VS 2010 LINQ Accent Insensitive?

Jan 18, 2012

Is there a way to use LINQ to filter a DataTable for rows that contain particularcharacter but in a "Accent Insensitive" way? Search over the web I came with something like this:

Dim dt As DataTable = CType(BindingSource1.DataSource, DataTable)
Dim SearchVAlue As String
SearchVAlue = "e"


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Use DataTable.Select Expression But With Accent Insensitive Way?

Jan 17, 2012

Anyone here know how to use DataTable.Select expression but with with a Accent Insensitive way?[code]...

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.net - Case Insensitive String Compare In LINQ-to-SQL

May 8, 2009

I've read that it's unwise to use ToUpper and ToLower to perform case-insensitive string comparisons, but I see no alternative when it comes to LINQ-to-SQL. The ignoreCase and CompareOptions arguments of String.Compare are ignored by LINQ-to-SQL (if you're using a case-sensitive database, you get a case-sensitive comparison even if you ask for a case-insensitive comparison). Is ToLower or ToUpper the best option here? Is one better than the other? I thought I read somewhere that ToUpper was better, but I don't know if that applies here. (I'm doing a lot of code reviews and everyone is using ToLower.)


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Linq Join On Parameterized Distinct Key CASE INSENSITIVE?

Oct 7, 2010

To revisit a previous question with a further stipulation..Anyone know how to do the following, IGNORING CASE?


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VS 2010 List.Contains Case-insensitive Lookup

May 29, 2012

If I have a list of filenames in a list, how can I do a case-insensitive lookup?

Dim files As List(Of String) = IO.Directory.GetFiles(myFolder).ToList
If files.Contains(myFileName) Then
'do something
End If

The above snippet will only do a case sensitive search.

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VS 2010 Upgrade From 2008 To 2010 - Now LINQ - IntelliSense Is Not Working For LINQ Stuff

Apr 20, 2010

I just upgraded a project from VB 2008 to VB 2010. Before, the project did not use LINQ. I have started implementing it. So, I have updated the target framework from 2.0 to 3.5, and added a reference to System.Core, and imported the namespace System.LINQ to the entire project and also imported System.Data.LINQ into the form I'm working with (because it was not available in the list for Imported Namespaces in the references tab).

It's not throwing any errors now, but my IntelliSense is not working for LINQ stuff.

For example... I write this:


Then, if I type S. on the next line, the IntelliSense doesn't grab what it should for S (Only get Equals, GetHashCode, GetType, ReferenceEquals, and ToString, instead of the options I should get like Count, First, FirstOrDefault, etc...). If I Type S.First. then its the same thing, no IntelliSense that lists the available fields for S, just the standard options (Equals, GetHashCode, GetType, ReferenceEquals, and ToString). I should be seeing my column names in my table when I type S.FirstOrDefault.

So any ideas what is going on? When I type the code, for example, MessageBox.Show(S.FirstOrDefault.FirstName), it works perfectly. But it doesn't change the casing of the text (so it would read s.firstordefault.firstname) and no intellisense while doing it. But no errors. BTW - Everything works perfectly when creating a NEW VS 2010 application, it's just my projects upgraded from Visual Basic 2008 that have this issue.

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Auto-Login And Acute Accent

Sep 28, 2011

I'm having a trouble with creating an Auto-Login(VBNET) this is part of the website source :


I also tried using other webrowsers for vbnet like WebKitBrowser and gecko but nothing happens.

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Display A Grave Accent In A Textbox?

Aug 4, 2009

On a postback I'm setting the value of one of my textboxes to a grave accent. This is causing a bunch of the HTML that follows to be shown in the textbox instead of the grave accent.

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Cannot Transfer French Accent Characters From SQL To MS Word

Mar 10, 2009

I have a button on a web page labeled "Send to MS Word" that redirects to an .aspx page that on-load includes the following:
Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-word"

Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "inline;filename=""BOC ScoreCard.doc""")I also build a Dataset that gets info from an MS SQL database. The information within the database includes French Accent Characters, for example: When the user clicks the button, everything works ok except the French Accent Characters.

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Case Insensitive Contains Method

Oct 29, 2009

I am using the contains method to look through an array to find matches, however I notice that when I use it it is case sensitive. Is there another method I can use to do a case insensitive search or some way to modify the contains method to search case insensitively? [code]

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Get Filenames Case Insensitive?

Sep 9, 2011

I am using this code to get a list of files in a folder:

Dim files() As String = (From file In New IO.DirectoryInfo(myFolder).GetFiles Where file.Extension = ".exe" Select file.Name).ToArray

This works fine, but the problem is that it selects only files with the extension of "exe" & skips files that have an "EXE" extension. Is there any way to make it case-insensitive, to make it return any combination of upper/lower case letters in the extension?

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How To Make WPF Case-insensitive

Jul 21, 2010

I dislike WPF's inability to interpret text in a case-insensitive way.Are there any tools (i.e. VS plugins) out there that will take my VB .NET code and handle the case-sensitivity issues for me?Edit: Now with examples.


<Dockpanel DockPanel.Dock="Bottom">
<Label Content="(c) blahblah" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="Label2" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Opacity=".75" Background="White" DockPanel.Dock="bottom"/>


<DockPanel DockPanel.Dock="Bottom">
<Label Content="(c) blahblah" HorizontalAlignment="Left" Name="Label2" VerticalAlignment="Bottom" Opacity=".75" Background="White" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom"/>

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C# - Case-sensitive Vs Insensitive Languages?

Nov 28, 2010

visual basic.net is case insensitive so it allows the coder to write without caring or remembering the casing of variables. it also relieves from the 'undeclared variable' errors if you use the variable in another case than the one used in declaration. The fact that its line termination is a line feed makes it even more readable unlike C# or c++ that need good care in the casing and contineous war with following up with the {}, matching them and figuring out which is for which.

my question is what are the advantages of c# over vb knowing that both get compiled to MSIL so there is almost no performance difference between the two languages?

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Case Insensitive Dictionary Not Working?

Jun 15, 2011

I have spend a couple of hours trying to figure out why my generic Dictionary(Of String, String) is not ignoring case.Here is my code:

Dim test As New System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(Of String, String)(System.StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
test.Add("FROG", "1")


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Case Insensitive Web Reference Enumeration

Apr 15, 2012

I created a Web Reference (also tried Service Reference) to a WSDL that had the following node inside an xsd:
<xs:element name="filter">
<xs:choice minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded">
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="condition" />
<xs:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="unbounded" ref="filter" />
[Code] .....

This wouldn't build in a VB project because VB.NET is case insensitive. I tried deleting one set of and/or, but when the XML is created, it simply ignores the selected value. I also tried appending an X at the end of one the sets which also failed. Is there a way to make this work? I also tried updating the XSD so it just had two values without success. The interesting thing to note is that default is set to "and" and while debugging it will set it to and, it doesn't actually produce the node attribute of it just generates.

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Create A Case-Insensitive TextBox?

Feb 27, 2009

I have a TextBox that need to be case-insensitive. For example, I have this. If searchTextBox.Text = "Park" Then... I need results back if "Park" is typed or "park".

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Overcome XML Case Sensitive - Insensitive?

Jan 6, 2012

I have a project to read xml files. It comes from a web service. But it can come sometimes with different attributes.

The standart xml file is like this:
<xml ....>
<car carname="Opel">Opel


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Process Name Check Needs To Be Case Insensitive

Oct 25, 2009

I put this at the top of my project:
Option Compare Text

Here is the sub that contains the process name check:
Sub AC3()
Dim ProcessList As System.Diagnostics.Process()
ProcessList = System.Diagnostics.Process.GetProcesses()
Dim Proc As System.Diagnostics.Process
For Each Proc In ProcessList
[Code] .....

No errors, but it only checks the lowercase hack/cheat/inject. I need it to be case insensitive when checking it.

Figured it out and tested and it works. I put, right after dim procname...
procname = procname.ToLower()
works great.

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Using String.Contains With Case-insensitive Arguments?

Dec 8, 2006

Is there any way to use Dim Str as String = "UPPERlower"Str.Contains("UpperLower") and have it return true?

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Array.FindAll Case Insensitive Strings?

Dec 27, 2011

I am working on a program for a client and will need a feature to search for strings from an array without case sensitivity. This currently works, but it is case sensitive. I commented out the code for readability.

' Declare array for goldSmithingExpertise and add items.
Dim goldsmithingExpertise() As String = {"Alluring Earrings", "Alluring Ring", "Alluring Belt", "Howling Staff", "Dawn Ring", _
"Melancholy Earrings", "Melancholy Belt", "Melancholy Ring", "Jubilant Ring", "Jubilant Earrings", _


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Case Sensitive/insensitive Search Text In A String?

Sep 8, 2010

I've been using text.indexof() to see if a string is located inside another string, however is it it possible to do a case sensitive/insensitive search option? I've been looking around Google and not having much luck with it.

A huge bonus would be if it could count the number of occurrences inside the string!

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Filter By File Extension - Check For .jpg .gif .png All Case Insensitive?

Jun 10, 2009

I am searching through files and only want to include files with certain extensions. Right now I have what is below but it would be stupid to do it that way for 3 or more file types and it isn't completely case insensitive.

If ext = ".jpg" Or ext = ".JPG" Then

I want to check for .jpg .gif .png all case insensitive.

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Ignoring Hyphen In Case Insensitive Dictionary Keys?

May 31, 2012

I have a case insensitive dictionary in asp.net/vb.net like this:

Dim caseInsensitiveDictionary = New Dictionary(Of String, Single)(StringComparer.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
it holds values like this


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Regex In 2005 For Case Insensitive Registry Search

Dec 15, 2009

I've recently learnt that Regex class maybe used to develop case insensitive searches. I have a registry search program that will return only the exact matches from the registry. I need to make it case insensitive. how to do that using regular expressions in vb.net 2005. Im posting my code below:

Sub SearchSubKeys(ByVal root As RegistryKey, ByVal searchKey As String)
Dim matchtype As String = Nothing
Dim str(5) As String


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VS 2008 Unable To Do A Case-insensitive Query On A Table?

Jul 13, 2009

I'm having trouble when trying to do a case-insensitive query on a table. Right now the query is:

txtQuery = "SELECT Status, RankingSearchEngines FROM [tbl-DATA-Client-Keywords] WHERE [Client-ID-Code] = '" & clientNo & "' AND lower(Keyword) LIKE '" & sField(0) & "';"

The actual query executed is:

SELECT Status, RankingSearchEngines FROM [tbl-DATA-Client-Keywords] WHERE [Client-ID-Code] = '1402' AND lower(Keyword) LIKE 'flyer printing';

I have an entry 'Flyer Printing' in the database, and this query works perfectly without the case-insensitive check.I'm not sure if this is an OleDB issue, as I've never had this sort of problem with SQLPlus, or anything else

The exception being thrown is:

IErrorInfo.GetDescription failed with E_FAIL(0x80004005).

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VS 2010 Linq And Datasets

Sep 19, 2010

Checked out the video on MS website by Beth Massi and downloaded the project.

One query she uses this statement,[code...]

I'm I missing a reference or something? This is an Access DB, does that make a difference?

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VS 2010 LINQ To SQL Group By?

Nov 16, 2011

In proper sql my query would be something like:

select c.id, c.name, count(i.id)
from cats c, items i
where c.id=i.catid


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VS 2010 Use Take() With Linq Expression?

Aug 6, 2011


var query1 = ((from c in dt.AsEnumerable()
orderby c.Field<int>("1") descending
select c));
var query2 = (from c in query1.Take(10)
select c);


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2010 : Save XML File Using Linq?

Sep 18, 2010

I need to create an application that is able to modify the XML elements value.I have an XML file which was created by another to be used for flash movie which has the following layout:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>


As you can see there is this string "™" on <gd02>. My question is, whenever I save the file, the code changed to "TM" which is fine for most cases. But I need it to stay the same because apparently flash will not display the superscript "TM" if not using the code. How can I do this?

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VS 2010 Average Time In LinQ?

Apr 9, 2011

I need help on how can I transfer a query from Access to LinQ that calculate the average in time per transaction during a given date.the working Access query is:

Avg(DateDiff("s",CVDate(Format([start_time],"hh:nn:ss")),CVDate(Format([finish_time],"hh:nn:ss")))) AS Expr1, Format([Expr1]3600,"00") & ":" & Format(([Expr1]60) Mod 60,"00") & ":" & Format([Expr1] Mod 60,"00") AS format
How can I port this to LinQ?

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