VS 2010 Algorithm To Find Pattern In Data

Jan 17, 2012

Has anyone ever used VB to analyze data to find patterns? I would like to analyze several hundred sequential data points to look for a fairly uniform "up-down" pattern, very similar to a square wave.

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VS 2010 Regex To Find A Pattern In File?

Jan 21, 2012

have a 1mb file, should get the pattern from it

pattern should be like this
6numbers + 10&FF + 6numbers
in the hex binary editor it looks like this


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Find And Replace Algorithm?

Sep 9, 2010

I have some text files that contain

<img width="100" or

<img width="1400" or....

How could i replace all above with the following, since the image width is not static?

<img width="200"

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How To Find A Pattern

Nov 9, 2009

i got this var: dim myvar as string


(Someone know how insert this ==>"<== into a var ? In PHP i use " ex: myvar = "Console.Writeline("hii")" but didnt work in vb net, how do it ?)

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Algorithm To Find Word On Boggle Board?

Aug 6, 2009

What I want it to do is, as I'm typing the word, that it highlights it on the board using the button(x,y).doclick sub which highlights it. Right now my implementation finds the first letter, then keeps trying each letter until it meets the 8 corner condition (ie it is neighbored to the last one) but this does not always work. If there are say 2 "G"'s on the board and I want the bottom one, this will not work. Can somebody give me an example of psuedocode

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Find A Pattern In Richtextbox?

Jul 31, 2010

How do i find a pattern in richtextbox?[code]...

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Can't Find Correct Pattern For Regex?

Mar 3, 2012

I need your help to find the right pattern to extract a string that i need.. The problem is that i have to extract all there is between this caracters:<a href="/url?q=(text to extract whatever it is)& I tried this pattern, but it's not working for me! : /(?<=url\?q=).*?(?=&)/

i'm programming in Vb.net, this is the code, but i think that the problem is that the pattern is wrong:

Dim matches As MatchCollection
matches = regex.Matches(TextBox1.Text)
For Each Match As Match In matches

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Can't Find Recurrence Pattern Class

Jun 22, 2012

I've been searching on Google for a recurrence pattern class for awhile now. I need a class I can use to schedule daily, weekly, monthly, and yearly recurrences of messages. I've found references to appropriate classes but no available downloads.

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How To Find Regex Pattern Matches

Mar 12, 2012

I am working on my application to extract the value from my php page using with the regex pattern. I can extract the value using with the mystrings1 tags with no problem, but I can't be able to extract mystrings1 and mystrings2 tags in the same line.


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Regex Pattern To Find Illegal Characters?

May 21, 2010

I need to find illegal characters in a windows forms textbox

The textbox text is sent as an sms text message and illegal characters are not allowed

e.g 1 client pasted some text from a word document into the texbox and the ' in msword appears as slanting ' in the textbox (see below)

e.g msword text - This is a new test of the Services

after pasting in textbox - This is a new test of the Services

The sms company have advised the slanting apostrophe is a unicode character

How can I find characters like above so I can remove them before sending the sms text

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Interface And Graphics :: Algorithm To Find Identical Adjacent Pixels In Bitmap?

Aug 12, 2011

I need to write a code to find identical adjacent pixels in a bitmap image. It should work as the 'magical wand' in Photoshop.My images are always black and white (white background with car parts drawed in black). Given the x,y coordinate for a single black pixel in the whole image, the code should find (and paint with another color, say red) all other black pixels that are linked to that one, and so on, until all linked black points will be painted in red.This way, suppose that I have an image with 4 car parts drawed, then if I give the x,y coordinate of a black pixel, just THAT part to whose the black pixel belongs to should be painted in red. All other parts will remain black. Does it make sense?At the end, there are two pictures (before and after) to help understanding what I need to do to the images.I tried a simple 8-pixel adjacent approach for every pixel (starting on initial coordinate) but it turns out into a very stupid and endless looping algorhitm.

Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Imports System.Windows.Forms


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VS 2005 Use A RegularExpress To Find A Specific Pattern For Character Within A Sentence?

Sep 2, 2009

I'm looking to use a RegularExpress to find a specific pattern for character within a sentence.I'm look to find a any Word that start with '_', that contain only upper case character with number and with like


But not


until now I've found "^_([A-Z]|[0-9])*", but this pattern do not seam to work within a complete sentence.

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C# - Speeding Up An Algorithm That Find Patterns In A Growing Collection - Code Review Beta - Stack Exchange?

Jun 25, 2012

I want to find a way to speed up this code.if you look at the condition of If calculated Then in the code below, this is what slowing down the code.While the code provided seem fast with Const initBit = 4 try it with something over 12.

I want to be able to use this code (with calculated param as True) with initBit of 20 or more.

Beware that 20 or more might require a gig or more of ram and/or compiled as x64.

C# code (converted with an online tool from VB.NET):


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VB 2010 - Rank The Data - Divide The Data - Find The Median

Oct 14, 2010

There are few steps to find out the half slopes of the graph.

Step 1: Rank the data The independent variable is required to rank it from the lowest to the highest.

Step 2: Divide the data Divide the sample size into 3 roughly equal parts, which is the lowest, middle and the highest parts. If n/3 has remainder of 1, +1 into the middle part. If n/3 has remainder of 2, +1 into the lower part.

Step 3: Find the median The size of each part = n, find the ((n+1)/2)^th value for both dependent and independent variables. If the ((n+1)/2)^th is not an integer, sum up the 〖n/2〗^th value and ((n+2)/2)^th value and divide the total by 2 to make it as median. The median, m1 for independent variable in lower part indicate as XL , middle part median, m2 as XM and the highest part median m3 as XH. For the dependent variable the median is indicate as YL, middle part as YM and the highest part as YH . Figure 3.2 Example of median m1, m2 and m3

Step 4: Find the half slope Find the half slope for the lower half, b_L=(Y_M-Y_L)/(X_M-X_L ) and for the upper half, b_H=(Y_H-Y_M)/(X_H-X_M ) .

Step 5: Find the half slope ratio, b_0=b_L/b_H . If the ratio is negative, the dependent variable need to add with a constant, c in order to make the slope same direction.

Step 6: Identify transformation. Depend on the graph pattern pick one type of transformation which is nearest to the original of the variable.

Step 7: New half slope Find out the new half slope ratio, b1 by repeat step 4 and 5 with the transformed variable.

Step 8: Repeats steps Repeat step 6 and 7 with choose the transformation which is nearest to previous transformation and find the new half slope ratio, b2, b3,�, bn. Repeating this step until |1-b_i |≤|1-b_j |, for i<j, i and j = 1,2,3,

Step 9: Result bi is chosen. The data transformation used in bi is the most closest to be normality.

How to make it into visual basic and let it run by the program?

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VS 2010 Backtracking Algorithm

May 16, 2010

Searching the internet for an example of backtracking in VB.Net has proven fruitless. All the examples I found were either in a language I don't understand (making it impossible for me to convert it to vb.net) or they contained zero commenting (making it difficult to actually understand what is going on).Does anyone have an example of backtracking in VB.Net? Commenting would be useful so I don't have to decipher single letter variables.

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VS 2010 Shortest Path Algorithm VB?

Jan 28, 2012

C#.Can some one provide me the simplest solution to Shortest Path algorithm (source code) based on VB? I could not find any useful sample on the internet as almost all of them are written in Java or

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Binary Search Algorithm Applicable To VB 2010?

Sep 24, 2010

Im currently using the streamreader/writer method for writing to a text file im considering implementing a binary search to increase the efficiency of searching through records.

Qus: Does binary search require the text file to be a binary file?Do I need to do binary reader/writer instead of streamreader/writer And are there any tutorials regarding binary operations in vb 2010 this is my first attempt at coding binary operations and have no idea where to start

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2010 - Cannot Find A Reference To System.Data.OracleClient

Apr 18, 2011

I installed .net 2010 ultimate but my proble is i cannot find a reference to System.Data.OracleClient.

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Change The Pattern Of Data?

Jan 3, 2010

I have data like this in text file


I want to change the above data to be like this

(2 2.50 03.0)
(2 2.00 04.0)


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Implement An Algorithm Called "Diamond-Square Algorithm"?

Jun 8, 2009

I am trying to implement an Algorithm called "Diamond-Square Algorithm" I am having trouble ending it so that it retiurns the required result. So far I have the folloiwng.


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VS 2010 Drawing Complicated Pattern

Aug 13, 2010

I am refining my VS2010 control renderers and I'm working on the TabControl at the moment. If you take a screenshot of the VS2010 IDE and zoom in on the background of the TabControl (where there are no tabs), then you might see that it consists of a pattern of dots with a slightly different color than the surrounding background. I am trying to draw these dots (yes, I'm going for perfection), but I cannot find a brush that allows me to do this.I am pretty sure I'd have to use a HatchBrush with the right HatchStyle, but I cannot find a matching style.Here is a screenshot showing:

1. The VS2010 background I'm trying to draw (higher contrast and brightness otherwise it's hardly visible),

2. The HatchStyle that is closest to this (DottedDiamond)

3. Why this HatchStyle is not correct (it's missing dots where the green dots are, which I photoshopped in).

Now of course I'm going to have to draw the pattern twice (there are two patterns, offset by 1 pixel, with a slightly different color), but the more pressing problem is the green dots seen in the third image. They aren't there with the DottedDiamond style, and no other style (I think I've tried them all, but hey I might have missed some..) produces a better output.

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VS 2010 Repeated Pattern In String?

Jun 19, 2012

I am trying to parse a string that contains known and unknown characters.here is an example:

[1]Tue Jun 19 17:14:15 2012, 48:17:4C:00:00:74, 4.8, 5449,816324, 26, 31397, 160855, 30775030, 29962782, 812248, 2394476, 71619, -44, -67, 46, -60, 51, 0, 86468, 2547055, 4687358, 44278, 4593, 65076, 65191, 65106, 65166, 65108, 64552, 64572, 64512, 5.1, 2548502, 4690906, 520, 0, 0, 0, 36, 2412


The known part is the [0] or [1] or whatever number in the brankets.the unknown part is the rest of the message.So if i have this string i want to cut it to smaller substrings that start with [ and end before the next [ .To make it more tough, sometimes, before the next [ there is another message that comes like: Jun 19 17:13:40 2012 timestamp And after that it continues with the next [

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VS 2010 Comments On Strategy Pattern Implemented

May 18, 2012

a debate has been sparked here about the use of the strategy pattern in my classes.
Basically, I have a 'Shape' object that is an interface 'IShape'. We have 'Circle', 'Rectangle' and 'Elongated' that are the concrete classes that must implement the IShape interface.


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VS 2010 Simple Regex Pattern Matching?

Jul 1, 2011

I need an extremely simple regex pattern that matches anything within square brackets [].


This is a [test] text with [some] [examples].Required results: [test], [some], [examples].I don't want to get rid of the brackets, they should be included in the result (that should make it easier, right?)

If possible I'd like to exlude results that have whitespace in them, so things like [this string] should not be matched. If that gets too hard (probably not, but hey I can't even manage this :S) then I don't really mind, I can always check if the result contains whitespace myself.

I tried a lot of examples I could find online and ones that I could think of myself but none work. Note: I've been testing with the Visual Studio Find dialog (checking to use regular expressions obviously), maybe that's where the problem lies, because I don't really understand why some of these don't work...

Anyway, first thing I tried was simple: match the two brackets and one or more characters in between (that should be a +, right?)

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.net - Loading And Saving Data In WPF Using The MVVM Pattern And DataGrids

Jan 4, 2011

How do i fill my ObservableCollection(of Monitors) with data so that I can save it in an MVVM friendly manner. I normally use a FileNumber to load a DataSet using a DataAdapter and pass the monitors table via monitorDT - should I be loading it differently? How do I save the changes? Right now I have the following for loading data:


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.net - Loading And Saving Data In WPF Using The MVVM Pattern And DataGrids?

Jan 13, 2011

How do i fill my ObservableCollection(of Monitors) with data so that I can save it in an MVVM friendly manner. I normally use a FileNumber to load a DataSet using a DataAdapter and pass the monitors table via monitorDT - should I be loading it differently? How do I save the changes?Right now I have the following for loading data:

Public Class Monitors
Inherits ObservableCollection(Of Monitor)
Public Shared Function LoadMonitors(ByVal monitorDT As DataTable) As Monitors


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VS 2010 Proper Regular Expression (Regex) Pattern?

Apr 24, 2012

It seems up until now I've never used Regex, nor even heard of it. But once I did I realized how extremely useful this is. Having said, it's been 2 days since I've began looking into constructing my own patterns. My most recent being for decimals. Is the pattern I provided below "proper"? and are there also any improvements I could be making for a more efficient patter, which would minimize any possibility of a loophole? [code] So for my use, this is doing what it's supposed to being doing under every test I can through at it. But do mind the 0. and .0, I have a function to normalize these as they are proper, I just pad the left and right accordingly. I found most regex questions asked here..and yes I am doing this in vb.net so it fits. If not, then feel free to move this post somewhere else better suited for the topic of discussion.

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Parsing File For This Pattern "Feb 06 2010 15:49:00.017 MCO"?

Mar 2, 2010

parse a file for lines of data that start with this pattern "Feb 06 2010 15:49:00.017 MCO", where MCO could be any 3 letter ID, and return the entire record for the line. I think I could get the first part, but the returning the rest of the line is where I get lost.Here is some sample data.

Feb 06 2010 15:49:00.017 MCO -I -I -I -I 0.34 527 0.26 0.24 184 Tentative 0.00 0 Radar Only -RDR- - - - - No 282356N 0811758W [code].....

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Can't Save Data To Install Folder - Can't Find Data After Written

May 19, 2011

I've written a very simple program that writes a tiny "config.cfg" (text) file to the computer (using StreamWriter), and a second program that is supposed to read that data back.

Unfortunately, it appears you can't save to the same folder as your program under Win7 ("Program Files (x86)" is a restricted folder.) So instead, VB automatically saves my data to the "C:Users(myname)AppDataRoaming..." folder. This is annoying, but tolerable.

PROBLEM IS: How does my second app then FIND my data file (without doing a time-wasting drive search every time the program is run?)

My code:

' Program #1:
Private Sub cmdSave_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdSave.Click
Dim FileWriter As New StreamWriter("config.cfg")


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DB/Reporting :: Cannot Find In The Data Toolbox The Connection And Data Adapters

Sep 27, 2009

I recently switched to V.Studio 2008 and using VB. I can not find in the data toolbox the connection and data adapters. Should I do something else to make this appear so I can drag them in my form.

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