Sort Xml Loaded To Datagridview And Save It?

Feb 23, 2012

I have xml file and try to load into datagridview, how can I save the xml after I sort it by desc? But when I select the row after I sort, the selected row data show in textbox is different from datagridview

DS.ReadXml(Application.StartupPath & "\user.xml")
Dim DS As New DataSet
If DS.Tables(0).Rows.Count = 0 Then


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Automatically Sort An Unbound Datagridview Loaded From An Unsorted Object?

Jun 3, 2011

I am using VB 2010, .NET Framework 4.0 and am currently loading an unbound datagridview control from an object. Once I've added all the rows, I want to automatically resort the rows based on the values in the first column, which is a textbox column.

If I click on the column header, the sort works. However, I want the sort to automatically take place once the grid is loaded without clicking the column heading to sort. This would also apply if I add a new row to the grid - I want the grid to resort automatically after the row is added, to display the row in the right spot without clicking the column heading.

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VS 2010 : Save Image From Webbrowser Loaded Page To Hdd (after Loading Save To Hdd)?

May 28, 2012

How to save image from webbrowser loaded page to hdd (after loading save to hdd)?

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Save My .txt Into .csv But When Its Loaded Into Excel It Writes Everything In Column?

Mar 23, 2010

Im currently looking fora solution to load/delete/write to a csv file. I tried to save my .txt into .csv but when its loaded into excel it writes everything in column

A1: John Freeman,Apartment 1 Street 2,New York with commas...

I want to put it in column A1: John Freeman B1: Apartment 1 Street 2 C1: New York

What am I missing? This cvs seems like the thing i want to work with.I testet it with writing my user registration form to .csv and its writing it perfectly into excel when i use & vbCrLf & between the text inputs, but will be listing them vertical and not horizontal as i want them to be.Also i don't know how to clear my csv document now and how to call the csv file to a table or a textbox like i did with my .txt file.


readalltext can't read .csv so the code should be like?

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Sort DataGridView Numbers (when Clicking The Datagridview Column Header Text)

Mar 11, 2010

A datagridview is sorting numerical values (when clicking the datagridview column header text) in the wrong order based on the initial digit:


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Sort Not Working Datagridview Gives "DataGridView Control Must Be Bound To An IBindingList Object To Be Sorted?

Dec 4, 2009

I have a few classes, one is a form, the other is the source of the datagridview. I want to be able to sort the columns of the datagridview by clicking on the header. Here are the classes that I am dealing with:

Imports DiscoveryByte.AddTools.Misc_Tools
Public Class ViewDiscoveryFlashCards
Private DBBindingSource As New BindingSource


View 1 Replies Mvc - Save Data On A Strongly-typed View When Not All Fields Are Loaded

Dec 9, 2009

Let's say I have an edit view that is strongly-typed to a table called "MyData". The view has multiple tabs, each with several different fields from the table. For performance, the data is only loaded when the tab is viewed, so if you only edit a field on tab 1 and submit the form, the data for tab 2 will not be loaded.

The problem I'm running into is on the submit. I'm doing the typical routine of finding the existing record in the database and updating the passed values:

<AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Post)> _
Function Edit(ByVal data As MyData) As ActionResult
Using dc = New MyDataContext


However, this method doesn't know which tabs were loaded, so if the tab with "desc" on it is not loaded, this method thinks the user blanked out the "desc" field, and sends NULL to the database.

How can I construct this so that only loaded fields are sent to the database, and unloaded fields are ignored?

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Listbox Displays A Files Contents Once Loaded - Save A Textboxs Text?

Jun 21, 2010

1. How do I make it so a listbox displays a files contents once loaded?

2. How do I save a textboxs text?

3. what does this error mean?

An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Failed to initialize because CategoryName is missing.

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Why Is A Datagridview When Loaded All Selected (HighLighted)

Jun 4, 2009

I have a datagridview on a form that is docked in the form. When the form loads the DGV is all selected until I click a cell or row or column. Is there a way to turn it off.?

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VS 2008 - Sort Dataset And Save As Xml?

Feb 23, 2012

I have xml file and try to load into datagridview, how can I save the xml after I sort it by desc?


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Datagridview Linked To A DataTable Loaded From A Sql Server Via An Adapter?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a datagridview linked to a dataTable loaded from a sql server via an adapter.I wish to sort one of the column: Filenumber.The Columns is a string. For example:


But when i sort the columns by using Me.DataGrid.Sort(DataGrid.Columns(9), System.ComponentModel.ListSortDirection.Ascending), it turns out to be:


I would like to know how to sort it like:


How should i go about it? I've thought of getting rid of the M- in front and putting it into another column, but it makes filtering nuisance.Also, is it true the a custom sort via an IComparer is only applicable to things without a binding source?

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Sort Class By Product.count Then Save Again?

May 26, 2009

Is there a easy way to sort this class by product.count then save again so it is in order?



I can think of a few ways such as adding to a gridview and bubble sorts

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Calculations For Data In Datagridview Dynamically Loaded From Access Database

Feb 2, 2010

I have a database that dynamically loads from Access into a datagridview. I have to enter data manually into one column in this datagridview. I need to be able to perform calculations to this data, for example I need to sum the data in this column, sqaure it and substract it from individual sqaures of the data in the cells. I should be able to sum it sum(22,33,44,53,67,23)^2-sum(22^2,33^2,...23^2). The number of columns keep changing depending on the database I choose to load, so I need to code this dynamically too. I am not really a VB person. I did the same in excel using Visual Basic and I am trying to do it in this Visual Basic environment.I built a tool in excel(VBA) that do some statistical calculations and data analysis and I am trying to build the same in Visual Basic.

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Null Dates In Mysql Throw Exception When Loaded Into Datagridview?

Feb 15, 2012

Having problems with null dates in a mysql table. Have eventually found out that I can store a 'null' date in mysql as "0000-00-00" and I can run the 'insert' command to add a record to the mysql table. When I check on mysql workbench I can see the row has been inserted correctly and the date shows as "0000-00-00".However...When I try to load the table into a datagridview, I get an error = mysql Conversion Exception was unhandled = "Unable to convert MySQL date/time value to System.DateTime".

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VS 2008 Sort Listbox, Save Items And Delete After Date

Apr 13, 2012

I am making some kind of calendar where I can add tasks, so I can easily organise my tasks. For it to complete, I have 3 things I can't figure out how to do it:

1. When I launch the program, I want the items in my listbox to be sorted alphabeticly.

2. I want to save the items in the listbox, so if I close the program and reopen it the items are still saved in the listbox.

3. The items in the listbox all start with a date, fe. "13-4" for today. If that date already passed I want that item to be deleted.

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VS 2010 Read CSV Into Array (Sort/Edit/Add/Deleted) And Re-Save

Aug 15, 2011

The gist of the program is to:

- Read a CSV file into an array
- Get this visible in a list box, so the values can be:
- Sorted
- Edited
- Deleted
- Added
- Finally save these manipulated values back to the text file

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.net - DataGridView Sort Does Not Work

Nov 9, 2010

Visual Studio 2010 VB.NET

I have a DataGridView.DataSource set to a Collection of custom objects. The columns use read only properties from the custom object for display, this dialog is for display only. The properties all return String objects. I set the columns all but 2 of them to sortmode automatic (the ones that are not set is a button or a checkbox). Yet it does not sort. I have googled around and most people use sql or binding sources but I am using a trivial vb collection. Some say I should implement IComparable but isn't String already IComparable?

Per a request here are some code snippets.

This method defines the columns in detail from columns I designed in the designer.

The column names are called pSelected or pCustomer and corresponds with a property by the same name that the column definition ties to.

Protected Sub UpdateDGVUS()
If Not USColumnsInitted Then
USColumnsInitted = True


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Sort A Datagridview By Several Columns?

Nov 30, 2009

How do i sort a datagridview by several columns?

I want to sort the data in my DataGridView by the Title, Location and Reference, i have the following to sort the DGV by title, how can i include the two other columns in the sort?[code]...

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Sort Datagridview By Number

Sep 30, 2011

I should move in first position rows that begin with My_Number, but my Datagrid_comb is binding. So I have try this:


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Sort Datagridview Descending?

Jul 26, 2009

I have a set of data in cvs file such as

bin 1 , 2000
bin 2 , 1000
bin 3 , 4000


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Sort Datagridview Row Sorting?

Aug 24, 2011

I need to sort datagridview row sorting. There two color in the datagridview rows, some is yellow, some is white. How can I sort them by yellow rows shown first then only show white color rows?

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Sort The DataGridView By Date?

Feb 5, 2010

i need to sort the DataGridView by date, one of the TextboxColumn contains date in the following format '12-jan-2010' i need to sort by date but the gridview sorts by number

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VS 2005 : How To Sort The Datagridview

Aug 2, 2010

how to sort the Datagridview. In my scenario I've a datagridview and this is the code I use to fill it:

...declaration of cmdStoredProc...


So it works very well only if i set AutoGenerateColumns = True.Why this code doesn't work with the autogeneratecolumns property set to false and the runtime binding of each column?

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Instruct VB To Save These Values In The Text Property Of The Labels So That The Next Time The Program Is Loaded The Labels?

Oct 21, 2008

I created a program that has serval labels on a form and a listview object. It has a button that when clicked reads a textfile and loads up values in the listview object. I then can click and drag text from the listview box to any label on the form and then the program removes the value from the listview box. Now, my question is how can I instruct VB to save these values in the text property of the labels so that the next time the program is loaded the labels will contain the values loaded during the last run time session?

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Save All Data Displayed In DataGridview And Save It Using Oracle Client(ODAC 11g)?

Apr 20, 2010

How to save all the data displayed in DataGridview( 2 column, no primary key) and have a button and

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Bindingsource Sort By Column Value - Datagridview

Mar 21, 2012

I am trying to display a football league table in datagridview. my code gets that data for each column from ms access and displays it in datagridview. I want to sort rows according to the value of the "pts" column.I've tried using using BindingSource.Sort = "pts" but this has had no effect.


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DataGridView Filter/sort Using DateTimePicker?

Mar 9, 2012

how to sort my datagridview depending on the value of my datetimepicker. i have used the code below to view my access file into the datagrid

Private Sub showitems()
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim ds As New DataSet


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DataGridView Find Out Sort Order

Jun 13, 2010

I am using VB.NET 2008 My DataGridView is bound to a DataSet. After adding a DataGridView row (from another form), I needed to sort the DataGridView in order to put the new row in the appropriate place. I needed to be able to identify the current sort column and the current sort direction (ascending/descending) but I was unable to find out how to obtain that information from the DataGridView properties. Consequently I had to do it the hard way via my own coding. The sort column name (or names) and the sort direction then became available to my program in the global variables.


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DataGridView Sort Chg Throwing NullExceptionError

Oct 25, 2011

I have the below bit of code that allows a user to see data in a DataGridView. They can click on a single row and open another form with the detail of the selected item. Once the user returns from that form I refresh the original screen with anything that might have been changed from the other screen (or by other users elsewhere in the network).

This works perfectly fine to select items, go look a the detail and change anything you like, then return and refresh the screen with the new updated information, with one notable exception. I get a NullExceptionError whenever the user has changed the default datagridview sort option on the first screens grid screen. Then selects and item and goes to the second screen and comes back to the first screen. And the really strange thing (to me) is that the first record on the return gets added fine, it is the second record it tries to add that is throwing the error.

Other notes: all variables have values (not nulls), the tableSelect is also valid and not equal to nothing.

If sqlConn.State = Data.ConnectionState.Closed Then sqlConn.Open()
Dim r As Data.SqlClient.SqlDataReader = sqlComm.ExecuteReader()
If r.HasRows = True Then


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Disabling Sort Function In Datagridview>

May 16, 2006

Is it possible to disable the "sort function" in datagridview that happens when pressing the header?

I would like display some data that you cant order by clicking on the columheader. Can you lock the headers somehow?

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