VS 2008 Unable To "Join" This Data - Nothing Being Returned?

Jun 23, 2010

dsNumbers.Relations.Add("compare", _
dsNumbers.Tables("dtVDEOutputNumbers").Columns("jobno"), _
DataGridView1.DataSource = dsNumbers.Relations("compare")

No data seems to be returned from this command, even though I know there is data present. There is one record per table:

dtVDEOutputNumber: jobno = "24383", vde_pkgs = "328"
dtCSRInputNumbers: vg_jobnum = "24383", vg_quantity = "650"

Not sure why it isn't matching and return a "Joined" record.

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VS 2008 - Inner Join Using Data From Another Table

Mar 3, 2010

Right now I have a listbox, this listbox displays surnames, when clicked it displays their address. I have a 'confirm' button to confirm the right person. And now I need more information to come up when that's clicked, giving data from another table. I'm sure I need to use an inner join but I don't quite understand how to do it

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Unable To Use A Linq-to-sql Statement And Getting A Left Outer Join To Work?

Apr 29, 2010

i'm having troubles with a linq-to-sql statement and getting a left outer join to work. here is a sample of two tables i'm trying to join and my code that i've wrote.

Table1 Table2
f1 f2 f3 f4 fID f1 f2 f3 f4
val1 val2 val3 val4 1 val1 val2 val3 val4


Instead I'm returning ALL values from table 1. I need to return all values from the left outer join where tbl2.fID is null.

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VS 2008 Reading Data From Two Tables Returned By SQL Stored Procedure?

Nov 12, 2009

Can any one provide me the link or give me an idea how to read all the tables returned by SQL Stored Procedure?

My Stored procedure returns two tables:

ID Name
1 Jeff
2 Joe

ID Pages
1 2

i want to read data from both of these tables. I tried using SQLDataReader and then populating into datatables but then i can only read the values of 1st table. I want to read both the table values. How do i do it? please let me know if you guys have any ideas how to deal with this.

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IDE :: Unable To 2008 Data Access?

Jul 6, 2011

tell what 'visual' designer was used when developing an existing a VB.net 2008 desktop application? What do I click on to tell what 'visual' designer was used? Also once I know what visual designer was used, can you point me to a url to tell me how to use that visual designer? need to change some of the tables behind an existing desktop application. Basically some of the production tables will be changing. The users want to keep the existing desktop (gui) interface since they like it alot.

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IDE :: Unable To Update Data Into Database In Vb 2008?

Aug 16, 2009

i m unable to update data into my database in vb 2008. the changes are reflected in the dataset but they are not reflected in database. i have set the datasource's copy to output property to copy if new but it is still not working.

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VS 2008 Unable To Read Data From Transport Connection

Nov 23, 2010

I am trying to send messages from my application to a yahoo account and I am getting the following error:failure sending mail..Unable to read data from the transport connection: net_io_connectionclosed.Is this because of the LAN and work or something else/ [code]after the line mailobj.send executes it stalls for a while and then the application ends.I checked all the parameters and they seem correct

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VS 2008 Unable To Show Data In The Datagrid In The Report

May 21, 2009

I haves textboxes and a ddatagrid and a report. This is how I put the the data of the textboxes in my dataset and show the report, but I was unable to show my data in the datagrid in the report, how can I do? It�s not possible two datasource


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Inner Join - Join Two Tables,'Employee' And 'Dispatch'

May 17, 2012

Iwant to join two tables,'Employee' and 'Dispatch'. Dispatch has column 'DispatcherID' and 'TechnicianID' which are both foregn keys to EmployeeID in Employee table.I want to join these two tables using EmployeeID so that i can obtain the matching name to each id.but it only works when i make a single join to either DispatcherID or TechnicianID and not for both.


select Employee.firstname+' '+Employee,secondname as Technician,Employee.firstname+' '+Employee.secondname as Dispatcher from Dispatch inner join Employee on Dispatch.TechnicianID=Employee.EmployeeID inner join Employee on


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Join Data In Array?

Jan 26, 2010

I am reading two lines of data into an array, the data being split by commas (,).[code]...

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Unable To Add,Delete,Save And Search The Data Of MS Access 2007 Using VB 2008?

Jun 3, 2011

I am using MS Access 2007 as database and VB 2008 to build an application to show the content of 2 tables as a single table.I have two tables in MS Access and i have linked both the tables using "ID" as primary key(1st Table),foreign key(2nd Table). I used Query Wizard to show the data of both tables in a single table(3rd Table).I am able to view the content of all 3 tables using datagridview in vb 2008(Using Code), but i am unable to add,delete,save and search the content of the table using code. My concern is,i will be able to do all these operations using codes only.Would you please help me out in this.

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Data Type Of Returned Set?

Jul 11, 2011

I am confused which data type to define for my variable which stores value returned by LINQ Statement.

Currently I am defining it as some data type but its generating error like: ""Unable to cast object of type 'WhereSelectListIterator2""`


Here i want myBase to hold the data which has UIN = 4

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Left Join Of Two Data Table Into One Two DataTabale?

Aug 18, 2011

Here is my Scenario

I Have First Datable :TableA
**Item** **Place**
ItemA PlaceA


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Recursive Join & Data-bound Combo Box

Apr 15, 2009

This ought to be relatively simple... I have a Jet database that contains the table of interest, tblCategory. tblCategory has three attributes of interest for this issue: fldCategoryID, fldParentCategoryID, and fldName. There is a self-join from fldCategoryID to fldParentCategoryID (one-to-many). On my form I wish to have a combobox display all the categories available (shows the fldName attribute of tblCategory) and assign the selected value to fldParentCategoryID.

So, my form is based on a dataset that is attached to tblCategory in the normal way. That works just fine. To facilitate the combobox, I created another dataset that simply contains fldCategoryID and fldName attributes and is non-editable - imaginatively named dsLUCategory (dataset lookup Category).


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Use Cross Join To Show Data In Datagridview?

Aug 15, 2011

I have a datagridview.And as per my requirement the data is supposed to be filled from three different tables in database.I have created the query and is succesfully able to populated the data in it with the cross join.Have a look at my structure.

table1 has 2 records.
Table2 has 7 records.
and Table 3 has 15 records.

Below is my code that reads data from Cross Join Query

If dr.HasRows Then
While dr.Read


It is giving me duplicate records.

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Asp.net - Formatting Data Returned Via Datareader?

Jun 6, 2011

I am returning a date from my database table:


Which gives me:

31/05/2011 16:00:50

How do I change this to:

31 May 2011

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Check That A SqlDataSource Returned Data?

Feb 9, 2010

I have a asp.net page that has several SqlDataSources defined that feed data into some graphs. The problem is that the graph product does not handle "no data" very well, and throws an error. I'd like this to handle the situation more gracefully-- so I need to check whether the SqlDataSource returned data or now before rendering the graph (and if not, just post a message saying "No Data" or something).

Is there an easy way to check if the data source returned data, and do this if/then without a bunch of code behind?

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Handle The Different Data Types That Could Be Returned?

Sep 7, 2010

I tend to use

If Not IsDBNull(dr("data")) Then
myData = dr("data")
End If

to catch nulls. Is there a better way? It seems I use this over and over again? Anyone write a function to check this something like

mydata = IfNotNull("data")

I don't know how to handle the different data types that could be returned.

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No Data Being Returned From An Insert With SCOPE_IDENTITY

Aug 27, 2010

I am inserting a record in an SQL table and trying to get the record ID back so I can use it to insert subsequent/related records in another SQL table. I am missing something but have no idea what. Code is below.

<asp:SqlDataSource id="SqlDS_HydInspection" runat="server"connectionstring="<%$ ConnectionStrings:
MenomoneeFalls_DB3ConnectionString %>"


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No Data Returned After Updating Database

Oct 6, 2011

I'm sure im just making a simple mistake some place but i just cant find it. I have datatable which I can and can make changes, save back to the database just fine. But if I reload the data after updating, no data is retrieved from the database. But if I stop debugging completely and then start again, it loads just fine...until i call Update.

Here is some code I am using for testing purposes.

Private myDataSet As New DataSet
Private conn As MySqlClient.MySqlConnection
Dim myDataAdapter As New MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter


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VS 2008 : How To Handle Disconnect : IOException Was Unhandled:Unable To Read Data From The Transport Connection

Apr 1, 2009

I am building a chat client/server. And I can connect and chat just fine, but when a user disconnects, the server does not recognize this and acts weird, often spamming the last message that was sent by the user..Also, it's like the client does not disconnect from the server even when I close the client app. Once I exit the program, VB acts like it is still debugging. Once the server is shut down however, I get this error:

IOException was unhandled:Unable to read data from the transport connection: An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host.

serverStream.Read(inStream, 0, buffSize)I don't know how to make my client and server accept the fact that a client has disconnected...

View 16 Replies

Accessing Cursor Data Returned By PL/SQL Function?

Jul 16, 2009

I am calling an Oracle function PKGDummy.F_EMPDATA using vb.net.

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Read Data Returned From The Serial Port

Jan 2, 2011

Using Visual Basic 2008 How can i read data returned from the serial port . also how can i clear the buffer.

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Asp.net - Dealing With Data Returned By A Web Method As JSON With JQuery?

Jan 13, 2012

[URL] Using this I have managed to use Server Side Web Methods to perform actions with AJAX.In most instances, I just need it to do stuff (save things to a database for example) so don't need to do anything with the response, but now I've come across a situation where I do, and I can't work it out!The Web Method returns a JSON object, which looks like this:

{"d":"[{"validDetails":"True","lateAlert":"","LoginResponse":"Logging in Jamie at 16:53 please wait"}]"}

This is the output shown from Firebug. I am not sure what the 's are, but bear with it...The AJAX call and attempt at outputting this response is:

$("form").on("submit", function () {
var LogonObject = new Object;
LogonObject.password = $('#password').val();


And several other variations from info I have found on Google and SO, but it seems to treat the results variable as a string, not an array, and the output I get on the alerts is each individual character, ie;

[, {, ", v, a, l, i, d, D... etc

So I wondered if results needed to be converted to JSON again (though I don't know why) so I tried

results = $.parseJSON(data.d)

But that didn't work either.

EDIT, the code which generates the response (missing out tons of logic, but this is the important bit):

Public Class OutputObject
Public validDetails, lateAlert, LoginResponse As String 'content of JSON output'
End Class


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Current Date Returned If Data In Dataview Is Null?

Aug 2, 2011

I have the following code to bind data to my form controls:

dateFromDate.DataBindings.Add("Value", dvUpdateCME, "From Date")
dateToDate.DataBindings.Add("Value", dvUpdateCME, "To Date")


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Reading Data From Two Tables Returned From SQL Stored Procedures?

Nov 12, 2009

how to read all the tables returned by SQL Stored Procedure? My Stored procedure returns two tables:

ID Name
1 Jeff
2 Joe


i want to read data from both of these tables. I tried using SQLDataReader and then populating into datatables but then i can only read the values of 1st table. I want to read both the table values. How do i do it?

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System.net.webclient.downloaddata - Data in label1 Is Not Returned?

Nov 18, 2010

I have been prototyping a simple site search tool.I found some online references to using webclient.download data. I have a (mostly) working prototype, but it only returns static HTML on the page that is being searched.I also would like to be able to search the contents of controls (such as text in label controls that are set at run time.) In the code below, the data in label1 is not returned.[code].....

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Join - Added Three Tables To A LINQ To SQL Class - Then Connected To The Data Sources

Jan 23, 2012

I have three tables: BOOKS(BookID, Title, Author) CLASSES(ClassID, Title, MajorID,BookID) and MAJORS(MajorID, Description). I added these three tables to a LINQ to SQL class (UBooks.dbml) and then connected to the data sources. Then declared DataContext.

Using LINQ, my goal is to display all books in a grid which I have done with:

Dim allBooks = From Books In db.Books _
Order By Books.BookID _
Select Books

Me.BookBindingSource.DataSource = allBooks

Next I need to display all majors in a listbox. I would like the description to be shown however I am only getting the majorID to display with the code

lstMajors.DataSource = db.Majors

I have tried db.Majors.Description, however I am told then that Description is not a member of the LINQ table. and my final goal is to display all the books for whichever Major is selected in another data grid. This is what I am primarily concerned with right now. When using the SQLClient classes, I was able to create a string joining the tables (also had the description properly showing in the listbox, but that is of little importance right now to me). In the video tutorials I was able to watch whenever the tables were dragged from the database into the OR designer of the LINQtoSQL.dbml class file all of the associations were already there and the narrator only really had to do some drag and drop. Not only is drag and drop not working without these associations, but I'd much rather learn the code behind it.

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Time To Call A Function To Change Data Being Returned From Database?

Jun 28, 2009

I have two functions written in VB.NET:

1) The first function (call it GetValues()) returns values in a SQL database as a list via a stored proc. One of the fields is DateTimeSubmitted. All of this data is displayed on my webpage using a repeater control. It works fine.

2) The second function (call it NiceDate()) I created to change the DateTimeSubmitted to a nice date such as "one minute ago" or "yesterday".

My problem is I have no idea which is the best part of the process to do the conversion (at point of data extraction or in pageload etc.) or in fact how to do the conversion.

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VS 2008 Join Multidimensional Arrays?

Aug 21, 2010

I have been trying to join multiple multidimensional arrays but with no luck. I basically have three two-dimensional arrays as following:


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