VS 2010 System Still Log In Even Deleted The Codes For Logging In?

Oct 1, 2010

Here because even though I deleted the codes for logging in or make the condition wrong so that i will not log in.. still it logs-in to the system.

Dim username As String
Dim password As String
username = cmbUserName.Text


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Best Method Of Logging Error Codes?

Apr 5, 2011

I am trying to programmatically log error codes from any exceptions thrown on a PDA using CF3.5. Does anyone know how to get the most precise code for an error?

I've been looking at getting the HResult value of the thrown exception (which I can do), but this doesn't seem specific enough.

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System.net.sockets Codes?

Mar 11, 2011

Do you all have any updated websites that provides tutorials about the system.net.sockets namespace?

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Source Codes For A Restaurant Management System Project?

Nov 4, 2009

and Send me some codings for a restaurant management system project using any programming language preferably VB6,VB.NET,PHP&MYSQL,HTML with Javascripts[i][color=#000099][size=3][font=Times New Roman]

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Application To Run In More Than One System / Share Common Database Exampls Or Some Codes

Mar 14, 2011

i saw more applications can run in more than one systems and accessing a common database whenever update a data from one computer thats reflects in another eg a product is select by one system in a shop it wont showed by another system in the same local network.how to develop that kind of apps what kind of applications they are .please explain about that concept or give some ebook references.give me a simple vb application code in vb.net like above mentioned.[code]

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Visual Studio Logging In/ Logging Out?

Feb 17, 2012

Using visual studio (Winforms) with sql server (R2). If you can login by inserting the correct values in the textfields (vb.net) that is connected in the database . How do i code the log out?

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VS 2010 Deleted Code Still Executed?

Nov 19, 2010

does anyone know how to solve this kind of issue?if i add code to an existing code in my control/function/subroutine it will not executed and also if i delete some existing code in my program the code is still executed even though i delete it..

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Forms :: Experts Modify UPDATE Codes According To INSERT Codes Style

Dec 25, 2009

Dear Experts modify UPDATE codes according to INSERT codes Style.


I need update codes as there are insert codes

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VS 2010 Refreshing A Datagrid When Add - Deleted Or Edit A Row Via Another Form

Apr 5, 2011

so I am a little confused. I am trying to refresh my datagrid when I have either add, deleted or edit a row via another form. I have it so my main form shows the datagridview, I have bound my controls to the database and I see all rows, no problem. I also have it setup to double click a row and it brings it up in another form to edit that record. This works. but it doesn't refresh the datagrid when saved. I am trying to follow this thread, specifically this post Refresh Datagridview - Post 2 Here is how I am loading the datagridview in main form


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VS 2010 Transfer Deleted Record Into Another Database Table

Jul 8, 2011

How will I transfer deleted record into another table instead of deleting it permanently? I think it is what we call "history"..somehow..For example I have 2 tables. 1 is Original_Record the other is Deleted_Record. If I deleted one record in Original_Record, the deleted record will be transfered into Deleted_Record table.

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VS 2010 Read CSV Into Array (Sort/Edit/Add/Deleted) And Re-Save

Aug 15, 2011

The gist of the program is to:

- Read a CSV file into an array
- Get this visible in a list box, so the values can be:
- Sorted
- Edited
- Deleted
- Added
- Finally save these manipulated values back to the text file

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VS 2010 Some VLC Codes

Jul 15, 2010

I'm making a tv player and I want to make vlc to play my streams, i need also the code to record the stream and the code for fullscreen. i will be more detailed in the following picture

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VS 2010 How To Add Dll With Bad File Name On Codes

Mar 12, 2012

This dll file is on my resource fileand basically i use this code to access my resources

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Deleted Records Not Deleted?

Feb 8, 2012

I really am stuck. I can add records to a table ok . when i close and restart my code the new records are still there but deleteing does not work. I delete the records, they disappear. I close and restart the code agian but the deleted records return. this is my code.


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Break Up Lines Of Codes AND Comments In .NET 2010?

May 1, 2011

everytime i try the space then underscore + enter it doesnt work and it lights up red edit - like for example this is a comment:'you must add such and such to this variable and then you must declare it' say i have that for a comment and i want to break the comment after variable. when i do this 'you must add such and such to this variable

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VS 2010 Codes Not Running / Did Cut And Paste Now Not Working?

Mar 31, 2012

I did cut and paste with a lot of the buttons and things and now they don't do what they should how can I refresh or update it so it will recognize my codes again? answer was you have to add all the handles for each sub again they all get removed when cut and pasted.

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VS 2010 - Make A Program That Generate 3 Codes To A Word Document And Adding A Prefix

Oct 2, 2010

I want to make a program that generate 3 codes to a word document and adding a prefix before each code

TextBox1.Text = 355855026164242
TextBox2.Text = 40324003
TextBox3.Text = 58458844

Want these codes to go to document like this:

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VS 2010 More Extensive Error Logging "stack Trace"?

Dec 16, 2011

I created a class that I use for error logging. I have one method that accepts a parameter as an exception. With that exception, I created the error log and I write the message as well as the stack trace. With this, I'm finding that I'm not always getting detailed information. Usually, the stack trace shows me line number in which the error occurs, which allows me to pinpoint the issue.


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History Save And ComboBox1 Visited Site Navigation Codes For 2010 Professional Homemade Web Browser

Jan 21, 2011

I'm currently making a Web Browser, and I was wondering how I can save History after I close the program/form and clicking on the site I visited last and navigate to the link with a single click?

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VS 2010 - List(Of ).Clear() - Load Several Lists Of Codes From A Database Depending On The Import Selected By The User

Dec 29, 2011

When .Clear() is invoked, is the memory freed up that was allocated when all of the items were added? I need to load several lists of codes from a database depending on the import selected by the user. Each list of codes will be a List(Of String). My idea is that I will load only small strings into a List(Of String) along with a List(Of <class>) for the data I will be validating and manipulating. When I am done, I want all of the data from the Lists to be purged from memory. Will .Clear() take care of that or does the memory still remain allocated and have to be dumped by the OS once memory gets full? (And, incidentally, what causes the OS to decide which memory blocks to dump? FIFO concept?)

There are so many lists, I'm not sure if I just want them sitting in memory or not. Granted, the lists will just consist of a single string value for each code pulled from the database. So there won't be a ton of data, so maybe I could just load all the validation lists at the beginning of runtime and only worry about purging the data List since it will contain between 35-50 "fields" per record and there will be a couple thousand records each import that is run. I don't want my program to actually cause a hit in performance in the long run. I ultimately don't see a problem because I won't be running millions or even hundreds of thousands of records at once, but I just want to be sure.

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VS 2010 Unable To Cast Object Of Type 'System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs' To Type 'System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs'

Jun 25, 2010

My project worked a first and now its giving me a problem.The error


Unable to cast object of type 'System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs' to type 'System.ComponentModel.RunWorkerCompletedEventArgs'.

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VS 2010 : Error - A First Chance Exception Of Type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' Occurred In System.Data.dll

Sep 2, 2011

I've spent a substantial amount of time trying to figure this out, but I keep getting the same error

A first chance exception of type 'System.Data.OleDb.OleDbException' occurred in System.Data.dll
A first chance exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in project1.exe

This happens when I try to use the DataReader.my code is

Public Function Identification() As List(Of Integer)
Dim returnIndex As New List(Of Integer)
Dim dbCount As String = "SELECT Bookingid FROM bookdetail WHERE Date =" & getCurrentTimeString() & " 12:00:00 a.m."
Dim count As Integer = 0


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.net - Logging Off On ASP.NET 3.5 Website?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm getting desperate here trying to find the problem, and I don't know where to start looking for it.

Here are the symptoms:I've noticed, that when a user logs on in the morning, he is then immediately logged off, then when he logs on again, everything is fine and he can work on the site.

Every once in a while, when the user clicks a link, the page takes a lot of time to load, but it never actually loads, and the user is thrown to the login page.Also, after an Exception has occurred in the website, the user is then thrown to the login page. It's as if the exception clears somehow the session.


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ASP.net Web Server Not Logging On

Apr 20, 2012

I have inherited a ASP.net site, and I've made some changes too to some of the VB code and CSS, and have hosted it on a FTP. It uses an SQL DB to allow users to log in and calls stored procedures.The site complies with no errors, and allows me to log in as a user, and can works perfectly on testing.However, once uploaded to the FTP, it no longer allows me to log in as a user. It hangs for a while, and then returns a message saying that the password is wrong, despite it being correct. It doesn't throw an error message, and I think I've narrowed it down to something to do with the Web.config file, but I'm at a loss as how it's not working, especially with the lack of error messages being thrown.[code]

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C# - Is Passive Logging Possible In .NET

Mar 26, 2009

I was wondering is there a way anyone knows of to "inject" a logger into an application such that it passively monitors the thread and quietly logs processes as they occur without having to do things like: [Code] It would then monitor everything that goes on inside of that method including passed in arguments along with method calls and values passed into those methods, exceptions that occur etc. Has anyone implemented something like this in the past? Could it even be implemented? Is logging in this fashion just a pipe dream?

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Logging From A Class?

May 23, 2012

I have a class for serial communications (call it CSerial), based on a property value (CSerial.LogLevel), I'd like to produce various levels of logging information about data sent and received to the serial port.Given that it's a reusable class, there's no way of telling whether the log data should be sent to the console, a text box, a file, etc. This would be determined by the application using the class, so I can't write all of the different output options into a method in the class.Question:What's the best way to implement this? I have some ideas:1. Create a Log method and then "override" it in my main application to handle the most suitable form of output? Can I "override" a method as part of an instance? Or do I need to create a new class that inherits my original one, override the method there and then create an instance of my new class?

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Logging In 0 Httpwebrequest

Mar 22, 2011

can any one see any thing wrong with my code. I swear it did work once or twice. * code now removed as updated below

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Logging Into A Website

Jan 8, 2009

Im trying to login to my website with vb.net (without the use of java script).webbrowser.documents.forms(0).submit..All i can find on the internet is to use that there to click the login button but it doesn't work.I also found this for filling in the login forms but im having trouble understanding how it works.[code]So if anyone could explain to me how to fill a form or how to click a submit button.

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Logging Into A Website Through VB?

Sep 27, 2011

Logging Into A Website Through Vb

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Logging Onto A Website

Feb 19, 2010

I have a requirement to log on to a web site using a vb.net console application. It's not an FTP site, that would be too easy. It's an email site. I haven't a clue how to do it

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