VS 2010 : Save Image From Webbrowser Loaded Page To Hdd (after Loading Save To Hdd)?

May 28, 2012

How to save image from webbrowser loaded page to hdd (after loading save to hdd)?

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VS 2010 Webbrowser Source Code / Save Page As And Delete Cookies.

Feb 2, 2010

i'm making a webbrowser, curectly in version 2. 6. But i need some codes before i can release it.

-Source Code
-Save page as
-Delete Cookies

And if you know some more properties for the webbrowser, like options.

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VS 2010 When Opened Save Html Page / Not Able To View Image

Oct 19, 2011

I m using this code for downloading a webpage [code]but when i opened the save html page.. I was not able to view the image's.

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Webbrowser Control Save Page Again?

Nov 5, 2010

I know it is possible to save a page viaWebBrowser1.DocumentTextI want to save the current loaded page in webbrowser controlin the same way i.e. does,creating the mypage.html and the associate dir mypage_filesthis way I also save images

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Save Webbrowser As Bmp Image?

Mar 30, 2010

I know this has been covered many times, but all the data is for vb6. I have been searching for the last 2 days and everything I find ends up not working in vb.net. I would like to save an image of a webbrowser as a .bmp.Almost like a screen shot of the webbrowser. However, My form may be minimized.More specifically, I have an area within a website that i would like to save.I am trying to get an image of a graph to use later as a thumbnail or blowup.It shows up 100 pixels from the left and 250 pixels from the top of the web page. Width is aprox 500, height aprox 400 I have seen several ways of doing this, but they always seem to use calls for vb6 that don't exist in vb.net.

<System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute("gdi32.dll")> _
Private Shared Function BitBlt(ByVal hdcDest As IntPtr, ByVal nXDest As Integer, ByVal nYDest As Integer, ByVal nWidth As Integer, ByVal nHeight As Integer, ByVal hdcSrc As IntPtr, ByVal nXSrc As Integer, ByVal nYSrc As Integer, ByVal dwRop As System.Int32) As Boolean


this makes me wonder if it will be visible when minimized or not the front window... still need to check though.or a way to tweak this to work when not visible or minimized?

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Save A Web Page(image Included) As .doc File In .net?

May 7, 2010

I am newbie here and sorry if I post at wrong section if I did it. May I know how to do that in vb.net? I try response.addheader but it seems this can only work but cannot save the image file to my document.

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Interface And Graphics :: Way To Save Image From Webbrowser To File ?

Aug 30, 2009

I start some new project and i finding some way to save image from webbrowser to file. I can find url and get file. But i need cached file from webbrowser, bacause its generated :/ . I make lot of googling but no result..

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Save Image Inside Page On Local Hard Disk?

Jul 15, 2009

I have webcontrol inside windows application now i want save image inside page on my local hard disk?

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Save A Picturebox Image Without A Save File Dialog

Mar 18, 2010

i made a vitual dekstop and i have a few problems that to be fixed. The first problem i have is that i have a picturebox as the entire form like the desktop background but the progrblem is that i have some group boxes over that picturebox box. How can i make so you can see throw the group box so that you can see the image behind it. And how can i save a picturebox image without a save file dialog

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VS 2010 RTB To WebBrowser (without Save File)?

Nov 30, 2010

Is there anyway I can get a web browser to open / render the text of a RTB without saving the file? I don't want to save it because it contains sensitive data.

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Webbrowser Control Doesn't Show The Loaded Page?

Jul 6, 2009

I have a webbrowser control and the following code is in a for next loop. If I use wba = New WebBrowser the code works in the background and I don't see the loaded pages in the webbrowser control. My question is how can I see the results in webbrowser component with wba=New WebBrowser ?

wba = New WebBrowser
AddHandler wba.DocumentCompleted, AddressOf wb_DocumentCompleted
TheLoginUrl = Items(2) & "/test.php"
wba.Navigate(New Uri(TheLoginUrl))
results.Text &= "Login to: " & Items(2) & vbNewLine


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WebBrowser Control, How To Clear Loaded Page/file Etc

Feb 11, 2011

In my userform I have a WebBrowser control to load PDF files. I have added a FolderBrowserDialog to allow user selection of drives and or folders.

What I am trying to do now is after a file has been selected and viewed, the user may want to change drives and or folder locations. How do I remove the current contents of the WebBrowser control to be a blank screen (just like when the app starts, its blank).

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WebBrowser Not Firing Alert When Page Fully Loaded

May 31, 2009

I want to make a message box appear to show that the webpage has already loaded. I have used the code below:
Private Sub Button11_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button11.Click
If WebBrowser1.ReadyState = WebBrowserReadyState.Complete Then
MsgBox("yahoo is now fully loaded ")
End If
The message box is not showing at all . I have looked for "DocumentComplete" but can't get it working ..

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VS 2010 : Save Image To Datatable?

May 11, 2012

I have picturebox that the user can import an image, and then save it to the datatable. I can save it with no problem, and the image, which is a logo, will populate onto my crystal reports pages.My issue, is that I want the logo to automatically load into the picturebox when the user opens my settings form. How can I do the opposite of the following:

'set the company datatable for sub
Dim borrowersrow As PlannerFilesDataSet.CompanytableRow
'use only the first row


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VS 2010 How To Save An Image In .tga Format

Apr 2, 2012

I have tried a few different libraries and had no luck at all was wondering if anyone has ever gotten .tga to save with vb.net 2010 if so could you please help me out with this.

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VS 2010 Save Image To Disc?

Jul 29, 2011

I have a small problem. I must save a captcha image from: http://konto.gazeta.pl/konto/3481801,2,,,,,,3.htmlI have problem when i navigate a captcha link. I get a other captcha.Only one solution are save image from webbrowser to file and upload him to server. I wanna make a full bot for creating account's. I have a decaptcher script.

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VS 2010 Save Image To Sql Table?

Dec 17, 2011

I think I am almost there but can't find the final piece of the puzzle.The code all works fine if I dont include an image as part of the save but need help with setting the correct parameter for the image.


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Save Single Windows Form As Many Page And Reload The Page Whenever Call That Page

May 17, 2012

I need sample vb.net code to save single windows form as many page and reload the page whenever i call that page...

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Capture And Save Still Image Through Webcam In Vb 2010?

Jun 4, 2012

how to capture and save still image through webcam in vb 2010

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VS 2010 - Creating A Program - To Secretly Save When The User Clicks On Save

Feb 7, 2011

I'm creating a program and i want it to secretly save when the user clicks on save.

In other words, i have made it so that it saves twice. Once for the user to read (like a fancy copy) and another that the program uses to open up the form.

Currently when pushed, 2 save dialog boxes come up after each other. I don't want this to happen. I want 1 to come up (the user friendly, fancy version) which is the easy part, but i also want the other 1 to save automatically and secretly without asking the user to set the destination.

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Sort Xml Loaded To Datagridview And Save It?

Feb 23, 2012

I have xml file and try to load into datagridview, how can I save the xml after I sort it by desc? But when I select the row after I sort, the selected row data show in textbox is different from datagridview

DS.ReadXml(Application.StartupPath & "\user.xml")
Dim DS As New DataSet
If DS.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0 Then


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VS 2010 Save Controls And Image Inside Picturebox?

Feb 13, 2012

drawing shapes on a picture box then saving them.

My current situation: I have a scrollable picturebox (achieved using panel + picturebox). On top of the image inside the picturebox I've added labels on different locations(the labels are added on run-time using PictureBox1.Controls.Add etc). I want to save the contents as well as the image inside the picturebox.

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Save My .txt Into .csv But When Its Loaded Into Excel It Writes Everything In Column?

Mar 23, 2010

Im currently looking fora solution to load/delete/write to a csv file. I tried to save my .txt into .csv but when its loaded into excel it writes everything in column

A1: John Freeman,Apartment 1 Street 2,New York with commas...

I want to put it in column A1: John Freeman B1: Apartment 1 Street 2 C1: New York

What am I missing? This cvs seems like the thing i want to work with.I testet it with writing my user registration form to .csv and its writing it perfectly into excel when i use & vbCrLf & between the text inputs, but will be listing them vertical and not horizontal as i want them to be.Also i don't know how to clear my csv document now and how to call the csv file to a table or a textbox like i did with my .txt file.


readalltext can't read .csv so the code should be like?

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WebBrowser: Loading Part Of Page?

Jun 13, 2010

I'm creating a web bot to fill many forms. How can i do it faster than general form? I just wanna to load that parts of page i needed. not images and menu and ... Can I Do This?

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Add Save And Save As Dialogue Box Options In Vb 2010?

Nov 1, 2010

add save and save as dialogue box options in vb 2010. I've already managed to do loading but i can't figure out how to save.

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Asp.net Mvc - Save Data On A Strongly-typed View When Not All Fields Are Loaded

Dec 9, 2009

Let's say I have an edit view that is strongly-typed to a table called "MyData". The view has multiple tabs, each with several different fields from the table. For performance, the data is only loaded when the tab is viewed, so if you only edit a field on tab 1 and submit the form, the data for tab 2 will not be loaded.

The problem I'm running into is on the submit. I'm doing the typical routine of finding the existing record in the database and updating the passed values:

<AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)> _
Function Edit(ByVal data As MyData) As ActionResult
Using dc = New MyDataContext


However, this method doesn't know which tabs were loaded, so if the tab with "desc" on it is not loaded, this method thinks the user blanked out the "desc" field, and sends NULL to the database.

How can I construct this so that only loaded fields are sent to the database, and unloaded fields are ignored?

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Clear WebBrowser Control Of Previous Page Before Loading Next

Jan 19, 2012

I am using web browser control in one of my forms for displaying html files (local files). Before I load the next file I want to clear the webbrowser control of the previous page. I am trying the following method which I found while searching the net.

private Sub ClearWebBrowser(ByVal wb As WebBrowser)
Dim tempDoc As IHTMLDocument2 = CType(wb.Document.DomDocument, IHTMLDocument2)
End Sub

I have added the reference for mshtml namespace in com tab. When trying to run the program, error is thrown like "Type 'IHTMLDocument2' is not defined. (BC30002)".

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Waiting For Webbrowser Control To Finish Loading Page?

Dec 25, 2011

I have been tasked to do a project, and have been given a list of links from the client - what the Project needs to do is:1 - open google with a specific search phrase - no problem2 - look on that page for any links containing any member of the list of links, if found, invalidate the entry in the list, and auto-click the link, then go back3 - repeat for any other "finds" on that page4 - when done, auto-click on "Next" (no problem) and go back to step 2For now, I am not even attempting to auto-click the found link and go back, I am just listing all found links in a TextBox. The problem I am having is waiting for the next pages to load before looking for a match in the list of links. I tried using webBrowser.DocumentCompletedto set a Boolean - I tried testing WebBrowserReadyState in the DocumentCompleted event ar the code below gives the best results but it is inconsistent, meaning it completely misses some pages that I know have links on them that match.

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Listbox Displays A Files Contents Once Loaded - Save A Textboxs Text?

Jun 21, 2010

1. How do I make it so a listbox displays a files contents once loaded?

2. How do I save a textboxs text?

3. what does this error mean?

An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Failed to initialize because CategoryName is missing.

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Excel Workbook In A Webbrowser Does Not Prompt For Save On Closing Of Webbrowser

Oct 1, 2009

I am utilizing a webbrowser control in vb.net 2005 to display excel workbooks

We are using this control to open excel documents. Webbrowser.ShowSaveAsDialog() allows the user to save the excel workbook open at any location he wants

However, I don't want the user to decide where to save. Is there any way to save an excel document from the webbrowser control without going through the ShowSaveAsDialog?

On closing of webbrowser, a simple prompt to user whether he/she would like to save changes should be fine enough

As of now, I can close webbrowser control and it does not prompt the user to save the changes. Actually, all changes are lost until and unless I perform a save (Ctrl+S) manually

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