Webservices, SOAP : How Does The Data Actually Get "sent"

Sep 24, 2009

Webservices are the address to deliver to, SOAP is the envelope, but how does the data actually get "sent"?For example:I have a class called "GetMeAResult", which calls WebService1.GetMeResult(Param1). Another class declares an instance object of GetMeResult and then serializes it using SoapFormatter.Serialize (memorybuffer,objGetMeAResult).Now how do I send this SOAP envelope to WebService1?

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Implement Soap Faults In Java Webservices?

Mar 15, 2012

Am pretty new to web services and have been trying to implement Soap Faults. I used Apache Axis2 to generate webservice in the following manner.


Now, I created a dynamic project using Eclipse and with the help of Axis2 plugin I created webservice for my "Webservice" class which generates wsdl file. I deployed the webcontent in the Tomcat folder and able to access the WSDL file in the .Net environment. I am able to pass array of objects (User[]) from .Net to Java and able to do my task. Now, I need to implement Soap Faults in Java which I am not sure how to implement.

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Soap Client Not Working On PHP Soap Server?

Dec 27, 2011

I wrote a soap service in PHP using nusoap. It works fine with the test client I wrote in PHP, however, our customer wrote his client in vb.net and it is not working. There are no errors that I see, but the service is not parsing his requests properly.

I am letting nusoap generate the WSDL, and it looks fine. If I compare a message that I send in to one of his messages, I do see a few differences in the envelope, but I'm not sure if the problem is on my end or his.


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Get Element Data From Soap Web Response?

Jun 1, 2012

I'm trying to get data from a webservice, returning just one result, the number of a given item in stock.

I'm successfully getting a result, but need to strip all the XML code from it to simple return the number, the XML being returned looks like:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<soap:Envelope xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">


With just a couple of tweaks to get the data correctly, most notably changing the content type to application/soap+xml and passing the data as XML.

I am using VB with ASP.NET 2.0.

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How To List All The Available Webservices

Dec 23, 2010

How can i list all the available webservices by just providing the server name?I require that i will just specify the server name, and then a list will be populated with names of all the webservices available.

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Reliability Of .Net Webservices?

Jul 9, 2009

Net 3.5 has lots of enhancements on secure and transacted webservices ? Does anyone here have experience of this ? does it add overhead ? Can these webservices (in a LAN environment and assumed stateless / lightweight) be relied upon to be used in realtime (by realtime I mean response of 1 second or less ?). I realise that this cannot be guaranteed as it depends heavilly on what the service is doing and what network it is deployed upon etc etc etc, but assuming there are no issues here, what I am simply asking is, is the benefit of 'knowing' your webservice will return impaired by any overhead that prevent such a webservice from being generally reliable enough to be used in a real time application ?

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Webservices With .net 2010?

Aug 3, 2011

I am a complete newbie when it comes to working with SOAP/Web Services and I am looking for some assitance.... the code below keeps returning the following error message: "A first chance exception of type 'System.Net.WebException' occurred in System.dll"I have utilized SOAPUI to test out the requests to the webservice and everything appears to be fine. What am I missing?


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Can Webservices As Singltons With Different Users

Jun 23, 2010

I am developing an ecommerce app that is using the UPS shipping webservice. I have read that it is good to create a singleton so there is only one instance of a webservice at any time. My code for that is below.

Public Class Ship
Private Shared sync As New Object()
Private Shared _Service As New ShipService


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Parsing Webservices XML Reply?

Oct 31, 2011

I'm having problems with parsing the XML results that a webservices is sending me. Mostly due to the format this result is sent in. I can succesfully send a request and I get the response back in a string. Now the (truncated) result looks like this:

- <tr>
<td field="fin.trs.line.dim2" hideforuser="false" type="String">01249</td>
<td field="fin.trs.line.openbasevaluesigned" hideforuser="false" type="Value">-100.00</td>


This is where my problem starts. Because I've found various pieces of code that let me take out the nodes I need. So in the above example <Office> and <code> come out perfectly. But the problem appears when reading the other lines because they start with <td SPACE field=> etc etc. When I readout those lines all I get back is TD.

I need to specifically filter the results based on those TR/TD fields. I'm using an XMLreader and xmlnodetype to filter out the results, but maybe I'm using the wrong method.

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Passing ArrayList From C# WebServices

Sep 23, 2010

I've got the unenviable task of cleaning up a rather messy VB.Net client. The general plan is to move all calculations to WebServices, and I can see exactly how to do this, but it involves passing a large number of different variables to the WebServices. I chose to use an ArrayList as I've worked with them heavily in Java, and have had no issues passing ArrayLists between the C# (ASMX) WebService and a C# client (Windows Forms-based).


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C# - Get A List Of Available Webservices From A Server/directory?

Sep 15, 2010

How can I get a list of available webservices from a server/directory?For example from:[URL]Which should at least give me ReportService2005.asmx I was wondering if there wasn't a ReportService2008.asmx

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VS 2005 Error Check For Webservices?

Oct 9, 2009

how to do an error check on WebServices i.e. to check if the site which has the webservices is not down and also if internet connection exists?

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Speed Up .NET Webservice Calls To Classic ASP Webservices?

Sep 1, 2010

I am calling Classic ASP Webservices from a .NET application. I have two instances of slow processing of the webservice and fast processing. The slow way (several seconds at the most) is where I actually read the data returned as such:

Dim oRequestAOCP As WebRequest
Dim oResponseAOCP As HttpWebResponse = Nothing
Dim dataStreamAOCP As Stream = Nothing
Dim readerAOCP As StreamReader = Nothing


What can I do to speed things up when I need data returned?

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VS 2005 Can't Access OracleDB With Localhost Webservices

Jun 23, 2010

When the web service is uploaded to the external server the desktop application has no problem finding and using the web service which access an Oracle DB to send/retrieve information. However, when I go to properties and change the 'Web Reference URL' of the Web Reference to localhost there seems to be a problem with communicating with the DB.


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VS 2005 Check If Internet Is Available Before Connecting To Webservices?

Oct 7, 2009

Is there a way in Win App to do a check whether internet is available before connecting to Webservices?

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Create A Purchase Order In Dynamics GP 2010 Using The Webservices?

Aug 30, 2011

I am trying to create a purchase order in Dynamics GP 2010 using the webservices. I get the following error VendorItemNumber not setup for ItemKey First off, I am not sure what that error actually means. Second off, I am not sure why I am getting it. My code is below.

Public Sub PO()
Dim context As Context
Dim purchaseOrderKey As PurchaseTransactionKey
Dim vendorKey As VendorKey


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Javascript - JSON Array Type Resolution In ASP.Net Webservices?

Jan 6, 2011

I have worked out how to pass my custom objects into ASP.Net json webservices. Works a charm. Problem I am having is passing in straight arrays of my custom objects or alternatively passing in arrays that are parameters of my custom objects. So for example...

Public Class WebService1
Inherits System.Web.Services.WebService
<WebMethod()> _


Fails with error: The value "System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary`2[System.String,System.Object]" is not of type "WebApplication1.WebService1+Person" and cannot be used in this generic collection. Parameter name: value

So how do I explain to ASP.net that it is infact an array of Person? note: That changing the function to as List(of Person) or ArrayList does work but given that I implement my own custom collections this is not optimal for me.

UPDATE: Ok so what I have worked out so far is that this problem is definitely associated with how the JavascriptSerializer uses the SimpleTypeResolver to resolve types. Basically if I do something like this

Public Function AddPersonList(ByVal PersonList As String) As PersonList

I can recreate the error using the following code.

Dim PersonList As PersonList = jsonSerializer.Deserialize(Of PersonList)(PList)

However when I provide my own custom type resolver along the lines of

Dim jsonSerializer As New JavaScriptSerializer(New MyCustomTypeResolver)

I can successfully create an instance of my custom list.Now I have worked out how to provide my own custom convertor in the web.config file. Along the lines of this....



PSS: I have tried to use the assembly fully qualified name as specified in the docs for the SimpleTypeResolver (SimpleTypeResolver MSDN) but this throws a "Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object." exception - which is an error caused when the TypeResolver cannot resolve the name?

My problem was never passing in a List(of Object) into my webservice (I simply posed the question as such to simplify it for stackoverflow). In such a case I would be willing to completely accept using a Generic List(of) but my problem was actually that one of my custom objects implemented a property with a strong typed List(of) so for example:

Customer {CustomerID AS Guid, FirstName AS String, LastName AS String, EmailAddresses AS EmailAddressList}

which now needs to be changed to

Customer {CustomerID AS Guid, FirstName AS String, LastName AS String, EmailAddresses AS List(Of EmailAddress)}

This is admittedly not the end of the world and is probably better in the webservice context (as you have suggested) but definitely a detriment when it comes to internal application usage of my Collection properties. What this means is that once I have this property I either need to cast it to my CustomCollectionList every time I want to use some advanced feature or I need to implement another property which exposes the CustomCollectionList.

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WebServices Giving Errors When Accessed Directly From The Browser?

Jul 15, 2011

I have the following web-service which works perfectly as long as it is accessed from a clientside script (javascript, jquery)

<%@ WebService Language="VB" Class="WebService" %>
Imports System.Web.Script.Services
Imports System.Web.Services


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.net - There Was An Error Generating The XML Document" While Forwarding An ArrayList To Webservices

Feb 24, 2012

I am trying to consume the webservice from the .Net environment which was build in Java environment. Currently am trying to forward the ArrayList of type object array as parameter to the WSDL file.Am experiencing the following error message : "There was an error generating the XML document"let me know the whether I need to manually convert the ArrayList to XML . May I know the best procedure to forward the ArrayList to webservice in Java ?

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SOAP With Attachments In .NET?

May 31, 2012

I need to use a web service that was provided to me and that uses SOAP with attachments as a means of communication. It also uses WS-Security 1.0 as a form of authencation (user and pass in plain text).I will be working on VB.NET and my experience with web services is very slim, and goes as far as creating a WCF web service, adding the service reference in another project thus creating a proxy class and using the methods.I have searched the internet and found that there is no native support for SwA in VB.NET, is this correct?

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Complex Types In SOAP With VB 6.0

Sep 15, 2009

I am currently working on a project, which purpose is to call a webservice through a VB script. VB is by far not my first language and I simply reach the point where I do not know how to go on from here.

I have a Webservice descriped in a WSDL document that defines a service that takes a complex type as parameter and returns such one as answer.

The complex type is basically just a string that is wrapped inside a class object. So what i did was to create a new class module and added a public variable to it. I created a new instance of this class, gave it for the purpose of testing a value and tried to call the webservice. Everything goes well untill i reach the call to the webservice, where the program throws an exception that says:

"Class does not support automation or does not support expected interface"

My first thought was that the initialization of the object might have gone wrong but i am quite able to set and get the values on it. So i have to assume that the object is okay. I know that the url to the WSDL document is correct, due to the fact that I can call the document via the browser and it will throw an exception of "wrong type" when i feed the soap method with a primitive.

With out luck I browsed several pages on the net to find a clue what this could. So now i wanted to give this forum a shot.

You should know that i am not able to alter the WSDL file. I have to go with the way it is. In addition am supposed to stick to VB 6.0.

I used a Form in VB to make the call to the webservice.

Here is the call procedure:

Private Sub Command1_Click()
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
Dim tS


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How To Read SOAP Response

Sep 6, 2011

How can I read SOAP response? Below the function, only read some specific node. I want to read whole SOAP response.[code]

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VS 2008 WebService SOAP?

Jan 25, 2010

It's the first time that i'm trying to use SOAP, i don't know how to make the request, I know the URL where the operation it's located, and i know the name of the operation, and i know the expected xml document schema. I have read in msdn about Microsoft.Web.Services2.SoapEnvelope, but i'm missing something...

The function structure it's something like:
<normal soap nodes until body>
<NameOfTheFunction xmlns="http://tempuri.org/">

Do i need the webrequest class? or the soap class can do all the job?

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Create SOAP Request Using The WSDL?

Jun 30, 2011

I know how to send a SOAP request using the web reference, but I'd like to know how to programmatically create a SOAP request using the WSDL. I'm looking for something that would make this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
- <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/" xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance" xmlns:xsd="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema">[code].....

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How To Use WCF Service To Implement Soap Response

Feb 4, 2011

I am new to the wcf services and soap. Kindly give me an example or demo how to generate a soap request and response using wcf services. I need to use VB.net for this.

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.net - Response Validation For Soap Client?

Dec 30, 2011

This is related to my question at the below link, however posting on a seperate thread as needed some direction on the error handling part.soap request client to webservice using vb.net

How/Where can i get the error "response validation not conforming to wsdl and schema" in my vb.net webservice client. I checked the response using the validate response option, within soapui tool. Is there any way to generate the logs related to this, in .net client?There was no exception in my .net client, except the response object was blank, even though i could see the response xml in the trace log.

The below line invokes the webservice. After the excution, tracelog has the request and response xml, however my objresp(response object) is empty. In soapui, i validated the response, it was not conforming to schema.objresponsehead = objProxy.myoperation(objreqheader, objrequest, objresp)

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.net - Soap Request/Response Without WSDL

Jul 13, 2010

I have to query once an hour to a remote web server to recieve data. However the remote web site does not use web services and state in thier 300+ page document that:

Although SOAP is a recognized Web Services API, the RTO web server does not offer a web services interface. That is, there is no Web Services Description Language (WSDL) file available for usage by participant web services client software.

So my question is how do send a soap request and get a response without the use of a WSDL?

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C# - Building SOAP Message With XMLDocument

Jul 20, 2010

I am having some problems building a properly formatted SOAP message using XMLDocument in VB.NET(C# answers are fine though). I am using the following code to manually create my SOAP message, what is happening is that the namespace prefix of the soap:Header and soap:Body are being stripped in the output XML:


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Posting Xml To Soap Client Throught .net?

Jul 19, 2009

Function PostWebservice(ByVal AsmxUrl As String, ByVal SoapActionUrl As String, ByVal XmlBody As String) As String


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Use JIRA's SOAP API In A Desktop Application?

Sep 21, 2011

I tried using JIRA's REST API but the function that I needed wasn't there and found it at JIRA's SOAP API. A newbie like me wants to know if you can use JIRA's SOAP API in a VB.NET desktop application?

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