WebDisplay.DocumentComplete In Vista?

Aug 19, 2009

Upgraded OS from XP SP2 to Vista SP1, now the WebDisplay.DocumentComplete event will not fire. Running in debug mode in VS2003.App works in runtime, so why is IDE VB 2003 debug running on Vista SP1 not working? Worked in XP SP2.

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VS 2008 Compile On Vista For Vista Work Fine But On Vista For Xp NO

May 30, 2009

i compile my form with the below code when i run it on vista work fine without any problem but when i try to run in on XP cant run... that happened with any XP machine.[code]when i run my exe to other Vista machines work fine... but on xp NO.

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Documentcomplete Event Not Firing?

Apr 28, 2009

My ie.documentcomplete is not firing from my installer but it works fine from my source.I don't know where i m going wrongmy working environment

For Each Me.ie In New ShellWindows
If GetForegroundWindow = ie.HWND Then
AddHandler ie.DocumentComplete, AddressOf _


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WebBrowserControl DocumentComplete Not Firing?

Jun 27, 2009

Program was working fine, now all of a sudden it decides it does not want to navigate for me...It doesn't appear that either of my DocumentComplete or DownloadComplete Events are being fired when navigating to a very minimal web page.I even tried deleting the code blocks, and "re-adding" them in the IDE. no dice.This is pretty much the most important part of the whole program. arggh.what could be causing this? I tested by placing a msgbox call in the Document Complete Event. no popup*

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Object AxSHDocVw.AxWebBrowser In Ie8 And The Function DocumentComplete Is Not Work?

Sep 28, 2009

this is my code:

ref flags, ref targetframe, ref post, ref headers);


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VS 2008 WebBrowser Refresh Not Firing DocumentComplete Event?

Nov 5, 2009

I'm making a webbrowser that automatically refreshes till a link changes, then it makes some procedures.

I know that refresh methods dont fire the documentcomplete event so what could be a solution for my situation?

I have a web site that I want to check for a html link modification, for that I need to refresh it every 30 seconds.

Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load


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Webbrowser Control Documentcomplete Event Not Firing When Iframe Does Not Load?

May 23, 2008

First off I hope I'm in the right forum.I have an application I built with the WebBrowser control in Visual Basic 2005. I am using the DocumentComplete event to track when a page has fully finished loading as some of the webpages I need to work with have frames.

The problem I am having is that when some iframes time out or don't load, the documentcomplete events stop firing. So if my webpage has 2 frames on it, we'd expect 3 documentcomplete events. One for each frame and one for the parent document once the frames have loaded. If say frame 2 does not load properly, the documentcomplete event for the overall document never fires.

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Form.Webbrowser Control Different Between Vista 32bit And Vista 64bit?

Oct 11, 2009

I am been working on an a small app that has a Forms.Webbrowser control that navigates to a Adobe Flash program. I have developed the app on Vista 32bit platform and have had no problems. I have sent the app to a couple of people to test out and one is using Vista 64bit and is running into a problem. I know the webbrowser control just uses the underlying base framework of IE. The problem on the 64 bit machine is when the site is navigated to it says that it needs to have Flash installed. When the user goes to Adobe's site it says they need to use a 32bit browser.

As stated on Adobe site here:[URL] the Flash player need to be in a 32 bit browser. What options do I have to be able fix this problem? Is there another control that I can use that would be the same in a 32bit platform and 64bit platform? Besides navigating to the Flash program, the browser also goes to standard web pages.

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Changes Of VB From Xp To Vista?

Mar 17, 2010

i have a vb6 program that works fine in windows xp, but when i run it in windows vista i get a run-time error '-2147417848(80010108)'. what has changed from xp to windows 7?

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Can Not Install My App On Vista?

Oct 9, 2009

I used visual studio to publish my application. I am able to install my app on a windows 2003 server, but when I try to install my app on my pc which have vista a error appear "Application cannot be started. Contact the application vendor". and it gives details of the error.Here is the details below and in the attachment:

Windows : 6.0.6002.131072 (Win32NT)
Common Language Runtime : 2.0.50727.4016[code]...............

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.net Xp Style On Vista?

Feb 22, 2010

today i started up my project and got like a error something with a line was something and i could press like fix or do not fix.I pressed fix and i got a xp style on my program. every thing looks weird..oh i forgot say that i run vista... and i dont want xp style on this program. ITs just the program that is changed, i got every thing else in vista style.i worked nights for this program and don't wanna do it again!

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App Not Working On Vista/7?

Jun 22, 2010

my application required the dropping of resources when a button is pressed.It seems when this button is pressed on XP everything works swimmingly, however...

on windows 7 and vista the button simply dosent do anything, ive tried elevating to admin etc..

Is it possibly due to how it creates/drops resources?

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Detect Vista In .NET?

Jan 5, 2009

How can I detect if my current OS which my program is running under, is Windows Vista?note that there are 2 versions of Vista:Vista and Vista SP1.The build number of Vista SP1 is the same as Windows Server 2008 and that makes the problem!I just want to make sure my OS is vista?

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How To Disable Vista UAC

Mar 31, 2009

It's possible to disable the Vista UAC programatly?

I have to port my application to Vista, and I need to disable the UAC, also temporarily..

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Pop Up Like Vista UAC Screen?

Feb 20, 2009

I would make a program which need user to reply something, otherwise the whole screen is locked by a pop up screen like vista UAC one.

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Test On Mac And Vista?

Jul 3, 2009

Can someone tell me if it works on windows Vista and Mac? And any other OS.

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Trigger The UAC In Vista?

Apr 26, 2009

does anyone know the actual code to put into the my.settings file for this? or something like that I saw it in a post now I cant find it again 0_o .

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Access Denied On Vista?

Sep 19, 2009

screwed up User Access Control, some functionality does not inherit the accounts true privileges. I built a Command Prompt application and ran it from an Admin account, but I kept getting access denied when I ran it. The only work around I can find for now to shut the dam thing off in control panel.

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Admin Permissions In Vista?

May 18, 2009

With Vista we are having a permission denied error when an application tries to change properties of a file in Program Data folder... before replacing with a newer version of the file.Changing of security permissions for a standard user is not an option. Is there a way we can grant the premissions for an application developed in VB .net to give permission only to change properties of this file.

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App Compatible With 64 BIT Editions Of XP And Vista?

May 23, 2009

I'm testing my 32-BIT application on windows XP Pro, and Windows Vista Home Premium, will there be any problem for my App to run on 64-BIT?

Also wondering, if my App has no bugs/problems with Home Premium (Vista) will anything on Ultimate (Vista) effect it? like Windows BitLocker Drive Protection? or anything like that?

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Application Does Not Run On Windows Vista/7?

May 3, 2010

I have recently developed an aplication in XP that it works on XP nice but in vista or seven don't work at all. It gives a message when I try to enter the application like " The program cannot run.."

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Application Not Running In Vista

Mar 21, 2009

I am using Windows XP and Visual Studio 2008. Now, i am writing an application which under testing runs fine under XP but when i try to run it under Vista, when i click on the program i keep getting an error saying:System File Intergrator has stopped working.How do i get my application to run on Vista as well as XP?

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Background Worker In Vista Vs XP

Sep 21, 2009

I have run into this before, When I develop a form to use a background worker to fill tableadapters, the background worker does fine on machines running Vista, but if you run the same thread on an XP machine, the thread gets hung.All the thread is doing is filling a table adapter like this.[code]Why would this run on a Vista machine and not an XP machine?

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Can't Get Makecert.exe To Work On Vista

Apr 14, 2010

I'm trying to sign my mobile application using makecert.exe (for test purpose only )once I click on the makecert.exe the windows closes immediately ( also when I click on other .exe files like " makecab.exe , pvk2pfx.exe , signtool.exe")I have windows vista computer and I'm using Visual studio 2008 for development.

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Check If Windows Being Run Is Vista Or XP?

Sep 25, 2010

How to check if windows being run is Vista or XP

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Communications :: Socket Raw And Vista II ?

Aug 7, 2009

Using the Socket raw, with XP I can read without problems both the incoming packets and the outgoing packets. With Vista (I have tried also others Sniffers) is impossible to see the outgoing packets...WHY? what I have to do to see alse the outgoing packets? In reality I have not to read packet data or packet lenght... I need only to count the number of incoming packets and outgoing packets... but with Vista this job seems impossible... or not?

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Find If User Is XP Or Vista

Oct 21, 2009

How would I go about doing this? Like maybe if this folder exsists then user=vista else user=XP? How would I go about doing this?

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Get A Special Folder In Vista?

Jan 5, 2009

How do you people get this special folder?

D:UsersMy User Name

I tried to get all special folders but was not able to get this one in Vista! IS that possible or I cannot find it?

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Get Windows Serial For XP, Vista And Seven?

Jun 27, 2010

I'm retrieving Windows XP license key with this function but it does not work for Vista and Seven. How can I get the license key at both of these Windows versions?

Public Function sGetXPKey() As String
Dim result As String = String.Empty
Dim RegKey As RegistryKey = _


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Getting Windows Vista Error

Sep 17, 2009

I have an application that works fine on Windows XP. However I have taken the same application and made some modifications to it to run on vista the app loads fine etc.

the problem stems from trying to change a service in the registry under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESystemCurrentControlSetServicesDiagnostic Service Host

Start = 4 instead of 3 (which is what it is currently set to)

when the program tries to change it I get a dialog box with the information below. How can I makes the changes to the registry without getting these kinds of errors. I tried to get the Framework configuration tool but it talks about XP and Windows 2000 for VB.Net 2005 so I am not sure what to do... I should mention I have only been programming for a month...

Error details:

"Application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security policy. To grant this application the reuired permission contact your system administrator or use the Microsoft .NET Framework configuration tool. [code]...

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