Webbrowser. Remember Login For Sites Like Facebook And Dreamincode?

Feb 16, 2010

Im want my webbrowser to remember the username and password on page that user log in at.Like FF where a bar appears and the user can chose to remember or not.I don't really

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VS 2008 Loged In Facebook Using Webbrowser In Facebook / Want To Logout In Every 10

Sep 17, 2011

I have kept a webbrowser and 2 text boxes and one button when my application start it opens facebook page in browser and then i put the id and password in textboxes and then clik on the button then i got loged in but i want that if i looged in it will logout in every 10 sec. can anyone help in this topic

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Remember Login Info In Login Form

Jun 10, 2011

I have a login form with username and password authentication . It works fine. But I want to give option to remember login info option in the form.

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VS 2010 Remember Username & Password On Login Form?

Oct 27, 2009

Im trying to add a function to my code that will remember my username and password. heres what ive done so far but it doesnt seem to work. [code]

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VS 2010 Cannot Get The Source Code Of Sites Require Login

Dec 28, 2010

Almost every site have to login to see more the pages of the sites Now my problem is I can not get the source code of sites require login... So my question is how can I connect to site and get the source code (link requires login)

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Filling Facebook Login Page?

Sep 24, 2010

I'm trying to make a software for myself that helps me login to my facebook automatically using a button and a webbrowser.

I tried to use the method in this thread:


Has anyone done this/knows what should i do? facebook page source is way too complicated for me

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How To Use Facebook Authentication With Asp.net Login Control

Apr 17, 2012

I have been digging on facebook authentication for a week. I came across so many things such as facebook_connect, Facebook C# SDK from CodePlex and other ways to connect with facebook which are absolute now. Finally after reading url.. for many times, I did manage to have a login button and get user's information for facebook using the new and standard Graph API stuffs. There are in Javascript such as. [code]I can't remove all form authentication from the existing website. Facebook login should be value added feature to the website. Now the few bits I don't get is.How to authenticate the asp.net Form authentication when someone Login to the website using facebook Login.How do I pass all the value in the javascript to aspx.vb to connect to database and store the information.I understand I would need to create a new table in the database, probably called FacebookUsers. But I can't think a way that facebook authentication and asp.net Login control to work together. My website is in VB.net by the way.

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Make The Application To Login To Facebook Account?

Oct 19, 2009

i am now to this forum and i hope i can learn much about vb here =].The problem i am stating today is that i want this program to log in to [URL]..o far, i've managed to make the application to login to my facebook account but i cannot make it navigate to mousehunt but even if i do so,


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App Will Sign Up For Multiple Sites - BackgroundWorker Or WebBrowser?

May 16, 2011

I have an app that is needs to access multiple web sites and sign up for accounts. I don't want to run them one by one as this would be slow as christmas so I figured that I could setup some sort of background worker and put each process on it's own thread that way the app could run each sign up page at the same time. Would using background worker be the "BEST" option to use for this type of application requirement?

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Send Credentials To Facebook And Automatically Press The 'login Button'?

Aug 12, 2011

I wanna send my credentials to facebook.com and to automatically press the 'login button' and I've tried this:

webbrowser1.document.GetElementById("email").SetAttribute("value", "my email")
webbrowser1.document.GetElementById("pass").setAttribute("value", "My password")
webbrowser1.document.GetElementById("I cannot find the ID for the login key..please help").invokemember("click")

Nothing happens?

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Webbrowser Control To Automatically Navigate Through Facebook

Jun 26, 2011

I am using webbrowser control to automatically navigate through facebook.Nothing malicious, just an experiment of sorts.Im working on a bot that that would extract the names of all friends on my friends page, open up those pages, extract their friends names, and repeat.The end result would be a chart of who knows who. A sort of 'six degrees of separation' experiment.I have everything automated up until getting to my friends page and I am having trouble extracting the urls from my friends page. [code] Now, I figure I can extract from <div class=fsl fwb fcb">, but Im confused as to how to go about doing this. On another thread, someone said it cant be done with webbrowser control, but im new automation.

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VS 2010 WebBrowser - Multiple - Navigate To A List Of Sites And Retrieve Data From Them

Feb 14, 2010

Here's the situation: I need to navigate to a list of sites and retrieve data from them; I know how to retrieve the data, but I'm unsure of the best way to navigate to each of these sites.


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Make A Webbrowser Login On A Site (filling Textbox And Clicking Login)?

Jun 18, 2011

I've been trying to make a app that logs into a website. So far it didn't work for me.I have trouble because:

- The "pin" (username) box on the site doesn't have an ID. (Can't use getelementbyid)

- The picture doesn't have an ID either

Codes I've tried:

With WebBrowser1.Document
.All("pin").InnerText = "mypinhere"
End With
End Sub

This should have, in my opinion, filled in the textbox. Now I need to click the login button?Also I found this in the source of the site:

<img src="/media/img/text_AccountPin.gif" alt="Account Pin" width="93" height="10" border="0"> <input type="text" name="pin" class="form" size="15"> </p>

As we can see, it says


So I should be able to use "getelementbytagname" right?Also, the formId is logmein (log me in)

<form id="logmein"....

This is what I came up with:

Dim webbrowserDocForm As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.document.GetElementsByTagName("logmein")
For Each curElement As HtmlElement In webbrowserDocForm
Dim controlValue As String = curElement.GetAttribute("Value").ToString


in the next code it's tagname is "input" or "text"? Because I found:

<input type="text" name="pin" class="form" size="15"> </p>

Code for filling in:

webbrowserDocForm = WebBrowser1.document.GetElementsByTagName("text")
For Each curElement As HtmlElement In webbrowserDocForm
Dim controlName As String = curElement.GetAttribute("name").ToString


It doesn't give me any errors no more, but it doesn't work either.

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VS 2008 Make Login Form That Will Login To A Website With WebBrowser Control

Feb 24, 2011

For the past couple of days I have been using Visual basic 2008 and learning it.Anyway, I am trying to make a login form that will login to a website with WebBrowser control.and I am noticing that the webbrowser is extremly slow, it takes him about 20 seconds to load a page while mozilla opens it in a moment, why is that?

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Testing Facebook App On .NET WebBrowser - IFrame Access Denied - Cross-Domain Scripting

Feb 21, 2011

I have a facebook iframe app I'm trying to test using a WebBrowser Control on a form in VB.NET 2010. Whenever I try to access the WebBrowser.Document.Window.Frames frame object on a document where my app is showing in the broswer, I get an Access Denined exception. Reading around on the web, I see people saying that this is to keep scripts in a document from accessing content in iframes that are pulling content from another domain, as per [URL] for security reasons.

While I totally understand why this is done for the general public, how can I disable it on my machine so that I can run these tests? I can't properly test my app without doing it in the facebook iframe and using the WebBrowser control is the only way I know to do this test programmatically. I'm on windows server 2003 and ie8, .net4.0, if that helps. I own the domain where the app is, and its in AS.NET MVC2, so if there's anything I can do to the web code to enable this??? I also removed the Internet Explorer ENhanced Security COnfiguaration component, but that didn't help.

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WebBrowser - Check If Is Logged - When The Script Submit The Login A MsgBox("The Login Is Wrong!")

Jun 13, 2011

Well this script is working partially, when the script submit the login a MsgBox("The login is wrong!") appeared, but when the page load a MsgBox("The login is ok!") appears. Why the "The login is wrong!" is appearing?

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
If WebBrowser1.Url.AbsoluteUri = "https://steamcommunity.com/login/" Then


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VS 2008 Script Error And Facebook Game Error For WebBrowser

Sep 18, 2009

But i seem to have a bit of problem keep Getting Script Error on facebook and some games load Straight Away (Picture below)say i go back to me profile on facebook then wanna go back to the game i was just playing it does this Says Its Loading Config But it doesnt Its like it Doesnt want to load it again And here is a pic of the scipt errors i keep getting below.

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VBulletin Login Using WebBrowser?

Jan 20, 2012

I have tried But Couldn't login into vbulletin forum through webbrowser tool in vb.net 2010My Codes

WebBrowser1.document.GetElementById("vb_login_username").SetAttribute("Value", "admin")
WebBrowser1.document.GetElementById("vb_login_password").SetAttribute("Value", "7278647")


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Click Login Button In Webbrowser?

Jun 5, 2010

I am trying to log in to [url]... the MSN specifically, and i am able to fill in the username and password box but i can't seem to get vb to click the login button.[code]...

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Use Webbrowser Site Login Screen?

Feb 13, 2010

automatic login to a website I want to use webbrowser site login screen, but you do not open the popup site is directed to the main page.How can I solve this problem

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VS 2008 Login Through Webbrowser And Buttons?

Dec 6, 2009

I ran onto a problem when i was making login form with GetElementById to enter values into html elements I managed to do all that, but i cant make it to "click" on Login button with InvokeMember ("click") is it maybe because it isnt html element, or

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VS 2010 Clicking Login Through WebBrowser?

Aug 24, 2010

Here is the source

<td rowspan=2> </td><td><img src="http://www.locationary.com/web/img/LocationaryImgs/icons/txt_email.gif"></td>
<td><input class="Data_Entry_Field_Login" type="text" name="inUserName" id="inUserName" size="25"></td>
<td><img src="http://www.locationary.com/web/img/LocationaryImgs/icons/txt_password.gif"></td>


Everything works fine except the login, it gives me an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error.

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WebBrowser - How To Submit By Value Secure Login

Mar 7, 2009

I'm having a problem submitting:
<input type="submit" value="Secure Login">
How can I submit by value"secure login". Is it possible?
I have tried something like this:
WebBrowser1.Document.Forms.GetElementsByName("input").Item("Secure Login").InvokeMember("click")
And all the variations with it and no luck.

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.net - Unable To Get Webbrowser Control Login With Password?

Aug 22, 2011

I am using webbrowser control for automate login in https://www.itslb.com/tms/ website i have written code also but password input box doesnt hold any value username hold this my code like below

Dim frmform As HtmlElement = WebBrowser1.Document.Forms("aspnetForm")
frmform.All("ctl00_txtUserName").SetAttribute("value", sUserID)


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Forms :: Website Login Automation With Webbrowser?

May 19, 2010

recently I've been going through some website login automation and ended up with creating a simple my own browser quite happily, to open websites and login straight away.

But I found out that I can't automate some of the websites I was going for, because the html code of the login forms is not shared and cannot be seen in the source.So I'll give you guys a couple of websites I can't deal with and please advice if it is possible to do stuff with them:[URL]...

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Login To A Website Using Background Worker Without Having To Use Webbrowser?

Mar 10, 2010

I have searched google and couldnt find any answer. Is it even possible to login to a website using background worker without having to use webbrowser?

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VS 2008 Webbrowser Get Source Of Page After Login

Jan 14, 2011

url...only after you have logged in (because then you can see your collected points)How can I do this? I tried the &password=.... thing after the url didn't work I also tried with [code]this would work but it's complicated because then you'll need to check if you are logged in, log in through webbrowser and then get source page, I think it should be possible faster..also how can I check if the page is completely loaded in a webbrowser control? now I usually go to a webpage and then continue my code in the [code]but this become complicated if I want to go to another website after that because then it starts from the beginning again and I need goto statement, etc this is really annoying and complicated after a while

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VS 2010 - Multiple Login To One Website Using WebBrowser

Feb 12, 2012

I'm working on some application that can multiple login to one website right now I'm using webbrowser to login but can only for 1 account how to make it can multiple login? Can I use webbrowser to make it or have to use another method?

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WebBrowser - Image Resizing And Auto Login

Jul 16, 2010

I don't have code because I don't know if its possible. I need to make a webbrowser for work that will auto rezie images like internet explore does when it is to big for the browswer, I have done it with vb6 b4 by parsing it into ram and then displaying the image, but I don't know how to do it in vb.net cause the code will not convert. Also I need to have vb.net auto send user name and password to the website its navigating to. The website uses a standard username and prompt window that pops up once you navigate to the web address.

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Automate Login And Navigation To A Website Using The WebBrowser Control?

Sep 4, 2009

I am trying to automate login and navigation to a website using the WebBrowser control. I can successfully logon to the site using the wb control but after that I can't seem to get access to the newly loaded document's elements within the same routine. I check for ReadyState Complete and IsBusy but they don't seem to be working. There don't appear to be any frames being used at all so I can't figure out why this won't work. I know that the wb control is successfully logging in because I can see the page load in the wb control. However, after the page loads I try to access the HTMLDocument for the new page (after logging in) and it is either set to Nothing or it's the previous page's HTML. I've tried putting in a Sleep to wait for the page to finish before trying to access the HTMLDocument on the new page but it still doesn't work. If I create a button on my form that accesses the HTMLDocument and click it it works fine. I can't figure out how to ensure that the entire page has finished loading within my routine. I tried putting a switch into the DocumentCompleted event but that doesn't work either.

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