VS 2010 Speeding Up For Next Loops With BackGroundWorker Usage?

Jan 19, 2012

I've wrote this code to accomplish what the image below looks like. This works fine for anything that is around 40x40 but if I try to do 100x100 it takes forever and sometimes errors out with a window handle error. Once it gets around the 40th column the labels start adding slower and slower. Is there anything I can do to make this more efficient? I added the backgroundworker routine in there to see if it would speed things up at all but it doesn't.

Private Sub CreateGrid(ByVal rows As Integer, ByVal ranges As Integer)
If Me.InvokeRequired Then


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VS 2010 - Speeding Up Calculation

Sep 14, 2011

I am trying to speed this calculation up because I need it to run every time a textbox or a checkbox is changed within the program. My issue is that it runs so slow that there is a lag between changing the text or checking a checkbox and the actual completed calculation.

Sub CalculateP1LoanAmount()

On Error Resume Next

'create the variables for the calculations
Dim P11stPV As Integer = 0


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Monthly Payment Calculation, For Loops To Do While Loops?

Oct 8, 2011

the purpose of the program is to display the monthly payments on the loan.My homework is to use do while loops instead of for loop.Here is the code for the for loop.

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off


Now I'm having some trouble displaying the output using the do while loop, and I'm pretty sure it's a loop problem on my code. However, I cannot seemed to find out what's wrong. I looked at the examples of do while loop in my textbook, but I couldn't find anything useful to my problems of my program.This is the output for the do while loop.

Here's the do while loop code

Option Explicit On
Option Strict On
Option Infer Off


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Contain Functions(They All Have For Loops) Don't Work In For Loops?

Mar 6, 2011

When I use a For loop in a For loop the Contains Statement dosen't work! Even my custom one! I even tested mine and it works 100% And neither that or the String.Contains function work inside of For Loops And, I know both of them use loops to search through a string.

My function(It will atleast search once):

Function RealContains(ByVal load As String, ByVal needle As String) As Boolean
load = load.ToLower


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VS 2010 - Textbox Handling For XML While Loops

Oct 18, 2011

I have a sub which creates an XML file but the thing is, all the parameters are 'hardcoded', so I decided to give some inputs so each data in each node is customizable. Now, I would like a loop to read the text in textbox1 and assign that to variable one, do the same for textbox2, write the node, loop again (using the same variable) and assign that variable a value in textbox3 and write the node.

I can while loop to write nodes, but only for fixed data or data with 500000 variables for each loop. Is there any way to do this such that on each loop it dynamically sources the variables data from the 'next text box'. i.e. One first loop uses textbox1, second loop it knows it has used textbox1 .'. it uses textbox2 etc... Is there a way to do the same thing but write back to text boxes in an order, knowing what was previously written.

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VS 2010 : XML Child Nodes 'loops'?

Jun 1, 2011

I have a bunch of XML's that need to be put into an SQL database. One XML represents all orders for a certain department of a store. The problem (for me) is that in one XML there can be (and are) multiple orders (called distributions in my case.) The XML looks as follows (truncated):

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>


So in this example I have two 'distributions'. Now I can get all data out of the XML fine, which I do like this:

get xml data
awsFeed = XDocument.Load(fileName)
Dim orders = From order In awsFeed...<order> _


However, in this case my SQL input would have to result in 2 entries, because there are 2 orders. Both entries would have the same data, except for different entries. I know how to post to SQL, that's not the problem. My real problem is, how do I 'loop' it through the XML. I think i'm looking for something like:For each 'distribution' in orders -> put into array.Or something like that. After that I could query the array and put it in the database.

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VS 2010 Exiting Subs - For Loops

Apr 24, 2011

This code is supposed to check if an item already exists in a ListView, and if not, add it. But it still adds it even if it was already there. All variables are set and fully working. The addable string is in an array.

Private Sub btnCombine_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnCombine.Click
For Each comb As Array In combinables
If comb(0) = Selection1 Then


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VS 2010 Is LINQ Faster Than For-loops

Jul 4, 2010

I have an array of approximately 1000 classes. All of these classes must have one of their properties changed to the same value. I need this to be as optimized and fast as possible.

Would LINQ be faster than a for-loop? Any other ideas for faster execution?

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Speeding Up Thumbnails?

Mar 31, 2010

I have 8 thumbnails on a thumbnail browser page where each thumbnail is just a rectangle from the main image, not the whole thing.

Problem is, this needs to run on some fairly old machines where it's too slow in VB.net although the old VB6 version worked fine. Any obvious ways of speeding the following code up, or do I need to go back to API or use separate thumbnail images?

Private bmp As Bitmap
Private bmp2 As Bitmap
Private gr As Graphics


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VS 2010 - Arrays And Do Loops With Rows And Columns

Feb 28, 2011

So I am writing a program that uses ArrayA(10) and ArrayB(10) and uses Do loops to output the sum of ArrayA(1) + ArrayB(1) in one column then the difference in the next column, then the product in the next column, then the quotient in column 4 of a Matrix(10, 4) in a listbox. And continues doing this until there are 10 rows of 4 columns. I was wondering for tips on how I can get this done.

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Speeding Up A Matching Routine?

Jan 21, 2011

I hoped you could give me som tips about speeding up som code i have to match an item to a collection of items... I have 1250 items that need to find the best match from 16774 items(every item is a class that consist of a string variable containing the path to an image, and 9 fields containg the most dominant color from a collection of 13 colors(the closest color)) The program does not use the filename or do any color matching in this step, only check the 9 fields... but it takes so


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VB 2010 Displaying RAM Usage?

Jan 18, 2012

All I am looking to do is display the current RAM usage being used in a textbox, nothing more nothing less. I will encorperate it into a timer and update automatically, how do I do this ?

View 8 Replies

VS 2010 - Nested For Loops Seem To Only Trigger Once Instead Of The Number Of Times That Specified

Dec 7, 2011

I am trying to code something with nested for loop with the following format:


However when the program hits the last value of 'For loop 1', the nested for loops seem to only trigger once instead of the number of times that i specified.

Private Sub populatedgv1()
'setup temptable to store Server data
Dim m_table As New DataTable


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VS 2010 : Space Invaders Alien Loops/arrays?

Oct 2, 2011

Been given an assignment to create a space invaders game. Although there's a long way around, is there a way to make my code smarter.Here's the section to make a row of invaders so far:

Public Class Form1
'number of invaders in a row (horizontal)
Dim numberofinvaders As Integer = 11
'set of invaders (vertical)


So what I want to do more precisely is have the value of setofinvaders to change how many rows of invaders vertically in a loop.

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VS 2010 Get CPU Usage For Specific Process?

Nov 8, 2010

How can I get the CPU usage for an individual, specific process? I know how to get the total CPU usage, but not for 1 process. What I ultimately want to do is list all the processes whos cpu usage is greater than zero.

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VS 2010 Make PictureBox Usage?

Jan 17, 2012

I used 4 seperate pictureboxes to load in each picture. Then I click the option to select X picture, which works. However, if I click another option, the Y picture doesn't load.I tried with:

pBox1.Visible = False
pBox2.Visible = False
pBox3.Visible = False


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Speeding Up Code That Copies Database Structure To XML

Aug 23, 2010

I have a database structure filled with data that I'm trying to write out to an XML file. Here's a taste of the way the VB code is structured:[code]I can't see or report any progress, because the processing is all tied to one giant LINQ query. Even if I can't make it any faster, I'd like to know how much longer I have to wait. My first version of this code had For loops instead of queries, so I could display progress, but it took a loot longer.Obviously I'd like to speed this up considerably. It seems like there should be a simpler way to convert the data to an XML file, especially since the database structure was created from the XSD in the first place.

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Sql - Speeding Up .net Access Query To Populate An Array?

Nov 23, 2010

Dim Builders As New System.Data.OleDb.OleDbConnectionStringBuilder
Builders("Provider") = "Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0"
Builders("Data Source") = "C:UsersJohnDocumentsVisual Studio 2008ProjectsSimpleSQLTestSimpleSQLTestdictionary.mdb"


So trying to speed up the query. The read of the last item is just to see how long it takes. I do a different method in VB6 and it loads very quickly. Trying to load a dictionary that is over 200,000 rows.

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VS 2010 Application For Tracking Program Usage?

Jun 20, 2012

Is it possible to create an application with vb.net to track a users usage of Excel, Word and another application called lets say - Userapp.exe

At work we have been asked to create a diary of our days work and since most of my work is in excel, word and a custom application I have built, I was wondering if it was possible to track the usage of these programs store the data in a datatable and then save it to a access db.

Usage of the program would mean the time that the file is open on the screen, that way the time a program is open but minimised in the taskbar would not be counted.

The data table would have these headings -

1. Program (i.e excel, word etc.)
2. Name of File used
3. Time used in program

Could I use the windows task manager for this?

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VS 2010 Memory Reading / Offset Usage?

Sep 1, 2010

I saw some 'offsets' such as: 0x006E71A0and some that were like, Game.dll+8E336CI'd more so think the 0x006E71A0 and the Game.dll+8E336C are among the same format, so i'd like to use that.I have also read somewhere(this could be wrong) that the memory addresses formats are different between VB, C#, and C++.

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Get The Current Number Of Usage Days, Unique Usage Days, Etc In An Evaluation License Using CryptoLicensing Generator?

Jan 25, 2010

Get the current number of usage days, unique usage days, etc in an evaluation license using CryptoLicensing Generator.

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Cancel Backgroundworker - Got The Error Message" This BackgroundWorker Is Currently Busy And Cannot Run Multiple Tasks Concurrently?

Dec 14, 2009

in my button click event i ececure

If BackgroundWorker4.IsBusy Then
End If[code]....

after proceess completed if press the button again.i got the following error msg

This BackgroundWorker is currently busy and cannot run multiple tasks concurrently.

View 6 Replies

VS 2010 : Setup Performance Counters For CPU Usage And Memory Used?

Sep 23, 2010

I am trying to setup performance counters for CPU Usage and Memory Used.I would like a progress bar and a label to display the percentage.I have the below code and although it seems to be half working, there is something just not right.. The memory one seems to be working fine although the CPU one is acting strange.

Shared perfTotalMemory As New ComputerInfo
Shared perfFreeMemory As New PerformanceCounter("Memory", "Available MBytes")
Shared perfProcessorTime As New PerformanceCounter("Processor", "% Processor Time", "_Total")


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VS 2010 HTTPWebRequests - Memory Usage Indefinitely Increasing?

Jun 23, 2011

I'm having an unusual problem that I've never had with WR's before. I have a very user-driven program that interacts with a server of mine through webrequests. Depending on what the user's doing, it could end up sending a dozen requests/minute. This has never been a problem before, but for some reason system memory usage increases and doesn't stop increasing, as if something is cluttering it up for every webrequest that is sent out.

Is there a known problem with WR's like this? Or is it just a random screw up? I can get my system back up and running smoothly.

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VS 2010 ListView Box Usage; Removing A Specific Item?

May 19, 2011

I have a form with a ListView box and a button. When the user clicks on the button, the following code adds an item and subitem to the ListView box. The ListView box has 2 columns (Name and Gold).

Private Sub btnTest_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles btnTest.Click
Dim testName As String = "Slasher"


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VS 2010 Memory Usage Increases On Every Form Open?

Aug 26, 2010

I check the memory usage of my project from task manager, It always increases when I open forms but doesnt decrease when I close them. So the memory usage is getting bigger and bigger...

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VB 2010 Create A Calculator For Fuel Usage With Menu Items?

Jan 18, 2011

i am trying to create a kind of calculator for fuel usage with menus lemme show ya the code:

Public Class frmFuelCalc
Private Sub AboutFuelCalcToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles AboutFuelCalcToolStripMenuItem.Click
MsgBox("Guru Software" & vbCrLf & "Fuel Calculator Version" & vbCrLf & " Copyright 2011 © " & vbCrLf & " Guru Software Design â„¢ All Right Reserved", MsgBoxStyle.Information, "Fuel Calculator")


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VS 2010 - BackgroundWorker And ListView (Improvement)

Jan 7, 2011

Here's my code :
'Clearing the selected items of the listview
'Random selection of farms from the listview
Dim random As New Random()
Dim rand As Integer = random.[Next](0, ListView1.Items.Count)
[Code] .....

I'm running it under a BGW and it works fine but is there anyone who can comment on it and make my code a bit better. I've a background worker and I am running it again and again on the RunWorkerCompleted like this
Private Sub BGW_RunWorkerCompleted(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs) Handles BGW.RunWorkerComplete
End Sub
Is it bad coding or is there any alternative to run it?

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VS 2010 : BackgroundWorker Does Not Report Progress

Sep 5, 2010

I have some issues with background worker progress reporting functionality. I'm implementing a progress indicator and even if I marked the backgroundworker as report progress (true), it won't report progress until it finish the job.

The code is like this:

Private Sub BackgroundWorker1_DoWork(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs) Handles BackgroundWorker1.DoWork


The result is as expected (label1 with 100 value) but only when worker finished all the steps. If I'm triggering a messagebox in ProgressChange I see two message windows at the end of DoWork handle.

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VS 2010 : Backgroundworker To Populate Gridview?

Feb 16, 2010

I'd like to have a backgroundworker process data that will eventually populate a gridview in my windows form. I need to use a backgroundworker because the process takes a little while, normally causing the program to slow/freeze until it's opening and streaming connections.. So, I'm using a background worker to perform these methods.How can I take the data from the background worker (on a separate thread than the UI) and use it to populate controls in the UI?

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