VS 2010 Skipping To Next Statement

May 19, 2012

Is it possible to skip to next statement while for loop is still being executed? [code]

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Skipping Over ElseIf Statement?

Mar 19, 2010

I seem to be having a lot of trouble with this project. I am trying to update this atabaseI know that the routines are working (atleast the delete and update of records),but it seems to be going straight from the If statement right to the End If and not attempting the ElseIf statements. If it is something simple...sorry for the dumb question, I'm very new to rogramming in general.

Public Sub Delete()
Dim lngRecordNumber As Long
Dim StartTime As String


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VS 2010 Media Player Is Skipping Some Tracks - In Interval Of 2 Tracks

May 2, 2010

Media Player is skipping some tracks, in interval of 2 tracks, I don't know why. Imagine a list of 5 tracks.


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For Each Loop Not Skipping Items

Sep 9, 2011

I have a for each loop in vb.net for this particular example there are 2 items in list but after the first item the loop exits are there errors in the code [code]

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Program Skipping Code?

May 12, 2012

the program compiles properly, however during the saving and loading part of the code, "btnSave" and "btnLoad" subs, the program only saves the data from one of the text boxes even though it should loop 4 times.

Public Class Form1
Dim intEmployeeAdded As Integer = 0
Dim strSelectedName As String


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Skipping The Last Number In A Query?

Jun 25, 2010

This is my frist post on the forum So I hope I am giving enough info, If not let me know if there isanything I missed.I have currently completed a project where I do a Query in SQL Server 2000 in VB 2010 and produce reports for each Tax id. When I Debug the program it finds the number and processes the reports, when I just let it run as an executable it does not pick up or find the number.

This number happens to be the last number coming back from the query and it processess in a loop while Not filename.EOF it goes thru 4 seperate routines and then loops back to get the next taxid. I did not put any routines to sleep and I am thinking maybe the application is just stepping on itself, could this be right? Thecreatereport path does a sql execute for the appropriated Table against the TaxID an the current Cycledate, then produces the report va CR2010(beta) and exports it as a pdf file to a directory on the shared sever.


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SQL Insert Skipping Some Records

Oct 8, 2009


With the code above, I'm trying to create and insert records into a MySQL database. The issue here is that not all records are inserted. If the XML document I'm reading from has 80 records, only 40, or 66, or some other number get put into the database. I'm guessing this is because the code is trying to insert the records faster than the database can handle them? What would the correct way to make sure the record is in the database before moving on to the next one?

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For Loop Skipping Rows In DataSet?

Jul 26, 2010

My Application uses For...Next loops to read a spreadsheet into a DataSet and then display information from it based on the results of search conditions (search term and a date range).I'm having a problem with the data where, if I run a search that should return the first 400 rows in the spreadsheet, I'm only getting around 200 results. I know the search should return the 400 rows because I checked it in the spreadsheet before running the search.I think my problem might be caused by my date comparisons. I think the problem might be that I'm comparing String valueHere's my code:

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
If ListBox1.Items.Count <> 0 Then : ListBox1.Items.Clear() : End If


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Load Event Skipping Lines?

Nov 4, 2009

The load event goes through two different List(of T) in its own For Each loop. When the form is run for the first time, the first list is populated, the second one is not so the first loop runs but the second one does not. Then an integer that would normally be modified by the second loop remains at 2 and is assigned to a private variable integer, _handsRemaining.

Here is what it DOES. It runs through the first For Each loop and populates the appropriate field. It ignores the second loop because there are no weapon Class instances in that list. Then it goes wrong. It IGNORES the remaining lines (including the third MessageBox.Show) and somehow assigns a value of 0 to the private variable, _handsRemaining.

Private _handsRemaining As Integer
Private Sub Inventory_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
Dim hand As Integer = 2


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Skipping Deleted Rows Of DataTable?

Jul 20, 2011

I have two datatable that I pull information from a db. I have a complicated form, and I have found it easier to write a simple SQL statement to pull the records. I have then used other controls on the form to trim the info down even further. When a particular falls out of the secondary control it is then deleted from the datatable.

I am then going back through the datatable and performing other actions on the datatable. When I narrow the information, sometimes I'm getting a DeletedRow is inaccessible. I have been looking at a way to do an IF statement to see if a row has been deleted, but I haven't figured out a way to skip a deleted row. Is there a way to skip a deleted row that I'm not seeing.

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Xml - .Net XMLTextReader Keeps Skipping 1st Element In Children?

Jul 1, 2011

I'm hoping somebody can help me with this... I am reading an XML file created from the server and all is good except that when I try to process the file it's always skipping one of the first child elements. And when I run a test with no processing, just a straight reader and looping through the elements, the 1st element is there. But as soon as I add a check to see if the node is an Element, it skips an "Attachment" element.Here's my XML:


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"End Of Statement Expected" Error In VB 2010 In A Do While Statement?

May 2, 2012

I have a line of code that is working in one statement but not the second statement. I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, I am learning slowly but surely, and it is by no small margin because of the ave found here =) The error is occuring in the intResult = intSelection x intCount line of the SECOND Do While Loop.

The blue squiggle line is under "intCount" just FYI
Dim intSelection As Integer
Dim intCount As Integer = 0


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Skipping Lines In Text File Source?

Jul 30, 2009

I have a text file 'source'. I want to skip 4 lines then grab the 17th through 33rd characters and assign them to a variable. Then drop down to the 9th line and grab the 10th through the 19th character and assign them to a variable. Then skip to the 27th line and write each line to another file with these two variables appended to the end of each line. I can write the lines to another file easy enough but I'm not sure about skipping around from line to line or grabbing the variables.

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Skipping Text File Read If Error?

Jun 18, 2012

I'm not really sure how to word it, if it is possible, but part of my program reads from a text file. It then pulls out the necessary information needed from that file by finding key identifiers. Right now the code is written to find the first key identifier and then read each line after that, locating each subsequent identifier and pulling the data from it. In a few cases, the format examples I've worked with are a bit different which results in a runtime error. How can I tell the program to essentially skip that part of the text file if it's not reading it right and continue moving on? Here is somewhat of an example of the text file.



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Skipping Or Backing Up Records In Database Within ExecuteReader Routine?

May 23, 2010

is it possible to skip forward or backup to the previous record in a database within a Do Loop of an ExecuteReader routine? For example, with the following code:

DMCommand01 = New OleDbCommand("Select * From DB01Table01 Order By DB01F01, DB01F02", DMDatabase01)
DMReader01 = DMCommand01.ExecuteReader()
Do While DMReader01.Read = True


I have the need as part of a larger data comparison program to not always read the next sequential record - at some points I want to go back to the previous record, or skip forward to the next record, but stay within the Do Loop.

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Write Back Into A Text File With Skipping First 2 Lines?

May 22, 2011

How to write back into a text file with skipping the first 2 lines

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Error In UPDATE Statement In VB 2010 And Access 2010?

Apr 1, 2012

Syntax error (missing operator) in query expression '''system time'''.this is the error that appears

this is my code:

Dim sqlCmd As String
Dim x As Date
x = Format(Now(), "General Date")


the fields in the tables are all text fields.is there any way to fix this error? perhaps it is in my query but i really cant find a solution.is there an alternative to get what i want my program to do?it is basically entering an ID number and finding the record with the same idnumber and putting the system time on the timein field for that record.

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Jump Into A Vbyesno - Step Into The Bolded Code When Click On No In Messagebox - Keeps Skipping

Aug 13, 2009

Private Sub CMDreturngame_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CMDreturngame.Click
Dim gameID As Integer


The above is my code. I'm trying to get it to step into the bolded code when I click on no in the messagebox, but it keeps skipping. No idea why as I've wrote another piece of code with similar coding, which works perfectly fine.

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Print Statement In Vb 2010?

Jun 21, 2011

what is the equivalent print statement in vb 2010 express edition like we have print a; in vb6

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VS 2010 End Of Statement Expected?

Aug 6, 2011

[URL]I'm making a bot to submit a form multiple times. I want to add "public int count" and "public int max" to limit and count how many entries I've had.I can't find out where to put it though, I know in the class but where? When I put it somewhere it says end of statement!

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VS 2010 How To Insert An SQL Statement

Jan 3, 2012

How could i put an SQL statement in vb.net like the SQL injection is this possible??Im trying my system if someone can use the SQL injection in vb.net im using parameters and the other has no paramters if it is possible for them 2 insert the sql injection. . . .this is our project in our Major subj. and this is one of the req. how 2 prevent the adversary to delete the data. . . .my problem is i dont know how 2 try the SQL injection inserting it in my system but it doesnt work

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VS 2010 If Statement Not Working?

Jun 27, 2011

I have form1 and form2. On form 2 i have 2 combo boxes where the user is asked to make selections. once back on form1 i try to use those selections as part of an if statement but although i should be triggring them it does not. I cannot figure this out. I have set up test variables and msgboxes along the way to test this.

The code excecutes. I have double checked the variables on form 2. They just do not trigger a response that will enter the if statements even though it looks like they should. I have double checked that test1 and test 2 are grabbing the variables from form 2

test1 is "Male"
test2 is "10 - 19"

When the code excecutes i never get to the msgbox("Age") line of code. I have also tried taking the spaces out of the strings with no luck as well.


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VS 2010 Using 'Contains' In A Select Statement?

Nov 25, 2011

I was using an If block to see if a line in a file contained a specific string. But I need to look for many different string and do different things based on each. So I don't want a million nested If blocks. So I decided to use a Select statement. But, I can't figure out how to use .Contains with it. If I do .ToLower.Contains, like I did in the If block, it stops me.

For Each _line In lineList Select Case _line.ToLower


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VS 2010 Best Way To Run An If Statement If Have Text In Textboxes?

May 17, 2012

What is the best way to run an if statement if I have text in my textboxes?I have 6 textboxes,textbox1 will always have text but how would I do this?[code]

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VS 2010 Multiple Parameters In SQL Statement

Jun 22, 2011

I need to pass four parameters to a SQL statement and i'm using the following code. It works fine for the first parameter but ignores the rest without erroring.

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
Dim conz As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data


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VS 2010 - Syntax Error In Insert Into Statement

Aug 3, 2011

rs = conn.Execute("INSERT INTO scrape (scrapeddata) VALUES ('" & regexholder &" ' ")
Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement.

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VS 2010 : Using Oracle INSERT Statement With TO_DATE?

Feb 25, 2011

In my code I have an Oracle command that contains an INSERT statement. Here's a snippet from my SQL:

"'," & "To_Date('" & Format$(dtDateTime_Stamp, "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm") & _

The value of strDateTime_Stamp is #1/19/2011 9:42:22 AM# I'm getting an error ( "ORA-01830: date format picture ends before converting entire input string") because I don't know how to correctly assign the AM/PM tag on the end -- you'll notice it just says "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm" in my code. I've tried a bunch of different things but nothing works. I also find it odd that if I change the "MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm" to "mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm" (little m for month) it gives me a 42 for the month value, not a 1. The capital M's fix that but I'm curious to know why.how to I get it to show the AMPM on the end?

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VS 2010 Execute A Statement While Closing The Win Form?

May 11, 2011

I have a windows application. I would like to run a statement while exiting my application. I tried adding my statement on FormClosing event. but it only executes if the application is closed properly. However, If the application is closed via task manager or system is restarted or logged out, etc. then the statement in closing or disposed event is not getting executed.

Private Sub Form1_Disposed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Disposed
MsgBox("disposed") End Sub Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
End Sub

can some one tell me how to get my statement executed even the user tries to log out or shut down or application is closed via task manger.

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VS 2010 Insert Statement (DataGridView To Database)

Aug 2, 2011

How will I insert the output of my DataGridView to another table in the database? I have 4 Columns. The First and Second Columns are Check Boxes. The Third is The Stockholder Code. The Forth is The Stockholder Name. What I want to happen is, my selected records(The Stockholder Code, The Stockholder Name ) via check boxes will be inserted in my database.

Here's what I've done so far:

For Each row As DataGridViewRow In DataGridView1.Rows
Dim cell As DataGridViewCheckBoxCell = CType(row.Cells("checkboxchild"), DataGridViewCheckBoxCell)


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VS 2010 Syntax Error In INSERT INTO Statement?

Sep 28, 2011

I keep getting this error "Syntax error in INSERT INTO statement." on this line "da.Update(ds, "Llenar")" when i try to update a microsoft access 2003 database with this app. I was using this tutorial


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