VS 2010 Object Property Gets Unwnated Change?

May 25, 2012

I'm creating an new class object with a property that holds a generic List(of Singles).After creating this object, I change this generic list. Since I didn't pass that list as ByRef in the New-Procedure, I would expect to already created object instance NOT to change, but that not the case. Where am I wrong?

Public Class clVessel
Public Sub New(ByVal ID As Integer, ByVal Frequencies As List(Of Single))


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Change The Property Value Of An Object

May 19, 2012

I have a qeustion where i made a function that changes the property value of an object. the objects + alias are stored in an array (Objects()) , if the var (NewValue) has a value then it checks the property type and converts the Newvalue and inputs it.


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Change Property Of An Inherited Object

Oct 31, 2010

On form1 I put a picturebox from the toolbox.[code]Is it possible to set picturebox.visible=true of the inherited picturebox?

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Automatically Change Text Property Of An Object?

Feb 13, 2010

How do I transfer the value of a variable and place it into the text property of an object on form load?

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Forms :: Object Property Change In Combobox?

Apr 7, 2010

I am working on a project that uses lots of custom class objects.Before starting work on real project, I tested the object behaviour on a temporary project. And find that if i add the object to a list and combobox and then make any change to the object property then it reflects in list and combobox.But after using the same process in real project the change does not reflect. Why?Also, how can i update object property placed in the combobox.

for eg.
Class X has property id and name
created objX of type Class X and set id=1 and name='All'


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Syntax To Change The Value Of A Cached Object Property?

Jun 6, 2010

In an ASP.NET 3.5 VB web app, I successfully manage to cache an object containing several personal details such as name, address, etc. One of the items is CreditNum which I'd like to change in the cache on the fly. Is there a way to access this directly in the cache or do I have to destroy and rebuild the whole object just to change the value of objMemberDetails.CreditNum?The cache is set using:

Public Shared Sub CacheSet(ByVal key As String, ByVal value As Object)
Dim userID As String = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name
HttpContext.Current.Cache(key & "_" & userID) = value
End Sub

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VS 2008 Change The Property Of A Created Object

Apr 24, 2009

how do i change the property of a created object in the timer event? In other words i have a button that creates a panel for me, in a time event i want to change the created panels to a different backcolor, how would i do this?

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Interface And Graphics :: Change The Backcolor Property Of An Object To A Rgb Value?

Dec 8, 2004

How can i change the backcolor property of an object to an rgb value?

i do as it says in the help:

dim ink as long
ink = rgb(233,126,190)
lblInkPot.BackColor = ink

but i get the error "Value of type "Long" cannot be converted to "system.drawing.color"", but it specifically tells you in help to use "long"...

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VS 2010 "Object Reference" Error When Adding Object To List (Of T) Property

Apr 25, 2011

I have a class that has a property that I declare like this:

Private _DirectoryList As List(Of FileDirectoryInfo) ''' <summary> ''' Array of directories. ''' </summary> ''' <value>Object</value> ''' <returns>Directory array list</returns> ''' <remarks>N/A</remarks> Public Property Directory As List(Of FileDirectoryInfo) Get Return _DirectoryList End Get Set(ByVal value As List(Of FileDirectoryInfo)) _DirectoryList = value End Set End Property


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VS 2010 Loading An Object Property?

May 31, 2012

This question is more of a fundamental question then anything.

I've got a custom object collection, lets call it People, that holds my Person class objects. The Person class has a property called Phone Numbers. The Phone Numbers property is a custom object collection of phone numbers that are retrieved from another table. So...

Private People as BindingList(Of Person)
Class Person
Private mName as string
Private mPhoneNumbers as oPhoneNumbers


I'm inclined to go with option #1 because option #2 would make a lot of calls to the database if there are a lot of persons living in New Jersey.

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Change Property Value When I Change Name Property Of Control In Desgin Time?

Mar 10, 2010

I inherits textbox Control and I added some new properties to it .one of these properties value i want it to change it's value in desgin time when i change Name property of the new textbox

Public Class NewTextBox
Inherits TextBox
Private _txtSubName As String = String.Empty

That is the property for set or get SubstringName of Textbox

Public Property SubName() As String
Return _txtSubName[code].....

that's the property i want to change it's value when i change Name property of the control.i tried to overrides Name property but it's not overridable also i trieds to overloads it but it doesn't work in desgin time.Here is something i tried but it's wronge.

Private _txtName As String = ""
Public Overloads Property Name() As String

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Reflection - Find From A Property Info Object If That Property Has A Non Public (Private / Protected) Setter?

Aug 27, 2009

I searched on the forum / Internet for the solution how a PropetryInfo object (of a Public property) can reveal if it has a Private Protected Setter ... it was all in vain .... all help I found was about how to "Set" value of a public property having a Private Setter.I would like to know if I have a PropertyInfo object of a public property, how would I know if its Setter is Non Public?

I tried, in a exception handling block, where I did a GetValue of the PropertyInfo object and then called SetValue by setting the same value back... but to my surprise it worked well and didn error out.


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Databinding An Object Property And Modifying Another Property In Code?

Jan 15, 2010

on a Windows Form, an object myObject is bound to myObjectDataBindingSource like this:myObjectDataBindingSource .DatSource = myObject on the form, i have a check box bound to the property: chkProp1 for example of the object: myObjectDataBindingSource In the code when the checkbox is clicked, I need to go in code and change another text property of the object txtProper2 for example like this:

Private Sub chkProp1_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkProp1.CheckedChanged


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Compare An Object Property To Another Object Property?

Jul 4, 2011

I have a listbox of a object called Account, which has 2 fields, password, and username. How can I compare a New Account to all the accounts in the list and see if the password matches?

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Handle An Object's Object Property Changed Event In .NET Windows Forms?

Jun 7, 2012

I know how to handle a single objects property changed event very easily. I want to handle a objects property changed event that is part of another object.

Given Object:

[ObjectY = Y]
+ Public WithEvents X As ObjectX

I would like to do something like:

Private Sub XPropertyChanged() Handles Y.X.PropertyChanged

Right now I need to create a object that equals the object inside that object and then handle this variable pointers property changed, but that is just annoying.

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Assigning An Object Property Using A Variable As The Property Name?

Aug 4, 2009

I want to assign an object property by referencing the property dynamically, with a variable name


dim propName as string
staticObjectName.propName = 'whatever

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.net - Object Reference Not Set To An Instance Of An Object: Child Property?

Nov 21, 2011

I'm checking If a border's child property is not set to nothing or equal to a given element, but whenever I run the program, it says that it's set to nothing and crashes. Here's my code:

If Not Me.Child.Equals(Nothing) Then ...
If Me.Child.Equals(value) Then ...

Both gives an error. What should I do to pass these lines? Also in C# it would look like this:

if(this.Child != null) ...
if (this.Child != value) ...

But this time it doesn't give an error.

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Forms :: Change A Property On Form - Doesn't Show That Change

Jan 13, 2010

I'm working on a simple base form in which all the other forms in the project will inherit. This base form only adds 5 properties (at the moment) dealing with painting a gradient background. The problem I'm facing right now is when I change a property on Form1 (the test form) and click run it doesn't show that change. I also checked the .designer.vb file and when I make a change it's not added to the code behind file, I'm at a loss right now to why.


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Object Scope - Lose The Object In Selected Date Change Event In Calendar

Oct 18, 2010

If I declare my object at the beggining of my page class, and instantiate it in a dropdownlist selected_index change event. Shouldn't this object be available thru out the entire page and also persist thru a postback? I lose the object in my selected date change event in my calendar.


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List Of T Find Date Or Other Property In A Object In The List - Then Return Found Object?

Sep 3, 2009

After reading all the examples for list of T exists and Find and find first, none show how to handle multi-property objects. Below is bare bones example maybe someone could flesh out to show how this should be done.

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim DatePriceList As New List(Of DateAndPrice)
DatePriceList.Add(New DateAndPrice(Date.Parse("1/1/2000"), 10.12))
DatePriceList.Add(New DateAndPrice(Date.Parse("1/2/2000"), 11.12))


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IDE :: Make A Property In A Property Grid A List Box In 2010?

Feb 21, 2011

I have the following property in a property grid in VB.Net 2010.

<Description("Rapid Entry Post Car Wash Settings CarWashOptionPushButtons"), _
Category("Post Car Wash")> _
Public Property CarWashOptionPushButtons() As String


I need to make this property a list box that gets the values from a database table and populates the list box with the values from the table. I have tried numerous things to no avail.

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Property Of A Property Of An Object

Dec 22, 2010

[code]I understand the error is saying I've got a null pointer reference happening, but I don't understand why.

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Class Property Specifying An Object?

Mar 9, 2012

I'm currently writing a HMI for an automated machine in VB.Net 2010. I have a custom class that turns a Border green or red depending on the value of an input on a remote I/O module.

The connection to the remote I/O module is through a COM object provided by the manufacturer. I have three remote connections, lets' call them g1, g2, and g3. They're of type Manufacturer.ConnectionObject.

I would like to specify, using a property that I can set in XAML, that instances of MyCustomBorder use g1, g2, or g3. Unfortunately, setting up a Property called g and typing 'g1' into the property field results in the message "Property value is not valid. Details: Property 'g' does not support String to Value conversion."


I need to implement a converter between String and the custom class, Manufacturer.ConnectionObject, but I have no idea how to accomplish this, especially since Manufacturer.ConnectionObject is part of a closed-to-me COM object.

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Expose An Object As Property?

Aug 26, 2009

I want to create a class that inherit from a polygon this is not possible because the polygon is not inheritable. I want to create a class that handle a polygon anyway and it behave like a polygon. Wile with the property i can pass the value from the class to the polygon but if I want to do something like


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Handle A Property As An Object?

Oct 20, 2011

Is it possible to handle a property as an object?I want to reach a property as an object , not through its owner.

Dim prop as object = UNKNOWN_FUNC(btnTest.Text)
prop = "New text of btnText.Text" '

I want to modify Text property of btnTest by this way..

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Know Whether An Object Has Specific Property?

Jan 6, 2012

I want to do translation recursively on all components in my form. So my function will start on the form. Before the recursion, it's obvious that I have to know what property containing the children that the current Object has.[code]...

The method I want to use it, I will check if the current object has property Items if not, check if it has property Tabs, and so on... Then the last fallback, check if it has property Controls.

Now the very question how could I check if the current object has specific Property?

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Passing Object (Name Of Property)?

Jul 10, 2010

I am creating a procedure and would like to know if I can pass the name of a property. I.e ComboBox1 so I can change the properties of that object. What I have done is create a procedure to populate a Combobox from my MySQL database. What I want to do now is populate the relevant Comboboxes without having to create a new procedure specifically for each combobox. I can create a procedure for each Combobox but the whole reason for procedures and functions are to minimize repetitive code and to make code easier to manage.

At the moment my procedure is ProcedureName(ComboBox1, "DatabaseName", "DatabaseField").

What I want to be able to do is do
ProcedureName(ComboBox1, "DatabaseName", "DatabaseField1").
ProcedureName(ComboBox2, "DatabaseName", "DatabaseField2").
ProcedureName(ComboBox3, "DatabaseName", "DatabaseField3").

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Properties - Object Property?

Feb 15, 2012

I'm a C# coder, and I have trouble even reading VB.NET, so please forgive what may turn out to be an incredibly dumb question. But I have some code which looks like this:


So, ignoring the fact that the syntax is probably wrong - how does VB.NET get the Name property from sourceObject? Inspecting it at run-time reveals that sourceObject is of a type that supports a property called Name with a getter, but what does VB.NET do in this case? Is there some extra code that is being generated by the compiler to somehow cast this automagically at run-time?

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Set A Sortedlist Object Property Value?

Nov 3, 2010

i have a sortedlist variable called :


which contains two Cartitem object and within these two objects is a further object called Product.i wish to amend the Product object Property named Quantity

["860"] = {Cartitem}
["861"] = {Cartitem}

When i attempt to update the Cartitem object using the key value it overwrites Cartitem to Product.

Present Update

Cart(key.ToString) = product

results in

["860"] = {Product}

How may i update a Product property without replacing Cartitem object to Product?

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Verifying That Object Has Certain Property

Feb 22, 2012

I found C# code for it here. So I tried
Public Function checkProperty(ByVal objectt As Object, ByVal propertyy As String) As Boolean
Dim type As Type = objectt.GetType
Return type.GetMethod(propertyy)
End Function

But it throws an error at type.GetMethod(propertyy) saying "Value of type 'System.Reflection.MethodInfo' cannot be converted to 'Boolean'."
What to do?

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