Interface And Graphics :: Algorithm To Find Identical Adjacent Pixels In Bitmap?
Aug 12, 2011
I need to write a code to find identical adjacent pixels in a bitmap image. It should work as the 'magical wand' in Photoshop.My images are always black and white (white background with car parts drawed in black). Given the x,y coordinate for a single black pixel in the whole image, the code should find (and paint with another color, say red) all other black pixels that are linked to that one, and so on, until all linked black points will be painted in red.This way, suppose that I have an image with 4 car parts drawed, then if I give the x,y coordinate of a black pixel, just THAT part to whose the black pixel belongs to should be painted in red. All other parts will remain black. Does it make sense?At the end, there are two pictures (before and after) to help understanding what I need to do to the images.I tried a simple 8-pixel adjacent approach for every pixel (starting on initial coordinate) but it turns out into a very stupid and endless looping algorhitm.
Imports System.Drawing
Imports System.Drawing.Drawing2D
Imports System.Windows.Forms
View 4 Replies
Oct 9, 2009
I need to write a code to find identical adjacent pixels in a bitmap image. It should work as the 'magical wand' in Photoshop. My images are always black and white (white background with car parts drawed in black). Given the x,y coordinate for a single black pixel in the whole image, the code should find (and paint with another color, say red) all other black pixels that are linked to that one, and so on, until all linked black points will be painted in red.
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Sep 24, 2008
how I could search a given bitmap, say "test.bmp" or a printscreen, for two pixels that are next to each other and that have specified color values? The colors are: &H486596 and &H213D66. I then want to return the pixel positions in the image at which they are first located adjacent to one another. I'm only after the first instance of the occurrence. I wish to use GetDIBits as I hear that it's quicker. So I want to find the first instance where the color value for pixel (x,y) = &H486596 and (x+1, y) = &H213D66.
View 11 Replies
Feb 14, 2012
Pretty self-explanatory question. I'm trying to see if I can do sprite animation in Visual Basic and, while I can use a Graphics object to translate a bitmap down a few pixels, I have absolutely no idea how to erase the bitmap drawn in its former position. Is there any way to erase the old image before the new image is drawn onto the form?
View 14 Replies
Oct 26, 2010
Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click
Dim cr As New Bitmap(4, 4)
View 3 Replies
Aug 18, 2008
How can I evaluate pixels within a Binary Image?What I have done so far is to take the image and use it's "getPixel" method and do a comparison of this pixel to black/white. But that can't be right... Can it? It's a binary image, I should be evaluating each pixel as true/false. Correct?
View 6 Replies
Apr 26, 2011
I'd like to check for all colors in an image. I've already came up with this:
Dim lst As New List(Of Color)
Dim img As Bitmap = System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile("C:image.jpg")
For x = 0 To img.Width - 1
Unfortunately this needs to sweep through all the pixels, and it's EXTREMELY slow... method to get all colors in an image without sweeping through all pixels?
View 8 Replies
Dec 29, 2010
I'm having an issue with some code I'm trying to write that takes a screenshot of the current screen and saves it to a bitmap file on my local PC.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim tempScreenshot = New Bitmap(Screen.PrimaryScreen.Bounds.Width,
View 5 Replies
Mar 16, 2011
How does one add a bitmap to a project so that you can refer to it by name? i.e. MyProject.MyBitmap.bmp
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May 27, 2010
faster way to flood fill an area of a bitmap? It basically acts just like the fill flood bucket in MS Paint. clsBitmapImage is a Bitmap variable.
Public Sub FloodFill(ByVal AtPoint As Point, ByVal newColor As Color)
Dim oldColor As Color = clsBitmapImage.GetPixel(AtPoint.X, AtPoint.Y)
If oldColor.ToArgb <> newColor.ToArgb Then
View 1 Replies
Jan 5, 2012
What i'm trying to do is fill a non rectangular region (actual build up out of 6 points) and draw a bitmap in such a way that it stretches with the region. Now for drawing a normal bitmap or even a trapezoid bitmap there are examples on the net. but drawing anything more then that with GDI+..
View 11 Replies
Nov 12, 2008
How do I rotate a bitmap image that has been placed in a picturebox? I need to make it appear upside down or rotated according to user input. I can't find anything in the properties to do this
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Aug 28, 2009
how can i get the general color based on what is returned from Bitmap.GetPixel()? Like i want all shades of blue to just be blue, and so on
View 10 Replies
Sep 17, 2008
I am trying to create bitmap with my text and transformation. I am sure that there is no error in my code. Because this code is worked previously. Here is my code.
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Feb 4, 2011
I'm trying to find a script to create a slider button.
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Aug 28, 2010
It seems difficult to find good information on working with bitmaps. Specifically I am looking for .NET info on getting tile graphics to the screen. What I know so far is this. I need a picturebox for the display. I need a second picture box for a back buffer and then I need a third picturebox for the tiles that I would copy to the back buffer which then gets flipped to the screen.I need this to be done with .net controls and classes or functions and etc. If anyone has good information on this, please let me know. I am using visual basic 2008 express edition.
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Jul 8, 2009
where do can I find the save disk icon on the toolstrip.
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Feb 7, 2010
I don't want to spam the forum with questions, so I'll just ask a two questions I can't figure out in one thread since they all involve a specific task I'm trying to create I'm trying to make something identical to a map-editor for a game. Right now I'm just learning the basic functions of drawing on bitmaps. I'll show you what I got right now and then tell you what I'm trying to achieve:
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim mySource As Rectangle
Dim myDestination As Rectangle
So my map size is 1000x1000. When I press the button, it creates the map, draws 250 tiles(pixels) in the top left corner of the map, and then displays it on my form. Now to my questions: How can I zoom into certain X, Y positions on the map? After I zoom into the map, how can I call a function when I highlight a tile(pixel), and then another function when I click on a certain tile(pixel)?
View 15 Replies
Aug 28, 2009
Was just wondering if there is a way to quickly clear all pixels in a bitmap without creating a new one?
View 1 Replies
Apr 19, 2009
My goal is to iterate through each pixel determining whether it is black or white. Ideally I want to do this one row at a time (so I can count the number of black pixels in each row). This is a bitonal image.I tried to get it started, but I don't understand what value(s) I'm supposed to be polling for. The following code takes a stab at it (i.e. makes a guess as to what value I'm supposed to check) and then outputs that value to a textfile.When I read the textfile, though, it doesn't look like anything useful.This code is an attempted modification of some code found in a CodeProject article.[code]
View 5 Replies
Feb 13, 2012
i mostly use C and assembly, but i thought i would give VB.NET a shot. i used to use VB6 all the time, so wanted to see how different this is. in VB2010, i'm trying to modify the pixels of a Bitmap object and then make it show up in a PictureBox on the form. i get no errors, but this code does not show the new bitmap after it runs.."disp" is the name of the PictureBox on the form.[code]
View 1 Replies
Mar 10, 2011
I have scanned a few img's on 600 DPI. When i load them into a Bitmap class They have Vertical and Horizontal Resolution of 96 PPI To my calculation that is very close to 38 Pixels per centimeter. Now the image that I scanned is 4.5 Centimeter (1.77165354 Inch) In Diameter but When I measure It the 4.5 cm img is close to 1080 pixel in Diameter which is 240 Pixels/Centimeter (609.6 Pixels/inch) What is the correct way to get the actual Pixels per inch/centimeter from a bitmap or was it set incorrectly by my scanner ?
View 7 Replies
Feb 19, 2006
I've been trying to mess around with image recognition in C# for some time now. But to do that, I need acces to all the pixels in the bitmap individually. At the moment, I'm using getPixel and setPixel. It works, but it's VERY slow. Is there any faster way to acces pixels in a bitmap? Unsafe code maybe?
View 6 Replies
Nov 19, 2010
Im working on a project that needs to print a report of one client.Everything went smooth untill i came across my multiline input text data.When i display it in the PrintPagePreview the text go's outside my page. Even when im printing it only the halve of my text is displayed. I googled and looked everywhere but i can't get a clear fix for it.
View 3 Replies
Jan 22, 2011
I used to program with Visual Basic 6, so I have alot of old programs that I'm updating, plus I'm learning the new VB2008 methods. I'm writing a program that replaces the old "BitBlit" function which is no longer supported by Visual Basic 2008. It involves three picture boxes, one holds the sprite bitmap, a second holds the mask (silhouette) of the sprite bitmap, and a third has a background image.
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Aug 14, 2009
drawing text on a window which is not the current form's window.I remember doing this in Win32 api with getwindowdc(handle) to obtain a DC for the Window, then textout() on the DC.
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Jan 12, 2010
how to create a user interface in a game such as the application XFire using Visual Basic?
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Oct 19, 2008
I'm working on a design project where I have to use a Graphical User Interface that contains a drag and drop form. It consists of having a window dropped on a wall. Both of them are images to scale. I would like to know what kind of code I would have to use to show the x and y coordinates of one of the points of my window when dragged so when I drop it, I'm dropping in it on the desired coordinate of the wall.
View 2 Replies
Jan 12, 2011
Ok, I want to create a class that will handle a special rectangle graphic.In my form, I want to have two of these special rectangles. So, basically, I need two instances of that class in my form, right?I manage to initialize two, alright. But, how exactly am I supposed tomanage drawing/graphics etc in a class, and the results to be displayed in my form?
View 13 Replies
Oct 29, 2008
Using graphics paths for designing...but am getting an error when trying to add a shape to : _shapelist.add(createshape())
It says : Value of type 'system.drawing.drawing2d.graphicspath' cannot be converted to '1-dimensional array of system.drawing.drawing2d.graphicspath'
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