VS 2008 - Using Check Boxes With Radio Buttons

Sep 5, 2009

I have 8 check boxes and 4 radio buttons on a child form. When the User checks a Check Box, they then select a radio button. They will do this for 1 to 8 of the check boxes. The only way I could think of to keep track of this is create 8 panels with 4 unique radio buttons in each. Then I would set the visibility to each one accordingly. This method has other logistical errors than just trying to get the design view worked out.

I was wondering if there was a way to just use the radio buttons. I thought I could set a boolean variable to keep track of each Check Box's Radio buttons. Or an integer variable. For instance, if Check Box 1 is checked and Radio Button 1 is checked then myVariable's value is 1 or whatever. Then when I actually run the app, I can check the value of the variable do do what I need. Does this sounds plausible?

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Check Boxes And Radio Buttons - Value Is Not Being Updated Until I Select A Different Radio Button?

Oct 10, 2011

trying to write a simple form for calculating professor's salaries depending on their degree and position.my problem is that the when i select a check box, the value is not being updated until i select a different radio button. it probably doesn't make much sense here,

Public Class frmMain
Private Sub optLecturer_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles optLecturer.CheckedChanged[code]....

the values being assigned to my salary label are correct, but are not being updated until i select a new radio button. im not entirely sure how to get around this so that the value is updated as soon as i select the check box.here's when the program looks like:

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Radio Buttons And Check Boxes?

Mar 25, 2009

I have to create a program for customers buying a new care can pick options for that car.The starting cost of the car is $26,000Im having trouble figuring out where to add the starting value. And also, how will i calculate all the options into the total along with the tax.

Public Class Form1
Dim dbltotal As Double
Dim dbltax As Double


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Modifying Radio Buttons And Check Boxes In The Proper Way?

May 19, 2012

I am asked to modify Radio Buttons and Boxes in the proper way using a Display Button from an existing project.

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Use Check Boxes For The New Release And Radio Buttons For The Rest Of The Moives?

Dec 5, 2009

Want to make a movie rental program first part is for dvd's the other form is for blu rays (for blu-ray the price of rental is $5.00)THis is what im thinking about doing on the dvd one.1. first it lets you select the movies you want new releases are $3.25 and the rest are $1.25 *here i want to use check boxes for the new release and radio buttons for the rest of the moives *note: have to use one type of decision structure (if, if...else...or select cases) 2. As you select the moives it display the amount of movies selected in a label

3. now you click the rent button then

4. please type in your 16 numeric numbers of your debit card (use a input box here) and if it is a debit card and its 16 numbers long display = enter 4 number password or 4 digit pin number

5. if it is not display a message saying it must be 16 numbers long and a debit card or numeric use error cathing and input validation

6. then let the user enter the 4 number pin for the debit card

7. if the pin is 4 numbers then display the total in a list box display total and the due date of the movie (don't know how im going to display due dates) Note two other things i must use a procedure or a function and passing of arguments by reference or by value in procedure or fuction.I got the part on how two diplay the total but dont know where to use the decision sturctured or the repetition structures the
use rof procedure or funciton or passing arguments by ref or by val in my procedures or functions

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VS 2008 - Create A Form With Radio Buttons - Text Boxes - Labels

Jun 22, 2009

I need to create a form with radio buttons, text boxes, labels, etc.. This information needs to be pulled from a database. For instance, I have a form that displays information that needs to be inputed to a database, based on what test is being done for a specific product. Each product requires different tests. So each product may or may not have the same information that needs to be inputed..

What I have done is made a database and filled a table with each product and what tests apply. I then call that database after the product has been selected for the tests. It will then fill an array for that products information for what texts boxes and labels need to be shown. I wanna take this further and have it create a form through code and align all the controls to specific spots so that it will look nice. For example I wouldn't wanna create a control and have it be cut out of the form, or have other controls overlapping others.


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Get 2 Group Boxes With Radio Buttons

Feb 24, 2010

I am trying to get 2 group boxes with radio buttons. I would like to check a radio button in group box 1 and have a corresponding radio button in group set 2 get automatically checked based on what I check in group box1. I am trying to do this in VB.

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Picture Boxes And Radio Buttons?

Nov 15, 2009

I'm creating a windows form application, which contains radio buttons, that when checked and the button is clicked, display a certain image in an image box based on which radio button was checked. I'm having trouble with assigning the certain image to the radio button. Can I use If/ElseIf statements?

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Radio Buttons And Group Boxes VS10?

Mar 28, 2011

I am having trouble coming up with a way to add a selected radio button in a selected group box together.I have 3 group boxes each accessed by a checkbox within each group box there is 3 to 4 radio buttons. I would like to know how to add the selected radio buttons in each group box together and display them in a textbox by clicking a button "calculate". I believe I would have to make a global variable but I dont know where to start.

Private Sub Calculate_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Calculatebtn.Click
Dim answer As String


I know this code is wrong but I was just trying to remember the calculate function.Is there a command that uses the selected radio button from the group boxes then I would be able to input that into my calculate button sub?

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Switch Between Radio Buttons And Group Boxes

Jun 21, 2012

I understand because it has to be ON/OFF it won't go through to any other radio buttons in the group box. Would the best way is to use a hidden radio button that would switch control between the two? There's only two radio buttons i need to tab through, what's the best way to tackle this?

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While Loop To Go Through Different Group Boxes With Radio Buttons

Nov 15, 2011

I am trying to write a program that will have different group boxes,

each representing a question, and each one has radio button choices

I am trying to write the program so that a while loop will go through each group box and check answers of radio button choices

the codes I want to know is the command to access different group boxes

and also how to keep each group box "seperate" enough that i can use same radio button names for all the group boxes...

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Write A Short Code To Clear All Text Boxes And Radio Buttons Within Each Box

Jul 14, 2009

I have a group box with 4 radio buttons and another groupbox with 4 text boxes.how do i write a short code to clear all text boxes and radio buttons within each box.i have written code the long way, ie..[code]but i think there is and easier way but i cannot find the statement.

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Radio Button And Check Boxes Values Into Sql Data Base Table?

Oct 27, 2011

I am a beginner programer. I am working on a windows form in vb.net Visual Studio 2010I have several text boxes, dropdowns, radio buttons and check boxes in my windows forma.

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Manage Radio Buttons' Text.. Underline It, Bold It And Enlarge It With A Check Box

Oct 31, 2010

I was wondering how can I change the text of a Radio Button with the help of Check Box...Let's say the text inside the Radio Buttons starts in size 10, Not Bolded or Underlined and in Black.

I have 4 Check Boxes and each of them does something to the Radio Buttons. One of them should make the font Bold, another Underline it... Change color,and Enlarge font. What codes should I use for that?

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Check Boxes - Buttons And Applications Executions

Feb 11, 2011

Okay, here's my dilemma. I want certain applications to run when they are checked in a check box and when the submit button is pressed. I already know that you can launch an application by using


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VS 2008 Get Radio Buttons Working?

Nov 15, 2009

Im trying to get my radio buttons working so i can select different alarm tones for my alarm clock, but i cant seem to get it working.

Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
Dim time As String
Dim alarm As String


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[2008] How To Bind Radio Buttons

Jan 22, 2009

We are binding things like text boxes and combo boxes to binding sources like this.

Me.vendorBS.DataSource = vendorBAL_C.vendorTable
Me.SimpleId.DataBindings.Add("Text", Me.vendorBS, "SimpleId", True)
Me.FName.DataBindings.Add("Text", Me.vendorBS, "FName", True)


The other 5 items are text boxes.This is working great - changes in these textboxes get pushed to the DATATABLE with no programming effort on my part.How would we use a method like this to bind a single field in a DATATABLE to something like 3 radio buttons.Let's say we have a field called PrimaryPhone - which can have an H for HOME, C for CELL or O for OTHER. We want to have 3 radio buttons that control whether the H, C or O gets pushed into the DATATABLE.

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VS 2008 - Radio Buttons Work Twice On The Same Form?

Oct 26, 2010

I am currently working on an UI form using Visual Studio 2008 - Visual Basic .Net what i find weird is that when i tried to execute my form using the button click function, it doesnt execute until i restart the form.

Here's the situation is like:i have an openfiledialogue [Open button click] to search for a file.After DialogResult.OK is executed, the textfile chosen will then copied to another working directory. The file name will appear onto a textbox1 There will be more than 1 textfile chosen.After all the relevant files are chosen with the file names on textbox1, an OK button click will be clicked to write the file name into a *.bat file.BUT before the OK button is clicked, the user have to select from the radio button which category they want the file name to save into. EG: Country, Cities, Period.Once the radio button is selected and the OK button is clicked, a .bat file will be saved into the working directory.The next move will be the crucial button which is what this UI is created for. A data CRUNCH button is created to execute the .BAT file which was generated earlier on with the [OK buttonclick].The command used


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VS 2008 Checked ListView And Radio Buttons?

Dec 1, 2009

I have an idea on how I want to proceed, but thought to get some ideas from you all first. I asked a similar question a while ago, but that involved different controls.I have 7 items in a ListView. If the user checks one of the items, I want a panel with three radio buttons to appear just for that item.I originally thought to make 7 panels, hide all of them, and then show and hide them when appropriate. I know this will work, but I really don't want to just overlap 7 panels and an overall 21 radio buttons.Is there a way I could use only three radio buttons with one panel? Or maybe create the controls during runtime?

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VS 2008 Making Radio Buttons Unselectable?

Jul 5, 2009

I have a group of radio buttons inside of a panel box and I need to make them unselectable at certain points in my application. When I use the RadioButton.disabled property, it does the job, but it also dims the button. Is there a way to disable the button without changing it's appearance?

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VS 2008 Saving And Retrieving Radio Buttons?

Mar 1, 2011

im having trouble with several radio buttons. I have got a EMPLOYEE form, that saves Employyes to a file. I have used 3 radio buttons to state which department they are in.

Employee X is in GRP1 ... etc.

I can save X to grp 1, and retreive this record. BUT another record Y in grp 2, it reverts back to group 1...

If you see what i mean.

Therefore: How would i save which Radio button is selected from the three?

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VS 2008 - Dynamic Radio Buttons & Syntax Errors

Jul 27, 2009

I am not certain how to do this, but it seems like it should be easy to accomplish.I have four radio buttons that I want to assign answers to, one of which will have the correct answer along with three other answers that have incorrect answers.The answer button I want to set up as a randomly assigned button, with the other three assigned after the fact.'This code works fine to assign it to Radio button #1.rbGenericName1.Text = m_dtDrugs.Rows(DrugNum) ("GenericName").ToString()I want it to be a randomly assigned button, where the location that the "1" is residing, is a randomly assigned value between 1 & 4. Here is what I have so far, but it has a Syntax Error.

rbGenericName & RndNum & .Text = m_dtDrugs.Rows(DrugNum) ("GenericName").ToString()I know that the above code is not correct, I am just trying to represent what I am trying to accomplish. I already have a random number generator in place, I am just looking for the correct syntax.

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VS 2008 - Temporarily Disable A Radio Buttons CheckChanged Sub?

Jun 27, 2009

Can you temporarily disable a radio buttons CheckChanged Sub? I have a set of radio buttons in a groupbox and when the user selects one, I need to check if it's a valid selection. If not, I need to reset it to the previous button that was pressed. Below is an example of my

Private Sub rbGame_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rbGame.CheckedChanged
t_indextype = m_indextype
m_indextype = "1"


In the above example, ResetButtons() changes the checked value of the radiio button selected to false and changes the checked value of the previous radio button to true. The problem is that when radio button rbGame gets changed, it causes the CheckChanged sub above to run again from the top. Is there a way to temporarily disable it from running while I make my changes and then re-enable it?

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VS 2008 Disable Arrow Keys On Radio Buttons?

Sep 5, 2009

I have a group of radio buttons inside a groupbox and I don't want the user to be able to move the focus away from a button by using the arrow keys. I've tried the following keydown event, but it never gets fired:

Private Sub rbCode_KeyDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyEventArgs) Handles rbCode.KeyDown
' If an arrow key is pressed, maintain focus on this radio button
If e.KeyCode = Keys.Left Or e.KeyCode = Keys.Right Or e.KeyCode = Keys.Up Or e.KeyCode = Keys.Down Then


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VS 2008 Radio Buttons And Select Case Statements

May 26, 2010

how to associate a select case statement with, which point to four Function procedures, to four radio buttons that are used to +, -, *, and / two simple fractions in a fractions calculator. This is a class assignment for which I have already been graded. I used an If...ElseIf statment and it worked perfectly. Now I am trying to utilize the Case Statments with Function Procedures to do the same thing. I do not get graded for this, but I was told to research it an find an answer. My current code is listed below.


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VS 2008 Enum And Radio Boxes-passing Info To Business Class?

Jan 29, 2011

I'm trying to pass data from the main form to a business class form for calculation.I have 3 types of cars and I can't get the code right to pass that to the business form. It seems correct to me, but obviously, it's not.This is the code for the calculate button, I can't figure out why its telling me that CarSize is not a member of the business form when I have it in the Enum statement at the top. I'm going by what the book says and this appears right according to it.

Dim CarTypeInteger As Integer
'determine the car size from radio buttons
If LuxuryRadioButton.Checked Then


In the book it says to specify the class name when declaring the enum on the business form. So to me it looks like it should be -RentalRate.CarSize.Luxury The error I have is 'CarSize' is not a member of the 'ChristiansCarRentals.RentalRate'.

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VS 2008 Radio Buttons Require 2 Clicks To Change State?

Jul 8, 2009

I have placed a few radio buttons in a panel, but I have a weird problem where they require 2 clicks to change their state.If one of the radio buttons is checked, and I click once on another radio button, this will uncheck the checked radio button leaving no radio buttons checked. I then need to click the radio button a second time to change its state to checked.

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Check A Radio Button1 Then Check Another Radio Button?

May 2, 2012


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Using A Dialog Form With Two Buttons And Two Radio Buttons?

Jun 12, 2011

I'm using a dialog form with two buttons and two Radio buttons.I'm oppening this Dialog when a button is clicked on the parent form.My situattion is when the Dialog opens the code in the button event continues to execute, but I only want it to continue to execute only after a button from the dialog form have been clicked

Private Sub btnSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnSave.Click
If multipleEXT = 2 Then


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VB - Form With Fairly Large Number Of Controls - After Curtain Number Of Buttons - Stops Responding To More Radio Buttons

Jan 17, 2011

My VB application is behaving strangley. I have form with fairly large number of controls. I am using case against radio buttons. after curtain number of buttons, it stops responding to more radio buttons.

Then I tried to split controls in to 2 form but now my form.showdialog() too now working properly. It takes new from names but show the old form when running.

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