VS 2010 Using Constructor Event Creates Errors

Jan 27, 2012

I created an even on a form called Sub New so I can handle some events and close the window down if there is an error.Upon doing that, I came across 3 errors that I don't know how to fix.[code] ShowDialog really isn't necessary I could just use .Show. I want to use ShowDialog because the line under those 3 shows the current form.How do I pass the date to the form?In case it's relavent, my code for sub new on frmEmail.[code]

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Control Creates Another Same Event?

Sep 29, 2010

i already finish this module but while doing 2nd module i notice that my 1st module doesnt work anymore, then i checked my code, i double click the control at design time and thats it instead it brings me to my actual code of that control, it brings me to another event, like this, this is where my original codes are placed:

Code: Private Sub lblSupplier_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub then, after the poblem occurs, the control created another event like this:
Code:Private Sub lblSupplier_Click_1(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub notice the difference, they are the same click event but the other one has an "_1" at the end of click.

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Creates A New Event A Text File Gets Created?

Sep 28, 2010

I have been thinking about creating an event calendar. I thought through the idea of how i would attempt it, but only came up with one idea; Text files, a folder for each year, and a folder for each month.. when the user creates a new event a text file gets created in: e.g. \2010\Jan\12.txt and if another event is on that same day, the text is added into the same text file. But this leaves lost hopes for my other ideas, since it will get very complicated. Like yearly events, monthly events etc.

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Event Raised In Constructor Cannot Be Handled Outside Very Class

Oct 26, 2009

I discovered that an event raised (directly on indirectly) in the constructor cannot be handled outside the very class. To prove if that was the actual problem, I wrote a simple exemplary app.
Class with the event:
Namespace Utils
Public Class A
Public Event Test()
Public Sub New()
[Code] .....
The reason of such behavior became quite obvious after writing those pieces, but maybe there is a way to omit it?

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C# - WINFORM Or WPF: Trigger Custom Event Inside The Constructor Of The Class That Emits It?

Nov 17, 2009

I have a userControl11 (either in winform or wpf) which has a ValueChanged custom event. If I put it in client form and in form_load set its value to 100, it will trigger the ValueChanged event. But if I set this value inside the constructor of UserControl1 the custom event won't trigger. How can I force it to do so ?whatever the technical reason, functionally it does make sense. If the object is initializing its value from some sources unknown to the client form and the client form has a textbox bound to this usercontrol value, it is sure convenient that it could refresh its textbox at any time including when the form loads just using one single event handler. Without this the client form has to create another initializer for this bound textbox at form load.

Below the source code of my trials in winform:

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.ComponentModel;
using System.Data;


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VS 2010 Loop Through The Treeview So It Creates The XML

May 22, 2012

I have a treeview with a couple of rows + cells. How do I loop through the treeview so it creates the XML.

<name><%=mytreeview.cells(1).text %></name>
<description>A fixed description</description>


View 9 Replies

Pass A Delegate Into A Constructor Of An Abstract Class From A Descendant's Constructor?

Feb 15, 2010

I have an abstract class which requires a delegate to function. I pass the delegate into the constructor. Now that I have a non default constructor I need to call the abstract class's constructors from the concrete class which means that I need to use MyBase.New(...). I have included a quick example below.

Public MustInherit Class BaseClass
Public Delegate Sub WorkMethod()
Private _Work As WorkMethod


I have tried to do this but I keep getting the following error: "Implicit reference to object under construction is not valid when calling another constructor".Can I not do what I am trying to do above? I initially had the delegate setup in its own setter method. But then I am creating a deceptive API because it does require a point to a method to work properly.

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Why Is Constructor Call Valid Only As The First Statement In An Instance Constructor

Nov 2, 2009

what's the rationale behind this limitation: Constructor call is valid only as the first statement in an instance constructor i want to pass an argument to my constructor which validates this argument and calls mybase.new according to this argument but it doesn't let me


Public Class prob
Inherits System.ApplicationException
Public Sub New(ByVal problem As String, ByRef inner_exception As Exception)


View 16 Replies

VS 2010 E.hasmorepages - Creates Five Labels In A Row In The Middle Of The Page

Feb 7, 2011

I'm making a label program. It creates five labels in a row in the middle of the page. The problem I'm having right now is when I'm trying to print it just gives me one page. I don't see what I'm doing wrong.


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How To Get Critical Errors From Event Viewer

Jan 25, 2012

i know how to show errors from event viewer but i am not able to show critical errors of system from event viewer

View 11 Replies

Publish Build Errors (But No Errors In Debug Or Build) VB 2010

Jan 4, 2012

So when i build or click debug on my program. No errors come up and its smooth. So i decide to publish my programme. However. I come up with a bunch of errors during the publishing.

Here they are:Error 1 Cannot publish because a project failed to build. 1 1 Simple CALC

Error 2 Unable to copy file "binReleaseSimple CALC.exe.manifest" to "binReleaseapp.publishApplication FilesSimple CALC_1_0_0_0Simple CALC.exe.manifest". The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file name must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 248 characters.

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Form On Load Event Not Throwing Errors?

Oct 7, 2011

I just noticed this, but I had a for loop where I incremented beyond the number of elements in an array. Normally this would thrown an exception.

This was in a form load event, and all that happened was the rest of the code in the event never executed. If I wasn't looking for what was supposed to happen next I never would have known there was a problem!

There was no try catch block there... but I would think it would still stop program execution with an error.

Can anyone explain this? Do I have some stupid skip error checked somewhere (if this exists, I'm going to be really annoyed)? In a button click event I put the exact same code and it threw the error... it seems to just be a problem with a form load event.

My IDE is VS2010 professional (vb)

View 8 Replies

VS 2010 Quick One -publishing App Creates Shortcut In Wrong Start Menu Folder?

Jun 21, 2012

when I publish my app and run the setiup it places the shortcut under a folder in the start menu called Microsoft

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Write Disk Errors To The System Event Logs?

Sep 8, 2010

I am trying to write disk errors to the system event logs.I have a list of errors reported to the event logs if disk issues occur.So i just want to write dummie errors to the logs so I can do testing.I am able to write to the logs but the description comes up as follows:


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VS 2010 : View Loss Bmp With BMP Constructor?

Jan 3, 2012

I trying to create application that can read loss bmp with bmp constructor, what I mean loss is bmp without header, here the sample of loss bmp (zip is including with original bmp): Download (you can see the different by comparing the original bmp and loss bmp with hex editor, the different is loss bmp don't have 54 bytes header bmp) Height of image is 126 px and width image is 45 px,how I can preview that loss bmp in picture box? someone of my friend say, its need BMP Constructor to preview bmp properly but he doesn't know the code?

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VS 2010 How To Eliminate Default Constructor

Jan 19, 2011

I have written a number of classes in my time in VB.NET which set the basic elements in a custom New constructor through parameters. This makes things easier and enforces discipline. However, using Public Sub New() becomes pointless. If someone else tried to use this class, he or she could make a mess of it all by using Sub New without the arguments. I'd like to remove this method but I haven't found out how. I could make it raise an exception, but that somehow seems unseemly. I'd like a neater way. Does anyone know how?

View 22 Replies

VS 2010 How To Execute Code During Constructor

Jan 25, 2012

I was reading a old post, and came along this post in particular by jmcilhinney... [URL]He states Quote: Originally Posted by jmcilhinney The other alternative is to do your initialisation from the constructor instead of the Laod event handler. My question is...how/where is the constructor? I can't seem to do the right internet search to find out how to do this.

View 7 Replies

Adding Boolean Column But Get Errors In DataGridView2 CellMouseDown Event?

Nov 21, 2011

I've added a boolean Column to my un bound Datagridview Like this:[code]

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VS 2010 - Form Constructor Recursion Exception

Aug 15, 2010

I developed an app, tested on few computers and all seemed fine. But now, some people suddenly get an error, which I can't repeat on my computers. Part of the exception:

** Exception Text **
System.TypeInitializationException: The type initializer for 'NumoABC.functionsBurtuSummas' threw an exception. ---> System.InvalidOperationException:
The form referred to itself during construction from a default instance, which led to infinite recursion. Within the Form's constructor refer to the form using 'Me.'
at NumoABC.My.MyProject.MyForms.Create__Instance__[T](T Instance) in 17d14f5c-a337-4978-8281-53493378c1071.vb:line 180
at NumoABC.My.MyProject.MyForms.get_MainForm()
[Code] .....

The If Me.Created = False Then is because while the form is loading, some events fire the updatePersonDataHandlers() sub, but I don't want it to happen until form is fully loaded. In the module functionsBurtuSummas line 2
Module functionsBurtuSummas
Private f As MainForm = MainForm
I have many modules who work with the MainForms' controls, so I use a private variable f to refer to the MainForm.

View 28 Replies

VS 2010 Dll That Is Implemented By A Class With A Default Constructor

Dec 27, 2010

I have a base class which must be overriden. This base class sits in one dll shared by all. The derived classes will each be in their own dll such that the addition of a new derived class can be done by distributing a new dll. The set of dlls, and therefore the set of derived classes, will be discovered by the main program on startup. That's all pretty straightforward. The problem is that the main program needs to be able to query a database to figure out which type of derived class it needs, then create a class of that type. Naturally, it can't know which types will be available ahead of time because even I don't know that. The program has to be dynamically extensible.The obvious way to do this is to have an interface in the dll that is implemented by a class with a default constructor. The sole purpose of that class would be to return an object of the type (one of the derived types) defined in that dll. The derived types can't really be this class, because they can't have a default constructor since the base class doesn't have a default constructor, and the derived class can't make up the arguments that the base class constructor needs.

So basically, each dll that houses a derived class would also house a simple class that implemented an interface for the sole purpose of creating that particular derived class. The main program would examine the dll to find a class that implemented the interface, and once it found one, it could ask it what type of class it created, or it could ask it to create an instance of that class. It seems like there ought to be an easier way to dynamically add new classes to the project. It seems like the derived class ought to be able to tell the main project what type it was. This could be done, except that the derived class would have to exist before any of its methods could be called unless the methods were shared. Since you can't have a shared method in an interface, the interface itself would make no sense at that point, in which case I would need to discover whether the class in the dll derived from the base class in the second dll, just to figure out whether or not I wanted to create it. That's getting convoluted by now, so I guess I'll leave it there. The basic point is that the base class is known to the main program from a common dll. The number and types of derived classes can't be known at this time, so the program has to be able to discover them dynamically. Each derived class will sit in its own dll (or there could be more than one in a dll), and has to be discovered, and instances created, as needed, by the main program.

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VS 2010 Pass By Reference To Constructor Of A Class?

Feb 11, 2012

Implementing a simple MVC in vb. The controller instance creates and holds instances of the model and view:

Public Class Controller
Public Property myModel As Model
Public Property myView As View


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VS 2010 - Call Valid Only As First Statement In Instance Constructor

Jul 19, 2011

I'm trying to create an array to be handled during my code. I want to create it as soon as I open the program so I've placed it in my bit of constructor code. This code was working fine before I tried to initialize a new array in there but when I place that in I get the above error message. This occurs whether I put the new array bit of code first in my constructor class or not.

View 5 Replies

VS 2010 Compiler Creates New Variable Automatically When Use If Statement Without Strictly Declared Variable?

Jan 10, 2011

Say that i have the following code that parse about 20k records from the DB.

Code #1

vb.net While reader.Read()
list.Add(If(Integer.TryParse(reader(0).ToString, 0), Integer.Parse(reader(0).ToString), 0))
End While

And then another code which does the very same thing but it seems to be a little cleaner.

Code #2

vb.net While reader.Read()
Dim storeowner As Integer = 0
Integer.TryParse(reader(0).ToString, storeowner)
End While

This is what i am confused about; does the compiler creates a new variable automatically when i use the if statement without strictly declared variable? What approach is better in sense of performance?

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VS 2010 GetAsyncKeyState Errors?

Oct 27, 2009

I'm trying to make an app for another application using GetAsyncKeyState.I coded what I thought to be good and clicked "Build". When I opened it, I tested it in notepad. When I hit NumPad2, it should return..[code]

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.NET 2010 Constant Errors - Bugs?

Jun 21, 2010

I am getting these constant annoying errors in Visual Basic .NET 2010 Express. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one, but these errors are always relating to images and resources The Type 'Global.ExampleProject.My.Resources.Resources' has no property named 'example.png'I am pretty sure these are bug, due to the fact that I get these errors after a while in most of my projects - it's absolutely annoying! Most solutions include removing the resources (commenting them out of the form designer code) and re-importing them... But then the problem comes back again after the project has been loaded a few times!

Microsoft suggest this is rather a user-related issue rather than a bug due to the fact that they can't reproduce the error.I'm still sticking to the belief of this being a bug - anyone get this error alot of the time?This is not the only bug I get - sometimes VB stops working when I try to build my projects!

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VS 2010 Break Only On Unhandled Errors?

Apr 24, 2010

I brought this up with VS 2008, and nothing anyone told me worked. No matter what settings I tried, or how many times I slammed the computer against the table, VS would still break on all errors rather than just unhandled errors. Perfectly maddening. I'm having the same problem with VS 2010. But, this time I can't find a setting that at least lets me pretend that it's supposed to work.

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VS 2010 Errors When Creating The Form?

Nov 20, 2010

I have a small program that contains a webbrowser object, 2 labels, and 3 listboxes. For some reason, whenever I try to hit Debug, it gives me the following error:

System.InvalidOperationException was unhandled
Message=An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details. The error is: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.


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VS 2010 IIS Errors Loading Project

Mar 2, 2012

A need came up for me to work on a program that resides on a web server. I can't pull up the code and I get these errors:


In addition, you must run Visual Studio in the context of an administrator account. I have never worked on anything like this before and for right now I would just like to look at the code. I Googled and found this: You can enable these features in the Add/Remove Programs control panel. In there you wiull find a link off on the left labeled something like 'Turn Windows features on or off'. Click that and you'll get a UI for managing the IIS features that are installed.

I looked there and don't have a clue what I should check. I'm on Windows 7. What should my approach be? I don't want to just clicking things in the IIS configuration console. The attachment is what I see.

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.net - Errors Running VB 2010 XML Transform Code?

Mar 6, 2011

I have this code:

Public Class Transform
Dim inputFile As IO.StringReader ' Object variable
Private Sub OpenFileDialog1_FileOk(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs) Handles ofdOpenFile.FileOk


And I am getting these errors:

'Private Sub Transform_Load(sender As Object, e As System.EventArgs)' has multiple definitions with identical signatures. Line 15
'strOutputPath' is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level. Line 51
Type 'XslCompiledTransform' is not defined. Line 83

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VS 2010 64Bit Compile For 32Bit OS.App Errors

Jan 17, 2012


I have compiled my app (Just standard windows controld, no third party) on my 64bit system to run on a 32Bit XP system. In have tried all the different settings (x86, x32, All) The error i get is: MyApp.exe has encountered a problem and needs to close. Sorry for the inconvenience. This is my first post here, I hope i havent managed to break any rules

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