VS 2010 : Limiting Values In A Textbox?

Apr 25, 2012

I have a textbox called textbox1. I wanted to limit it to only two characters, so I added the code TextBox1.MaxLength() = 2, however this textbox is for user input and only want to allow numeral values 0-99. And if the user entered a non-numerical value an exception would occur so I need help on to handle that.

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VS 2010 Limiting Values In A Textbox?

May 12, 2012

I have a textbox called textbox1. I wanted to limit it to only two characters, so I added the code TextBox1.MaxLength() = 2, however this textbox is for user input and only want to allow numeral values 0-99. And if the user entered a non-numerical value an exception would occur

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Limiting Values In An Object Property?

Dec 15, 2009

I have a class called Item which contains all the information about all parts, finished goods, in process parts (parts made on site), purchased parts, and raw materials.

I have a Bill of Materials table which has the following columns (reflected in the BOM class)


Parent Items can only be Items which have subcomponents.

Child Items can be parts that are made on site, purchased parts that are bought ready made from other companies, or raw materials used to make a part that is made on site.

Parent Items and child Items both inherit the Items class.

I will limit the Parent item class to only items that are in the parent column of the BOM table. I believe I can limit that by doing a quick look up on a view which only shows the parent items.

I will limit the Child Item Class to only items that are in the child column of the BOM table. Same method to limit it by doing a quick look up on a view that shows only the child items.

That way, an instance of the BOM class will have all the detail information about any of it's components available whenever I need them.

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Limiting Textbox To Numbers Only?

Feb 20, 2012

I've made a lot of progress on my project. Only question I have now is how do I limit a textbox to only allow users to input numbers and one decimal point? The point of the decimal point is to make it currency. So if the answer of my calculation is 56.56566 I only want it to be $56.57.

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Limiting A Textbox To Enter 10 Digit Number Only?

Oct 15, 2011

how can i limit a user to enter 10 digit no like telephone no in textbox without using regular expressions?

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Limiting Textbox To Enter 10digit Number Only?

Oct 9, 2011

how can i limit a user to enter just 10 digit number (minimum 8 but not more than that 10 in any case) in a textbox(like telephone no)?

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VS 2008 Limiting The Characters In A Masked Textbox?

Mar 17, 2009

How do i limit the amount of characters in a masked textbox? I can do it in a normal textbox but not in a masked textbox because there is no option to limit the size.

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Limiting The Number Of Characters Can Enter Into A Windows Forms Textbox?

Jan 28, 2012

Assuming that I have a Windows Forms textbox and want to reduce the maximum amount of characters that can be allowed in via user entry, how would I do that?

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VS 2010 Limiting Function Time

Nov 29, 2011

Currently I have calculated that one of my functions executes 62 times per second (on average). How can I limit this to say exactly 50 times a second (every time)?

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Calculate Two Textbox Values In Vb 2010?

May 25, 2012

how to calculate "InvTotalTextBox" and "InvDiscountTextBox" values then show the result in "InvNetTextBox"..?

how can i do..?

three TextBoxes in a form
InvTotalTextBox, InvDiscountTextBox and InvNetTextBox
InvTotalTextBox is Binding with Table Field "InvTotal"


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VS 2010 - How To Save Textbox Values To XML

Mar 7, 2011

I use this code to save some TextBox values to XML, but when I try to save some more, it overwrite the first one. What am I supposed to do in order to save more contacts?

Imports System
Imports System.Xml
Private Sub ProsthikiBTN3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ProsthikiBTN3.Click
Dim settings As New XmlWriterSettings()
settings.Indent = True
[Code] ......

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VS 2010 Calculation From Textbox Values

Jan 25, 2012

I have 5 textboxes named as txt1, txt2, txt3, txt4, txt4. Only numbers are allowed in these fields. I have another textbox named txtSubTotal which is calculated (SUM) from the values entered in the above five textboxes. What is the best way to calculate totals when numbers are entered or modified in any of the five textboxes?

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VS 2010 Limit Values In A Textbox?

May 13, 2012

So far I have code for a textbox that limits the value entered by a user to two value places. However, I would like to limit the value entered by a user to numerical values only. And to handle any exceptions that go along with it.

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VS 2010 Populate Textbox With List Of All Values Within Specified Registry Key?

Jul 20, 2011

I want to enumerate all of the values within a given registry subkey (for example 'HKLMSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionRun')

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VS 2010 - Draw A Bar Chart Based On The Five Values Getting From The User Via Textbox?

Jul 11, 2010

I trying to draw a bar chart based on the five values getting from the user via textbox...When i run this program no error is occured, but the chat is drawn...Can anyone please help me out in this regard.

here is the code i have so far


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VS 2010 - Reading Text File And Returning Values To Textbox

Apr 17, 2011

I've a got a homework assignment that chooses one of four values in a list box, stores it in a text file. Secondly, on the display click event it should access the text file, read the line, store it in a variable and then display the totals in a text box. Works sort of fine except that it doesn't display the totals correctly. Code for both buttons is below. The variable are assigned in the mainform (Tried also in the display button and didn't change anything). The save button works fine and stores fine in the text file, it's just the reading that's the problem.

Private Sub saveButton_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles saveButton.Click
'save the new vote choices to a file
Dim votes As IO.StreamWriter
votes = IO.File.AppendText("votes.txt")
Dim voteSelected As String = CStr(commercialListBox.SelectedIndex)
[Code] .....

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Link Textbox Values To Resource Values?

May 25, 2009

I'm using a pattern of buttons verticle, & horizonal, to produce a 2 dimensional matrix (6 deep, 25 wide .) The sequence is repeating, but offset from horizonal line to line. the values are 1 thru 12. there are corresponding files in the "My.resources." file carrying names related to the buttons. If the "my. Resources" filename is say.., "1,3,4,6,8,9,11,12 " & the buttons pushed have produduced the string "1","4","6" then the prestated file carries all these values, and therefore should be selected. All integers of the textbox list must be present in a "my.resources" file to show the file. There will be multiple files in the resource file that will fit. (My ultimate intention is to show all files that fit, somehow. I'll have to, eventually. I'm still writing this, and changing it constantly. )the question is, "How do I get the computer to link the textbox integers to the resources files? Textbox = "1", "4", "6" to My.Resources.1,3,4,6,8,9,11,12

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VB 2008 Textbox Values Will Be Shown In Different Textbox

Nov 15, 2011

I'm creating a Multiplayer LAN game in VB 2008 here is what I wanted to do I created a textbox named txtbuttons.text. If I inputed a value, for example 23856 in the textbox.The Values will be distributed in different textboxes.

Value of txtbutton.text = 23856
2 will be distributed to txtAns.text
3 will be distributed to txtAns2.text
8 will be distributed to txtAns3.text
5 will be distributed to txtAns4.text
6 will be distributed to txtAns5.text

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VB 2008 Textbox Values Will Be Shown In Different Textbox?

Mar 15, 2012

I'm creating a Multiplayer LAN game in VB 2008 here is what I wanted to do I created a textbox named txtbuttons.text. If I inputed a value, for example 23856 in the textbox.The Values will be distributed in different textboxes.

Value of txtbutton.text = 23856
2 will be distributed to txtAns.text
3 will be distributed to txtAns2.text


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Limiting Access To A DLL In .NET

Feb 12, 2010

I write in-house software for a company. I always want to leverage OOP techniques as best as I can. In this thinking, I want to create a Data Access Layer (DAL) isolated in its own .DLL. What can I do to limit the access of the DAL DLL to only my business logic layer DLL? The last thing I need is someone in the company with a little programming knowledge plus access to the system (via Active Directory) to install .NET Express, reference my .DLL, and start firing off data access code outside of the real system. Are there any .NET mechanisms I can employ to limit a DLL to be used only by a pre-selected host application/DLL?

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Limiting The Size Of A RTB?

Jan 30, 2011

My application allows the user to enter text into a RTB including all the various text font, size, etc changes. The user then prints that data onto a label. I got from my previous posts, I can print that on my label Each sheet has four labels, 3x5 inches. I print landscape and adjust margins to select the right label.But I want to limit the amount of text the usr can enter to the amount that will fit on the label. In essence, what I would like the user to see is a virtual label on the screen that they can type data into and get exactly the same formatting on the label when they print it.

I found several (mostly old) articles about linking the RTB to the printer, but nothing on how to set and limit the size of the RTB to the exact size of the label.

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Limiting FPS To Screen Refresh?

Apr 19, 2009

I have made a game (real time strategy) and it is running rather fast on my 3 GHz quad 8800 GTX, namely, it runs around 200 FPS usually when there are like 80 units and tanks in a forest fighting.

I would like to limit the FPS. So far my limitation code is pretty buggy... it does limit, but wrongly:

Private Sub LoopGame()
Do While GameIsNotPaused
FPS += 1


Also, after I solve this weird issue, should I set the value to monitor's refresh value which is usually 60 Hz on LCDs? Or should I set it to 30 or what ?

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Limiting The User Input?

Nov 21, 2010

sample of codes that i use to insert the data in my table, it works just fine but the problem is that i cant limit my user for example from entering null values, or integers into string or strings into integer,,,,, I also ask for assistance on how to handle any errors in my system from crashing.

Dim conn As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Application.StartupPath & "MOMSTEST.mdb;")
Dim Comm As New OleDb.OleDbCommand


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Sql - Meaningful String Limiting?

Oct 10, 2011

I've got rows in my table that contain text anywhere between 31 character and 281 characters long.Rather than display all this text in my table on my webpage, I'd like to limit this text to a few characters long so as to identify it to the user.What I've done is select left(ColumnName, 30) but this way is fairly ugly on the page as it cuts off the text in the middle of words.

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Getting Textbox Values From Textbox Array?

Jun 22, 2010

I have created a textbox array based on the number of 'Channels' on another form. This number dictates how many textboxes (and other controls) to add to my new form.

I expect the user to type in their 'type' of channel into each textbox.

The thing I am having problems with is once the user types in the information, how do I access the data and store it for a future form?

Here is my code (once again excuse my programming skills):

Public Class Fixture1Setting
Dim labels As New List(Of Label)
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Forms :: Limiting Sends Within Form?

Dec 14, 2011

i got a program that has clients send self typed messages via gmail and i want to be able to limit everyones use of this so they dont try to spam me, i want to make it so they can only send 1 from their computer every 12 hours how would i do this?

also i would like to make sure that one of the boxes they fill in has indeed been filled in with at least 20 characters before they can click the send button, hoping this would prevent ppl from sending blank messages

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Limiting A Text Changed Event?

Jun 11, 2009

I have an number of text boxes and comboboxes on different forms. I have textchanged events which trigger a msgbox if the user enters invalid data(i.e. the number they enter is to big or to small). Is their a simple way to make the program not call the textchanged event when the form is loaded and the boxes get their initial value? Second is their a way to make the textchanged only be triggered when the user enters data not when the program clears the boxes?

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Limiting Array Size Through Class?

May 29, 2009

Is it possible to have a UD Class that can limit how big it can grow as an array?

for example:dim var(10) as class this would throw an exception cause the class will only grow up to 5 elements.dim var(4) as class valid cause it is under the 5 element rule dim var(4, 10) as class invalid cause the 2nd dimension is above the 5 element rule. (would throw exception)

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Limiting ComboBox Based On Database

Mar 30, 2012

I want to limit the number of students (60) that will be enrolled in one section and prompt a message that it surpass the limit. I inserted it in my combobox1

Here's my code :
strsql = "select * from Schedulings where Sections = '" & ComboBox1.Text & "'"
Dim acscmd As New OleDb.OleDbCommand
acscmd.CommandText = strsql
acscmd.Connection = asconn
acsdr = acscmd.ExecuteReader()
It doesn't work. How should I do it?

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Limiting The Number Of Items In A List Box?

May 19, 2011

Does anyone know how to add a limit to the number of items in a list box? For example, you can't add more than 10 items in ListBox1.

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