VS 2010 Simulating Mouse Click Without Form Being Selected?
Dec 9, 2011
For my program, I have a webbrowser loaded with a website which contains flash elements. I'm trying to simulate a mouse click (using coordinates) and have the user not need to have the form highlighted (I believe this means the physical position of the cursor shouldn't need be changed either). I've been experimenting with the
This is what I'm looking for however, paired with the ability to simulate the click while not being on that form. I believe this would require the coordinates to be relative to the form itself also. I'm not sure if this is all possible in Visual Basic, however I've seen it utilized in Actionscript and Java.
I don't know where to start so i will explain my project. I want (someday) to make a macro scripting program kinda like SCAR. The difference will be that it will simulate all the function/procedures from scar. What i mean by simulate is that you can "Mouse Click" without actually moving or affecting the "real" mouse. This will allow you to macro and do what ever you do on the computer at the same time.
I am currently attempting to simulate a mouse click within a Webbrowser control. I am able to move the cursor to where I want but i have been looking for hours for a way to make it click. An explanation as well as exemplar code is preferable as i would like to understand how it works...
ulating a auto mouse click in VB 2010 or C# Express 2010 Ive been trying for awhile now but cant find a code that works! I need a code to click a web browser on a timer say to click every 3
When I execute DoMouseClick then I get a PInvkokeStackImbalaced. I searched on google and tried some other things nothing really worked. Public Class PerformClick Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" Alias "mouse_event" (ByVal dwFlags As Long, ByVal dx As Long, ByVal dy As Long, ByVal cButtons As Long, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Long) Const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTDOWN As UInt32 = &H2 Const MOUSEEVENTF_LEFTUP As UInt32 = &H4 [Code] .....
I would like to know how to code for a right mouse button click. The idea is that after a checkbox is checked I want the program to stimulate a right click.
After reading a few things on google, is there a way to just go to x,y from within the form, not the whole window display itslef? I have some functions i found online. I want to go to x,y cords from within my form, and move the mouse to it, and simulate a left mouse click. When i click my button to move the mouse, it puts the mouse way outside my form
I am new to VB.NET, Now i'm working with Events in VB.NET, I have two event methods, Mouse Click and Mouse Down for a single button in a form, I have displyed a message in each of these methods but only mouse down event is triggered. Why Mouse Click is not triggered? Similiarly I Did the same for Mouse Enter and Mouse Move for a particular button, in this case both the events are triggered.
I'm a really beginner so i want to know if its possible to make the mouse move to certain co-ordinates outside of your form and then click , and then pause before repeating.
Im Using VB 2008. I have MsgBox() statements in all Mouse & Form Click events to TEST & NOTHING FIRES during Form Load when I click on Form or Button Controls !!! The Form Load event contains code for Displaying the Label.Text control many times with changes in the Text to simmulate annimation.
I need to come up with a way for a user to select multiple non-consecutive rows of a DataGridView from a touchscreen. Using a mouse & keyboard I would just Ctrl-Click on the rows I want to select, but I dont have that option with a touchscreen.
Private Sub ShowDropDown() Using f As New DropDownForm f.Visible = True Do While f.Visible Application.DoEvents()
This was a guess, after looking at the Form.ShowDialog method in reflector.My question is, is there a managed call I can make to acheive the same result, and what does a button click do that other clicks don't?
ETA: The problem does not occur if I open the form using a key.
I have USB device that is detected as human interface device (HID). The device has one button on it. I want to have more of same devices attached to one PC. I would like to simulate a click on that device (it is not a mouse!). It should be simple using Windows API, but I just can't seem to find an example or at least function that does that (I successfully found code that takes position of a MOUSE, and sends click to a MOUSE, but I need that for my HID). What i really need is an example how to simulate click on HID (something like joystick).Second question is a bit more complicated and I can't find a solution. The HID when button is clicked returns data (5-6 bytes). But data returned is immediately printed to the screen (like i typed it on keyboard) and it is followed by CR, however no data is left on clipboard. I don't know how to get that data to my program. Detecting keystrokes using Windows API (something like keylogger), or to make a control (richtextbox) and retrieve data from that control? Thou important notice is that my program is complicated, involves multithreading (cross-thread operations are a mess) and is TIME CRITICAL (as much as it can be on Windows - you get what I mean), so cross-thread access of control will slow me down a lot or even just won't work. Something like this:[code]Even if this problem is solved it still makes it buggy because user should be able to use GUI all the time.
I'm making an app that will be able to repeat the user's mouse movement, and also clicks.I have managed to repeat the movement but i have no idea where to start in detecting click outside of form..
I have a mdi form and two child forms ina VB.net application. When i load the mdi both of these child forms are shown, one of the form is in focus while other is not. Now the problem is if i clickon the body of the second form it does not get
I am working with a winform. I would like to close/hide the form when the user clicks outside of the form. How would I do that? I tried to capture the event deactvate and lost focus and they don't get fired.
I'm working on an application of which counts how many keystrokes/clicks. I'm just wondering how I would go about logging such actions. The application will be running in the background within the taskbar and when you click on anything on your computer/type anything or press any key I want it to pick up the event and log and add up, so if i click 10 times it will add 10 onto the total clicks and vicer versa on typing.
I have two custom action listers. One that handles Mouse.Click and one that handles Mouse.MouseDown. My question to you is, can I delay the mouse down event so that it does not intefere with the code of the Mouse.Click event? I have tried adding a timer and waiting x amount then setting a bool value to true, but the code executes to fast and it skips the other code.
Is it possible to capture a mouse click anywhere on a form (both on the form itself and on any control) without putting code in each control? I want to reset a timer/timeout when the user hits a key (which I have working no problem w/ a combo of
When I click (shift + right mouse click) on a control (label, textbox, checkbox, etc) on a windows form I want to catch that event and identify the control the mouse was over. I can't use MouseClick event for that control because I want to create a generic function for all forms/controls in the app.[code]
I'm trying to simulate a mouse click at a given set of coordinates on the screen. This is not to click on a form in my application, but rather to serve as a button press in another application I have no control over.(The jerks didn't put hotkeys in there so I'm trying to make my own...I've got the hotkey code down, but now I'd like to make it call a sub that forces a mouse click at X, Y coordinates..
I have a picturebox on the form, when it is clicked, I want the picturebox to fit the size of the form, which can be done by pic.SizeToFit = true So, the picturebox will automatically change the size.But after that, I want to set pic.SizeToFit = false , I need this because the picturebox is a user control which has a image Pannign feature, and it works only when the picturebox.SizeToFit = false
I can not set it = false in the mouse click event, because I need set it = true, so the pic will change size.basically, what I need is: after mouse click event finished, change SizeToFit = false.One way to do it is in mouse click event, start a timer, after several seconds, set SizeToFit = false. Or, use a thread. It will work. But, is there a more elegant way to do this?
I have a program with a checkbox. I want to get it On/Off with a hotkey. When hotkey is activated: It should click on the checkbox Even when the program which contains the checkbox is not focused (so if other window is above it).
This is my code
Public Class Form1 Declare Sub mouse_event Lib "user32" Alias "mouse_event" (ByVal dwFlags As Integer, ByVal dx As Integer, ByVal dy As Integer, ByVal cButtons As Integer, ByVal dwExtraInfo As Integer) Private Const MOUSEEVENTF_ABSOLUTE = &H8000 ' absolute move
which code to enter to make it possible with the non-focused program.And (0,0,0,0) --> Which one is the X and Y