VS 2010 NetSpell.Spellchecker Control In 2010

Apr 14, 2011

Does anyone use or has anyone used the NetSpell spellchecker control by loresoft in a vb.net program? It was used in a program at work that originally was written in vb.net 2003 or 2005, but now has been upgraded to vb 2010.

When doing a spell check, there's a Save/Edit button for making edits and saving them. This apparently worked in previous versions of visual studio but it crashes the program in vs 2010. If anyone has used this control and has any information on why parts of it may not work or what could fix the Save/Edit function from crashing,

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VS 2010 Spell Checker (NetSpell) Use The Richtextbox On The Main Form?

Nov 30, 2010

i am trying to convert netspell to VB.Net so instead of using the pop up dialog, i want it to use the richtextbox on the main form. I have nearly finished converting the whole project, but i have encountered a few errors, these are listed bellow.

Error11Property 'InnerHash' is 'ReadOnly'.C:UsersThomas Brentnalldocumentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsNetSpellVB.NetNetSpellVB.NetDictionaryAffixAffixRuleCollection.vb41113NetSpellVB.Net
Error12Property 'InnerHash' is 'ReadOnly'.C:UsersThomas Brentnalldocumentsvisual studio


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Looping Through A List For A Spellchecker?

Jun 27, 2012

I am looping through a list for a spellchecker in vb.net (using vs 2010). I want to go through a wrongly spelled word list. Each time the code picks the index that's one higher than the index of the last checked word.

In my version of notquiteVB/Pythonese I think it would translate something like:

(start loop)
dim i as Integer = 0
dim word as String


But this doesn't work at all...when it gets to the last item in the list and reaches 'word = ' it throws the error of 'out of range -- must be less than the size of the collection'.

How do you get the last item in a list? Maybe lists aren't what VB uses for this kind of thing?

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Found The Root Of The PowerPoint SpellChecker Bug?

Apr 12, 2012

In PowerPoint (2007 at least, but probably others), it refuses to spell check "some" text in some shapes.

I thought it was the type of shape, so changed them, this didn't fix it. So I did some experiments moving what I called "infected" text into a few boxes and saw that it was somehow attached to the text.

Taking a very simple file with known infected and uninfected sections I converted the .pptx to a .zip and opened .pptslidesslide1.xml In here text which won't spell check is inclosed with:

<a:rPr noProof="1" Text which is spelt ok, or had "ignore" pressed in inclosed with:
<a:rPr dirty="0" smtClean="0" ...
And missspelled text, that was found with:
<a:rPr dirty="0" smtClean="0" err="1" ...

I found and deleted all the noProof="1"s in the file, returned it to the countainer and opened the presentation. and everything spell check as I would expect it should, all errors in all boxes were found, without damaging the file. After saving it, I reopened the silde1.xml and found dirty="0" smtClean="0" or dirty="0" smtClean="0" err="1" in the correct places.

Now the question is, how do I use this new found knowledge to fix a file, without manualy exstracting all the slide#.xml files, opening them in a text editor and using "Replace" to fix them? That process of exstraction could be automated, but if it is possible to do from VBA within PowerPoint it would be easier.

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Vb 2008 : Ms Office Xp Word Spellchecker Small Glitch?

Mar 22, 2012

This code block of a larger program uses ms office xp spell checker. It works except, after running spell checker it brings up the word screen for a few seconds then it resumes vb session. Is there a way to not have this happen. It happens right after clicking
CHANGE in the spell checker dialog box that comes up (ms words spell checkr).

Imports Microsoft.Office.Interop
Public Class frmEditor
Dim wordObj As Word.Application


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VS 2010 Associate A Listview Control With An Imageview Control To Display Images?

Feb 15, 2010

I have been able to associate a listview control with an imageview control to display images. There are a couple of things, I would like to do.

1> How do I display the image in the second column? 2> How do I increase the size of the image getting displayed? My images are all 48 x 48 (pixels), but they keep shrinking.

Option Explicit On
Imports System.IO


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VS 2010 Changing Control Parent Property Changes Control Location Position?

Feb 16, 2011

I'm trying to make a program with transparent labels over pictureboxes and when I set the label Parent to the PictureBox the position of the label changes.

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VS 2010 Setting Control Events To A Control That Doesn't Exist Yet

Jul 23, 2011

I am looking how to set events to a webrowser which is being created by the following:


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VS 2010 Visual Basic 2010 And Crystal Reports 2010?

Oct 2, 2010

When trying to import CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine, and CrystalDecisions.Shared. I'm getting a green line. What might be the problem?

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VS 2010 Involved VB 2010 And Visual Studio 2010 (WPE PRO)?

Jan 8, 2012

I'm new to visual basic, used it for a few months. My friend is addicted to using a program called Wpe Pro [URL].. and he wanted me to make it more advanced and able to do more stuff.if you no anything about this program please message me

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VS 2010 Using Tab Control?

Aug 23, 2011

On visual studio how do you go about using tab control?I think I made a bit of a mistake in building a form first but now I want to move some of the features of it onto a second tab.I've implimented tab control with two boxes and figured out how to rename them but how do I decide which features show up when each tab is pressed?

View 8 Replies

How Use MS Chart Control With VS 2010

Dec 21, 2009

How use MS chart control with VS 2010?What name reference link I need add to project for use MS chart.I don't see MS chart control in "Toolbox" in VS 2010, what I need do for I will see MS chart control in "Toolbox".If any body can send me link to simple sample "use MS chart in VS 2010".

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VS 2010 : Get The Control.Name At Designtime?

Jan 22, 2011

i have to port some projects to .net and of course rebuild some custom controls i made over the years.I have a control based on a simple panel and doing some drawing stuff on it.When the control is thrown on a form, i just want to draw a text with the controls name (<GroupPanel1>).But accessing the controls <Name> property always returns me an empty string.In the designer the control is named correct with <GroupPanel1>.

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VS 2010 : Use IE OutSide Of WebBrowser Control?

Feb 2, 2012

I have the problem that alot of people have when using a webbrowser control, where it will no release memory...How do i communicate with IE window that is already open outside of my app?

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VS 2010 Control In Excel?

Mar 25, 2012

It is very well written in books to use the classes, created in VS2010, in Excel. I want to create a control (a class with user interface) in VS2010 and use it in Excel 2007 or Excel 2010. Please suggest me any literature as a starting point.

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VS 2010 Control Transparency?

Mar 29, 2011

I've making a program that must crop 20 squares out of a larger image that is in a picturebox. Now I've created a Draggable rectangle control and set it's Background to transparent. This is working (kindof).

Now I have set my control to doublebuffered = true and it Removes tha annoying flicker.My problem is that doublebuffering creates a new problem. My control's parent is a picturebox with a large picture inside.When I move my control over the picture to select the area to be cropped it updates slowly I.E The control Is in a new area but it still displays the old area and then updates which is annoying.If you want to see for yourself create a new project with a picturebox with a Image inside with my Control as a child of the picturebox.


I have thought of possible solutions but they might well be much slower.#1 Copy the part of the picturebox that is under the control and paste it on my control.#2 Somehow eliminate the backcolor property thus eliminating the need to paint something over the control and only paint needed parts .

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VS 2010 DataTable Control

Sep 10, 2011

When I dispay data sets in a Datetable control. It started with showing the focus on first cell ( i.e. cell(0,0)). How can I set the initial focus to other cell (say cel(3,4))?

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VS 2010 DateTimePicker Control

Nov 18, 2010

Basically, I have a form. It has two datetimepickers which both have the format of "dd MMMM yyyy hh:mm:ss"..However, I want to be able to do some calculations with them and return a format of: "ddd dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss" with the milliseconds but not sure how to show the milliseconds. And how to do the calculations..A date and time gets entered in the datetimepicker of "18 November 2010 02:59:07"And in the other one the data may be: "20 November 2010 01:59:07"..I want to be able to find the difference between them - including the milliseconds, seconds, minutes, hours, year, month and date. etc..I have looked through the internet however, nothing uses a datetimepicker [code]I currently have this, it returns the number of different fields, but not sure how I can convert this into a readable time/date.

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VS 2010 How To WebBrowser Control

Dec 6, 2011

I cannot tell you how disappointed I am in the vb.net Web Browser Control. It really seems very ill thought out and rushed.So; to my question! I have searched all over the place in an attempt to find the answer to this and from what I can see alot of individuals are suggesting that it is better to use the old web browser control from VB6. However, i'd like to try to avoid this.

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VS 2010 If Then Else Control Structure

Nov 18, 2010

I am currently working on a program for my class. The user puts in two numbers into two separate text boxes and then my program takes those numbers and puts them through several arithmetic equations such as sum, difference, product, etc and displays them in a listbox. I have that part of it done. Now I have to make it so the users can only enter numbers ranging from 1 to 10 in each listbox. If they enter anything besides that I need a message box to show up telling them to only enter numbers between 1 and 10.


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VS 2010 Locking A Control?

Mar 12, 2011

In Visual Basic 6, locking a control would prevent the user from selecting a control without greying it out like disabling it would. Is there a way of doing this in Visual Basic 2010?

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VS 2010 On Tab Control Select?

Sep 5, 2010

VS 2010 On Tab Control Select

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VS 2010 Take Screenshot Of Control?

May 24, 2012

I have a control on the form where I want a screenshot from. Let's say I have a webcontrol added and navigated to [URL]

How do I create a screenhot of only the webbrowser control? (So no region selector, what-so-ever. Nothing manually)

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2010 Express & WebBrowser Control

Oct 14, 2010

I have some questions about the Windows.Forms.WebBrowser control.I have added this control to my project to be able to browse websites internally.First problem is that when I come into a webpage that contains JavaScript to open a new window, the control opens a new instance of iexplore.exe, tries to load the page in which the java script popup code initiated, but then prompts for authentication for a second time.Basically, I have to sign into one page to get to a listing of applications.I click on the application which in turn is just a URL to another page.The URL to the other page contains java script to open a new window.The new window opens in an iexplore.exe process, but re-directs me to the original sign in window instead of taking me to the correct site.If I do a msgbox on the cookie that is currently loaded, it displays my authentication information.How do I tell the new iexplore.exe processes to use the cookie that was stored in the webbrowser control?

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Bug In Webbrowser Control, Vb Express 2010 (.net)?

Nov 3, 2010

im using a WebBrowser control to auto fill a form in a page... i can access some properties of the <INPUT> html object, but when i try to set the Value property of this object VB fails and send me an error... i tried the SAME CODE in VB 6 and functions perfectly..Im using VB NET EXPRESS 2010

Private Sub Form1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Click
Dim Obj As Object
For Each Obj In Web.Document.All


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Control A Webbrowser Openfiledialog VB 2010

Jul 2, 2011

Is it possible to control a openfiledialog which opens in the webbrowser ( example: [URL]) i want to automaticly fill in the filelocation and than click 'Open'

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Control System Volume In VB 2010?

Nov 21, 2010

How can I control the Computers volume inside visual basic? (like you have the speaker icon and when you click on it Volume scroll thing) at the bottom left of Windows, but I want it in my program. I am running Windows 7 (if that makes any difference

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Using The Same ActiveX Control In Different Forms: 2010?

Aug 11, 2011

I am writing a customized data acquisition application in VB2010. The maker of the data acquisition hardware has provided an ActiveX control that has methods, properties, and events that can be used to interface with the hardware device.My problem is that I'd like to reference the same control (ideally the same instance of the control) on multiple forms.

To begin, it is necessary to initialize the device, sending the control information like sample rate, number of channels, etc. Then you can use methods to start or stop getting data and read properties, like the number of samples taken, or an array of the
actual data. The device also provides events, like a DataReady event that fires when a certain number of samples have been taken, and a DeviceError event that fires if the device is not present.

My program will have several forms:

1) a main menu that opens on startup and that should initialize the unit and determine whether it is present.

2) a daily check form that will get values from the device to determine whether the electronics are good.

3) a test setup form that will get values from the device to zero (tare) the input channels.

4) a run test form that will acquire and process the actual test data.

If I include separate instances of the control on each form, I need to initialize and stop the control when the forms open and close. I started to build an interface class that the forms could share and that would deal with all of the methods, but I get tripped up trying to pass the control's events back to the form.

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Visual Studio 2010 - How To Add A Control

Dec 23, 2011

I want to add ImageListView Control which I found from here and here in myVB.net application. I tried adding the dll file to my project references (and rebuild-ed the project) but it is not showing up in my toolbox.

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VS 2010 - Adding Tab Control To Form

Oct 17, 2010

When I am trying to add a QTabControl to my form, I get this error:
Type universe cannot resolve assembly: System.Design, Version=1.0.5000.0, Culture=neutral,PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a

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