VS 2010 Hiding A Folder?

Feb 25, 2012

Is it possible to hide a folder completely? By this I mean, not just set its property to hidden, but make it completely invisible so that the folder cannot be seen via Microsoft Windows Explorer?

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VS 2010 Hiding A Form?

Feb 18, 2012

Dim Result As Integer
Result = MessageBox.Show("Question...", "Key", MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Question)


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VS 2010 Hiding Forms?

Aug 1, 2011

It seems like such a simple thing to me, but it seems like the usual, me.hide() isn't working in this case. I have 2 forms that tie together, the login form, and then the main for being form1. The login form has an autologin feature, which works out fine, but with it enabled, the login form doesn't automatically hide like it should.


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VS 2010 : Showing Or Hiding Controls?

May 20, 2010

I have a form that searches a db. Some searches will always result in one row of data, others might return multiple rows. I want to have the data from a single row shown in text boxes and the multiple rows show in a datagridview is it possible to hide/show those depending on the amount of rows.

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VS 2010 Hiding/Showing Forms In MDI?

Feb 16, 2012

I am using a MDI parent to house each of the forms in my application. I have a main form and 2 sub forms. The sub forms are opened using the code below. Also, when I am finished entering info into these forms, i am hiding them so that I can reopen them with the same info still entered.

The problem is that when i show the form again, it is blank. Why would this be the case? I am never closing or disposing the form, so shouldn't it just unhide easily?Showing the sub-form(savingsfrm1) and and hiding the main form(riskfrm1)Public savingsfrm1 As Savings

Private Sub Button1_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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VS 2010 - Hiding / Closing Login Forms?

May 1, 2012

I've created a program with a login form. Once you log in, the login form should close and the next form should display... my problem is...
If I use Me.Close()... than both forms close and the application terminates.
If I use Me.Hide()... than the application never unloads from memory and run indefinitely.
So what do I do? Neither of these work how I need them to.

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VS 2010 Expanding/ Hiding Controls On Form

Jan 19, 2012

I'd like to design a Winform with expanding controls if that 's overly complicated. The idea is that I would have rows of information, each with an "Expand" button. On pressing the button, the rows underneath the selected row would move down and the controls that are associated with the selected row (some textboxes/ dropdowns etc) would appear. Vice versa when you click the "Hide" button.

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VS 2010 Hiding Window Of External Process?

Jan 7, 2012

So i want to start an application with my vb.net app and it should start as a hidden process, meaning no window and nothing in the task bar, only in the task manager ofcourse.

This is what i do

Dim fov As New Process
If CheckBox2.Checked = True Then
RichTextBox1.Text = RichTextBox1.Text & vbCrLf & "* - Launching"
fov.StartInfo.FileName = ("test.exe")


This does not work.. I have also tried the "fov.StartInfo.CreateNoWindow = True" command which does not work either. I can live with a solution that would start the window minimized instead of totally hidden.

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VS 2010 Hiding The Tab Page Headers Without Having To Create A New User Control?

Jan 15, 2012

Is there any way of hiding the tab page headers without having to create a new user control?

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VS 2010 Creating A Folder Inside Temp Then / Extracting File + Opening Folder

Dec 12, 2011

How would I create a dir Inside %temp%? Then extract the file to it and Open a That folder. So far this is my code.


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VB 2008/2010 - Save Page As, Create A Folder, Upload The Folder?

Mar 15, 2012

Visual Basic 2008/2010 - Save Page As, create a Folder, upload the folder to a specific ftp site I am working on this vb app that will goto a specific site, click on a button(i am still working on the button process) do a save page as, create a folder, save those files to a folder and then upload that folder to a ftp site.


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VS 2010 Opening Folder If File Exists In Folder

Oct 6, 2011

Having difficulty with the module below failing on line 21. It is telling me: The system cannot find the file specified. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80070002) Basically what it is designed to do is look for a directory, if that exists then look for a file in that directory. If both = True then it should open the folder to browse the files. I believe the issue is with the "Program Files" being 2 words since the script runs using a root path, but I'm not sure how to format the path correctly to make it work?


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VS 2010 Sync An Online Folder With A Local Folder

May 5, 2011

Well guyz its been a long time since my last post here but i got some troubles with a new project i am on and the members of vbforums always had the solution So as the title says i want to make a launcher that will sync 2 folders and some files from my Website to my local HDD. Something like that with Api s


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VS 2010 'Better' Folder Browser

Jan 21, 2012

Iv'e seen this in some program. How can I make something like this?

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VS 2010 Download The Whole Folder?

Jul 5, 2011

I was wondering if VB can access a folder on a secured network and just download the whole folder with all the files in it?

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VS 2010 How To Cut All .txt Files Into Folder

Jun 25, 2011

I want to do the following cut (not copy) all the desktop .txt or if i choose .rar files into folder named Text or Rar

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VS 2010 How To Get Files From Every Sub Folder

Feb 16, 2012

I have a program with a database full information about stuff. When I click on one I want it to do a search for all the files containing that name on a predefined location.Previously I solved this by just launching a regular windows search like this:

Dim Partition As String = My.Settings.Explorer
System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("search-ms:displayname=Search%20Partition%20in%20" &


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VS 2010 Installation Folder

Sep 30, 2009

In VS 2010, under "Installation folder URL" (under Publish) I have inserted this "\localhostProgram FilesRajoni" - my project name is "Rajoni". Isn't this the path where I want my app to be installed on user computer? Because in my Program Files I don't have anything

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App Data Folder With 2010 Express

Jan 19, 2012

I wish to know what location does the "|Data Directory|" in "|Data Directory|XYZ.sdf" that shows in the connection string when I create a dataConnection using the wizard in VB 2010 Express. Is it the Application's directory in Program Files or is it the AppData folder of the client computer.If it is the Application Directory in Program Files then the client user wont be able to write to the database without Admin rights. If so how do I make a dataConnection to a file in the AppData folder using the new data connection wizard.

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Opening A Folder Using VB 2010 Express?

Sep 8, 2011

how can i open a folder with Visual Basic, preferably with a Message Box? e.g. when the user clicks "OK" on a message, a certain folder will open.

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VS 2010 - How To Retrieve Folder Size

Dec 28, 2010

I am running into an issue when retrieving a folder size.
'This does not work when I insert %TMP%, If I insert an actual path like C:Temp, it works fine.
objFolder = objFSO.GetFolder("%TMP%")
Am I missing an import or something? I currently have no imports.

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VS 2010 : Copy A File To Folder?

Aug 22, 2011

I'm trying to write a program where people can click a browse button, click a file to copy, and then click a second browse button and click a destination folder. I've tried

My.Computer.FileSystem.CopyFile(TextBox1.text, TextBox2.Text)

and get the error "Could not complete operation since a directory already exists in this path 'C:UsersSamDesktop'."

FileCopy TextBox1.Text, TextBox2.Text
gives me "The target file "C:UsersSamDesktop" is a directory, not a file."

Both methods work if I put C:UsersSamDesktop'filename'.'extension' in the destination. But I want the user to be able to select the destination without having to type a new file name.

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VS 2010 : Copying Contents But Not Whole Folder?

Mar 30, 2012

I am trying to show a list of folders then copy only the selected folders.It displays the folders correctly but copies only the contents not the folder itself, how can I correct this?

Display files

Private Sub ListDirs()
SrcFolder = (("\" & (OldPCTxtBx.Text) & "" & "C$"))
Dim dir As New IO.DirectoryInfo(SrcFolder)
For Each subFolders As IO.DirectoryInfo In dir.GetDirectories


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VS 2010 Add A Folder To Save A File?

May 29, 2012

This seems almost to easy to ask, but I must be missing something simple.I've added a folder in the project explorer, by right clicking>add>new folderBut when I run under debug, I am unable to save to that folder as it's not in the debug folder, I get:"A Generic error occurred in GDI+"In this code, the first line saves the bitmap fine (in the debug folder), the second line fails with the above alarm..

If Not value Is Nothing Then value.Save(Application.StartupPath & "Image.bmp")
If Not value Is Nothing Then value.Save(Application.StartupPath & "ImageImage.bmp")


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VS 2010 Change The Owner Of Folder?

Sep 6, 2011

how can i change the owner of folder

this will Explain

i got code that change the access to the folder and it's work but not with all folders

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VS 2010 Create Folder On Installation?

Feb 16, 2012

I posted this on the Deployment forum, but you guys reply so much faster


How can I create a folder on my Application Installation Path upon installing my application?

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VS 2010 Folder Security Permission?

May 16, 2012

I'm in the mid of creating a program that will get the security permissions of a certain folder/s but some properties of the security permissions of a certain folder I can't query or get the values. I'm using VB.NET 2010This what I want to get in every permissionApply to:This folder and subfoldersThis folder, subfolders and filesSubfolder and files

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VS 2010 Get File Names In Folder?

Jul 25, 2011

how to get the names of all the files in a folder (lets call it folderOne) ?

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VS 2010 ProgramData Folder (SpecialDirectories)

Oct 24, 2011

How can I write ProgramData path?


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VS 2010 Read File In Same Folder

Sep 16, 2011

Im trying to make a game launcher, and I want to have it first see if there are updates. I know this is a really simple problem, but I can't figure it out. This is the code. I want it to read the link.txt and version.txt in the same folder instead of C:/ Oh and make it so it unzips the update into the same folder, and replaces the old files for the new ones.


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