VS 2010 SaveFileDialog Save?

Jan 19, 2012

When try to save an image with my SaveFileDialog, something strange happens. If I select another extension in the File Type box and click OK, it always saves it to a bmp file.


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How To Use SaveFileDialog To Save Files

Jul 7, 2011

Iam still beginner I wanna to know how to use SaveFileDialog to save files?

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Save An Image With Savefiledialog?

Aug 24, 2011

I have a picturebox with an image. Anyone have a code snippet on how I could save the file using a savefiledialog box? bonus: is there a way to save the file as a png?

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Save A File Data Using The Savefiledialog?

Feb 27, 2011

I was trying to export a data from the listview control into an excel format and I was able to make it successfully using a command button directly. I want to use a SaveFileDialog to export and save the content of the listview. I searched from MSDN website and got a sample code which was originally intended for saving an image file. I tried to used it and edit the code and combine my code to export the data content. It ran successfully and attempt to export the data in an excel format but when you open the file in the path as to where you save the data, it gives you a message "Excel cannot open the file 'Filename.xlsx' because the file format or extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file." and it just leaves an empty excel file. I read from the MSDN site that if you are using an MS Office 2007, the file extension for excel would be '.xlsx' and not 'xls'. Let me give you the two codes I tried to use. First, I used command button and was able to successfully export and save the content in an excel format but using the SaveFileDialog was not successful. I suspected that there's something wrong within this line 'oBook.SaveAs("saveFileDialog1.FileName.GetType()")' and 'Dim fs As System.IO.FileStream = CType _(saveFileDialog1.OpenFile(), System.IO.FileStream)'.

Here are the two diffrent codes I used:

'Using the command button-----successful
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
Dim oExcel As Object


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Save Text File By Using Savefiledialog?

Jul 7, 2011

how to save text file by using savefiledialog?

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VS 2008 Using The Savefiledialog To Save Webpage?

Oct 21, 2010

I have a program that displays a web page, but I'm having trouble in using the savefiledialog to save it, I can find tutorials on saving text but cant seem to find anything on the internet for saving a webpage.

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Save / Load Info To - From A Txt File Without Going Through Savefiledialog?

Mar 2, 2010

How can i save or load info to/from a txt file without going through the savefiledialog.

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Save BitmapImage / WriteableBitmap Using SaveFileDialog In Silverlight 3.0?

Sep 8, 2009

How can a WriteableBitmap from Silverlight be Saved onto the File System, I am unsure what to do with the FileStream to make this work, it can be in Bitmap, PNG, Jpeg format etc, as long as a commercial library is not required.Is it possible to do this?

Here is my call to SaveDialog, below:
Dim SaveDialog As New SaveFileDialog
If SaveDialog.ShowDialog Then


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Save RichTextBox Text To A .txt File With SaveFileDialog?

Apr 21, 2011

I'm trying Visual Basic 2010 Professional for evaluation and am trying to connect to our MySQL database. I receive the following error:

HY000 [MySQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver][mysqld-4.0.15-nt]Driver doesn't support this yet

Do I need a driver? (I really love the new IDE, we currently run VB6.)

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Save RichTextBox Text To Txt File With SaveFileDialog?

Oct 11, 2009

Save RichTextBox Text to a .txt file With SaveFileDialog.I have a Rich Text box and a save filedialod and 1 button. what is the code to save the text that is in the rich text box to a .txt file??

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VS 2008 : Save A File Data Using The Savefiledialog?

Feb 27, 2011

I was trying to export a data from the listview control into an excel format and I was able to make it successfully using a command button directly. I want to use a SaveFileDialog to export and save the content of the listview.

I searched from MSDN website and got a sample code which was originally intended for saving an image file. I tried to used it and edit the code and combine my code to export the data content. It ran successfully and attempt to export the data in an excel format but when you open the file in the path as to where you save the data, it gives you a message "Excel cannot open the file 'Filename.xlsx' because the file format or extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file." and it just leaves an empty excel file.

I read from the MSDN site that if you are using an MS Office 2007, the file extension for excel would be '.xlsx' and not 'xls'. Let me give you the two codes I tried to use. First, I used command button and was able to successfully export and save the content in an excel format but using the SaveFileDialog was not successful.I suspected that there's something wrong within this line

'oBook.SaveAs("saveFileDialog1.FileName.GetType()")' and 'Dim fs As System.IO.FileStream = CType _(saveFileDialog1.OpenFile(), System.IO.FileStream)'.

Here are the two diffrent codes I used:

'Using the command button-----successful
Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click


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VB 2008 Save File At A Location Not To Open Up The Savefiledialog

Oct 12, 2009

Im trying to make something that will save something from textbox1.text I got this code


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SaveFileDialog Filter Save As Type Asks To Overwrite Old Extension Bug?

Feb 27, 2012

I have a VB.NET program with a SaveFileDialog control with the filter set as ".asx|*.asx|.m3u|*.m3u" (without the quotes). It works fine to save a file, but if I then try to save a file with the same name of an existing file and then change the extension in the save as type box, it still thinks I want to save the file as the existing file and asks to overwrite the file, disregarding the newly selected file extension.

I have tried setting the SaveFileDialog.FileName = Nothing after saving a file, so the Save File Dialog Box the File name box is empty, but then I like to click the existing file to get the file name I want, then select a new extension and try to save, but it still asks to overwrite the file with the other extension.

I hope my situation is clear and sorry if it has been already asked a million times...but can anyone point me in the right direction or tell me how I can save the file with the currently selected extension, not the previous selected extension when the file name was entered?

If SaveFileDialog.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
If Path.GetExtension(SaveFileDialog.FileName) = ".asx" Then
' Code Here to Prepare the CodeASX ...


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VS 2010 Open&SaveFileDialog?

Dec 30, 2010

Im a vb newbie n currently have a personal project making a notepad...But i always get an error when i click Cancel in OpenFileDialog and SaveFileDialogThe problem code is :

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Use A Savefiledialog For Backing Up Sql Database In VB 2010?

Jun 2, 2009

I have written a piece of code for my backup. It looks something like this:

Dim con As SqlConnection
Dim cmd As SqlCommand
con = New SqlConnection("Data


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Save A User Selected File (FolderBrowserDialog) To A Location Selected In Another Dialog (SaveFileDialog)

Jul 5, 2011

I'm creating a BASIC application, and I can't figure out how to save a user selected file (FolderBrowserDialog) to a location selected in another dialog (SaveFileDialog).

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File I/O And Registry :: Using The SaveFileDialog To Save Listbox Info Into A Text File?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm using the SaveFileDialog to save listbox info into a text file. The files save fine, but when you go to save the file, if you hit the cancel button, it will overwrite the previous file you saved, because it's name was the same and it seems to save the previous file as the new name for your next file. Is there any way to catch if the user clicks cancel, and then exiting the sub if they did?

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VS 2010 - Creating A Program - To Secretly Save When The User Clicks On Save

Feb 7, 2011

I'm creating a program and i want it to secretly save when the user clicks on save.

In other words, i have made it so that it saves twice. Once for the user to read (like a fancy copy) and another that the program uses to open up the form.

Currently when pushed, 2 save dialog boxes come up after each other. I don't want this to happen. I want 1 to come up (the user friendly, fancy version) which is the easy part, but i also want the other 1 to save automatically and secretly without asking the user to set the destination.

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VS 2010 : Save Image From Webbrowser Loaded Page To Hdd (after Loading Save To Hdd)?

May 28, 2012

How to save image from webbrowser loaded page to hdd (after loading save to hdd)?

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Add Save And Save As Dialogue Box Options In Vb 2010?

Nov 1, 2010

add save and save as dialogue box options in vb 2010. I've already managed to do loading but i can't figure out how to save.

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Nov 28, 2009

How do i get the selected path with a savefiledialog without the filename?

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Getting A Filename Out Of SaveFileDialog?

Mar 29, 2012

I am having trouble getting a filename out of my SaveFileDialog. I am using Framework 4.0, it works fine in 3.5.

Private Sub cmdExportToPDF_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles cmdExportToPDF.Click
Dim SaveFileDialog1 As New SaveFileDialog()


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Getting SaveFileDialog Error

Apr 14, 2010


This code works on my local machine (Windows 7 Ultimate).When I tried it on WindowsXP,it didn't even open the dialog,instead it gave me an Unhandeled Exception error.

I can't remember the specific details of the error,but I do recall my profesor telling me there could be something wrong with permissions(me being the ONLY user on my machine,and his machine having multiple user accounts).

But what does all that have to do with opening the SaveFileDialog?

Could it be that SaveFileDialog1.AutoUpgradeEnabled = True is causing the problem?

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OpenFileDialog And SaveFileDialog?

Mar 6, 2012

My users need to browse to select a file and then save it to a different location. Here's my code I've got so far - it incorporates the OpenFileDialog to open the file and the SaveFileDialog to save the file. When the code goes into the OpenFileDialog portion, it works great....the initial directory is set to "C:" This is where the user will select the file they want to save to another location.

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Savefiledialog 1.1 To 2.0 Conversion?

May 25, 2010

I have an .net 1.1 framework application I would like to update to 3.0 framework (or at least 2.0), but I've just run into a real problem. The savefile dialog code which works fine in 1.1 does not work in 2.0 and up. Line for line the code is the same (thereis no difference in line numbers at all). I'm baffled.With the exception of throwing an error for the Quicktime 7 control, VS2008 indicated no errors in converting 1.1I open my 1.1 (VS 2003) version and step through line-by-line. Works as advertised.I open my 2.0 (VS 2008) version and step through line-by-line. Appears to be working, dialog opens fine, I enter a filename, code continues; but when complete, there is no file in the folder.I'm wondering if the problem lies in the block of code for the small XML file I'm writing.

Imports System.IO
Public Class Form1
Private fn As String


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SaveFileDialog For CSV-Export?

Jul 3, 2009

i want to have a SaveFileDialog for CSV-Export. Here is my code:

Private Sub btnExportCSV_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnExportCSV.Click
Dim da As New SqlDataAdapter("select * from tbl_gesamtminuten", conn)
Dim ds As New DataSet()
da.Fill(ds, "tbl_gesamtminuten")


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VS 2010 - Create A "Save File" And Save The Programs And Different Texts?

Jun 29, 2010

How would I create a "Save File". I am creating a launcher and need it to save the programs and different texts i have on the program to a save file. One side question: How do I do Links in VS?...HyperLinks that is.

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Large Listbox+SaveFileDialog?

Mar 14, 2009

I am trying to save a large listbox (with over 200,000 celebrity names (items)) with SaveFileDialog.

Dim i As Integer
Dim Temp as String
Temp = ""
For i = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1
If (i <> 0) Then


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Not Writing Out SaveFileDialog To InputBox

May 23, 2011


It allows me to browse and/or create a file, but when I click the save button it transfers the new files directory to anothe savefiledialog box. I cant get it to close the search and place the path in the InputBox.

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SavefileDialog Bring To Front?

Oct 8, 2009

I am calling the SavefileDialog with in my code. I can't figure out how to bring it to the front. Every thing works acoordinly I just have to minimize every thing to find it.

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