VBulletin Login Using WebBrowser?

Jan 20, 2012

I have tried But Couldn't login into vbulletin forum through webbrowser tool in vb.net 2010My Codes

WebBrowser1.document.GetElementById("vb_login_username").SetAttribute("Value", "admin")
WebBrowser1.document.GetElementById("vb_login_password").SetAttribute("Value", "7278647")


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Vbulletin 3rd Party Login Authentication In .net?

Dec 26, 2009

I have a vbulletin forum and want my program users to be able to use their same usernames and passwords they do to login my vbulletin forum. My program is done except for the user authentication. I have searched and googled for weeks now, here is what I know:

� vbulletin 3.8.4 uses, md5(md5($password) . $salt)

� I know how to get the Salt and stored hash from the mysql "user" table.

� I know how to connect to my database without any issues.

I used this code I found here and just modified 3 lines so I could try to get it to work. The code works fine for md5 + salt but as you know I need it to do this: md5(md5($password) . $salt)

Imports System
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Text
Public Class Form1


After I can do this I will be able to code my program to retrieve the users salt and compare the hash to the one stored in my mysql database.

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VS 2010 VBulletin Login System?

Dec 10, 2011

Currently i'm messing with some sort of login system. I've ran into some troubles hope & believes Here's my

Module Function:
Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Imports System.Text


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DB/Reporting :: Authentication - Login Using Your VBulletin Username And Password

Aug 6, 2009

I'm trying to make an authentication before my visual basic 2008 project, a login window. You have to login using your vBulletin username & password. The username and password from my community, which is a vBulletin forum. So, I'd like a form that ask you to login using your username and password from my vBulletin forum, so you'd have to register before...

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Make Login For Vbulletin Through Windows Application Using Mysql

Jul 17, 2011

I am trying to make a login for vbulletin through a windows application using mysql but whatever i tried has failed, i can connect with the database but i cannot find the password table, since vbulletin has md5 on their passwords.

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Make A Webbrowser Login On A Site (filling Textbox And Clicking Login)?

Jun 18, 2011

I've been trying to make a app that logs into a website. So far it didn't work for me.I have trouble because:

- The "pin" (username) box on the site doesn't have an ID. (Can't use getelementbyid)

- The picture doesn't have an ID either

Codes I've tried:

With WebBrowser1.Document
.All("pin").InnerText = "mypinhere"
End With
End Sub

This should have, in my opinion, filled in the textbox. Now I need to click the login button?Also I found this in the source of the site:

<img src="/media/img/text_AccountPin.gif" alt="Account Pin" width="93" height="10" border="0"> <input type="text" name="pin" class="form" size="15"> </p>

As we can see, it says


So I should be able to use "getelementbytagname" right?Also, the formId is logmein (log me in)

<form id="logmein"....

This is what I came up with:

Dim webbrowserDocForm As HtmlElementCollection = WebBrowser1.document.GetElementsByTagName("logmein")
For Each curElement As HtmlElement In webbrowserDocForm
Dim controlValue As String = curElement.GetAttribute("Value").ToString


in the next code it's tagname is "input" or "text"? Because I found:

<input type="text" name="pin" class="form" size="15"> </p>

Code for filling in:

webbrowserDocForm = WebBrowser1.document.GetElementsByTagName("text")
For Each curElement As HtmlElement In webbrowserDocForm
Dim controlName As String = curElement.GetAttribute("name").ToString


It doesn't give me any errors no more, but it doesn't work either.

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VS 2008 Make Login Form That Will Login To A Website With WebBrowser Control

Feb 24, 2011

For the past couple of days I have been using Visual basic 2008 and learning it.Anyway, I am trying to make a login form that will login to a website with WebBrowser control.and I am noticing that the webbrowser is extremly slow, it takes him about 20 seconds to load a page while mozilla opens it in a moment, why is that?

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WebBrowser - Check If Is Logged - When The Script Submit The Login A MsgBox("The Login Is Wrong!")

Jun 13, 2011

Well this script is working partially, when the script submit the login a MsgBox("The login is wrong!") appeared, but when the page load a MsgBox("The login is ok!") appears. Why the "The login is wrong!" is appearing?

Private Sub WebBrowser1_DocumentCompleted(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.WebBrowserDocumentCompletedEventArgs) Handles WebBrowser1.DocumentCompleted
If WebBrowser1.Url.AbsoluteUri = "https://steamcommunity.com/login/" Then


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Click Login Button In Webbrowser?

Jun 5, 2010

I am trying to log in to [url]... the MSN specifically, and i am able to fill in the username and password box but i can't seem to get vb to click the login button.[code]...

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Use Webbrowser Site Login Screen?

Feb 13, 2010

automatic login to a website I want to use webbrowser site login screen, but you do not open the popup site is directed to the main page.How can I solve this problem

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VS 2008 Login Through Webbrowser And Buttons?

Dec 6, 2009

I ran onto a problem when i was making login form with GetElementById to enter values into html elements I managed to do all that, but i cant make it to "click" on Login button with InvokeMember ("click") is it maybe because it isnt html element, or

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VS 2010 Clicking Login Through WebBrowser?

Aug 24, 2010

Here is the source

<td rowspan=2> </td><td><img src="http://www.locationary.com/web/img/LocationaryImgs/icons/txt_email.gif"></td>
<td><input class="Data_Entry_Field_Login" type="text" name="inUserName" id="inUserName" size="25"></td>
<td><img src="http://www.locationary.com/web/img/LocationaryImgs/icons/txt_password.gif"></td>


Everything works fine except the login, it gives me an "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error.

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WebBrowser - How To Submit By Value Secure Login

Mar 7, 2009

I'm having a problem submitting:
<input type="submit" value="Secure Login">
How can I submit by value"secure login". Is it possible?
I have tried something like this:
WebBrowser1.Document.Forms.GetElementsByName("input").Item("Secure Login").InvokeMember("click")
And all the variations with it and no luck.

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Upgrade My App To Vbulletin?

Oct 9, 2011

I bought a script vbulletin for install it in my forum, now I have a discuzx forum on [url]...forum.php but I don't like this script. I trying to change my app from discuzx to vbulletin, I using this app for send pms to my members. The application is almost finished. only the last thing I need is that I can not fill the message. I still I have no forum installed and I am testing my app with another forum and I can not insert the message.[code]...

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.net - Unable To Get Webbrowser Control Login With Password?

Aug 22, 2011

I am using webbrowser control for automate login in https://www.itslb.com/tms/ website i have written code also but password input box doesnt hold any value username hold this my code like below

Dim frmform As HtmlElement = WebBrowser1.Document.Forms("aspnetForm")
frmform.All("ctl00_txtUserName").SetAttribute("value", sUserID)


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Forms :: Website Login Automation With Webbrowser?

May 19, 2010

recently I've been going through some website login automation and ended up with creating a simple my own browser quite happily, to open websites and login straight away.

But I found out that I can't automate some of the websites I was going for, because the html code of the login forms is not shared and cannot be seen in the source.So I'll give you guys a couple of websites I can't deal with and please advice if it is possible to do stuff with them:[URL]...

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Login To A Website Using Background Worker Without Having To Use Webbrowser?

Mar 10, 2010

I have searched google and couldnt find any answer. Is it even possible to login to a website using background worker without having to use webbrowser?

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VS 2008 Webbrowser Get Source Of Page After Login

Jan 14, 2011

url...only after you have logged in (because then you can see your collected points)How can I do this? I tried the &password=.... thing after the url didn't work I also tried with [code]this would work but it's complicated because then you'll need to check if you are logged in, log in through webbrowser and then get source page, I think it should be possible faster..also how can I check if the page is completely loaded in a webbrowser control? now I usually go to a webpage and then continue my code in the [code]but this become complicated if I want to go to another website after that because then it starts from the beginning again and I need goto statement, etc this is really annoying and complicated after a while

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VS 2010 - Multiple Login To One Website Using WebBrowser

Feb 12, 2012

I'm working on some application that can multiple login to one website right now I'm using webbrowser to login but can only for 1 account how to make it can multiple login? Can I use webbrowser to make it or have to use another method?

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WebBrowser - Image Resizing And Auto Login

Jul 16, 2010

I don't have code because I don't know if its possible. I need to make a webbrowser for work that will auto rezie images like internet explore does when it is to big for the browswer, I have done it with vb6 b4 by parsing it into ram and then displaying the image, but I don't know how to do it in vb.net cause the code will not convert. Also I need to have vb.net auto send user name and password to the website its navigating to. The website uses a standard username and prompt window that pops up once you navigate to the web address.

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VS 2008 Decrypting Vbulletin MD5?

Apr 5, 2009

I am trying to setup so a user can subscribe to my forums. When he/she does so, it puts them in the nec. group on the forum. This is all easy. Note: I am the owner of the site and the mysql db. So this isnt to decrypt them on other sites.

In short, all of my software will require a login / password to use the programs.

Now, on the mysql, the db encrypts the passwords. How would I go about decrypting it? I read somewhere that its a one way encryption. If this is the case, how does the site know if the password is right or wrong if it cant decrypt it?

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Automate Login And Navigation To A Website Using The WebBrowser Control?

Sep 4, 2009

I am trying to automate login and navigation to a website using the WebBrowser control. I can successfully logon to the site using the wb control but after that I can't seem to get access to the newly loaded document's elements within the same routine. I check for ReadyState Complete and IsBusy but they don't seem to be working. There don't appear to be any frames being used at all so I can't figure out why this won't work. I know that the wb control is successfully logging in because I can see the page load in the wb control. However, after the page loads I try to access the HTMLDocument for the new page (after logging in) and it is either set to Nothing or it's the previous page's HTML. I've tried putting in a Sleep to wait for the page to finish before trying to access the HTMLDocument on the new page but it still doesn't work. If I create a button on my form that accesses the HTMLDocument and click it it works fine. I can't figure out how to ensure that the entire page has finished loading within my routine. I tried putting a switch into the DocumentCompleted event but that doesn't work either.

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Create A WebBrowser Control And Navigate To A Page To Login?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm using a WebBrowser control in my current program in a bit of a bastardized way: I don't use it visually, I just use it because I'm more familiar with its events.

So, basically, I create a WebBrowser control and navigate to a page to login. Then, when logged in, I create a new WebBrowser control and navigate to a different page.

I've used this program for four months with no difficulty. Starting today, though, the second phase of that has been going really, really slowly. What used to take 3-5 seconds is taking 25-30 seconds. It still works eventually, it just takes a while.

Usually I would assume this was a server problem. However, navigating to the exact same URL in Firefox happens extremely quickly. Weirder still, within the program there is a user WebBrowser control -- I can copy/paste the URL the previous (not visible) WebBrowser was navigating toward into this user WebBrowser, and it goes just fine.

What in the world could be holding up this other "custom" WebBrowser? I don't even know where to begin in diagnosing this.It might be important to note that the site this is working based off recently underwent some changes -- but I can't imagine why that would affect only these "custom" WebBrowsers and not the user one in the same program.

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VS 2008 WebBrowser - Application Navigates To The Page But Then Don't Login

Feb 23, 2010

VB 2008


This code works fine but not always , Sometimes when the net is down or some downloading is going on either on Lime wire or any download manager , The application navigates to the page but then don't login. I also tried using threads but that didn't work as well.

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VS 2010 WebBrowser Looping - Login To Mobile Page

Jun 13, 2011

I'm trying to login to the mobile login page for hotmail.com. I want to login to each account, I have them in a multi-line textbox1 in username : password format (no-spaces) on new lines. It loops through all the accounts before the page is even loaded. and when the page has loaded, it logs into the hotmail login from the last login details at the end of the textbox, instead of going from first to last. It's not clicking submit button either, its just showing the username and password looping in the inputs. Not submitting at all. The submit button code is right. I know it works. So thats not the problem.
Here is my [URL]

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Webbrowser. Remember Login For Sites Like Facebook And Dreamincode?

Feb 16, 2010

Im want my webbrowser to remember the username and password on page that user log in at.Like FF where a bar appears and the user can chose to remember or not.I don't really

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VS 2010 Add Post In VBulletin By Program ?

Sep 22, 2010

i want add post in my vBulletin by my program

how i can't do that

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Forms - WebBrowser Control - OWA Does Not Allow The Text Fields On The Login Page

Mar 13, 2010

I'm working on a pretty simple project, just a WebBrowser app which is tailored for Webmail. I'm working on an OWA portion, and OWA normally doesn't allow the textfields on the Login page to be auto-filled. Is there a way I can force this? Search through the OWA login page code, find the fields, then fill in the fields with preset/saved data?

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Prevent Login Wars Between WebBrowser Controls And Actual Browsing?

Jun 4, 2010

I have a program that autologs itself into facebook and monitors posts to my main page and tells me if anything new comes up. Every minute my program refreshes the page and searches for a new post, if my session is expired it logs itselft back in automatically. If I'm in explorer trying to play farmville and my facebook monitor program is running then I'm forced to log in about every minute because my login at the browser kills my vb.net program session.

Then my vb.net program logs itself back in and I'm out! This behavior doesn't happen If I have two browsers running I can log into both and it doesn't seem to effect the other. I can even have my wife log in from another machine while I'm logged in and It's ok. So The question is why is useing the webbrowser controls in the Vb program any different then just having 2 open and logged in browsers and jumping between the two.

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Use The Webbrowser Control To Navigate To Certain Websites And Login And Retrieve Some Data

Nov 29, 2009

I use the webbrowser control to navigate to certain websites and login and retrieve some data. For that I created a sub for each website. On the form i have a button that calls every sub when clicked. The problem is that I don't know how to pause or stop the process once started. If I quit the program it will still run in the background until all calls complete. I tried to use a thread, but that doesn't go well with the webbrowser control.

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