VS 2010 - Extract Any Data That Is Between The Following Two Bits Of HTML?

Jul 29, 2011

I have some html that I want to extract any data that is between the following two bits of HTML:

<DIV class="this-text my-data">

What code would do that?

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Extract Data From A Html Tag?

Jul 28, 2010

I would like to extract data from a html tag. The html tag is included inside a big html document.

Precisely i would like to extract the value of "txtGUID" from this html tag :

<td width='75%' bgcolor='#F3F3F3'><input type='hidden' name='txtGUID' value='soft:24f709f1-becb-44c6-8359-7c8b0b4a6e14:SLIP'/></td>

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Extract Data From Html?

Apr 20, 2011

I need to extract some data from a html source [code]...

Now the problem is the words info ect.. wont always be there the content will change so can do something like getelementsbyclass or is there is a way to extract the text between

"<div class="bbcode_quote_container"></div>" and "</div>"

I am using a web browser control by the way

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VS 2008 : Facebook Extract Json Into Bits?

May 3, 2011

I have been working on a project to read some data of facebook user walls. So I have researched I need to use json and System.Web.Script.Serialization to extract the required data I suppose. Has anyone have a tidy example of how to get something out of json script?

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Develop 32 Bits Applications If Have Win 7 64 Bits And Visual Studio 64 Bits?

Mar 14, 2011

I am a visual basic developer, I have windows 7 64 bits and Visual Studio 64 bits installed.CAN I DESIGN APPLICATIONS WITH THESE SETTINGS THAT CAN BE COMPATIBLE with 32 bits operating system(example in windows Xp 32 bits)?

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Make .NET Extract Specific Data From HTML?

Jun 15, 2012

I know how to extract an entire page source into VB.NET, but once I do that how do I make VB.NET search the text and return a specific vlaue that is not constant?

Take this line from the page source for example:

<td id="actualPriceContent"><span id="actualPriceValue"><b class="priceLarge">$4.30</b></span>

the text is always constant but the price is not - how do I make VB.NET return the price?

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Extract Data From Html Table And Store Into Access Database?

Mar 20, 2010

I am new here and really excited to see the huge resources on this forum for vb.net. I have just started my learning of vb8 and need to create some basic applications for my personal use.I need to develop an application that can extract data from a html table and store that data into Access database. I have learned to create web browser on Visual Studio 2008. Below is the link from which I need to extract data and store into a database

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Parse Tables In HTML Docs And Extract TRs And TDs. With HTML Agility Pack?

Apr 18, 2012

I've given a job to convert old data in table format to new format.Old dummy data is as follows:

<td>Some text 1.</td>


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Extract An Html Fragment From An Html Document?

Dec 8, 2010

I'm looking for an efficient means of extracting an html "fragment" from an html document. My first implementation of this used the Html Agility Pack. This appeared to be a reasonable way to attack this problem, until I started running the extraction on large html documents - performance was very poor for something so trivial (I'm guessing due to the amount of time it was taking to parse the entire document).[code]...

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VS 2010 : Extract A "value" From Html Tag Or A Textbox?

Feb 27, 2011

I'm reading html tags from a webpage using Webbrowser and HtmlElementCollection class. Then I invoke specific members (link, buttons etc.) depending on their attributes.I got stuck at one point. The webpage has many similar images in one place. They can be distinguished only but a version number. I need to get this number somehow to be able to invoke the correct link/image.this is the example of the html code (it looks like that - I only removed personal imformation from it) - lets say I got it already saved in a textbox:

<TD>My text for label</TD>
<TD>my text for description</TD>
<TD>27 February 2011 12:12</TD>


Now - I'm after the number 197 which appears couple of times in the code.I know what is the 'My text for label', 'my text for description' and 'my username'. Also those 3 links in form of images have always the same structure, apart from the number in question - number 197.How do I extract the 197 number alone ? If I would get it, I would use it to identify the link with ID: "id=snapshot_deploy_cms-company-3" and invoke it.Basically I want to do this:If a TR tag contains 'My text for label' and also contains 'my username', then read the number 197 and... say... save the number into a textbox.

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Calculate The Lower 7 Bits And 7-13 Bits Of Two Hex Numbers?

Apr 8, 2011

I'm trying to figure out how to calculate the lower 7 bits and 7-13 bits of two hex numbers.

Here is some example c code, just need this in vb.net:

serialBytes[2] = 0x64 & 0x7F; // Second byte holds the lower 7 bits of target.
serialBytes[3] = (0x64 >> 7) & 0x7F; // Third data byte holds the bits 7-13 of target

The 0x7F is a constant so the only number that changes based off input is the 0x64.

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Use SQLConfigDataSource To Add DSN To The 32 Bits ODBC On Windows 7 64 Bits?

Mar 28, 2012

how can I use SQLConfigDataSource to add DSN to the 32 bits ODBC on Windows 7 64 bits? I know it use C:WindowsSysWow64odbcad32.exe and on registry, HKLMSoftwareWow6432Node but the API do not allow me to configure it?how can I do ?

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VS 2008 Applications In Windows 64 Bits And 32 Bits?

May 9, 2010

An application created with Visual Basic in Win7 64 bits will it still work fine in both WinXP 32 bits and Win7 32 bits ?

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VS 2010 Listbox Data Extract After Entry & Sorting?

Sep 26, 2011

I have an application that receives data input from an automated set of devices. This data stream I have managed to capture & get it into a list box which I can sort based on the Device ID & the time that the response was received.There is a set time window for the devices to transmit their data into the application and during this each device is not limited to the number of responses it can send (ie :- Device 1 can send in 2 responses where Device 3 can send in 40 responses, etc).All of the responses are captured, listed & sorted within the listbox (this bit is working ).I now need to extract the last (ie:- latest) entry in the listbox for each Device ID & this is where I am stuck. I can retrieve the last item in the list but cant seem to extract the last item for each Device ID.The code that I am using for the Device response capture, etc is :-

*********Code Start
Private Sub btnPoll_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As_ System.EventArgs) Handles btnPoll.Click


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Posting Small Bits Of Data

Feb 23, 2010

Is there another way to easily make a POST request in .NET other than the WebRequest class? I have a very, VERY small piece of data I need to post: password=theword but WebRequest randomly, and I mean randomly, drops the data when posting to my server. I've tested it by using a chunk of code from my server that dumps the request to a console, and I can that the client is sometimes sending and sometimes not sending the POST data.The code that I'm using that uses WebRequest works in another project, when talking to IIS. The server being talked to (a minimal web server in another system) responds properly every time I POST data to it through Firefox. I've got a function in the same project that fires off a GET request, and that works. It just seems like my POST function isn't completing the transaction...something I've noticed in the past when asking WebRequest to handle small strings.[code]

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Extract Only Particular Pieces Of HTML?

Nov 19, 2011

I have came up with code in my vb.net app that can extract particular tags, but what if I wanted to extract only certain lines of html code?

<td style="min-width: 100px; " align="right" class="aw-td body-td">4,400</td>

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Extract URLs From HTML?

May 11, 2010

How would I extract URLs from a website? For example, if the website was "url...", then the urls extracted would be[url]...

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Unused Bits In The Decimal Data Type?

Sep 21, 2010

What's the deal with those 23 unused bits in the Decimal data type? You know, there's the 96-bit integer portion, then 16 unused bits, then 8 bits for the exponent (which can only be 0 through 28, so doesn't even use all 8 bits), then 7 more unused bits, then the sign bit [URL]...

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C# - Use Regex To Extract The Body From A HTML Doc?

Jun 11, 2009

How would I use Regex to extract the body from a html doc,taking into account that the html and body tags might be in uppercase, lowercase or might not exist?

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Extract Html Between 2 Comments Not Working?

Apr 7, 2012

I'm trying to extract a portion of html between 2 comments.

here is the test code:

Sub Main()
Dim base_dir As String = "D:"
Dim test_file As String = base_dir & "72.htm"


The HTML file contains the start and end comments and a good amount of HTML in-between. Some content in the HTML file is in Arabic.

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Extract HTML From A Redirected Page?

Nov 24, 2011

I am using visual basic 2005. I found on the web the following function that extracts HTML from webpages. It is very useful but unfortunately it does not work with redirected pages. That is, when I put in it a URL of a redirect page it gives me nothing or error. I added to it ".AllowAutoRedirect = True" but still it did not work. I wonder how to make it work for redirected pages.


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Extract HTML Table Into Listview?

Nov 14, 2011

I'm wanting to extract a table on a regular basis from an HTML web page in to a listview control. Before I start the long winded manual process (which I'm sure I can do, finding strings etc). I was wondering if there was a built-in way with VB.NET?

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Extract Link From Html Page

Aug 5, 2011

I want to extract the link in this code: <a class="i_link dominantcol" href="http:rapidgen.net/get/3lt4c/megakey.exe">Download</a>.Using webbrowser1. getelementbyid - how do i do it? I just want the link as dim x as string = http:rapidgen.net/...t4c/megakey.exe

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Extract The Strings From Html Page?

Jan 30, 2011

I am working on my application that I am reading the strings through html page using with httprequest. All I am trying to achieve by find the value using with the matches which come next equals, something is like: "Address=Whateveritgoeshere". So I want to extract to get the strings which it would be: "Whateveritgoeshere"

Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
'Address of URL
Dim URL As String = "http://mysite.com/getInfo.asp?id=" & Textbox1.Text


However when I deug to run the application, I have got an empty returned strings. Do you know why I have got an empty returned strings?If you think that I have done something wrong then how I can only extract the strings that come next to the "Address="?

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Extract Specific Recurring HTML Links?

Jul 26, 2011

There have probablly be thousands of threads just like mine[code]...

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Extract The URL From An Html Page Using Regular Expressions

Aug 28, 2009

I've tried to extract the URL from an html page using regular expressions. It is really hard to understand. I have an existing application and would like to alter the code to search for a url in the form src="[URL]" the problem is that ive tried to use different expressions to no avail. could someone look at this code and advise how to alter it do what I need it to do.


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VS 2008 : Extract HTML Table Text?

Jul 20, 2011

im parsing the data from a webpage... It basically contains a table whose source code ive pasted below.... Now i need to get the values of each cell of the table into a listbox... So basically i need to extract the numbers in the <td> tags... Now the table has approx 10 values similar to the 4 ive added below..

<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<th>Serial NO.</th>


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VS 2008 Extract Text From Html Source?

May 11, 2009

i am trying to extract some usernames from a website. normally i dont have a problem and but cant get it to work...here is the code i normally use

For Each temp As HtmlElement In WebBrowser1.Document.Links
Dim str As String = Nothing
str = temp.GetAttribute("href")


but this is the html code i want to get from

<a href="http://help.com/?status=@astradamasta%20&in_reply_to_status

how would i go about getting the user which is astradamasta

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VS 2008 Extract The Html Code From Giving URL?

Dec 8, 2011

how I can extract the html code from giving URL?

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VS 2010 Parsing Data From HTML Into VB2010?

Sep 24, 2011

Let me preface this by saying I'm VERY limited in my programming knowledge/experience using any language. I mean I have extremely basic capabilities and don't quite understand this stuff inside and out like most of you do.Anyway, I'm trying to code a fantasy football draft program in VB 2010 that utilizes the MS Internet Transfer Control 6.0. It will retrieve the HTML from a website, say ESPN, and parse the data into player names, rankings, and other stats. Should all be simple strings/sub-strings. It will then populate a DataGridView control so that each row in the DGV has the player's name, ranking, projections for the season, etc. After this has been populated, the program will be designed to allow me to draft players and assign them to the various teams automatically. I am the commissioner and we do an off-line draft, so I will just make picks for everyone and submit them online later.

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