I am trying to show a list of folders then copy only the selected folders.It displays the folders correctly but copies only the contents not the folder itself, how can I correct this?
Display files
Private Sub ListDirs()
SrcFolder = (("\" & (OldPCTxtBx.Text) & "" & "C$"))
Dim dir As New IO.DirectoryInfo(SrcFolder)
For Each subFolders As IO.DirectoryInfo In dir.GetDirectories
I have a copying error with my program. I am trying to copy the internet cache folder, and the error states that some files cannont be copied (read only maybe?) How can i make it copy, or just skip the uncopyable files?
What I'm trying to achieve is for a file to be copied from a templates folder to a project folder. The project folder path is constructed using the selected item in a combo box and a list box. [Code]
I am having a hell of a time figuring out where I am going wrong in copying the contents of arrays to listboxes.
I am using textboxes to input team numbers and team names.
The code for that is as follows (used in a button after the data has been entered in the text boxes:
Teamname, Teamnumber and numteams have been previously declared as public variables (string,integer and integer) in a module as they are used throughout the project. Numteams has had a value ascribed to it in a previous form
ReDim Teamname(Numteams) ReDim Teamnumber(Numteams) Dim thisteam As Integer
I have had to put in the "" for the Teamname variable as otherwise I was getting an error saying "Value cannot be null". I am also not sure what is causing that.
When I do that, I get 0 in the listboxes for all the teamnumbers except the last one which is right and blank strings for the team names except for the last one which is also right.
how to copy the contents of an existing Access file stored in a location (for e.g. C:/test.mdb) to a different location (for e.g. C:/Myfolder/testcp.mdb)
I am currently creating a little application which will essentially backup my work I do at college. It works by me saving all my work onto a flash drive. When I run the application it will copy all the contents of the flash drive and copying to my college directory and when I'm at home copy to my Dropbox folder. This essentially gives me 4+ areas where my work is saved. Unfortunately, the college computers due to network restrictions and other problems, the use Dropbox on the college machines (I obviously can still access the website).
If I increase the capacity of a given list, or add elements until count>capacity, does this mean the program is actually copying the entire list's contents to a new space in memory (similar to redim preserve with arrays)? If so, than I have really been hurting the performance of my lists, as before I was inserting and adding without a second thought. This seems a strong restriction on the dynamic abilities of lists.
I am looking for a way to copy files from one folder to another, I've tried a few examples online but none seem to work. I need one that copies and replaces and one that only copies files which aren't already in the destination folder?
I would like to transfer files from an FTP site to my folder on C drive. For instance, I have an FTP site If I go thru my IE I can see the lsit of files in here. I can simply click on it and IE will ask me if I want to open it or Save it. I want to automatically download them into my folder on my HDD. can this be done thru VB.Net?
I want my application to look for a file in drive C's specific folder (say C:myFolderabc.mdb), if found just give a message if not, make the folder in drive C: and then copy the file.
I have a problem with the temporary internet files. I know how to locate the folder and all the rest, but I'm going to see what second c 'is in the folder with Explorer I see dozens of files, but when I go to see through code, I see only two files, index.dat and desktop.ini. I thought that the index.dat file is a kind of file that contains the files that I see through explorer, but it seems too light, and still do not know how to copy the files it contains.
Below is a tiny program I modified from an example Microsoft code tutorial. This program simply copies .flac and .mp3 files from one specified folder to another, and if the file is already there it simply does not copy the file. I would like to make 2 changes to the program:
How would I go about making the error handling work (i.e. not crashing the program when an invalid input is made)?Also, a big change I would like to make would be for it to copy the folder structure and all files in the original folder (At the moment, it only copies files that are directly in the original folder, not files that are in folders inside the original folder).
I have some XML files that are needed with my application, they are included in the project, I have the properties set to:Build Action: ContentCopy to Output: Copy if NewerWhen I publish, they get included with all the other setup files, but when it actually installs they are not getting copied to the output folder. (I also tried Copy Always and that didnt change it)
I have attached my code. It works in a cetain sense. Basically what this does is change the wallpaper every couple seconds. It sets the registry value for the wallpaper and then refreshes the screen. I also have it converting images from .jpg to .bmp and copying to a folder. The registry gets set, the images get copied to the folder and the wallpaper gets set as a random one(that all works). But it just displays a blank picture. If I manually select the picture from the display properties it doesn't display correctly either. I think the problem lays in the conversion process.
I'm trying to copy a file (pdftk.exe) from the Current Working Directory the VB.NET program is in.The file is to be copied to the Selected Path from the Folder Dialog Browser.I tried this code, but it seems it's not working
Imports System Imports System.IO Public Partial Class MainForm
I have an issue with the Windows permission system. And every time it tries to do something that needs a windows permission (to be ran as administrator) it fails !
At the moment I was trying to implement an updater which should download a file from an ftp site but because copying a file into one of the program files folder requires a permission I am not able to do this.
I want to copy and paste some files into the C:WindowsFonts Folder .These are just four small files for the font I need in my application , now a normal file copy procedure in vb.net wont work because it requires administrative privilledges
I am just learning Visual Basic and I am following along in a book called "Build a Program Now!".I have an application that is calling a database in SQL and there are instructions for copying the .mdf and .ldf files from the bin folder to the project folder that should allow any changes made in the running application to be reflected in the rows of the database.I have copied the files as per the instructions, but the changes are not showing in the database.
In word/excel/office programs when you press the file menu item at the bottom a list of files recently used are shown, i would like to do a similar thing but i would like to put files from a certain folder with a certain extension (.xml) into my file menu item so the user can select to view the files.
I think i need something like: For each file (extension .xml) in myFolder If menuItem = Nothing
im looking to delete all the files AND folders in My Documents. My things I do wont delete the folders.So I tried this, delete the My Documents folder instead, then recreate it.Here is the code I used.
'Delete MyDocs My.Computer.FileSystem.DeleteDirectory("c:\Documents and Settings\CYSuser\My Documents\", _ Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileIO.UIOption.OnlyErrorDialogs, _
Im getting the error
Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.FileIOPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed.Security authenications could not be handeled.
So, I have a little GUI setup with a Listbox and a Richtextbox.I want the Listbox to display all of the .txt files displayed within a folder I have defined, then when a ListBox item is selexted, it displays the contents of that file within the RTB
I am using vb.net with visual studio 2008. I have the need to have a user select a directory on a network drive to bring up a folder with a very extensive list of files. The file names within this directory are what I'm concerned with and I will need to write all these file names to a textfile in order to do a comparison with an existing text file. The user must be able to select this folder themselvesAt this point I am trying to use the openfiledialog box to open the folder however it is requiring that I select a specific file which is not my need. I need the whole folder.
I currently have a filter that is allowing all files. fdlg.Filter = "All files (*.*)|*.*|All (*.*) |*.*
I am current creating a file deleter in VB.net, although for some reason I am unable to get the contents of my folder on to the listbox, my code is as follows:
Public Class Form1 Dim dir = "C:UsersLimitedDesktop" Private Sub listbox()[code].....
I've got another problem. This time I am Trying to display the contents of a folder into a textbox:
Public Class Form1 Private Sub browseFolder_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles browseFolder.Click FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath = _ My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.MyDocuments
I know the line TextBox1.Text = FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath is not what I want to be doing, but thats the only thing I can get to work, but that just displays the folder path obviously. What I want is to display the contents of the selected folder into TextBox1
Is it possible for a webpage to popup a open folder dialog, ask the user to select a folder, then show the contents of that folder in a list(or something) in the webpage. It won't write to the files, only read them. The webpage is hosted remotely.