VS 2010 Parse HTML Scrape Text?

Jun 19, 2012

I have used Web Browser in VB to get the HTML source code of a web page and put it in a richtextbox. I need to take that HTML and extract the data needed from it. I have searched and cant find an example that I can understand being new to VB.Net I am trying eventually import the data into excel.


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VS 2010 How To Parse HTML

Apr 11, 2012

I'm trying to parse the HTML from this link and put the stats into a DataGridView or some structure that can be queried (DataTable or database).I tried using HTML Agility Pack previously but couldn't figure out how to make it work. Here is a small sample of the data I want to extract:[code]Keep in mind that there is HTML code before & after the stats section that creates the page elements, etc.I am just looking to get the data from the stats section that is structured as shown above.

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Next Loop To Scrape Through Some Html Code?

Mar 25, 2010

I am using a for next loop to scrape through some html code. I am testing elements for a certain string, and when it hits that, I need to get the string that resides 2 elements earlier.When going through a for...next loop (I know you can loop completely backwards with step -1), is there a way to 'go back' 2 loops?
Ex)for each'lets say we are 5 loops in and our if returns true'can i go back to loop 3, perform an action, then return to loop 5 and continue the real loops?

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VS 2008 Scrape A Href From HTML But The Right One?

Dec 29, 2010

I'm trying to scrape the right url from html file using webbrowser I want to scrape this Href and navigate to it. But the problem is every other comment with reply is almost the same. So if I use to scrape hrefs and check the name it will give me the reply buttons of all the comments + the new comment button. Is there a way to grab this link only this one by it's Class name or something?

<a href="forums.php?op=post&p=1409951"><img src="/images/icons/comment_add.png" class="inline_icon" align="top"> New Comment</a> The ones I don't need:

<a href="forums.php?op=post&p=1409971">Reply To This</a> I'm trying to create my own browser and this should be a button short cut If I want to comment.

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Parse Some Text From A Html Source File?

Feb 26, 2011

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click

Dim StrInput As String = Display.Text
Dim firstInteger, secondInteger As Integer
firstInteger = StrInput.IndexOf("ad_list_link", 0)
secondInteger = StrInput.IndexOf("ad_list_link", firstInteger)


I need to string z from a webpage source file but having trouble cutting the code around it away.

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Parse An Html Code To Simple Text File?

Aug 9, 2007

I want to catch the text from an html page.. you know that when you open any html page in the browser, you will see a text but with formatting.. because it's an html code having a lot of tags...

how to get the text from an html page and ignore all formatting and html code?


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VS 2010 Parse A Html File For Image Locations?

Mar 15, 2011

I am using this code to parse an html file for image locations:

Dim htmlDoc As String = IO.File.ReadAllText(path, System.Text.Encoding.Default)
Dim Regex As New System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex("img.*srcs*=s*(?:""(?<1>[^""]*)""|(?<1>S+))")


How would I change the regex string so that it leaves off everthing from the img to the src=, so that I'm just left with what's in between the quotes? Note that sometimes there is stuff between "img" and "src=" and sometimes there is not.

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Parse Tables In HTML Docs And Extract TRs And TDs. With HTML Agility Pack?

Apr 18, 2012

I've given a job to convert old data in table format to new format.Old dummy data is as follows:

<td>Some text 1.</td>


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HtmlAgilityPack - Scrape Some Text On A Webpage?

Sep 6, 2010

Im trying to scrape some text on a webpage, I asked in the regex section and they recommended to use HtmlAgilityPack with Xpath to scrape the info I want.


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VS 2010 Parse A Webpage For A Particular Text String?

Feb 6, 2011

Im am trying to parse a web page for a particular text string, But VB2010 keeps saying there is an error at this part of my code request.GetResponse The guide i was following doesn't explain the error. could some one take a look ?

Imports System.IO
Imports System
Imports System.Text.RegularExpressions


I have tried request.beginGetresponse and request.endGetresponse.

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Scrape Words Off Of Webpages And Put Them Into A Text File?

Aug 31, 2007

I just got VB and I am having a hard time learning this stuff. but I am not giving up.I am looking to make a web text scraper, so I can scrape words off of webpages and put them into a text file.I couldnt find a whole lot of help in the search function. bare with me, I am new here and new to programing also.

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VS 2010 Parse An Http Post - Get The Variables In This Text File

Jun 11, 2011

I want to read a HTTP Post that comes from a server to a website. I am trying to write a script that basically parse the HTTP post that comes in as text format and read the variables in the text file then add them to a database.

I know how to do the second part but I am unsure about how to read the text file variables that comes from the HTTP Post

The HTTP post that get sent looks as below


No Insurance

I am trying to write a code for this and have the code below


How do I get the variables in this text file, mainly start after ":" and the last 3

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Scrape HTML, From Point A To Point B?

Jul 28, 2010

I looked around the forum can't find something really simple.I want to scrape everything between the

<!-- google_ad_section_start -->
<div class="ad_editorial-sponsorship"></div>

copy it and use it right after it's website and I navigate using webbrowser1.

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Way To Parse HTML

Nov 29, 2010

Does mshtml work with HttpWebRequest? If so, how do I work with it? I thought of downloading the source code of the page I'm requesting into a richtextbox and do my stuff from there, but it sounds kinda impractical to me since I have to use regex to get the innertext of stuff (or not?).

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VS 2010 Scrape Multiple Words That Meet A Criteria Form A Webpage.

Apr 22, 2011

Ok so basically heres what i need to do: Extract text from the webpage that meets a certain criteria. There will be a ton of these on 1 page and i would like to add them to a rich textbox on sperate lines.

I know that it needs to be in a loop and its needs to Parse the wepage(Dim web1 As String = Me.WebBrowser1.Document.Body.InnerText)

The criteria is: Starts with 1 to 4(random) integers, Followed by "my" then 13(random) numbers and letters. Or if it starts with "167my" + 6(random) number and letters.

Edit: Also im going to try to make it loop through a list of webpages to do this.

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Best Way To Parse HTML Table Into XML?

Feb 10, 2010

I would like extract the data elements from tables within HTML pages.The output should produce an XML file.What is the best way to do that? I am using VB.NET 3.5.

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How To Parse HTML File?

Jul 19, 2010

I want to parse a LOCAL html file and I don't know how. For example i have a file "c:MyFile.html" which contains:

<a> My String </a>

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VS 2008 Parse HTML For URL's?

May 19, 2010

I have been working on my program for a little bit and one of the features I want to add is have it extract the URL's from a website. I would need it to just go through reading the "description" for each URL and then if it maches the one I am looking for it will add the URL to an array list. I know I need to use regex, but I just can't seem to get it to work.

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Wpf - Using MSHTML To Parse HTML

Jun 3, 2011

Was wondering if someone could give me some direction on this. I've spent a decent amount of time on it and don't seem to be getting anywhere: I have a hidden field that I'm trying to parse out of an HTML document in VB.Net. I'm using a System.Windows.Controls.WebBrowser control in a WPF application and handling the LoadCompleted event. Inside the LoadCompleted event handler I do something like this:


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VS 2010 Client Found Response Content Type Of 'text/html', But Expected 'text/xml'?

Jan 29, 2012

I am trying to implement a webservice but I am receiving this error :Client found response content type of 'text/html', but expected 'text/xml'.The request failed with the error message:Quote:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-strict.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">


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.net - Using HTMLAgilityPack To Parse An HTML String Not From A URL?

Feb 5, 2012

I am trying to take a string that I have marked up through vb.net code and cross-check it with the text file it came from originally. This is for proofreading the html output.To do this, I need to parse an HTML snippet that does not come from a URL.The examples of HTMLAgilityPack I have seen get their input from a URL. Is there a way to parse a string of marked-up text that does not include a header or similar parts of a well-formed webpage?

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How To Parse From A HTML Source File

Oct 8, 2009

I am trying to extract inforamtion from a website, I was able to get to the point of extract HTML to TXT. not I want to parse from this line TOTAL 3723

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How To Retrieve And Parse HTML Data

Oct 19, 2005

In VB.NET 2005, what is the best way to retrieve and parse HTML data from a URL, a bit like a search engine crawler?I am building an app, where I need to parse a website, and collate data from it (the website uses some tags that I could pull out to get the appropriate bits of data). I want to be able to do this in a thread, and just update a DB with the data, and give the client app a status update of the progress.

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Parse HTML - Just One Line Not The Whole Source

Jul 5, 2009

Okay well, on


and I cannot seem to figure out how to get it to just return that line and not the whole source. Heres my code so far


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Parse HTML Tags In Richtextbox?

Jan 18, 2009

I am developing a small window based program where I want to parse HTML tags from richtextbox. How can I do this?

Details: In my program, richtextbox holds HTML source code. and if it contains <img src="images/image.gif" border="0" alt="alt Text" />

then i want to get string "images/image.gif" . so how can I do this?

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Parse Onclick Links In Html?

Feb 22, 2010

I certain html page contains links that are displayed with each onclick event. I am unable to parse the html for the url that will follow these onlick links. If this is the source on the page, how do I capture the content that each onclick link displays. In other words for example:


Now this is the onclick link that will display some content which I need to capture. Basically I want to be able to activate the onclick event from a program to display and capture the url links from that specific page.

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Parse URLs Out Of Lines Of HTML?

Aug 8, 2008

I am iterating through the lines of a RTB that has captured the HTML of a website. I want to check each line for a URL (just the first one is fine) ---- I can create a substring when it finds an http:// but I cannot figure out how to get rid of everything after .com or .org, etc.I have found a regex that supposedly does it but am not sure how to implement it.... here is what I have so far: For Each currentLine As String In rtb1


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Regex To Parse HTML Tables

Dec 19, 2010

I am trying to remove the tables within an HTML file, specifically, for the following document, I'd like to remove anything within the tags <TABLE....> and </TABLE>. The document contains multiple tables with texts in between.

The expression that I came up with, <TABLE.*>s*[s|S]*</TABLE>s*, however would remove the text in between the tables. In fact it would remove everything between the first <TABLE> and the last </TABLE> tags. I would like to keep the texts in between and only remove the tables.


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Retrieve URL And Then Parse The HTML From The Page?

Mar 27, 2009

I'm using the following code to retrieve a URL and then parse the HTML from the page:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnStart.Click
Dim Temp As String, searchstr As String


I think my problem is that I don't exactly understand how I am supposed to start and end the parsing. I know that in my above code, the "meta" tag is the start and the chr(34), double quotes, is the ending.

When I modify my code, I have price line, which in th html ends with another character, the ">" sign. In the first code, the "content" tag doesn't end with another character, it just continues the line, which is easy and it works.

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Use HTMLAgilityPack To Parse An HTML String Not From A URL?

Aug 2, 2011

I am trying to take a string that I have marked up through vb.net code and cross-check it with the text file it came from originally. This is for proofreading the html output.

To do this, I need to parse an HTML snippet that does not come from a URL.

The examples of HTMLAgilityPack I have seen get their input from a URL. Is there a way to parse a string of marked-up text that does not include a header or similar parts of a well-formed webpage?

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