Website Backlink Checker Code?

Jul 4, 2009

oes anyone know how to retrieve a list of backlinks to a website? I simply want to be able to get a list.

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VS 2008 With This Proxy Checker Code?

Aug 24, 2011

i found this small code through google, it works but i need it changing a littleVB CODE

Dim host As String
Dim port As Integer
host = TextBox1.Text


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Numeric Checker - Code To Validate Two Text Box Entries

Feb 1, 2010

I have the following bit of code to validate two text box entries, and it catches both text boxes individually just fine but my question is: Where would I put the code if the text box entries are both valid?

Dim intExponent, intBase As Integer

Dim ErrNum As Int16 = 1

If Not Integer.TryParse(txtExponentInput.Text, intExponent) _


I tried a "Case 1" but apparently that doesn't work for some reason...

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Getting A Website Source Code?

Jun 12, 2011

I was wondering why this doesn't work:

Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Dim request As System.Net.HttpWebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create("")
Dim response As System.Net.HttpWebResponse = request.GetResponse()


I've tired lots of different websites and not one has worked.

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Get Text From Website Source Code?

Nov 25, 2009

I have this source code from one website.[code]...

And i want get the 6+1=, but the example i every time another, is any way how to get the text from source code ?

or get <td>6+1=<input type="text" name="kontrolni" size="2"></td> to any textbox ...

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Getting Text From A Website Source Code?

Oct 16, 2010

I'm new to this forum but I'm going to be very active here from now one! Just a short Alright well I'm at this link right now [URL]..And what I am trying to do is get all of the usernames who commented on the video and place them all in a listbox in When I looked at the source code I saw that all usernames are in data-author="USERNAME"

such as data-author="robertpattison122" robertpattison122 is the username.

So I want to get the text between the ""

I am a bit stuck in trying to retrieve all of the usernames. Can someone show me how I can do this in

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Read A Website Source Code?

Dec 4, 2009

How can I show a website source code without the use of web browser. I only need the source code, i don't want to see the images or any other things.

More Info:Just like when you go to a website and if you are using Firefox you click CTRL+U and it will show you the page source code.

I want to read specific information from a website, but i don't want to the website to take longer on loading. (Because of Images)

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Update Form Itself By Website Code

Nov 21, 2009

<?php echo ?Hello !?; ?> I'm new to vb, but i've experience in php. My website will have snippet of code. I'm currently learning For my website project I want to create application where program will look for my website and find info and display in textbox or whatsoever. here are the step how i would like to make my app

1. Check if internet is avilable

2. Go to my website (value is fixed, user can't change it)

3. program will get all the snippet of code.


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Code To Open A Website Link From A Button ?

Nov 16, 2009

Does any one know what the code is to open a website link from a button =]

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Error Handling To Code (Get HTML-from Website)

Feb 20, 2011


Public Function ScreenScrapeHtml(ByVal url As String) As String
Dim objRequest As WebRequest = System.Net.HttpWebRequest.Create(url)


If it cant reach a URL it will give me this error:

Webexception was unhandeled:
Dim sr As New StreamReader(objRequest.GetResponse().GetResponseStream())

How I can add some error-handling to this code? Like if it cant reach a URL.

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VS 2008 - Get Text From Website Source Code?

Jan 2, 2012

have this source code from one website.

<td align="right">Znovu heslo :</td>
<td width="2"></td>
<td><input type="password" name="heslo_znova"></td>


And i want get the 6+1=, but the example i every time another, is any way how to get the text from source code ?or get <td>6+1=<input type="text" name="kontrolni" size="2"></td> to any textbox ...

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Website With Multiple Languages Can't Use Classes In C# Code?

Feb 23, 2012

I'm developing a new functionality for web site project with VB.NET default language in VS 2008. As my preferred language is C# I create subfolder for C# code in the App_Code folder and add appropriate codeSubDirectories element to web.config file. The problem is that I can't refer VB.NET classes in my C# code. All VB.NET classes and structures are placed in global namespace in the App_Code. But even if I place some VB.NET class in the same namespace I've use for my classes in C#, I still can't use them.

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Make A Website Builder Which Has The Html Code Already Written?

Jun 6, 2009

i want to make a website builder which has the html code already written so all you have to do is check which boxes you want and click next or back to go through the process of making a website with specific code implemented in it.

P.s. im using VB 2008 express edition?

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VS 2008 - Code Requires The Webbrowser - Can Sendkeys Something Onto A Website Form ?

May 8, 2012

My code requires the webbrowser to be up so I can sendkeys something onto a website form. For some reason, changing the attribute doesn't work with this website. When I'm doing other task, such as web browsing or something else, the following code works occassionally.


Is it possible to sendkeys to a website form in the background? This would be the ideal solution. What other command do I need to consistently pull up my application into the foreground?

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Communications :: Make A Code Which Will Navigate To Website And Find If There's A Newer Version Of Launcher?

Apr 8, 2009

I`m making a program.I`d like to know how to make a code which will navigate to my website and find if there's a newer version of my launcher..I`ll search some codes now, If I find some interesting codes i`ll post here so u can upgrade or tell me how to correctly use them for my auto-update.I cannot publish my Launcher unless I`ve an Auto-Update in my Launcher.

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Navigate To A Website And Download Html Then Parse Out Code To Only Display Input Elements?

Dec 13, 2011

I have tried a few things like converting HTML to XML and then using an XML navigator to get input elements but I get lost whenever I start this process.What I am trying to do is to navigate to a website which will be loaded using textbox1.text.Then download the html and parse out the input elements like . username, password, etc and place the element by type (id or name) into the richtextbox with the attribute beside the name.[code]Any clues or how to properly execute an HTML to XML conveter, reader, parser?

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Error Checker Is Not Working

Mar 8, 2012

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()

If TextBox1.Value = "" Then GoTo First
Dim new_sheet_name
Let new_sheet_name = TextBox1.Value
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler:


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Implement A Update Checker?

Apr 7, 2011

As an update rolls out in one of my applications, I would like to implement an update checker. My situation is that, when a user clicks a drop down item called "Check for Updates", I want it to check for updates. My application is simple, I don't publish. I upload to a mediafire and put the download link to my blog. The only file I need in my application has always been the .exe file of the application itself. My question is, what is the simplest and best way to implement a update checker?

Example:User is using v1.1 and checks for updates. He clicks the "check for updates" and a popup shows up with yes, update available and is a msgbox yes or no. Yes, would allow the user to download the update. No, closes the msgbox. If there is no update available, then a msgbox shows "You have the current version". If the user is offline or cannot check I would like to have an exception to show why he cannot check.Basically, working with the download aspect and everything else is familiar to me but I have no idea how I can check.

My.Computer.Network.DownloadFile("downloadurl", "downloadlocation.fileextension")
Catch ex As Exception
End Try

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Make A Spell Checker?

May 16, 2012

I am a newbie to VB.Net. Before, I did programming in PHP. I made a spell checker in PHP which splitted a big string into single word by spaces, checked if the word is there in the dictionary, if not, it highlighted it and gave some suggestions when a user clicks on it. I want to make the same thing in VB.Net.

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Valid Property Name Checker

Jun 17, 2011

I am using 2010, trying to generate simple classes with properties using T4 from database. Sometimes I get an error that some string is not a valid property name because it is a vb keyword. For example based on database data, my T4 tried to create a class with a property called "property". Is there a function that check whether a string is a keyword, like:[code]

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VS 2008 Proxy Checker?

Aug 13, 2011

can any1 give me an example on how to code a proxy checker ?

Ive searched 12 pages of google and on these forums and find nothing helpful.

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Create A A Palindrome Checker Program?

Apr 24, 2011

I need to create a a palindrome checker program. Now I know how to check a simple palindrome by using the reverse method however I am unsure if the palindrome had special characters or spaces. My question is what is the code for removing spaces and special characters from a string using loops and if statements. Also we cannot use arrays.

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Date Checker Every 15 Days Paid?

Mar 15, 2012

I just wanna know what is the way of tracking the record of employee when i save theyre info in payroll. Like if the employee got paid in these date lets just say he will get paid every 15 days of his work not including sat and sunday. If i save the info the error will say."You have been paid on this day / week" .All i got is save the info but when it comes to checking i cant do it

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Finding An Active X Spell Checker?

Jan 20, 2010

I am looking for a recommendation for an active X spell checker that i can add into a VB 6 application.

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How To Make A Simple Spell Checker

Jun 27, 2010

i need a code or example of how to make it so that when a user presses ctrl p it will create a picturebox were the cursor is, i have this done, but how do i make it load them back in, and make it so if a panel or picturebox, runs into one of the ones the user created it will say "Smash", but there will most likely be tons of pictureboxes so i really need the help. how do i make a custom image file type that can hold up to 4 images and save and load them back in? how do i make a simple spell checker?

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Product Key Checker - File Declaring

Aug 5, 2010

I am writing a Product key checker for Windows vista and 7, well it works well in both of these operating systems, but the only problem I encounter here is that, I cannot check vista keys when I run this program in 7..and vice versa. I declared the file as seen below.

Declare Auto Function PidGenX Lib "pidgenx.dll" (ByVal one As String, ByVal two As String, ByVal three As String, ByVal four As Integer, ByVal five As IntPtr, ByVal six As IntPtr, ByVal seven As IntPtr) As Integer

The thing I want to know is that how do you declare files, in the same directory as the exe file i.e. the app directory. I wish to have the 'pidgenx.dll' files of both operating systems in folders corresponding to their OS ie vista's pidgenx.dll in folder called Pack\Vista\pidgenx.dll and for 7's as \pack\7\pidgenx.dll

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Question Lottery Results Checker

May 11, 2010

I'm a newbie to VB and such, I'm currently working on a program that allows users to play the National Lottery. The program generates random numbers for a lucky dip, allows users to log in etc. The problem I'm having is the feature that allows users to input their own results and check them against the 'current results' (just a randomised list of numbers) and work out what prizes if any the user is entitled to.Now obviously there are many different combinations of which numbers are the same.Is there any way (short of writing an IF statement catering for each combination possible) I could check these results? Perhaps with the use of a loop? I don't know I'm very new to this.

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Spell Checker For Persian Languages

May 18, 2012

Is there any spell checker library for .NET which really supports Arabic script languages? I want to spell check the words in a rich text box in

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Url Checker Function Is Hanging Application

Dec 17, 2011

Here is 2008 code is: Public Function CheckURL(ByVal URL As String) As Boolean


when a url is processing in checking it hangs my application for a while. Is this possible it checks smoothly all url list without hanging my application.. Is there any other fastest way to check urls? Note: I have about 800 urls in file to check all links a valid by website responce or not.

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VB 2008 - How To Use MS Word XP Spell Checker

Mar 21, 2012

I want to us ms office xp's word. I added a reference to microsoft word 10.0 object library. Then when I type (dim objWord as) there is no option for word also tried (dim objWord as application) nothing for word. I also download office xp intererupts??

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