set right -- fully open to show custom colors etc.
BUT, it doesn't show the current color.
They all have 0 0 0 rgb.
I've been googling, testing, etc for a couple hours and I'm right where I started off. the vb.net tab control sucks... Does anyone have an tips or code to make it so when I select a tab the font color changes OR it just makes the tab heading text bold?I've messed around with the draw commands and while that does work, it draws the borders/backgrounds so they are very old / outdated looking.This is basically for a simple tab text editor I'm working on when a textbox in the control changes I can update the associated tab with either a red font or just bold it to indicate the textbox on that tab is modified. I've definitely be open for alternative tab controls as long as they are free and come with a vb.net example :)
This is in vb.net 2008 express
I would like to load a GIF file, and start with the first pixel and check to see if that pixel color is closer to Black, Red, Green or Yellow, then take what ever color it closest matched to and output that color as a number, 0, 1, 2 or 3. So just for a small example a 5x4 GIF would be converted to something like this: 0112223322220111332?
View 13 RepliesHow to send an e-mail with underline, bold and color Text in visual basic 2010
View 12 RepliesI need to display my text which were read from .xml database as color, italic, bold, etc. in richtextbox, how do i make a code to do that,The reading and displaying is fine, but when certain word like again is read it should display in italic, and whenever a word like over is read it should be display in bold or underline etc.I use vb.net 2003 and .xml for the database.
View 1 Repliesi have a datagridview and i search in it with textbox but i want to select the cell that contain the word i'm searching for
View 18 RepliesI want to capture the original value and the new value from a cell in the DataGridView control. When leaving the row, I tried:
Dim row As DataRow
row = tbl2.Rows(e.RowIndex)
Dim m_orig, m_curr As Decimal
m_orig = row.Item("amount", DataRowVersion.Original)
m_curr = row.Item("amount", DataRowVersion.Current)
And the values were the same. How can I capture the different values?
I'm filling up a datagridview from a datatable which is populated by sql queries.
So the idea is to display all the items in an order.
Now as we scan each item, i want to change the textcolor/backcolor of the row that lists the item scanned.
any inputs on how this can be done?
I have a datagrid that show an online status. the Status column have 2 status, OnLine n OffLine. I want to make any record that Status = Online into bold style.
View 2 RepliesI am currently redeveloping my web browser application using the axWebBrowser component. I have, up to now, managed to port most of the code from my previous application, which used the standard webbrowser component. How would I retrieve a list of links from the current web page displayed in the axWebBrowser and display them in the DataGridView? The following code from my previous application is giving me an error. [Code]
View 1 Replies(I think) but I wish to make every single instance of whatever is in TextBox3.text to be bold within RichTextBox1.text.
I have the following code:
RichTextBox1.SelectionStart = RichTextBox1.Find(TextBox3.Text)
Dim bfont As New Font(RichTextBox1.Font, FontStyle.Bold)
RichTextBox1.SelectionFont = bfont
Do I need to loop it? If so, how? I've already tried with a standard for loop with an infinite counter, but it doesn't increase (doesn't search) past the first bold instance found.
i need to group the rows of a datagridview rows basing on values in column1 of DGV.i mean for example while loop
if .Rows(TOPROW).Cells(0).Value =
.Rows(NextRow).Cells(0).Value then
color the rows with some unique color
color them differently
I'm using VS 2008 and .NET 3.5. I'm in one of my programs and when I run the program to test it, I keep getting these errors... 'Exception occurred' And the line is highlighted green and there's a green arrow on the side line (where you can enter breakpoints). When the code stops at these exceptions, I can hit continue and the code still runs just fine even though there were a ton of exceptions. Now, I'm wondering if there is a way that I can skip over these or have them not show up because I know the files that this is happening have not been changed in several weeks and I've tested this program beginning of this week and it was working fine... no exceptions or anything. I'm not sure what would've changed. The only thing I did was install the newest versions of Telerik Rad Controls. That should have nothing to do with the exceptions I'm getting.why i'm getting these now all of a sudden or how I can just skip over these without having to hit continue after each time?
View 5 Repliesvb.net
Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Here is what I need to do: I need to be able to go through the cells in my first column and find any that have four digits (and only four digits). When a cell is found with a four digit number I need to be able to bold that entire row. How can I do this?
I'm in VS2007. This is a datagridview program. Data populates the tables from a database. The cells in the first column that contain the data can contain between four and 8 numeric digits. I only want to bold the rows that have cells in the first column that have four digits.
For example at run time if i wanted column header 4 bold is this possible?this bolds all the column headers
Me.DataGridView1.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Font = New Font("Tahoma", 8.25, FontStyle.Bold)