VS 2010 Wrong Write To Registry In Windows 7 64-Bit?

Mar 10, 2012

my code is as below.

Dim RegKey As RegistryKey = Registry.LocalMachine RegKey = RegKey.OpenSubKey("SOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionAuthenticationLogonUIBackground", True) RegKey.SetValue("OEMBackground", "00000000") RegKey.Close()

If I output the contents of it on a msgbox, things are fine, but when I go to regedit, the change doesn't happen where it should as it actually happens in another registry key located at


k ground which I guess happens since I am on windows 7 64 bit, but I don't want that to happen as doing that doesn't change anything. The key I'm trying to change makes changing the default logon screen possible in Win7, but it's not working like this since the wrong key is being modified.

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Object Use To Read And Write To Windows Registry?

May 5, 2009

In vb.net, What object can I use to read and write to windows registry?

(in vbscript, I use 'regread' in wscript.shell)

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File I/O And Registry :: Can't Read / Write To Registry

Jan 21, 2012

I have several programs that must write to HKLM in XP and Windows 7/64 Pro.The programs work in VB6 but not in VB.Net 2008 on target machines. It does works on our development machine. [code]I just cannot figure out why VB6 works but .net doesn't and fails only on the target machine not the development machine.

View 2 Replies

VS 2008 Write To The Registry And Read From The Registry Using .net?

Mar 23, 2010

how do i write to the windows registry and read from the registry?i'm using windows 7 - 64 bits, and visual studio 2008.

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Disabling The Write Button Based On Wrong User Input

Aug 16, 2009

I was looking for quick assistance with disabling the write button based on wrong user input. Program works great just feel like it needs a little more.


I don't like validating through the TextChanged event either as I believe that to be the cause of some issues. Doesn't the Textchanged event validate on each time a letter is typed?

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Windows Installer Put Files In Wrong Folder

Mar 31, 2010

I am working the first time now with windows installer. I made an application consisting multiple programs and one of them needs a shortcut to the user startup folder. Therefore I selected in the Installers file editor the special folder 'Users startup folder' and put there the shortcut to the program.

But when I install the programs the shortcut is placed in the common startup folder and not in the users startup folder

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Registry Program - Moving Applications From Windows 2000 To New Server Windows 2003 ?

Feb 7, 2010

I am working on moving applications from Windows 2000 to new server Windows 2003 R2(64 Bit). I noticed that there are some VB programs and config files for those programs have been placed in Windows 2000 Registry. Some other applications are using them from different servers.Why do we use registry here? How can i move these to registry in windows 2003? Can I just move these or do I have to write VB programs to place them in 2003 registry?

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Can't Write To Registry?

Jan 11, 2010

The following code causes an error but should work. Any ideas? The same code (originally in REALbasic) does work so the currentuser (also an admin on the pc) does have access to write to the registry.


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Cannot Write To Registry Key

Nov 24, 2002

I am getting an exception when I try to set this registry setting: HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMainDisplay Inline Images

It says: Cannot write to the registry key.

View 9 Replies

Write Value To Registry?

Jun 13, 2011

If found the DbaseLicenseKey = LicenseKey match i want to write the value to registry but the problem is....i have no idea how to code at this part[code]...

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Datagridview - Remove Wrong Columns And Display The Wrong Data

Jan 12, 2010

I've got a DataGridview I want to remove columns from as it greatly increases performance when I format the DGV. The first time I remove columns in a loop (using the removeat) property, everythings fine. But when I try to remove more columns in another loop, it appears to remove the wrong columns and displays the wrong data. In other words, it displays the wrong data and headers; and the columns it does show has headers and cells that don't match.


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Can't Read / Write To Registry

Feb 15, 2012

I have several programs that must write to HKLM in XP and Windows 7/64 Pro.

The programs work in VB6 but not in VB.Net 2008 on target machines. It does works on our development machine.
Same exact windows. [code]...

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How To Read And Write To Registry Using .NET?

Nov 15, 2009

How do I read, write and delete a registry using VB 2005/2008?

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VS 2008 Write Into The Registry?

Jan 8, 2010

i want to know what is the best way to write into the registry.for example: i created an application named (App1) . is this application will going to create value in the registry when i install it in any machine? and where?if so then i want to save a few settings for this program let's say the path of temporary files for this program .so what is the best way to do this? save it in the application settings or save it into the registry?

View 8 Replies

Write BINARY Value To Registry?

Jun 19, 2011

I've never worked with Binary values, so I can't get this to work. I don't know how to write it, but when I open the registry, I want the Data to look exactly like this [code]...

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Write Binary Value To The Registry

Jun 13, 2010

I'm trying to write a value of to a REG_Binary key. the only viable solution i see online is the following: Dim a() As Byte = New Byte() However the value of a0 is causing a problem. It won't seem to let this value be used. so how do i get this to work.

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Write Mac Address To Registry?

Feb 13, 2010

I am trying to make a simple program to write a mac address to the registry but i don't know how to convert one variable[code]...

View 4 Replies

Write Reg_Binary Hex To The Registry?

Nov 12, 2009

Im trying to write Reg_Binary hex values into the registry using vb.net 2008, but am not sure how to do it. Is there an easy way to do this?The Hex Value im trying to enter is:8000000ffffffff03000000030000006b0000002200000000000000de02000000040000030000I've been successful using the following code for eg_DWORDS:My.Computer.Registry.SetValue("HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\MYKEY", "MultiRun", "1", Microsoft.Win32.RegistryValueKind.DWord)

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Write To Vista Registry?

Feb 25, 2009

Write to Vista Registry

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C# - Can A Service Write To Registry [HKLM]

Aug 12, 2010

I am writing a service for Windows Vista/7 which needs read/write/delete access to the registry key


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File I/O And Registry :: Write To Hkey_local_user?

Nov 12, 2009

I can write to a registry key in hkey_current_users using this code:

Dim MyRegKey As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey
Dim MyReg As Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey = Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey.OpenRemoteBaseKey(Microsoft.Win32.RegistryHive.CurrentUser, "Remote Computer Name")


It changes the vaule for this key. But the problem is, that since several people log onto this machine using different accounts. I need to be able to specify which account under the current user gets this registry change.

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File I/O And Registry :: XML Read/Write

Apr 28, 2012

I was unable to find anything in my searches for XML or INI on the forum so i apologize now if this has already been asked and answered before.

I have been searching Google for days now, trying to find information on Reading and Writing XML files. I wish to use them to replace INI files in my programs.

I have been using VB6 for years now, but was able to get a copy of VB.NET 2003 really cheap and so i am trying to learn how to do the things i did in VB6 in VB.NET 2003.

I was able to find code to write to an INI file, but was not able to successfully read from an INI file with any of the code i found.

I have been able to find code to write an XML file, but when i try to update it, it replaces the old file with a new one, and the old settings are missing, instead of the new settings added to it.

i can at least start migrating to VB.NET 2003, or if you read XML and update XML data, i can switch now. Here is the code i have for writing XML.[code...]

View 11 Replies

How To Write Binary Data To Registry

Feb 9, 2010

How can i convert hex data to binary data and write it to registry anyone ?

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Read/Write To Win7 Registry?

Apr 19, 2011

I have an application which reads and writes to the registry. If the programs starts, it looks if the registry keys exists. If not it create the keys. All this is working fine on a Windows XP machine.

Now we moved to Windows 7 and it is not possible to write to the keys. First I need to go to the registry and add permissions. Then it works !

Is it possible to change the permissions in the .Net code and make it able to write to the registry without changing permissions through regedit ?

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VS 2008 Can't Read/Write To Registry?

Jan 21, 2012

I have several programs that must write to HKLM in XP and Windows 7/64 Pro.The programs work in VB6 but not in VB.Net 2008 on target machines. It does works on our development machine. Same exact windows. User is an Administrator.NOT using Run as.

Both programs are using the same function
Declare Function RegCreateKey Lib "advapi32.dll" Alias "RegCreateKeyA" _
(ByVal lngRootKey As Long, ByVal lpSubKey As String, phkResult As Long)


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'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' When Attempting To Write To Registry

Mar 4, 2012

I am currently writing an app that as a part of it function it has to write a value to the registry in


A first chance exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in WindowsApplication1.exe I am bit confused by this error as I am not accessing any files but editing the registry. I am running Visual Basic 2010 (as administrator), dot net framework 4 on Windows 7.

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Can't Write Data In Registry Via Guest User

Jul 23, 2009

I crated a VB.NET program to write some data to registry. Its working proprely the user loged on Administrator user. But its not working when loged on guest user. Its shows error like

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File I/O And Registry :: Write Out A Date Like This 09-16-2008?

Sep 17, 2008

I'm trying to write out a date like this 09-16-2008 so I can put the date in the name of a directory. Here is my code:

Dim aDate As Date
aDate = Date.Today
aDate.ToString("MM dd yyyy")


I can't seem to get the leading 0 in front of the month if it's a single digit. I can't get rid of the time, and I can't get the dashes.

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Game Development :: Read And Write To The Registry?

Aug 9, 2009

I made a game and I would like to store the high score and other values in the windows registry. It's made in VB.NET. Could someone give me a sample code example of simple reading and writing to the registry.

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Read A Value Of A Sunbkey In The Registry And Write To Textfile - Get The Name Of The Key And Not The Value ?

Oct 2, 2010

I am trying to read a value of a sunbkey in the registry and write to txtfile. Problem is I only get the name of the key and not the value. Any ideas


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