Vhange TableAdapter Select Commandtext?

Dec 11, 2011

I created a wizard dataset and add data adapters in my Dataset.i want change select commandtext when form loaded

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DB/Reporting :: Changing TableAdapter CommandText At Runtime?

Nov 23, 2009

In my app (written in VS 2003) I use OleDbDataAdapter's to load data. I have some functions that enable be to change the OleDbDataAdapter.SelectCommand.CommandText at run time, by adding a "WHERE" or "HAVING" section to the SQL command, or updating the "WHERE " or "HAVING" section. This way I have have generic load data functions. (load all invoices for Customer 123, load all invoices for the year 2009, or load all invoices for Customer 123 for the year 2009).

With the new VS 2008 TableAdapter, the TableAdaper.CommandCollection property is Protected. How can I edit the TableAdaper.CommandCollection(0).CommandText at run time?

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LIKE In SQL Query In CommandText

Mar 29, 2011

LIKE in SQL query in CommandText Here's my


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Change Commandtext At Run Time?

Jun 22, 2009

I have created an SQL query using Query Designer in VB.NET 2005. The commandtext for the query is somthing like SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE Field1=@Parameter1. I want to change this at run time to something like SELECT * FROM tablename WHERE Field1=@Parameter1 AND Field2=@Parameter2

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Cutting Long CommandText?

Sep 7, 2011

What is wrong with this code?When the code runs cmd.ExecuteReader I get an error saying "Incorrect syntax near the keyword 'AS'".I'm assuming I didn't breakup the sentence correctly.

Using cnn As New SqlClient.SqlConnection(clsDBConn.clsDBConnections.prpConnString)
Using cmd As New SqlClient.SqlCommand[code].....

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IDE :: Changing CommandText Changes Parameters?

Sep 14, 2010

I'm trying to edit the CommandText for the Insert Command in a TableAdapter in the Designer in vb.net. Whenever I make changes to the CommandText, Visual Studio (2008) automagically changes the Parameters to a Collection consisting of one Parameter thatexisted before editing the Command, immersed in a sea of complete garbage Parameters, and then I either have to undo (unless this was the first thing I tried editing, in which case I have to close the Designer to discard changes and reopen it) or manuallychange ALL the Parameters back to something that isn't complete garbage.

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MS SQL Server Multiple Commandtext

Jun 8, 2012

[Code] The above code does not work. I need for this to check to see if there is a database entry with the office name and today's date. Then if not it needs to tell the user that it is going to create a new entry for todays date. Then the code is trying to enter a new row in the database but it is like i can't use command. commandtext = in two spots. Both SQL commands work if separated but not together in this code. Obviously the abcdefghij are just test entries but it works if it is separated from the other sql command above. Also of course i have changed the datasource above to hide mine.

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Database - Changing CommandText Changes Parameters?

Sep 13, 2010

I'm trying to edit the CommandText for the Insert Command in a TableAdapter in the Designer in vb.net. Whenever I make changes to the CommandText, Visual Studio (2008) automagically changes the Parameters to a Collection consisting of one Parameter that existed before editing the Command, immersed in a sea of complete garbage Parameters, and then I either have to undo (unless this was the first thing I tried editing, in which case I have to close the Designer to discard changes and reopen it) or manually change ALL the Parameters back to something that isn't complete garbage.

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ExecuteReader CommandText Property Has Not Been Initialized

Feb 12, 2012

Dear friends I am new in .net world and I am trying to display a single row to a literal. I prefer VB so my code is as follows but I'm getting the error "ExecuteReader: CommandText property has not been initialized".I also tried sqlCmd.CommandText = "getLastModificationDateTime" without the EXEC statement

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ExecuteReader: CommandText Property Has Not Been Initialized?

Jul 5, 2011

i have this code in form1 at buttonpreview


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Order By Case In DbCommand.CommandText

Oct 31, 2011

I am trying to add an order by case statement in the dbcommand.commandtext but i see that no rows are returned. I want to assign priorities for colors in the case statement. This would help me avoid create a new table to priorities and rewrite a lot of code to map the foreign key.[code]

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Can't Set Tableadapters Commandtext At Run-time For Typed Dataset?

Apr 12, 2012

For some reason I'm unable to set the commandtext of the tableadapter. I have the following code:

'Prepare the sqlcommand
Dim dd As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
dd = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand
dd.CommandText = SqlUsers


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Error :ExecuteNonQuery: CommandText Property Has Not Been Initialized?

Jan 31, 2012

this code is in the button click , i get each data out using spiltbut i encounter error at "cmd.CommandType = CommandType.Text"

Dim conn As New SqlConnection(GetConnectionString())
Dim sb As New StringBuilder(String.Empty)
Dim splitItems As String() = Nothing


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How To Update Multiple Databindings With SelectCommand.CommandText

Dec 10, 2011

I am doing a project for a course that involves a database, i have it set up already so that i can have two different labels displaying data from two different fields in a table when the form loads, but i am trying to get it so that when i click an option in a listbox it will change the displayed information. I am using the following code to set it when the form loads:[code]

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Use SQLClient Class Along With CommandText To Send SQL INSERT?

Feb 9, 2012

My general method up until now is I use SQLClient class along with CommandText to send SQL INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE statements dorectly to the SQL Server from the VB app. I have a function I use that will escape any special characters within any string variables. I put a lot of vb database functions in a module that all of my forms can use. When I need to pass data around I send/add arguments to functions using regular variables, etc... I log all of my SQL queries sent to the server to a log file for troubleshooting.So far this has worked well. I know there are better ways to do this, Stored Procedures for example. But I just have not made that leap yet. I'm about to consider turning my world upside down!

I'm MOSTLY interested in creating custom Classes that represent the various objects in my database (Customers, Projects, Invoices, etc...). Then defining all of the properties each of these classes should have: Customer.ID, Customer.Name, Customer.Status, etc... and would like to "map" that Customer object to the database I'm interfacing with. I figure I can wrap all of the SQL commands into methods within each class, i.e.: myCustomer.Name = "Joe Smith"

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Error:"ExecuteReader: CommandText Property Has Not Been Initialized."?

Jul 9, 2011

I have reviewed the prior post on this topic and am confused.

Private Cn As sqlConnection
Private Cmd As sqlCommand
Private Da As sqlDataAdapter


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C# - Same TableAdapter But Different Database

Mar 19, 2009

I have to work in two parallel environments, developement and production, I want to use the same TableAdapter to connect to different databases (two Oracle databases running on different servers) with the very same structure. How is this possible?

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TableAdapter Update When There Are No Changes

Aug 3, 2010

I'm using TableAdapters in VB.NET (VS2008) to an SQLCE DB. These are associated with a range of DataTables in my DataSet.

I'm trying to simplify my app and I'm wondering : If I call the Update method of a table adapter and there have been no changes, then will the TableAdapter still open the underlying database, or is it smart enough not to bother?

At present I'm using simple boolean flags to keep track of which DataTables have modified data - and it works fine - but I'm just thinking I might be able to simplify my code just by always letting it call the updates. But I only want to do if it won't add an overhead.

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Using The Tableadapter.update?

Feb 21, 2011

I have a form that has a datagrid thats being filled by data from a temporary database (called Scratchpad3) and what I'm needing to do is to update another table that's not part being called with my table adapter. My table adapter looks as follows:


and the table that I need to update is called ExceptionsEdit.

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.net - TableAdapter Update Fail?

Sep 9, 2010

I have a VB windows Form project that connects to several DataTables in an Access DB. On my form I have several textboxes, comboboxes and datetimepickers that are bound to those sources. With one table in particular when I try to update the tableadapter after editing one of the textboxes the update method fails. No exceptions are thrown, but the update method returns a zero value and the data is not updated. The update will work when just the comboboxes or datetimepickers are edited, but as soon as a textbox is edited also, update will not work.

Other DataTables within the project are set up in the same manner but are not having update issues. I can't figure out what about this one particular table is causing an issue. Can anyone give me any thoughts on where or what to troubleshoot?

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Adding To A DataGridView / TableAdapter

Aug 15, 2011

I have a DataGridView on my form and I'm wanting to override the 'Add New Record' button on the DataGridView controls, and display my own 'Add record' form. The problem is, when I do so, I no longer get the Auto-increment functionality of my primary key field (as i would If i used the default functionality of that particular button).


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Can't Get The Identity Value Back From The Tableadapter?

Sep 23, 2009

Would I be right in saying that when using tableadapters that you can't get the identity value back from the tableadapter when you insert a row intot a datatable then save the table back to database using tableadapter.update(datatable).It will only return the value of 1?

I would like to return the identity from the table but didn't want to have to assign all the parameters manually in code cause theres about 30

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DataTable Isn't Recognized By TableAdapter

Oct 23, 2009

I would like to start a data base. Im using vb2005. I've started a new windows application. I have added a new data source to the project. Then I added a new TableAdapter in the dataSet.xsd part of the project. When I'm completeting the wizard, when I click on the QueryBuilder, when the add table window opens, the table already in the program ( that comes along with the TableAdapter ) isn't recognized. I've clicked on the refresh button but it still isn't recognized. (example: DataTable1 isn't recognized in the add table form in the query biulder of DataTable1TableAdapter)

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How To Search DataGridView1 With TableAdapter

Jan 11, 2012

How to search DataGridView by text in textbox1, but after a search when textbox1 empty,I want to be DataGridView1 back to its original state.

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Saving Data To TableAdapter?

Nov 17, 2009

I have code that saves changes to data on a form and it works fine. I then used the same code on a different form (only changing the name of the bindingsource and tableadapter), but changes I make to the data don't save. Why will it work on one form, yet not on another? Here is the code I am using to save the data on the form that works:

Dim deletedRecords As DataDataSet.CatalogDataTable = CType(DataDataSet.Catalog.GetChanges(Data.DataRowState.Deleted), DataDataSet.CatalogDataTable)
Dim newRecords As DataDataSet.CatalogDataTable = CType(DataDataSet.Catalog.GetChanges(Data.DataRowState.Added),


The only difference I see is that on the second form (the one that won't save) I have other tableadapters loaded. But they are just used to load data into different comboboxes. What could be causing the second form not to update the tableadapter? I'm not talking about running the application, making a change, then closing the application and it not saving. I realize that a second database is created because I've set the Copy to Output Directory property to Copy if Newer. I can tell it doesn't save because I run the application, open the form, make a change, close the form, then open the form again. The change I just made is gone.

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TableAdapter Does Not Insert New Records?

Oct 6, 2009

I have a program that is using a dataset class, table adapter, binding source and binding navigator. The program can read, update, and delete rows from the table. However, it doesn't recognize new records and save them to the database when the table adapter's update method is called. (table was pre-populated by another process) The database table is using an identity column for the primary key. On a whim I added code to force an insert of data using the table adapter's Insert method with some hard coded values and this worked.This code was invoked after hitting new record on the binding navigator bar. Looking at the database, I notice the record I forced in skipped an identity value, which indicates to me hitting new record took the previous number. So the question I have is what would keep the tableadapter from inserting the new record when its update method is called?

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TableAdapter Lost Parameters?

Feb 1, 2011

(ScheduleID, StatusID, Name, Color)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?)

Here, Name is a string and the other are integers. The generated signature however looks like this:

InsertQuery(int Color, string Param2, string Param3, string Param4)

Which does not match the query, either in name or order of parameter types.How can this happen? Any fixes? It also throws back errors at runtime for type mismatches, which don't occur when the parameters are in the 'correct order' in the query builder.

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Update Database From Tableadapter?

Nov 4, 2009

I´m trying to update the database i´ve already have de data set BDHERGAIMDataSet with all my tables(tbboletines is one of them) i add a new row, and set the values of each column of the row in the table and then try to update the database.It doesn´t give me any errors when I run it but it doesn´t write nothing on the database table....

Dim newvobol As BDHERGAIMDataSet.tbboletinesRow
newvobol =Me.BDHERGAIMDataSet.tbboletines.NewtbboletinesRow
newvobol.idnaturaleza = 1


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Update Tableadapter From Datagrid?

Aug 16, 2010

In VS STUDIO 2008 I have made a datagrid , where i have set yes too edith, new and delete.this works fine, but now i need some code in form closing to Update my tableadapter to the value from my datagrid

Yes i know there are many Question about this i have read and read this answers but i Can't fine out how to make yhis to work

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Updating An INNER Joined TableAdapter?

Oct 2, 2009

I need to get information from two tables onto my form. I'm using a DataGrid called SQLGrid which I'm populating in code with the information I need to get out of both tables.

Private connstr As String = "Data Source=MAUDOT3;" & _
"Initial Catalog=ExxColl;" & _
"Integrated Security=True;"


I need my application to be able to update the DataGrid, and commit those updates to the database. My problem is that all the research I've done so far has led me to believe that there's no way I can do this because the SqlDataAdapter.Update() method only updates 1 single table.I just had an idea to make my event handler execute a stored procedure that creates a view on the database, populates it with data from my dataset, and then distributes the information between the two tables where needed.I guess another solution would be to use 2 DataGrids and then tie each of them into a seperate DataAdapter/DataSet, and then update each when the Event is called. The problem here would be that it's more work for the end user to make changes, so I'd really prefer to do it another way.

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