VS 2010 Adding A New Line Into A Cell Of A DataGridView?

Oct 7, 2011

I have searched for this, and not been able to find any examples where someone has done this. I'm trying to add a new line into the cell of a DataGridView so the text appears on 2 lines (of the same cell). Here's some code to explain what i'm doing:

Dim DS As New DataSet("aa")
Dim tbl As DataTable = DS.Tables.Add("bb")
Dim xRow2 As DataRow = tbl.NewRow()


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VS 2010 Adding New Line & Writing Text On That Line

May 20, 2012

I want to modify a text file. It has a lot of lines of text in it. I want to add a line after a specific line (in the middle on other lines) and write strings there.

The code i have, writes to a specific line but it also overwrites the text on that line:


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VS 2010 - Reading Cell Value From DataGridView?

Jun 26, 2010

I'm reading a cell value from a Datagridview, and this works fine in other projects, but not here?

Dim OldGUID() As String = Nothing
Dim X as Integer = -1
For X = 0 To Me.DGView.RowCount - 1
If Me.DGView.Rows(X).Cells(0).Value.ToString IsNot String.Empty Then
OldGUID(X) = Me.DGView.Rows(X).Cells(0).Value
End If

It fails on the line: OldGUID(X) = Me.DGView.Rows(X).Cells(0).Value
with: NullReferenceException was unhandled - Object reference not set to an instance of an object.
The Cell has a string value and during debug I see the value, but it fails anyway.

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VS 2010 Add Button To DataGridView Cell

Apr 29, 2011

I have a one column DataGridView that I use to display data from a database.Is it possible add a command button to one of the cells in that column? I don't want a second column as a DataGridViewButtonColumn. I want the rows containing the database data and the command button row in the same column. Also, if that is possible, I don't want the button's width to be the same as the column's width. Is it possible to manually set the width property?

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VS 2010 Datagridview - Hyperlink In Cell?

Jul 12, 2010

I'm adding values to a datagridview programmatically (no dataset) according a value in a combobox. In one of the cells (cell is always the same) a hyperlink is displayed. How do I change that particular cell to a hyperlink-cell? If possible of course.

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VS 2010 DataGridView And Changes Not Made To A Cell?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a DGV bound to a data adapter. I have a button that loads a form with a reference to the DGV row. When the form is loaded, it has a TextBox to type a value, that modifies one of the cells of the row. When the form closes, the cell.value is properly modified, but saving the DGV doesn't save the new value of the cell to the DB table. I'm assuming this happens because the DGV hasn't had physical interaction. Also, this particular field is a password field, so the whole column is being hidden from the view.It seems that a DGV change is noted by physically clicking in a cell and it stores some data telling the adapter there have been changes. The thing is, this is done on a per cell basis, and only if the cell has been clicked. Well, this cell is hidden, so even though the value will be changed, you could never click or select that cell.Is there any other way to force the DGV to accept changes made to it from outside actions of just assigning the cell.value from a button click and not phsyically changing it in the DGV?

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VS 2010 Datagridview Cell Formatting?

Jan 21, 2012

When a certain form (containing a datagridview (dgv)) is first loaded, the dgv cell formatting event is triggered by the line

dgv_WorkHistory.DataSource = ds_WorkHistory.Tables(0).DefaultView This successfully adds some background colour to a few cells in the displayed table. After this the next line of code is executed. The problem is that if I then try to load a different table (by choosing one from a listbox), the new table displays OK but without the desired formatting. Why?

Stepping through the code I find first of all that when I click on the listbox the dgv cell formatting event is instantly raised (immediately, even before any code in the listbox click event is executed). Why does clicking on the listbox trigger the cell formatting event?

Then, when execution reaches the line quoted above for the second time (remember it triggered cell formatting the first time round) it doesn't this time trigger it. The next line of code is executed instead. Why has the behaviour changed?

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VS 2010 Focus Cell On New Row In Datagridview?

Feb 15, 2012

Is it possible to put the focus on a certain cell on the new row in a datagradview.

So when I add the row I can inmediately start typing?

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.net - DataGridView Cell Click Event In VS 2010?

Jan 7, 2011

why the first code block below works, but the second code block does not? (Only thing I can see is the

Handles DataGridClaims
Block 1
Private Sub DataGridClaims_CellContentClick_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As


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DataGridView Cell Click Event In VS 2010?

Jul 28, 2011

I am a tad new to the DataGrid controls, but I am just curious as to why the first code block below works, but the second code block does not? (Only thing I can see is the
Handles DataGridClaims syntax

Block 1
Private Sub DataGridClaims_CellContentClick_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridClaims.CellContentClick


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VS 2010 - Saving String To DataGridView Cell

Apr 7, 2011

Essentially what I'm trying to do is to save the value of a string() to a cell in the datagrid view. The problem is that when I close the program and reopen it the changed value isn't there... It's not saving properly.

Here is my code.
Dim BOCHURSTOTAL As Double = ((BochurimBindingSource.Current("Give_To_Bochur_Quant") * (bochurpr)) + _
(BochurimBindingSource.Current("Reg_Quant") * (regularpr)) + _
(BochurimBindingSource.Current("Priv1_Quant") * (private1pr)) + _
(BochurimBindingSource.Current("Priv2_Quant") * (private2pr)) + _
(BochurimBindingSource.Current("Priv3_Quant") * (private3pr)))
DataGridView1.CurrentRow.Cells("DGV1TotalColumn").Value = BOCHURSTOTAL

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VS 2010 DataGridView Save A New Row Or Any Changed Cell

Jun 13, 2011

I'm using a DGV and i'm looking for the best way to update the database whenever a new row is created OR whenever any datagrid view cell changes.

The following code works fine for new rows and my question is how can i adapt it to include ANY other changed cells of any other rows being or not new rows.

If Me.PECASDataGridView.CurrentRow.IsNewRow = True Then


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VS 2010 Select A Specific Cell In A DataGridView?

Jan 5, 2012

I am making a program which remembers my last selected row in a data table. I have done this by adding a column with a CheckBox, upon CellClick the CheckBox is checked, and upon ellLeave it is unchecked and the new cell is checked, after every action a Update command is run. There will never be more than one row with a checked cell in the DataGridView,however, the data table is in a relationship with other tables, so there may be more checked cells in the data table itself. My problem now is selecting the row with that cell when I open the program and when changing between other data tables and back again.All solutions I found on selecting a specific cell in a DataGridView are referring to index numbers, and in my case I need it to find a data value in a column, I do not know the specific row, only that one row contains the value of True while everything else is False.

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VS 2010 - Making DataGridView Cell Span 2 Or More Columns?

Apr 1, 2011

Is there a way to make a DGV cell span 2 or more columns?

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VS 2010 DataGridView Custom Grid Color For 1 Cell

Aug 30, 2011

I've been trying to customise a datagridview but no luck so far, thing is, i want some of the cells to not have the same grid colour and width as all the rest of the grid. Do you guys know how can this be done? I know it is possible cause i've seen it before but i have no clue how to accomplish that.

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VS 2010 DataGridView Programatically Editing Current Cell?

Feb 10, 2012

I have a DataGridView and want to update the contents of the CurrentCell while the user is typing.e.g. In a cell of fractions I want the user to be able to enter .957 - As soon as the user types the . I want to programatically change it to 0. without the user being aware of the change.

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VS 2010 Find Value Of Cell In Datagridview By Column Header Name?

Aug 25, 2011

I have been using this code to find the value of the cell in a datagrid view

Dim eRow As Integer
eRow = dgv.CurrentRow.Index
MessageBox.Show(dgv.Item(0, eRow).Value)

This works fine when the columns unless the user changes the order of the column.

So what I am trying to achieve is to find the value if the cell even if the order of the columns is changed. Is there a way instead of saying column (0, eRow) I can add (ColumnHeaderName = "NameHere", eRow) or something along those lines.

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VS 2010 Writing A String Back To A Datagridview Cell?

Nov 8, 2010

I've made a function to convert a number and fraction string eg. "22 7/8" to decimal. I've no problem pulling the data from the current row cell to pass through the function. Checked it via a temp textbox i put on the form. What i actuall want to do is pass it back to another cell on the current row. Tried a few things but having no luck. Here's the code of what works. The name of the cell i'm trying to pass the result back to is called "BaseDec".

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim fact As String


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VS 2010 Change Background Colour For Individual Cell In Datagridview?

Jan 12, 2012

dgv_WorkHistory.Rows(i).Cells("DateOfWork").Style.BackColor = Color.GreenThis doesn't change the background colour - what am I doing wrong here?

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VS 2010 Click DataGridView Cell - Change Its Background Image

Mar 9, 2012

I'm trying to make a visual map editor, and figured that a DataGridView would be the best way to go. I would like to make it so that you can click one of many buttons to set which new image the grid cell will be set to when you click it. I've set up pretty much everything except that I can't figure out how to set the background image of the cell that I clicked.


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VS 2010 DataGridView - Event When User Edits Checkbox Cell?

Jun 6, 2010

I'm afraid this is a very simple question, but I can't figure it out... I hardly ever use the DataGridView (usually use a third party grid) so I never needed to do this before.Anyway, I have a DataGridView that is data-bound to a List(Of SomeClass). The grid is not ReadOnly, but I made every column ReadOnly except the very first, which is a boolean column so it displays a checkbox. This way, the user cannot edit any cell value, but he can check/uncheck the checkbox in the first column.

What I need now basically is an event that is raised when the user (not programmatically) changes the value of this checkbox. I also need to be able to retrieve the bound item from that event (from the row number I think?) but that should be no problem, I hope.Anyway, there's a bunch of events that looked promising but all have something I don't want:

1. CellBeginEdit - Fires before the checkbox value has changed, so can't use this.

2. CellEndEdit - Only fires after the edited row loses focus. I want to save it back to the database as soon as the user changes the checkbox value!

3. CellValueChanged - Same problem as nr 2.

I'm sure it must be possible for me to react as soon as the user changes the value of the checkbox? How can I do this?

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VS 2010 : Reduce The Default Padding/text Offset Of A DataGridView Cell?

Apr 28, 2010

By default, the DataGridView padding (.ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle.Padding and .DefaultCellStyle.Padding) is set to 0 (zero). However, when you run the application and look at what's in the DataGridView control, there is default padding of 3 pixels (Left) in the data cells and a default padding of 7 pixels (also Left) in the header cells. I don't seem to have any control over these 3 and 7 pixel offsets. For Top, Bottom, and Right, there are similar or greater pixel offsets that I also don't seem to have access to. I want to be able to specify exactly the pixel offset I want, assuming a default pixel offset of 0 (not 3 and 7).

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DataGridView Cell Borders - Bottom Border Of The Cell Disappears?

Dec 23, 2011

Have this code so that when a checkbox in a column of my datagridview is checked, then the corresponding cell in column 2 (of the same row the check box is in) will turn blue with font color white.


I'd also like to add a line so that as well as the cell going blue, the bottom border of the cell disappears, so cellborderstyle = none.

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Make DataGridView TextBox Cell A ComboBox Cell When It Has Focus

Dec 23, 2011

I have a DataGridView with several columns. One column is a TextBox column named "Status". This column can only show one of three values: 'Final', 'Ready', or 'No Reportable'. I want to have some code that would turn the TextBox cell into a ComboBox cell when the user left-clicks on the cell to allow the user to choose one of these three options. When the user clicks elsewhere or the cell loses focus I want the cell to change back to a TextBox cell.

Here is what I have so far, but the code throws an exception indicated below Plus, I don't think the code would remove the combobox when the cell loses focus.

Exception: "Provided cell does not belong to this DataGridView control."

Private Sub dgvCalculatedResults_MouseDown(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles dgvCalculatedResults.MouseDown
Dim ht As DataGridView.HitTestInfo = Me.dgvCalculatedResults.HitTest(e.X, e.Y)


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VS 2010 Detecting New Line In Datagridview?

May 20, 2012

I am trying to detect when the user selects a checkbox on the new line of a datagridview

I am using the following code but it doesn't detect the new line has been selected. When running debug IsNewRow shows as FALSE

Private Sub DataGridView1_CellContentClick(sender As System.Object, e As System.Windows.Forms.DataGridViewCellEventArgs) Handles DataGridView1.CellContentClick


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VS 2010 - Adding Rows To Bottom Of DataGridView

Feb 1, 2012

I am trying to insert an initial line (0) into a datagridview (named params). The program will then read each cell in that row, pass them through a function and return values be placed into the next line (1). This will continue until one of the parameters reaches some set point. The problem that I am having is that when I try to insert a new line, it appears above the initial one and not below it like I would like it to.

Here's my code so far:
Private Sub HurricaneWinds_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim init_xrange() As Double = New Double() {0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 40.0, 0.0}
For i As Integer = 0 To 4
params(i, 0).Value = init_xrange(i)
[Code] .....

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VS 2010 Adding Input To A Datagridview From A Textbox?

Mar 31, 2011

I have a datagridview that is binded to an database file. I also have a group of textboxes that are also binded to the same database. I wanted the user to add new inputs from the textbox to the datagridview. I tried using the code

Me.tableBindingSource.Addnew But instead of adding the new inputs into another row and column. It edits the input that is on the datagridview that is currently on focus before I can add new inputs.

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Disable Cursor Moving From Cell To Cell In Datagridview

Aug 10, 2010

Is it possible to disable cursor moving from cell to cell in datagridview?

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VS 2010 - Creating Multiple Splitters Then Adding To DataGridView

Feb 27, 2011

I need to create multiple splitters, then getting that data and adding it into a DataGridView;


The First Splitter will be a ':', then the next one will be a ;. Per each line up there, I need to add that content into a row into a datagridview, So if you were to look at the datagridview, It would look like that data above exactly, But separated into the correct columns.

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Adding/deleting Line To RTB1 Should Add/delete A Corresponding Line To RTB2?

Jan 9, 2010

Is it possible that when a new line (anywhere in a richtextbox) is added/deleted, then a line is also added/deleted in another richtextbox?


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