VS 2010 Delete Data From End Of File?

Nov 14, 2010

I have JPG images with data stored at the end of them. My goal is to simply remove this data from the end of the file. The extra data is in plain text. The JPG images can still be viewed as normal with this data in them.The plain text in the end of the file starts with the beginning mark of"--------data---------", a line break, and then the data. Then there isthe end mark of the string

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File I/O And Registry :: Code A Delete Button For A Browsing Program Based On Data From A Txt File?

Dec 3, 2010

I am trying to code a delete button for a browsing program based on data from a txt file. I have coded the buttons to sort(ascending and descending), append to the text file, search the text file, but I can not seem to get the delete function working. I am using VB 2010, this is what I have so far:

Dim deleline As String
Dim line As String
Dim isFound As Boolean = False
sr4 = IO.File.OpenText("Students.txt")


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DGV Bound Data Save To File, Load From File, Delete Row?

Apr 1, 2009

[VB 2008 express edition] i am doing a application data grid view bound data from MS access (.mdb) as my dataset. the dataset have 5 tables, each table consist of ID, Items, Rates, And Amount, i face some problem here:

a) cannot delete row from the table, (using binding navigator but error)
b) how can make a opendialog to load the .mdb file dataset table in to the datagridview?
c) how do i save table in the datagridview into the MS Access file ?

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How To FileInfo Before, Delete Or SHIFT + DELETE, Process Final Delete Of File

Feb 13, 2011

How can be find out which file is going to delete when, user provides command like DELETE or SHIFT + DELETE or by programmatically gives DELETE command. Well I know about FileSystemWatcher Class, but this class doesn't provide information before delete...

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VS 2010 Cannot Delete The File

Sep 23, 2011

I'm working on a program. It watches a folder for file changes. in certain cases, it needs delete the files in that folder. sometimes, it has this error:

The action can't be completed because the file is open in another program

is there a way to force delete a file? or this is not possible?

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VS 2010 Delete A Section In INI File

Mar 15, 2010

Ok, im getting really frustrated over this problem. I've searched the whole damn internet for a working .NET solution but i don'tfind any one.

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VS 2010 Delete From A Text File?

May 9, 2010

Trying to write to a text file using GetAsyncKeyState in user32, the only issue that I am having is when I press the backspace I get the ansi code character, but this is not what I want. I want it to really backspace, I know its doing this since that is how I coded it.

Here is my code
CountKeys = 0 ' Seting the key code back to 0
CountKeys = GetAsyncKeyState(BKey)
If CountKeys = -32767 Then


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Edit And Delete Data From XML File Using Programs?

Nov 8, 2011

In my web application, i have an XML file called "answers.xml"

it store the user entries in XML[code]...

i can add data to the XML file using a DLL file i downloaded from the internet.

i need a way to change the data (edit / delete) in the xml file using ASP.net / VB.net or C#

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XML File - Create / Update And Delete Data?

May 10, 2010

I need to make a CRUD application using the XML and VB.net. How to create, write, read, update, delete the data only using XML file and VB.net.

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How To Save, Edit And Delete File In The Data Grid

Jun 8, 2011

save, edit and delete files in the data grid.

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VS 2010 - Delete INI File And Refresh Tree With Memory

Oct 5, 2011

The current code works fine on the very first fresh but after that it doesn't remember what node was clicked. For this refresh I am looking for a ini file and if found I delete the ini file and refresh the tree. The tree has only 2 parents and never anymore then that.

This first part is the timer sub
Private Sub Timer2_Tick(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer2.Tick
Dim SelectNode As String = Me.tvFolders.SelectedNode.Name
' check to see if file exist, if so do refresh then delete file
If (File.Exists(appPath & "refresh.ini")) Then
File.Delete(appPath & "refresh.ini")
[Code] .....

Now the main problem is if you click on a child in parent2 and hit refresh it is not sending Parent2 as a treenode to the search function and it doesn't remember the node clicked. But if you click on a child in parent1 it remembers the node but always refreshes to the top parent1 node. but the very first time you refresh in parent1 it works perfect. Even on the second refresh regardless of which parent you are in it never comes back with failed message from the search function.

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VS 2010 Delete Top 1 - Delete A Number Of Records In A Table From The Last And Forward?

Mar 16, 2011

I'm trying to delete a number of records in a table from the last and forward. My idea is to use sql like this: delete top " & variable & " * from table where ID = something It gives me a general sytax error. Is it at all possible? Fuga. Edit: I also have the order by statement there. I just forgot to put it in the question.

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VS 2010 Copy / Move / Rename & Delete A File In Program Files Directory?

Aug 30, 2010

how can i either copy/move/rename & delete a file in program files directory? [c ode]i already have the form which grabs the updated file and it save it to temp directory ready for copying, just stuck here as of the access denied.

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Used The Delete Sql Method To Delete Data From A Database?

Jun 10, 2010

My apologies I have posted this in the wrong catagory It should be in VB.net, my mistake)Hi guys I posted this question at the end of another topic I started but I think it will be over looked as the origional topic was solved of the dreamincode community You must all be getting sick of my quexstions by now haha I suppose you don't learn if you dont ask.

Anyway I have used the delete sql method to delete data from a database, I want to refresh the data in the form after the record has been deleted. Do I have to close the form and then open an new instance of it? or is there another way I can refresh the data?


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File I/O And Registry :: VB 2010 Formatting Data In Text File?

May 4, 2012

1 List all of the data from Teams.txt in a Listbox. Include suitable headings.

2 List all of the data from Results.txt in the Listbox (use the same Listbox as in 1 above).Include suitable headings. Note that you cannot assume that the file contains onlyresults for the first 3 weeks of the season. Your program should be able to process a results file with more or fewer results.

3 List all of the data from Results.txt in the Listbox. However, in this case the actual team names should be output (your program will need to get this data from Teams.txt. The data should be formatted so that it is aligned correctly. Include suitable headings.

The output might look as follows:

Home Team Away Team Home Team Goals Away Team Goals
Bunbury Braves Nedlands Nodders 5 2

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Properly Delete A File Using File.Delete()?

Mar 9, 2008

How To Properly Delete A File Using File.Delete()

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Forms :: Display Data In Grid View Using Code That Can Edit, Update And Delete The Data?

Oct 6, 2011

how to display data in grid view using code that you can edit, update and delete the data...do i need to have a stored proc in this?

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Print And Delete All Data/record In Data Grid View?

Feb 15, 2012

i have a form which search data in specific date and show result in the datagridview, what i want is that when delete button is clicked all datas that in the datagridview will be deleted sameway in the database

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VS 2010 Delete The Duplicate Rows In A Datagridview In Vb 2010?

Apr 26, 2012

I have a datagridview extracted from a csv file. It displays duplicate rows. How can I delete those duplicate rows from the datagridview? replies would be precious.


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VS 2010 - Reading Raw Data In File

Aug 23, 2010

How do you read the data from a file on the computer? I have an mp3 stored on my root folder and I want the form to read the raw data from it so I can do some encryption etc.
Dim fileOpen As New IO.StreamReader("C:file.mp3")
Dim stream As String = fileOpen.ReadToEnd
TextBox1.Text = stream

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VS 2010 Using External Data File?

Feb 21, 2012

I would like to include a text file for easy ediing of data that my app will read and pull data from. My external data file is a csv fileI want to display a checked list box that display this info and based on selections in the checked list box cand in a procedure later call commands based on those selections.

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VS 2010 Write Data To Txt File?

Jun 20, 2010

So i am trying to write 2 txt box's data to a text file in my app.Im just curious on how can i make it so it will write this file within the folder it was installed?alsohow can i then take this data and loop through it to insert it into a listbox?

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Arrays And Storing Data To A File VB 2010

Feb 6, 2012

I am trying to store 8 separate pieces of information in a text file (like a database) [but not a SQL database], consisting of integers and strings. How would I use an array to do this? Will an array collect data from text boxes (I also want to display the 8 pieces of information in separate boxes). also how would I save the text file so I can open it again or open a different text file (database?), from within the program?

EDIT: I see I need to use readline and writeline to read/write from a text file but how would I find specific data to show in my boxes?

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VS 2010 - Display Data From CSV File To DataGrid

Aug 20, 2010

I like to make a data grid that get data from a .csv and display on the table (note all the data is separated by ",") but I have no idea how to do this.

GRW,1001,LGAV,LGTS,"NEVRA Z507 OSMOS",SX-GRI,240,161,00:00," 00:00"," 1.05"," Flight Level:240"," 80"," P"," 0123456"," 1"
GRW,1002,LGTS,LGAV,"LEKPO UB1 ABLON",SX-GRI,250,161,00:00," 00:00"," 1.05"," Flight Level:250"," 80"," P"," 0123456"," 1"
GRW,1003,LGAV,LGRP,"VARIX UL995 ASIMI",SX-GRI,270,218,00:00," 00:00"," 1.2"," Flight Level:270"," 100"," P"," 0123456"," 1"
GRW,1004,LGRP,LGAV,"ASIMI UL995 VARIX",SX-GRI,280,218,00:00," 00:00"," 1.2"," Flight Level:280"," 100"," P"," 0123456"," 1"
GRW,1005,LGAV,LGKR,"PIKAD L53 KRK",SX-GRE,240,213,00:00," 00:00"," 1.15"," Flight Level:240"," 80"," P"," 0123456"," 1"

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VS 2010 - How To Append Data To Text File

Apr 23, 2012

Below is the code which I am using to append data to a text file.
Dim FILE_NAME As String = "C:cebsample.txt"
Dim objWriter As New System.IO.StreamWriter(FILE_NAME, True)
Dim record As String
Dim amount As Integer
Dim amt As Decimal
[Code] ....
Now I would like to save that updated file with another name.

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VS 2010 : Storing Data In Txt File For Program Use?

Jun 22, 2011

In the program I'm working on, there is a 'sign-in' form that pops up for the user to enter first name, last name, and DOB. What I want to do is STORE that information in a text file for FUTURE use by the program (i.e. displaying a list of all previous users of the program).I already know how to use streamwriter to write text to a file, but I would like for the text file to be stored within the program files and also for a new user's data to be appended to that file every time.

Do I simply add the text file to the project files? When I do that, its path is 'My Documents'. How will that affect the program when I publish it? I guess I just don't yet understand what happens when the program is finished and published. The code for the 'Submit' button on the sign-in form is pasted below. At the bottom, I've put a comment to indicate where I want to store the data to a file.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim TxtBox() As String = {TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text, TextBox3.Text}
For i As Integer = 0 To 2
If TxtBox(i) = Nothing Then


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VS 2010 : Write Data To A Text File?

Sep 3, 2010

I am encountering a problem when trying to write data to a text file. If I put the output into a messagebox I can see it, but when I attempt to write it to a file it is just blank. What am I missing here? EDIT - This is just a simple winform that I specify a path to a local HTML file in Textbox1 and I'm attempting to parse some HREF tag data.

Imports System.IO
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions
Public Class Form1


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VS 2010 Reading Data From Lines Of .ini File?

May 23, 2011

Here's what i've got so far, i've written all of the data that i'm going to put into my config file, however i'm having trouble reading the specific string values that I need from that ini file. The parts of the ini lines I want to get are the values in between the I've tried using streamreader a couple things but i'm having trouble figuring that out. I need to parse each line of the ini file to get that value in between the single quotations, so that I can set the value for my richtextbox background and text color as well as a few other things that i've set up in my notepad including tab spacing and so on. lots of these different values need to be converted from a string value to integers, and boolean values as well. (4 of them, the rest of them don't have to be changed because they are already string values when my application reads them to determine it's application load settings.

EDIT: I just noticed in the preview that this is from the version of the app where I had streamwriter write "______ value=" & Something to a file. lol some of the (')s are still in this version, so please excuse that little part. I had them in, but took them out so that I could trim data to get a value easier, but I want to use (')s hopefully when all is said and done.For example, just to restate what I want - in the ini file it will read [setting name] value='VALUE'I want to be able to "get" the string value of "VALUE" within the ini file between the 2 single quotations '

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VS 2010 - Storing Text Data In File For Program Use

Jun 28, 2011

Here is what I would like to do:
- Store string data from a 'sign in' form into a text file. This text file must be one that is saved even after the user exits the program. The text file must also be one that will stay with the program even after it is published (executable).
- Be able to write to/read from the file for purposes of displaying some or all of that data on a form.

I use an Application Setting to do this - of type 'Specialized String Collection'. I tried this, but for some reason I could not get it to work. It was a good idea, but I need to be able to SEE the data that has been saved, and with a setting it seems like that is not easily done. I've decided that I either need to use a simple text file or a 1-table database for this. I would prefer just a text file, but in either case, it needs to be part of the .exe when published.

I have added a text file to my project, but I am not sure if it will be "included" in the project when I publish it. The path of the file I've added is in 'My Documents', but in my code, I will have to specify the path in order to use Streamwriter. How will this affect the program when I publish it? I felt the need to make a new thread because on my last one we had been mainly talking about settings, and I've decided that isn't the best option for me.

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VS 2010 DBF File ADO.NET Connection - Read Only - Update Data

Oct 21, 2011

In VS2010 VB create a data connection using this:


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