WPF Media Element Source As String?
Jan 1, 2008For some reason, I cant set the source of a WPF media Element to a string setting or equal to textbox.text Why does it not let you do this?
View 5 RepliesFor some reason, I cant set the source of a WPF media Element to a string setting or equal to textbox.text Why does it not let you do this?
View 5 RepliesHow would I make the Windows Media Player element in visual basic play the next song after the current one is done. I know you can do it with a playlist but how would I do it with out any kind of list boxes or stuff like that. To browse for the files i use a open file dialog.
View 9 RepliesHow to add an html element like id="" to inside current html source created by webbrowser1.
View 6 RepliesI can do like this[code]...
Can I in the same way use a variabels string to referens to a lat say editbox.text ?
This may sound really stupid but I have to ask cause I'm not finding this answer anywhere.I have an application where the user will need to sign up for a new user account on the website [URL]..However when I am using Firefox's plug-in Firebug to view html I am getting something totally different than when I just right click on the site and view the page source.
What I am trying to do is to get the captcha from the website and display it in a picturebox on the application so the user can view the captcha, solve the captcha and then the app post is back to the service for a response.
Here is the source that I am getting using Firefox's Firebug to inspect the element:
<input type="hidden" value="Oo3Jo1I8bgzK68agMqo3s79ZZib2OkbK" name="iden">
<img class="capimage" src="/captcha/Oo3Jo1I8bgzK68agMqo3s79ZZib2OkbK.png" alt="i wonder if these things even work">
Why would the two be showing me two different versions of the HTML?
And how would you be able to grab that source to view in a picturebox using webclient?
I am using an API (WSUS) that will give me an XML fragment that I need to work with. Essentially, I need to go through the fragment element by element, identify what type of element it is, and then put that element into the datagridview. The goal is to have a column with a human readable interpretation of the element, plus that actual element itself in a hidden column for further processing. So, using the below XML, I want the DGV to have column that says "Begin Or Group" and a hidden column with "<lar:Or>".
I can get an xmltextreader to loop through the elements just fine, but I can't figure out a way to return just the current element in XML. I've tried ReadString, Value, ToString, and a bunch of other stuff but just cannot seem to figure it out.
Here's an example fragment:
<bar:WindowsVersion Comparison="EqualTo" MajorVersion="5" MinorVersion="0" ServicePackMajor="4" ServicePackMinor="0" />
Nothing on google what so ever.
Private mArryLinkEntries As List(Of String)
some timers i get a matching string in the list, so i need to remove one element[code]...
I am attempting to consume my Zenfolio RSS feed so that i can display the images in the feed. How can i access the url value of the media:thumbnail and media:content elements in my RSS feed? I have googled high and low and not found an answer regarding how to access the url value. There was a similiar unanswered SO post.
Examples of the elements:
<media:thumbnail url="http://riderdesign.net/img/s11/v35/p449020235-2.jpg"
im working on a little app for my self, to make my life a little more convenient. I have some media keys on my laptop, and I would like to use them with itunes while it is minimized. I found a app that did it for me a long time ago, but cant seem to find it now. But I would like to try my hand at my own, and I've managed to do so, but, my app has to be in focus for it to work. is there any way to still detect when these media keys are pressed while my app is out of focus?
View 9 Replies1. How do I exclude a string that is matched?
I have something like this:
You answered question 1 correctly. You have been awarded
<a href="url"> 1 point</a> .
You answered question 2 correctly. You have been awarded
<a href="url"> 1 point</a> .
You answered question 3 correctly. You have been awarded
<a href="url"> 1 point</a> .
You answered all 3 questions correctly! You have been awarded a total of
<a href="url"> 3 points</a> .
So basically I want to filter out all those in bold, it should look like this when printed to a textbox:
You answered question 1 correctly. You have been awarded 1 point.
You answered question 2 correctly. You have been awarded 1 point .
You answered question 3 correctly. You have been awarded 1 point.
You answered all 3 questions correctly! You have been awarded a total of 3 points.
2. How do I get a value of HTML span element? (I'm not sure how to phrase this but I think you will get it if I show a example..)
It goes something like this...
<span class="quiz1">Question 1:</span>
<span id="q1">Question Here </span>
I want text in bold to be displayed in a label. Do I use getAttributeByID here? How do I use it in VB.net?
Ive got a few strings stored inside a string array, and i need to copy each string element into the integer variable on each iteration.how i would convert it? tried
but got errors?
I have a number of rewrite rules for a lot of things that I did in IIS7, like removing trailing slashes, canonnical URLs, lowercase lettering, and such. IIS altered my web.config, and everything works fine on the website, like it should. But in the Visual Studio web.config, the opening < rewrite > statement is underlined in blue, and at the bottom of VS, it says that the element 'system.webServer' has invalid child element 'rewrite'. But this is how IIS made it. I didn't do this manually. Should I be concerned with this VS error, or should I just leave as be, since it's working how it should work? Here's an example of my web.config:
Is there a way to control the way a browser behaves such as if I click on this link it doesn't navigate to that link but instead show me the source code behind that button?
View 1 RepliesI need to randomly pick an element from an array and I can only use that element three times,I can randomly pick the element but how do I go about only using it three times.
View 4 RepliesI am messing around with the WMPLib component provided by Windows Media Player 12 (wmp.dll) in VB.NET with .NET Framework 3.5 SP1.
I am trying to retrieve a media item from my media library based on its name (assuming there are no duplicate names). At the moment, I'm grabbing the entire media library, and looping through every media item, and quitting the loop when I've found the correct media item. This works well (except for when a media item with that name cannot be found), but I was hoping there was a more efficient way of doing this.
Here is my code so far:
Public Class WMPTest
Private myWMP As WMPLib.IWMPCore
Private myMediaCollection As WMPLib.IWMPMediaCollection
So what I really want is a way to optimize findTrack() to do its thing without looping through the entire media library (which could be huge).
I have created a media player (vb.net 2005) using the media player control. Plays fine when using open dialog box and url. I have set my player as the default player but when I click on a media file, the player will open but not play. I am sure it has to do with on open event and coding the url to see the selected file just like any other media player out there.
View 14 RepliesI have been doing well and also I am a noob I know it and you know it a lot has started making sense and I am evening figuring new things out without using Google but of course I have hit another snag in my program so here goes
I am waiting for an email to arrive (the page automatically refreshes) and then I want to click the link (I do not need to click to open the email or anything like that) I also have the code to click and navigate to the address reason being it was the only way I could figure out how to stop it opening in a new window on IE
So my only problem is I need a way to check every x seconds for the element and then if its there proceed with my code and if its not wait and then check again or however this is done in VB.If this is not the way its done please point me in the right direction the code I am using to find and then navigate to the link is
Dim emailpageelements As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser2.Document.GetElementsByTagName("a")
For Each emailver As HtmlElement In emailpageelements
If InStr(emailver.InnerHtml, "https://twitter.com/account/confirm_email/") Then
This is way out of my league, I can manipulate strings a bit but i'm 1000% stuck how to approach this.
I get page source to a textbox1.text, In the source in contains multiple lines of
Once got, need to add it self to a array then carry on looking for more instances of that type of line
I know this is a lot to ask, but iv spent the last hour googling and comes up with basic string manipulations
I'm just trying to implement a 'no duplicates' catch on my insert customer form, but it just slips through my if statement to the else everytime. This is the source. Also I tried a .Equals with the same results :(
Protected Sub srcAllClients_Inserting(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Web.UI.WebControls.SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs) Handles srcAllClients.Inserting
I developed a winform application and I want to send the .exe file to someone else. That means that my datasource for my connection string is not the same any more
Dim da As OleDbDataAdapter
Dim dt As New DataSet
Dim objConnection As OleDbConnection = New OleDb.OleDbConnection
I am trying to create a program which does something similar to a function in excel but with increased functionality. What I need to know for this is how to get the program to search a webpage's source code for a specific string and unfortunately I have no idea how to even begin going about this.
View 2 RepliesI have a Web Browser and I have a button where I can get the HTML Source of a Web Page. The code I have so far stores the HTML Source in a string:
i can parse html source code and regex a few things, but i know the exact phrase i'm looking for do i still need a regex if i know what i'm looking for?
if (string = logged) then
do the code if 'logged' is found in the html source
I want to be able to reference an element in an array of structures by the name of the element in a visual basic 2010 function. For example
Public Structure myStruct
Public element1 as string
Public element2 as integer
Public element3 as boolean
Is it possible to reference a structures element by the element's name in a similar way to that shown above. The code shown above does not work, as the expression obj(i).[elementName] does not work as hoped.
i have a code which has the connection string as driver. dim s as string = "Driver={SQL Server}; Server=xxxSQLEXPRESS; Database=dbRegister; Trusted_Connection=yes" i need to change that to - "data source=;user id=xx;password=xxxxx;initial catalog=xxxxx;Connect Timeout=30" when i just change the text it gives this error - "[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified" how do i declare the datasource?
View 2 Repliesi have a code which has the connection string as driver.dim s as string = "Drr={SQL Server};Server=xxxSQLEXPRESS; Database=dbRegister; Trusted_Connection=yes"i need to change that to"data source=;user id=xx;password=xxxxx;initial catalog=xxxxx;Connect Timeout=30"hen i just change the text it gives this error -"[Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] Data source name not found and no default driver specified"
View 13 RepliesDim dt As DataTable = MyClass.DatabaseRecordsetCall()
Dim str(dt.Rows.Count) As String
If dt IsNot Nothing AndAlso dt.Rows.Count > 0 Then For Each row As DataRow In dt.Rows
str.SetValue(row.Item(0).ToString, dt.Rows.IndexOf(row))
End If
This is the code I am using to populate a string array to use as an autocomplete source for a textbox.The datatable has 17 rows in it. However, it creates the string array with a length of 18.Just an FYI, if you try to use an autocomplete source that contains a value = nothing, it will cause your application to crash.No, not cause an exception which could be dealt with, but a solid inexplicable, pull your hair out, scream and curse because you cannot figure it out crash. The microsoft message that comes up references the file browseui.dll.The above code as is, will generate an extra array value whose value WILL equal nothing and cause this crash to happen.
You pull the value out of the Request object
Then set the ImageUrl property of your image
i am scraping title of webpage. i am using webclient class to get its html source. the true title of webpage is this which appear on browser:
"La r�volution"
but when i extract it from html source using webclient class i get following string.
"La révolution du sourire juste"
i think its something related to string conversion. so any one help me how to convert this "La révolution du sourire juste" to "La r�volution"?
following info on webpage might give you some clue which is content type.
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />
I am scraping title of webpage. i am using webclient class to get its html source. the true title of webpage is this which apprear on browser "La rvolution" but when i extract it from html source using webclient class i get following string. "La rvolution du sourire juste"
I think its something related to string conversion. how to convert this "La rvolution du sourire juste" to "La rvolution"?
Following info on webpage might give you some clue which is content type. " <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8" />"