VS 2010 Populate Listbox From Richtextbox "My First Program"?

Nov 16, 2011

I am a new in the programming so I need your help this is my first application. I have one richtextbox and one listbox and I need import all lines from the richtextbox to the listbox. I am using Google translator because I do not speak English.

I need to load line by line the richtextbox into the listbox. Please I need help because it is my homework in my school.

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VS 2010 Populate A Richtextbox From A Textbox?

Oct 20, 2011

I have a richtextbox in the form1 and I textbox in the form2 with a text example "hi, have a nice days" so I need to save this text into the richtextbox. So I need code in a button in the form2 for to save the text into the richtextbox in the form1.

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VS 2010 : Populate Listbox With Dataset Created In VB?

May 1, 2012

i have a Userform that I created in MS Word that automates almost half my job. I'm just looking to re-create this form in VB.Net so that I can keep up with the trends.What I did previously was load a listbox based on the contents of a data table in another word document. I've searched for other methods of creating a datasource in VB 2010 Express but I'm unsure how to load the contents of a dataset or datatable as opposed to a table from MS Word. Ideally, I'd like to abandon using Word tables and create a dataset in VB and load a listbox based on that. I do not have a copy of MS Access and I'm unfamiliar with MySql, which I'm guessing would are the easiest methods of loading a dataset. I also thought that maybe if I could create a seperate form (let's just call it form1) specifically for entering new data and saving the form as data is added, then linking the datasource from that form to a second form (form2) that has the listbox that will populate with the contents from the data in form1.

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VS 2010 Save All Internal Urls Of A Website In A Listbox Or Richtextbox?

Nov 4, 2011

I found this code but I am developing a small sitemap builder for submit on yahoo so I need save all internal urls of a website in a listbox or richtextbox.

Public Function ExtractLinks(ByVal url As String) As DataTable
Dim dt As New DataTable


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Listbox.SelectedItem - Populate A Listbox With Data In The Code?

Apr 12, 2012

I have a listbox and i populate it with data in my code like this on the page load....


So say one item in the list is displayed Ted Jones (123) and its valuefield should be 123. Im just not understanding what i am doing wrong here.

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Populate RichTextBox From SQL Query?

Jul 20, 2010

I'm trying to populate a rich text box with the result of a query. (Detail - I'm trying to display a table trigger using sp_helptext - this returns a row for each line of the sql syntax)

This doesn't work obviously but gives an idea:


Dim myConn As New SqlConnection("server=testserverSQL2008;uid=sa;pwd=Pa$$w0rd;database=testdatabase")
Dim query As String = "sp_helptext 'Some_Custom_Trigger';"


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VB 2010 - Program Keep Adding A Zero To Listbox

Oct 29, 2010

My program is running great with one little problem, it keep adding a zero to my listbox and the multiplication and sum result don't line up well. the result would be like: [Code]

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VS 2010 How To Program What Happens When Click On A Item On A Listbox

Mar 26, 2012

the data that its inserted on the listbox comes from a access db i have this code but this only works when theres only 1 line on the listbox this code works fine when i make a search in the db by the code of family(because the family code its a primary key there can only be 1 family width that familycode) so when i get the family surname i clic on it and i get a form telling me info about the family. but if i try to search for the family surname there can be several family whit that surname. when i search the family surname the listbox will show me all the family's that have the surname now what i want its when i search a surname for eg"Smith" the program will display all the familys that have that surname and i want a code that can give me the number of the family i clicked.[code]

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VS 2010 - Listbox - Program That Will Be A Semi-autosubmition In Web Directories

Mar 19, 2011

I'm working on a program that will be a semi-autosubmition in web directories. I need an ideea for my directory list.I want to able to navigate from one directory to other with a "next button". Now I'm using a listbox saved in a text file, but i don't know how to make the selection for "next directory".I'm only able to click on the list. And what I thinking was if it is posible to have a better list, advanced, like a table with more columns like: url, if url is valid, pagerank for example, and maby sort by this filtres.

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Way To Populate A Listbox

Mar 2, 2009

I have a Report I created with Visual Studio's VB.Net ( I guess this makes my report embedded), which I can select a date range like starting and ending date but the drop-down listbox for the Name is empty and I have to type a name into it to work. I need to be able to choose the name because I won't know who is on the list.

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How To Populate ListBox From Database

Mar 27, 2009

I've given up on my harder stuff and have simplified it to something else. There are no errors that pop up now but the list box doesn't populate! I took the code from a book and there's a data adapter, data connection, and data set on the form already (they're not named in this code though, since the book didn't say to). When the program opens, the list box has a line of text in it and the list box doesn't fill with the right items.

Private Sub EditStock_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim dsitemlist As New DataSet
Dim itemlistadapter As New OleDbDataAdapter _
("SELECT ItemName FROM Stock", ConnectString)
[Code] .....

And here's what shows in the box.

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How To Populate ListBox With Query

Apr 13, 2011

I come from Access and I am developing now my first windows form app in visual basic 2010 based on a Access database *.mdb. The thing is i have an access db with 5 tables. I have created the forms, connected to the database, all is working great. Parent- child relations are working, datagrids and comboboxes populate the right way, buttons are working.

But now I want to populate listbox, and combox from tables with queries. Like in access I would like, for example to populate two different listboxes bound to the same table with different queries, so that the listboxes give different results, based on different variables or textboxes.

But I don't know how to attack the problem: the query works against the tableadapter, so the info it gives back is always the same. I have tried to duplicate the tableadapter of the table i want to query, writing different sql queries in both, but it does not seem to work. I don't know in what direction I should ivestigate: LINQ, sql queriess, coded queries, filtering the listbox...

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Populate A Listbox Using A Sql Database

Jun 10, 2011

I've been working on this for three days now and I can't seem to get my listbox to populate. I'm connecting to an sql database. Where am I going wrong? Dim cmd As New SqlCommand("SELECT DISTINCT natureport FROM rates ORDER BY natureport", conn)


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Populate A Listbox With Every File?

Oct 21, 2008

I'm trying to populate a listbox with every file that was last accessed more than a year ago but I've hit a snag, i cannot get the fileinfo for some files because the path is too deep, is there a way round this

Dim drivestring As String = lstBoxDrives.SelectedItem.ToString
Dim directoryName As String
Dim fileName As String
Dim accesstime As Date
Dim FileProps As IO.FileInfo


The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.

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Populate A Multicolumn Listbox?

May 7, 2009

I can get a single column but how do I get 2?

myTenAdapter = New MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlDataAdapter("SELECT ten_name, ten_contact FROM tenants ORDER BY ten_name, ten_contact", myTenConnection)


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Populate Listbox With Collection?

Aug 31, 2011

I have a class with a collection of objects of type clsCDImage


Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class clsImages
Private mAllCDimages As New Collection


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Populate Textbox With Value From Listbox?

Sep 3, 2009

I'm doing a win form application in visual studio 2008 and using 7 listboxes where my sql query will populate all customer from customertable. It's 7 cause it's one for each day, my problem is to get customerid when I select one of the customers from any of the listboxes to my textbox. Since there are 7 listboxes I can't use "data bound item" function, in that case it would be easy to write code like this: textbox1.text = listbox1.selectedvalue.tostring(

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Populate The Listbox With The Info?

Dec 14, 2010

this is a library management system, i dont know why it doesnt work, my code in the issue form is just the same as the return form but it doesn't work right here. it just populate the listbox with the info. from the database. my code is here,

Dim nnn As Integer
Dim mmm As Boolean
Dim xxx As Integer


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DB/Reporting :: Populate Listbox With Objects?

Apr 24, 2012

I am writing a database using OOP, i have created my classes ect and i am able to input data.

I have four textboxs, and two listbox's. The first listbox lists all the categories which i have managed to do. Now when the user selects a catelgory a list of objects under that category are listed in the second listbox which the user then selects to display any related data and this is the problem i am having.


Public Class BaseClass
' ScrName is the name of the script file.
Public Property ScrName() As String


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Forms :: Populate An Array From A Listbox?

Aug 23, 2010

I am trying to populate an array from a listbox.My listbox items contain something like this:

1 for January
10 for February
3 for March

I have code in place and it was working, but I am taking the first character of the listbox item to populate the array. If the value of the listbox is 10 for February, I need to get 10, not just 1. Can I do something with the string that says I want to trim everything from the space to the end? Since they are all formatted the same way, if I could trim out anything from the space on, that would work.

Here's what I currently have:

ReDim m_adecRainfall(m_astrMonths.Length - 1)
For intCount = 0 To m_astrMonths.Length - 1
m_adecRainfall(intCount) = CDec(lstMontlyRainfall.Items(intStart).ToString.Su bstring(0, 1))
intStart += 1

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Get A Listbox To Populate A List Of Processes?

Dec 30, 2009

I'm trying to get a listbox to populate a list of processes that are neither running nor in the "blocked" list. This code is in a timer, so it also checks if the process is already in the list.

For Each proc In Process.GetProcesses
Dim allowed As Boolean = True
For Each item In Blked.Items


It is strange because this is populating the list, but adding the same process over and over again, even though I seem to have the checks in there.

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How To Populate ListBox With Access MDB File

Mar 15, 2012

Here's my code, all it does is display the numbers 1 - 10. I want it to display the numbers from the column Sales, from the table Songs.

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim con As New OleDb.OleDbConnection
Dim dbCommand As OleDbCommand
Dim strInsert As String
[Code] .....

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Populate A Listbox When A Selection Is Made

Feb 23, 2011

I am currently using the NorthWindDataSet from the msdn tutorials.So far, here is what I have to populate one of the listboxes on my form:[code] I make a selection in ListBox2 I would like ListBox3 on my form to be populated with that particular person's Order #'s.

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Populate A Listbox With .txt File Names?

May 10, 2010

basically, i'm creating a program that is saving text files based on user input.
another screen is then needing to transfer the saved information into textboxes.

to do this i want the saved .txt files' titles to shows in a listbox, and when each selection is made, the textboxes are populated with the information in the .txt files.

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Populate An ArrayList From The Content Of A ListBox

Feb 13, 2009

if I can populate an ArrayList from the content of a listBox like so:Dim Array1 As New ArrayListArray1= TexttBox1.textTextBox1.text = ("Peter", "Joey", "Lucas", "Jack", "Stand". "FranK")Note: textBox1 may contains one or no more then 6 elementsPlz advice how should write this code.

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Populate Data From Excel To Listbox?

May 12, 2011

i think the answer is to loop each of the cells/columns/rows in excel then show it in the listbox... i think.. the problem is i don't know how...

is populating from a text file the same with populating from an excel file?

Dim xlApp As Excel.Application
Dim xlWorkBook As Excel.Workbook
Dim xlWorkSheet As Excel.Worksheet


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Populate Listbox From Ms-access Database?

Feb 3, 2009

I just wanna ask how can i add, delete record in datagrid that is bind in a textbox using ms-access.

how to populate listbox from ms-access database.

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Populate Listbox With Access .mdb Data?

Jun 10, 2011

My Access database has one column named 'Term' and the Table name is 'ATG'. I require to populate my listbox with data in the 'Term' columns. I'm unable to do that using this code. Can anyone tell me what's wrong with this (it displays numbers from 1 to 10 and not the database data)

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Public Class Form1
Dim dbConnection As OleDbConnection
Dim dbCommand As OleDbCommand


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Populate Listbox With Access Database?

Jul 8, 2011

Is there a way in which I can populate my listbox with an Access (.mdb) database and search for values in it. Also, can I move selected values back & forth from that listbox to another listbox (or textbox). Is this possible using Visual Studio, VB.Net?

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Populate Listbox With Data From A Database?

Jan 3, 2010

Populating a listbox with data from a database

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