VS 2010 Chart Control Gridlines - Manually Scaling

Feb 1, 2011

How do I change the number of gridlines a chart displays? My chart data runs from 00:00 to 23:59 but due to the auto scaling I get gridlines and labels at funny time e.g 05:37 or 10:23. What I'd like is a label and line every hour but I can't find which property sets it!

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.NET Chart Y-axis Scaling?

May 13, 2011

I am using the MSChart object in VB2010. Live futures data is put into an array, then added one point at a time to a line chart (Chart1, one line only) using (1):

frmChart2.Chart1.Series("data").Points.AddXY(sec10, spreadarray(0, sec10))

All fine and good. However, by the time a few thousand data points have come through, its getting hard to see the detail in the chart, therefore I reset the x-axis so that I just see the last 200 (say) points, using (2):

Chart1.ChartAreas("ChartArea1").AxisX.Minimum = frmPrices.sec10 - CLng(lstChartpts.Text)

...where frmPrices.sec10 is the total number of data points, and CLng(lstChartpts.Text) is the number of points required. So if I have 1000 pts, and I wish to see 200 displayed, the AxisX minimum in this case is 1000 - 200 = 800. Points then start to build again one at a time. I am happy with this except that the Y-axis scaling is still taking into consideration all 1000 data values, so need to reset the Yaxis maximum and minimum. No problem (3):

Chart1.ChartAreas("ChartArea1").AxisY.Maximum = (max of the last 200 values + a small increment)
Chart1.ChartAreas("ChartArea1").AxisY.Minimum = (min of the last 200 values - a small increment)

The problem comes in when I want to change the number of points to display back to "ALL". I could re-write the code to use the max and min of all values, as in (3), but I'd rather just reset the yaxis back to the autoscaling that the chart started out with. I've looked everywhere for a property or method to do this! Or is there a way to autoscale the yaxis according to only the displayed values?

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How Use MS Chart Control With VS 2010

Dec 21, 2009

How use MS chart control with VS 2010?What name reference link I need add to project for use MS chart.I don't see MS chart control in "Toolbox" in VS 2010, what I need do for I will see MS chart control in "Toolbox".If any body can send me link to simple sample "use MS chart in VS 2010".

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VS 2010 : Line Graph With Chart Control?

Nov 14, 2011

I am trying to make a line chart and from what I've read using the chart control is the best way to go about it, but I have no idea how to do that.

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VS 2010 Chart Control In Memory Stream?

Mar 29, 2011

is this possible to do in memory (so i can get rid of any disk IO)?:

If File.Exists("c:MyImage.png") Then
End If


This above code works great the first time then errors out on any successive attempts after that with the file being used by another process at the File.Delete line. The image is being generated for use as a mail attachment and i've only ever done it via a phyical file on the disk.

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C# - Make XY Scatter-type Plot Chart Using Asp.net Chart Control?

Jul 19, 2010

I have X and Y data columns coming from database.

I have to show scatter plot chart with Linear, Exponential, Log, power using asp.net chart control.

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Plotting A 2D Array Into A Chart Control As A Polynomial, VB 2010

May 17, 2012

So I have a 2D array of data, specifically, one "Cv" value for every 10% increment. I have been able to get the Cv's plotted vs % open with the following method:

Private Sub btnPlot_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnPlot.Click
Dim tempString As String


I haven't yet looked into this, but if there's any way to also export this graph as an image into an excel spreadsheet, We will be creating several spec sheets as excel workbooks and we will need to be outputting standardized sheets, which is why I'm trying to make this an application instead of directly implementing the code in Excel with VBA.

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Chart Control In Visual Web Developer Express 2010 Is Unavailable?

Aug 12, 2010

I've just rebuilt my PC and have upgraded to visual web developer express 2010. I have imported my projects which use the charting control quite a bit. Unfortunately my projects are failing to run. In design view the control is now showing as "unknown server tag asp:chart". I can see the Chart control in the data tab in the toolbox but it is greyed out.

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ASP:Chart Control - Databind Pie Chart From Datatable

Apr 16, 2010

I've got a datatable with two columns "Status" (string) and "Total" (integer).

Status Total
Success 34
Missing 2
Failed 10

I want to databind this into a pie chart with each Status per slice but I'm not sure what method of data binder is required?

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VS 2010 - Option Set To True But No GridLines Shown On Form

Aug 21, 2010

I brought up a new project in Visual Studio 2010 and found that there are no gridlines on the form. I went to Tools, Options, Windows Form Designer, General and found the Show Gridlines option set to True. I tried turning it to false and back to true with no change.

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VS 2010 Font Scaling Re-opened

Dec 28, 2010

I have a picturebox that has an image on it. The user will be able to draw rectangles on that image, and the rectangle will have a string drawn into it. Frankly, I have no idea about the shape or size of these rectangles except to say that they will have a "reasonable" size to them. What I am trying to figure out is how best to draw the string inside the rectangle. Obviously, the size of the string is determined by the font, and I can measure this size with MeasureString in the Paint event for the PB. The size of the string as drawn must be less than the size of the rectangle such that the string fits entirely within the rectangle.

The problem is that MeasureString takes a font so that the size of the string can be determined in that font. That seems to require that I create a new font object, measure the string in that font, check to see that it is less than the width of the rectangle (don't have to worry about the height), and if the string is too big, reduce the size of the font and try again. This seems to have the potential to create and destroy plenty of font objects for the sole purpose of checking sizes. Is there a better way? How about a method that figures the maximum font size that can be used to get a string of pixel length X? The second half of this problem is something I haven't even begun looking at yet, but somebody has probably got an answer that will save me some time, so I'll toss it out here:It is possible that my rectangles will be high and narrow, in which case few strings will fit horizontally in the rectangle, so I might as well draw them vertically. Is there an easy way to draw text vertically rather than horizontally?

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VSTO - Excel Chart, Subtitle For Chart - Access Chart Text Box From Code?

Oct 14, 2011

I have a chart in Excel that I'd like to use a subtitle on. There is no SubTitle Property on the chart object, so I looked in the Excel User interface and found that you can only create a sub-title by using a text box. The text box looks like its associated with the chart, not the worksheet, so how would I access that text box from code?

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3.5 Chart Control (Pie Chart)?

Sep 18, 2009

I can't figure out how to plot anything on this chart...finally got it to actually display a pie chart, now I'm trying to somehow bind a data source to it and from there, select the series data..I have added the database to the project as a data source but I don't know how to bind it to the pie chart. some other info: this db has 100's of tables and the program I'm working on is going to be a "status monitor" of sorts that will contain about 6-8 different types of charts all plotting different info for me in chart form.I want to bind this one data source to all the charts and just have them display different information (based on the sql query perhaps)

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VS 2005 - Custom Control - Affect Records That Were Manually Changed

Jul 19, 2009

i created a custom control that accepts only datetime values. [url] but i'm having some issues with it when it is bound to a column and then i navigate through records. it seems to trigger a row-change to all navigated records even though i haven't manually change anything on these records.

this is affecting the last_update_date and last_updated_by fields of my tables. i need to only affect records that were manually changed. can anyone help me? also, any date field should be bound to the Value property of this control instead of Text. haven't figured out how to remove the Text from bindable properties yet.

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Make NumericUpDown Control Hide Decimal Places But Still Can Show If Entered Manually?

Mar 8, 2012

Is there a way to make NumericUpDown control hide decimal places but still can show if i entered manually?For example, i want to set NumericUpDown DecimalPlaces to 0 but when i enter something like 6.52, it remains 6.52 and not rounded to 7.

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VS 2010 Displaying Data Manually?

May 22, 2010

I'm new to the world of VB.Net <-> Databases.I'm currently working on an application with SQL Compact 3.5.I realize that data et values on objects from the database but what I want is more custom...Students should have 3 fields for example, tableId, their name and birthYear.1 | John | 20002 | Peter | 1999And so on. What I want is to display their birthday on some label.text = "(" & DBvalue & ")" based on the selection of a listbox (which has tableId's listed as values). You don't have to worry about the update method of that label.text value, I just want a way to retrieve the birthYear value and put it into my label.text together with those extra characters, based on the tableId selected. (which I already have a way to get, so don't worry about that either).

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VS 2010 Manually Add Auto-numbers To Table

Feb 28, 2011

We have exactly 120 employees entered in "EmpMaster" table, "EmpId" number field set for 'Auto number' start from 1-121. Now my problem is HR Department instructed me to continue EmpId number start from 1121 for new employees. So I want to continue new records in the same Table.I'm using the code to INSERT record is : EmpMasterTableAdaptor.InsertQry on windows form. Operating - Visual Studio 2010Prof and SQL Server 2008 for database.

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VS 2010 Sum Of Manually Selected Rows Of Datagridview?

Oct 1, 2011

I have a datagridview on my desktop application, what I need is to show in a a textbox the sum of collums values, of rows selected manually. Is this possible?

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Get A Bar Chart Control For Windows 7?

May 10, 2011

where can I get a bar chart control for visual basic.net and windows 7. Mschart.ocx doesn't work.

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Ms Chart Control In .net Framework 2.0?

Jun 22, 2010

Can any one tell me how the chart control is used in .net framework 2.0 and it will be helpfull if you give any code

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Save MS Chart Control In .net?

Jul 19, 2010

I can draw a graph with MS Chart Control 6.0 in VB.net. But I can not save it.I write the code:

AxMSchart1.copy() 'to copy the chart into clipboard

But whenever I use one of the flowwing commands: clipboard.GetData, Clipboard.GetDataObject,...I get the error: Exception of type 'System.ExecutionEngineException' was thrown?how to save the graph?

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VS 2005 Chart Control?

Mar 29, 2010

I've just started checking out Chart controls for VS .NET. I've downloaded and installed MS Chart Controls for .NET Framework 3.5 and ZedGraph.I'm trying to decide which would be my best choice. In VB6 I used RMCharts and liked it alot.

ZedGraph, like VS2005, is made to work with .NET Framework 2.0 and seems user friendly. Alot of my clients are still using XP machines without .Net Framework 3.5.

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VS 2005 Where Is The Chart Control

Aug 20, 2010

someone tell me where the chart control is in vs2005 .net framework is 2.0

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VS 2010 Verify Link Not Working When Automated But If Done Manually Works?

Feb 27, 2012

I am not stuck with the code side but rather what seems an issue when using VB and creating well verifying an Twitter Account. I have tried to explain as best as possible but please ask if you need more info

I am currently well on the way to finishing my Twitter Account Creator which also verifies and completes the profile fields but I have encountered a problem and for once not a problem relating to the code side of things at least I don't think it is.

At the moment for testing reasons I have 2 buttons one which creates the account and a second which verifies the account now I am using incognitomail.com (temp email provider) and have 2 web browsers running within my VB program. 1 is for Twitter and 1 is for Incognitomail.com I have no problems clicking and navigating to the verify link and then logging in to verify the Twitter Account but it never verifies and I cannot figure out why.

Say I put another text box and used it to navigate to url's on web browser 1 (twitter) and copied the verify link and put it in the text box it navigates I login and its the fine the account is verified but if I set VB to navigate (can't click because it opens in IE and not within the VB web browser) to the verify link it never verifies I have even tried making the text box fill and then navigate via that just as if a human was doing it but still no luck.

Does anyone have any idea as to why these Twitter Accounts are not verifying when the VB program performs the navigating to the verify link then login but if I do it myself i.e copy the verify link put it in the text box which navigates the web browser then it verifies fine?This is the one step standing in the way from my program being about to create and verify accounts and will not cost a fortune as this was a personal project to counter the lack of Twitter Creators which both work fully and are cheap.

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.NET 3.5 Chart Control Loads Slowly?

Jul 1, 2010

So in this program that I've made, I have 5 tabs. One of them uses this chart control for .NET ver 3.5 that I downloaded from the Microsoft website. The issue is, though, that when I start the program, everything is fine until I click on the tab with the 3 charts on it. The tab freezes a little bit, and it takes a few seconds to load the charts. After this initial hiccup everything is fine, but I've tested this on three computers now and it happens to all of them. Anyone know what I can do to make these charts load faster or smoother? This is quite a roadblock.because otherwise I'd be done I've been working on this project in VB.NET for the past 3 weeks and it's my first time using the language. So far every single one of my questions on here has been answered and all within a day or two

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Add Microsoft Chart Control To My Toolbox?

Oct 13, 2010

In the com component list there is no Microsoft Char Control selection. How can I find it.

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Bar Chart Control Click Event?

Jun 19, 2012

I am using the chart control that comes with Visual Studio i have made a a bar chart with it what i am wondering is there any way to be able to click one of the bars and be able to work with that value Pic below:

Attached File(s)
barChartPic.bmp (941.95K)
Number of downloads: 10

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Book For Learning MS Chart Control?

Mar 23, 2009

Is there a book for learning the microsoft windows form chart control?

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C# - Chart Control Interval Not Working?

Apr 15, 2011

I have asp.net chart intervel issue. I am feed data to chart like below
X1 Y1 X2 Y2
100 907 500 2395
100 745 500 2343
100 760 500 2403
Each row is a series in the chart.

In am iterating each row in code and making new serie and adding to chart
series1.Points.AddXY(dt.Rows(i)(0).ToString, dt.Rows(i)(1).ToString)
series1.Points.AddXY(dt.Rows(i)(2).ToString, dt.Rows(i)(3).ToString)
Chart is coming like it is fine. Now I want make interval like 100,200,300,400, 500 (500 is max of the graph). I tried Chart1.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Interval = 100, It did not worked out.

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C# - Get The AxisX Interval MS Chart Control?

Dec 8, 2011

I am trying to get AxisX interval for MS Chart Control in code behind. But when i try to retrieve the value, it returns zero even though it has a default value.

'Doesn't return the correct value, only returns 0
Dim XInterval As Double = mainChart.ChartAreas(0).AxisX.Interval


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