VS 2010 Using A PNG Resource As Form ICON?

Feb 11, 2009

I have a good batch of PNGs in my resources (with alpha transparencies) that I use on various controls in my program. However, I would like to be able to use some of those same images as form icons.How can I convert the PNGs into a usable format so they can be assigned to the forms icon on the fly?*_users is the name of the png in this example*I thought this would work, but it doesntMe.Icon = CType(My.Resources._users, System.Drawing.Icon)and also this does not workMe.Icon = My.Resources._users

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Programatically Obtain Icon From Resource Manager And Set To Form Icon Property?

Nov 19, 2010

I currently have the following code but I would like to get away from going to a physical location. If I have the icon as a resource, how can I programatically add the icon? I don't want to use the form's designer to do this.

Sub Form1_Load()
Dim ico As New System.Drawing.Icon("C:Resourcesicon.ico")
Me.Icon = ico
End Sub

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Use PNG Resource As Form ICON?

Jan 28, 2011

I have a good batch of PNGs in my resources (with alpha transparencies) that I use on various controls in my program. However, I would like to be able to use some of those same images as form icons.

How can I convert the PNGs into a usable format so they can be assigned to the forms icon on the fly?


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Finding Resource ID Or Index Of A String/icon Resource?

Mar 4, 2010

I need to refer to some strings using an "indirect string" in the registry. It should be in this form:


MSDN: "If the resource value is zero or greater, the number becomes the index of the string in the binary file. If the number is negative, it becomes a resource ID."How can I find out either of these numbers for my resources that only have names in VB? I also need the ID/index for the exe's icon.

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Select Icon From Resource?

Aug 3, 2009

I added an icon to my resource file I can see it has multiple pictures in it To assign a picture to a button I use this code(vb):

cmdFindAccount.Image = My.Resources.program.Find.ToBitmap()

How do I select a specific picture from the icons that are in the same file ?

Guy Cohen

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Display 48X48 Icon From Project/Resource?

Aug 2, 2010

Im in a win.form app. in .Net 2008 I have a lot of Icons that I want to display on a (TouchScreen enviroment) button The icons are in 8,16; 32 bit in the sizes 16X16 ; 32X32 ; 48X48

The buttons are large enough, they have a dimension of 252X132.The images are loaded via the Button propertie : Image. This has allso a size propertie, but is disabled. And I can see its loading the 32X32 32bpp format But I want the 48X48 size on there. Does some 1 knows how to get those sizes op the button.

I know its possible via a imagelist but why have a resource if you cant use it??

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Display Icon On Picture Box From Resource File?

May 31, 2012

I am working on a Vb6 to VB.net migration application.I am not able to proceed in one place.I have a Resources.Resx file in my application in which some Icons are stored like "icoUS","icoCA" etc. And there is a combo box where some country names are listed.On selection of this combo box, the corresponding countrie's flag image should be dsiplayed on a picture box.[code]...

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VS 2010 Form Icon For All Forms?

Apr 4, 2012

I have one program with many, many forms in it and the same program is used for two companies. Basically, when a user starts the program the data location is set depending on which of the two companies is being used. Therefore, I am trying to dynamically set the icon for each form based upon which company is being used. I didn't want to add code on every form to set the icon, which is mostly what I found when I was searching for a solution.

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Interface And Graphics :: Display 48X48 Icon From Project/Resource?

Aug 2, 2010

Im in a win.form app. in .Net 2008 I have a lot of Icons that I want to display on a (TouchScreen enviroment) button The icons are in 8,16; 32 bit in the sizes 16X16 ; 32X32 ; 48X48 The buttons are large enough, they have a dimension of 252X132. The images are loaded via the Button propertie : Image. This has allso a size propertie, but is disabled. And I can see its loading the 32X32 32bpp format But I want the 48X48 size on there. Does some 1 knows how to get those sizes op the button.

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Get The Icon Of Website To A Picturebox ( Or To Form Icon )?

Mar 25, 2010

How to get the Favicon or deffault websites icon to my Picturebox in vb2008 ?

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Make The An Icon For The Form Work With My Own Icon

May 29, 2009

Im trying to make the an icon for the form work with my own icon, because all programs have their own(like ie hat the e and paint.net has their logo), but whenever I put in my icon phote(and it is saved as .Ico) it comes up with the error: Argument 'picture' must be a picture that can be used as an icon. I have the same measurments as the defult one(32 by 32) so what am i doing wrong?

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VS 2010 Resource-Only DLL?

Jan 25, 2012

I want to create a Resource-Only DLL so that I can use it in conjunction with desktop.ini files.All of the information I've seen so far, however, has been with C++ libraries. The steps outline in that URL don't seem too difficult, but I would rather create it in VB since I'm a lot more familiar with it.

With that being said, does anyone know what I need to do in order to do this with VB? The C++ instructions don't carry over well.I've been looking at DropBox because they do what I'm looking for. Except instead of using another library, they use the DropBox executable and set the IconDex appropriately. That would be ideal of course, but I can't find a reference point for the IconIndex, for starters.


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VS 2010 The Requested Resource Is In Use?

Oct 18, 2010

I have a text file that has thousands upon thousands of URL's in it. I wrote a program to go to each of these links in succession (via For loops, obviously) and to grab a piece of information from them.Now to the problem. When I get to about 2300 or so, I get the error "COMException was unhandled by user code. The requested resource is in use. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700AA)" at the line "WebBrowser1.navigate(linkstocheck(i))"

I set linkstocheck = all lines of the text file. I get the same error even when I get the link directly from the lines of the text file. Does anyone know how I might go around this? Maybe catch the exception, wait half a second, then continue where it got the error?

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Generating Resource Files For Form?

Nov 21, 2011

I have a VB project which has a list of forms, one of the Forms resx file doesn't contain information about controls and seems to be corrupted, now I want to regenerate the resource files again for the form, how can I do that?

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Read Resource Files For Each Form?

Apr 10, 2011

Lets say I have a multi ligual application where I have 3 resources files for each form
I have saved some strings in each file , can i read the resource from code where I can specify the file want. Lets say I want to read the .fr file only and when the user chooses another language I choose the other - I am saving not the controsl text, I am saving msgs.

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View Form Resource File?

Aug 20, 2010


I have developed a form in Visual Basic and I need to export the form definition to another language that supports forms but does not have a form builder. From there I will change object names so that they match this other language.

I seem to remember in Visual Basic a number of years ago forms have a .rcs file that you can open with a text editor and view information about the form and all the controls on it. For example the form name and dimensions are listed. Also included is information about controls such as control name, width, height, and so on.

In my current version of Visual Studio I see a .resx file that has a header followed by a lot of binary information.

Is there any way to view the information as I've described it?

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VS 2010 - Load A Resource Based On Its' Name

Sep 14, 2011

I have a massive collection of resources saved inside my program, added using the VS editor and I want to be able to enumerate through them. Is there any way I can do that?

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VS 2010 Adding A Resource File?

Jan 23, 2011

I've added multi-language support to my application by setting the Localizable property of each form to True and changing the Language property to the desired one. Then I change the Culture.

vb.net System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("de-DE")
System.Threading.Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentUICulture = New System.Globalization.CultureInfo("de-DE")

VB automatically creates the resource files and this works all fine, but now I need to do something similar for Strings and MessageBoxes, e.g. MessageBox.Show(My.Resources.Exit). Everywhere I read that I need two resource files in order to do this, but I can't find where to add a second resource file myself.

Every forum post or google search result I found says, go to 'Project -> Add Resource', but I don't have the "Add Resource" menu option. Or they say, right click on your solution and go to 'Add -> Resource (RESX)', but I don't have a "Resource (RESX)" menu option either. When I go to 'Project -> Add New Item', there's no 'resource' option in the list either. Am I blind or does VB2010 Express not have an option to add resource files manually?

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VS 2010 Animated Cursor Resource?

Oct 23, 2010

I am using the code ol' Formless posted in this thread:[URL]..To load an animated cursor from a file. The code makes use of an API method that requires that the file actually exist. That's possible, but far from ideal. I would rather add the cursors to the resources of that module. Therefore,

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VS 2010 Get PATH From A Resource FILE?

Nov 15, 2011

I need to get a path from a resource file...

im planning to do a midi player; I've tried it via the included .NET and DirectX component, both needs a path to the audio file (String)....

how do I get a path from a resource file?

ps.: there's also a way to play via a stream-link/stream-player, where

my.resource.<filename> is enough, as this declares the directstream.... but I really need to get a path.

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VS 2010 Open File From Resource?

Jan 5, 2012

New to vb.net and this forum I have a excel file that I have added to my "resources" in vb.net (Visual Studio 2010). I want to create a button on a form to open the file located in my resources.

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VS 2010 Resource To Temp Path?

Mar 26, 2012

I'm trying to put my resource in the temp path instead of my local path.

here's what I have so far:

Dim TempPath As String
TempPath = System.IO.Path.GetTempPath
Dim ResourceManager As Resources.ResourceManager


problem is, nothing happens when I click my button.

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VS 2010 VB - Export Resource At Runtime?

Dec 30, 2011

method to export a resource (an .accdb file) at runtime ?I've had success in exporting image files by using :-

My.Computer.FileSystem.WriteAllBytes("filepath", My.Resources.filename, False)

Unfortunately this method dosen't enable the export of the file type I need. For various reasons the file must be exported at runtime?

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VS 2010 Where To Store The Resource Files

Apr 12, 2011

As I'm working with some image files for my project, where should I store it ?I mean, they will be displayed frequently to the user. What I do currently is store in the app directory and when needed, I use:

PictureBox1.Image=New Bitmap(Application.StartupPath & "ImageName.png"

For some background images, I used to set it at design time. That is, selecting the image needed using the Image property and never changes it at runtime.So, what will be best place to store it efficiently.

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VB, Resource Editor Not Being Read By Form Designer?

May 8, 2009

I'm creating a form, but this form will be fully generated by code in a non-design fashion at run time. So i'm using the designer to create the form, but I will be copying out all the fields and the initializecomponents into my internal form class that will be loaded and run at run-time. This means, that I cannot have a "MyForm.Resx" file to retain images for buttons and such. But, granted that this form will exist within the entirety of my ClassLibrary Project, I figured I would load these images into the My.Resources for the class library. (I"ve set them to embed them in the Resx file, which helps to import the ICO as a Bitmap).

now, here is the resource.designer.vb

Namespace My.Resources
'''A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.


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VS 2010 - Calling API From Resource Or External Place

Jan 15, 2011

In a program of mine, I have a resource (which is a textfile). This contains also vb.net code, It is resource which is binded to an .exe, with the mainprogram that I have. So the main program calls the resource, and the resource bind to an exe file.

I have this line:
Declare Function GetProcAddress Lib "kernel32" (ByVal handle As IntPtr, ByVal name As String) As IntPtr
In the source.txt and I want to replace this whole line by a string(or word) which calls this line from somewhere else. For example in another source.txt. A textbox is not possible because this is not a vb form, but a .txt-file. Maybe I can create another resource, which IS a vb.net form, call it or something? In this case. I can create a textbox with this line that I gave above, And I can use it by: textbox1.text.

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VS 2010 - How To Put EXE In Resource Folder And Button Event

Oct 9, 2010

I put an exe in the resources folder called 1.exe and put in the button event this command
But it gives me error can't find the specified file.

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VS 2010 Error, Unable To Embed Resource

Jan 21, 2011

First off if this isn't the right section, please let me know where to post or move this thread.After an hour or more of googling this specific error message I received prior to testing my program, I attempted to change my GDI max to 25000, as suggested by most of the topics I found. This has failed to solve the issue.

Basically anytime I attempt to run my program, I end up with this error "Unable to embed ... Not enough storage availavble". Or someting to that effect.

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VS 2005 Form Icon In MDI Form?

Aug 11, 2010

I'm going mad about a simple (???) problem in my VB.NET application migrated from an old VB6 application.In the old one, this is how the MDI form is when there is no form opened:and this is how the MDI form is when there is the form openedThe 3 spot icon is the icon of the form.Then, this is the situation in my new VB.NET app (I've changed the main icon of the app):no form opened

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Change Icon For Form?

Aug 12, 2009

I want to change icon of my form with a specified icon . How can i do that ?

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