VS 2010 Get Data From Webpage In App?

Sep 3, 2011

i need to get certain parts of a website in to my application, such as price, qty sold and qty remaining, item title etc.

preferable into labels in my application, i also do know how i would have a list of multiple items on the same page, and also a small time to it can get updated every x amount of time,

basically i need an app which i enter item numbers, it visits the website and it gets the basic info for me.

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VS 2010 : Read Data From A Webpage?

Apr 26, 2010

I have a login form and what it does its uses datastream or webrequest and post's a url to a php file i have. If the login is true, it will return a 1, if it is a bad login, it will return 0. But my problem is that the acars wont read 1 or 0. it reads all of the html on the page. Is there anyway i can make it so it only displays a 1 or 0 to the acars, and not all the html of the page?

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VS 2008 Sending Data To A Webpage Via POST, Data Not Getting There

Jun 16, 2010

I've code this code below:

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load
Dim hwrRequest As HttpWebRequest = HttpWebRequest.Create("http://www.example.com/web-service.php")


The MsgBox() at the end shows the response, which as I've added to my script, echos the result from the $user and $pass variables which are supposed to retrieve those details being written to the stream above, but they show up empty.

I'm retrieving those values by doing: $user = $_POST["user"]; $pass = $_POST["pass"];

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Url - Open Webpage (or Snapshot Of Webpage) Into Another Webpage

Mar 10, 2010

i have an aspx page with vb.net back end. in that page i get names and url's from the database depending on different conditions. My requirement is that when i get the url, the code should then use that url and have that webpage in a small preview form on my existing aspx page. so basically i have a table as follows -


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C# - Fetching Data From A Webpage?

Aug 24, 2011

Suppose the given picture*(consider the picture as a web page)* is a web page...i have saved this web page to my HDD...now i want to parse/copy data from a specific area from the web page and store it into the database accordingly. Is this possible?? I wanna know if this thing is possible??If yes then how??

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Extract Data From A Webpage?

Mar 1, 2011

I have the following code to open a webpage:

Dim IE As Object
Dim x As Integer
Dim c As Variant


The page that opens is in xml and in that xml there is the "page_count" that I need to pick out so I can tell my macro when to stop looping. I have dimmed it as "c" in the code above. Following is the XML.


Somehow I need c = "4", which is the "page_count". Does anyone know how I can pick out the "4" from the xml on my page?

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Extract Data From Webpage?

May 15, 2012

Extract Data from Webpage?I have this code so far.[code]...

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Importing CSV Data From Webpage?

Sep 30, 2009

I'm looking to pull data off of a webpage that gives the data in comma delimited values.

I want to pull that data off, and I'm sure I'll have to store it in an array.

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Parse A Webpage And Get The Data?

Apr 18, 2009

I am trying to parse a webpage and need to get the data basically the string i am looking for in a webpage looks like thisSomeone lead me in the right direction in parsing the Stuff strings?

</b></a></td><td align="left" bgcolor="#F6F6F6">Stuff1</td></b></a></td><td align="left" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">Stuff2</td></b></a></td><td align="left" bgcolor="#F6F6F6">Stuff3</td></b></a></td><td align="left"


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Extract Data From Webpage Every Minute?

Aug 15, 2011

how to extract data from this web page url...Its mainly the Ip address and port but i have no idea in where to start. I know to start out with this Dim elements As HtmlElement Collection = Me.botBrowser.Document.All.but i dont know how i would transverse the source code to find the ip address and port.Also like if i just wanted to first one on the page each time the page refreshed how would i do this also

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How To Read/extract Data From A Webpage

Jan 2, 2010

I am trying to build a VB.NET 2005 windows app which gets cars info from a ebpage(webapplication) that has a username and password.I was able to programmatically login to this webpage(by automatically populating the input boxes using webbrowser control) And after I logged in, I could view the cars data in browser and I did "View Source" but the cars data (such as car model, brand, color etc..) were not viewable in the page source code

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Pass Data Between Webpage And VB Application?

Oct 17, 2011

I am developing an application for internal use in our company. The purpose of this application is for document imaging. What we are wanting to do is print a barcode label to attach to documents so that when they are scanned in a piece of software such as vfiler will be able to read the barcodes and know how to file them.The main focus is our ERP system which is web based (PHP). We are wanting to modify the code to allow the user to print the barcode label immediately once they enter an order or PO. I have access to the source code for the ERP web pages. I don't know of any way to make a web page print to a printer without displaying the printer select dialog. So, I decided that I wanted to try and create a VB application that would do the printing of the barcodes. This would allow me to bypass the the printer select dialog.

Now for the question. Is there any way to have a web page (PHP) running on the server call a VB app to perform a task? So, if I had a button on the webpage and the user clicked it, that button would somehow send the pertinent information (Order number) to the VB app and the VB app would print the barcode. The VB app will always be running on the machine. The label printers will be Zebra USB label printers on each person's machine.

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Read/extract Data From A WebPage?

Jan 2, 2010

I am trying to build a VB.NET windows app which gets cars info from a webpage (web application) that has a username and password. I was able to programmatically login to this webpage(by automatically populating the input boxes) And after I logged in, I could view the cars data in browser and I did "View Source" but the cars data (such as car model, brand, color etc..) were not viewable in the page source code. So how can I read these data with my application?

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Separate Data From A HTML WebPage?

Jan 16, 2012

I have a full source code of a webpage. The following code on richtextbox1 from a webpage that is relevant to what we need.


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VS 2008 - Possible To Retrieve Data From Webpage?

Aug 17, 2009

I wanted to create an event that when I hit a button, it will check if the webbrowser has reached THISPAGE.html.

If webbrower1.Url.toString = "thispage.html" then 'this line may have been webbrowser.Url.toString("thispage.html") cant remember I tried both ways neither worked.
do something
End If
But I get a null exception error.

My other question is , is it possible to pull data or text from a website like through the webbrowser control thing and place it inside a textbox or label or something like that?

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VS 2008 Pulling Data From Webpage

Apr 6, 2011

I am trying to pull wind direction, temperature and speed, data from this webpage, I have had not much success with it at all, I think that I have the correct method but get stuck on the HTML coding. the webpage is: [URL] I sort of know how to get to the HTML code, but get lost on how to define the ellements that are required. I have a screen capture of where I get up to.

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VS 2010 - If Webpage Contains This Element Then?

Dec 22, 2011

I'm looking to change my code in a program to make it more efficient. I'll show you what I have, and explain what I need help with.This is my current


How can I go about checking if the element is present within the current webpage before I search for it and invoke a click on it?

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VS 2010 : Get Info From Webpage?

Mar 14, 2011

get information from wikipedia.So the info goes to TEXTBOX1.TEXT and then creator to label8.text and then the image will go to picturebox1.image.i have a listbox with all the videos?

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VS 2010 Editing A Webpage?

Jan 16, 2011

edit a web page by decreasing a number in it?

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VS 2010 Get Part Of Webpage?

Apr 24, 2012

i would need to extract a part of a website like this

<span id="wood" title="4800" class="res">85206</span>
I want to get the value "85206".

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VS 2010 Get Text From Webpage?

Nov 17, 2011

Alright, im trying to get a balance from a webpage. But idk how to. I sort of figured it out. This is what im trying to get:

<div class="boxborder">
<div class="title">Balance</div>
<div class="sep"></div>


But there are multiple classes on the webpage which has the inner as classname, so i get lots and lots of info. But i just want to get the 12,85. How would i do that?

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How To Find Specific Data Within Webpage Source

Jun 27, 2009

I'm building a vb project using vb 2008 and I am trying to get a specific data from the source of a webpage. I am now trying to have the vb project access the below source of the webpage [URL] and retrieve the word "Dublin" from the code from the following line:
</tr><tr><td class="s7 li ou"><a href="dorf1.php?newdid=106467">Dublin</a></td>

The word "Dublin" should be stored in the string villagename1 (I will use that string several times later in the project) and it should at NO time open a IE page as to make it as invisible as possible.

Webpage Source:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html><head> <title>Travian uk5</title>
<meta http-equiv="cache-control" content="max-age=0" />
<meta http-equiv="pragma" content="no-cache" />
[Code] .....

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Importing Data From Webpage To Access Database?

Jul 8, 2011

i am a ticketing agenit in my city. i do book tickets on web of the company from which i am buying, so i have to fill a form so i want that data to be imported to my database file from that page.

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Read / Extract Text Data From A Webpage?

Mar 11, 2010

I am trying to build a VB.NET 2005 windows app which gets cars info from a webpage(webapplication) that has a username and password.

I was able to programmatically login to this webpage(by automatically populating the input boxes using webbrowser control) And after I logged in, I could view the cars data in browser and I did "View Source" but the cars data (such as car model, brand, color etc..) were not viewable in the page source code. So how can I read these data with my application?

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Using Webpage - Enter Data In Textboxes And Submit ?

Jan 10, 2011

I have custom web page and i can edit that there is 3 textboxes (username,pass,t)and a submit buttom.i want enter data in textboxes and submit them it give me result(its a 20 or 30 character)i want do them in my program and without a browser

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VS 2008 : Fill Data Into A Webpage And Submit It?

Mar 3, 2010

auto filling data into webpages. I need to write a server side application mostly a console host app that makes some queries to the SQL Server database and gets a list of lets say students and their grades.There is a third party website that gets updated at the moment some peoples working and filling that data manually.

I need to write a program that will basically open that webpage, login if required, navigate to certain page, click on certain tab, fill the data and hit the submit button. I don't think this part is that hard but the trouble comes with a client side dialog box. At the moment there is a client side dialogbox that shows up when you hit the submit button confirming the action and I need to press OK on that automatically.

I am allowed to write a windows application if not a console application and also use the web browser control to load the webpage rather than opening and interacting with the browser. If this makes it easier than so be it.

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Vs 2010 (2008) Getting Image URL On A Webpage?

Aug 23, 2010

how i could get an image URL on a web page in VB.Net?For example: The user would navigate to [URL] and the google image URL would be stored in a string?

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VS 2010 : Extract Day, Date From Webpage?

Dec 13, 2011

I wanted to extract today's date from


and the expected output will be: Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

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VS 2010 : Get All Bold Font On Webpage?

Feb 9, 2011

How would I be able to get all the bold text from a webpage and write it to a text box? For example, say the HTML is



The textbox would read "ac". How could I do this?

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VS 2010 : Taking Information From A Webpage?

May 5, 2012

I need to navigate to a webpage and copy a string of information from it within the shortest possible timeframe. The site has the following written on it:This is the string that you need to apply to your algorithm.

Generated String: 61*76*83*47*69*88*

I want to copy the string from the webbrowser control and place it into a string called "GenString"

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