What Are Some Good / Reputable / Widely-used Libraries Written

Mar 24, 2010

What are some good libraries that've been written in VB.NET? The best would be open source, as that would allow interested developers to take a look at some good VB.NET code and see how the language can be used effectively. But I'd be interested to know about any libraries at all, particularly reputable ones.Long-winded explanation of where I'm coming from: Generally speaking, when VB.NET and C# are compared, there is a lot of strong support for C#, accompanied by some bashing of VB.NET until a respected developer comes along and acts as The Voice Of Reason, pointing out that while VB prior to VB.NET had its fair share of issues, VB.NET is really a very strong, fully OOP language that is, feature-wise, right about on par with C# (with the exception of certain things like a full-bodied lamba syntax [pre-VB10] or the yield keyword, as many C# faithfuls are quick to point out).

I myself, having written plenty of code in both VB.NET and C#, fall squarely in the "I prefer C#, but don't consider VB.NET any less of a language" camp. However, one thing I have noticed is that when it comes to respected and/or widely-used libraries for .NET, everyting is written in C#. Or at least that's been my impression. This strikes me as a little strange because, aside from the abovementioned sprinkling of nice features (in particular the yield keyword), I tend to view the VB.NET/C# divide as primarily a matter of personal taste. Obviously, plenty of developers prefer C#. But I personally know some developers (good ones) who prefer VB.NET, which would lead me to suspect that surely some libraries (good ones) would be written in VB.NET.

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IDE :: AES Encryption That Is Reputable Or Bank Secure

May 5, 2011

I am trying to find some source code that is reputable such as code created by Microsoft or a similar entity that has released the source code for AES 128 encryption in the latest VB .net framework. My understanding of encryption methods is sufficient though, I am not an expert on the subject. The following source code [URL] on the MSDN network works very well in VB though with the advent of more secure AES encryption, I would like to be more prudent by using a more secure method. Unless someone can prove or explain that this source code is at a level of a "bank standard encryption" or better I would like to be pointed in the right direction of more secure code or advice from experts.

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Class Libraries (.dll's) Referencing Other Class Libraries (.dll's)?

Dec 17, 2010

I designed 7 class libraries for 1 project.The project references all 7 libraries.3 of the 7 libraries make references to the other 4 libraries.I thought of just duplicating the code that's referenced in the other 4 libraries, but thats a lot of code.


PrjctA makes reference to LibA, LibB, LibC, & LibD.If LibA references LibB & LibC also will this fail?

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C# - Using Two .NET Libraries With The Same Namespace?

Apr 11, 2009

I'm currently maintaining some old code for a company. As it would happen, the current app I'm modifying uses an older version of the in-house library (we'll call this Lib1.dll). They also have a new version of the library called Lib2.dll that improves upon the previous library in many ways.

Unfortunately, Lib2 is not backward compatible with Lib1. What's worse is that they both use the same namespace Product.Common.

How do I use Lib2 and Lib1 in the same project? Right now if I add references to both of them, VS tells me that certain classes are ambiguous (which makes sense, since they using the same namespace).

Basically, I need something like:

Imports Lib1:Product.Common.Class

I'm using VB.NET 1.1.

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Class Libraries (DLL's) In .Net?

Dec 3, 2009

I'm creating an application that will utilize a lot of functions for performing scientific calculations. There will also be a lot of 3D and 2D rendering in my application. Hence i will have a lot of common functions that will be utilized frequently.

I have noticed that class libraries (DLL's) are utilized in applications similar to mine, and am wondering if i should utilize them in my application. The trouble is, i can't really think of what use they will be to me. The functions in my application will only be called upon by my application, so i do not need to make my functions accessible to others. The only other benefit i can see from using DLL's is reduced memory usage and .exe size.

Whats the benefit of using DLL's instead of just creating a bunch of modules in my application to store my functions? I have read that another benefit of using DLL's is they are easier to maintain and update as you can update the DLL rather than your entire application. I dont quite understand this, as if you are going to utilize new and updated functions you have added to your DLL's, then you will need to update the code that calls them as well. So again i don't see the benefit in using DLL's in my application.

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Raw .net Framework Libraries?

Jun 30, 2011

I need to access the raw .NET framework libraries ( such as System ) and etc. All of the libraries that are required by .NET programs to run. Is there a specific place on my harddrive that I can find them all?

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DotNET Native Can Use Instead Of One Of These COM Libraries?

Nov 1, 2010

I'm looking at a small remoting project in VB.NET. Initial research turns up references to msrdp.ocx which my Windows 7 Ult system doesn't have; a filesystem search on the same platform turns up MsRdpWebAccess.dll which doesn't appear to be well documented; finally hunting through COM references in Visual Studio turns up rdpencom.dll labeled "rdpcomapi 1.0 Type Library" which seems to be best documented via personal developer blogs (which isn't encouraging but is a lot better than other options).

My goal is a lightweight remoting application I can deploy to Windows 2000 Client/Server, WinXP x86/x64, Win2k3 Server, Vista x86/64, and Win2k8 Server.Is there anything DotNET Native I can use instead of one of these COM libraries? Is one of these COM libraries better for the job overall than others; and then am I going to have platform-specific compatibility issues if I don't provide support for more than 1 of them in my app?

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Exceptions In Class Libraries?

Dec 6, 2009

I'm creating a class library that contains a series of functions with Try...Catch blocks to handle errors. When i run another application that uses the class library, and call a function in the library using parameters that i know should cause an error (i.e. divide by zero), i don't get an exception thrown.

Can you not use Try.. Catch blocks in external libraries? If not, how are you suppose to handle errors in these functions?

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Free Libraries For The .NET Framework?

Jul 27, 2009

I was wondering if you could tell me of any free libraries for the .NET framework (2.0) that you know of that can convert a PDF file to HTML or XML. I've seen several components that do the opposite, meaning HMTL to PDF, but not what I need. Essentially, I need the html version of my PDFs because I need to search through the text. Also, the Adobe Acrobat SDK is not an option for me, even though I know it has the exact functionality I need.

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Localization In Class Libraries

Aug 31, 2009

I've just about finished my WPF app, but I just hit a hurdle: my app needs to be totally localized (I've achieved this using databinding/RESX files & multiple cultures), and the actual program does this My problem is that I have a window where you generate reports on your progress.It's designed so that programmers will be able to design their own 'report sections', using interfaces & class libraries.Just one problem though: when I use RESX files inside these class libraries, they won't actually change even if I set their culture to the relevant culture I want to test.

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Program / C# X86 Disassembler Libraries?

May 20, 2009

I'm looking for a library that will disassemble x86 code into some sort of object model that I can then use to write routines that analyze the code. I'm not interested in a library that converts x86 code to text disassembly--I've found more than a few of those, but they're not that useful since I want to do some work on top of the code that I disassemble. Oh, and I'd like it to be .Net code (VB or C# preferable).Program / C# x86 disassembler libraries?

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Compress Audio File Wmv With Net Libraries To Wma Or Mp3?

Feb 14, 2011

how do you compress audio file wmv with net libraries to wma MP3?

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.net - Property/Method Descriptions For COM Libraries?

Jul 28, 2010

If you create a COMClass, I've noticed that the values in the XML Summary tag do not show in the object browser of VB6/VBA when you reference the resulting tlb file. Is there a way to have these values show up?

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.net - What Libraries Can Use To Make Http Connections In VB

Dec 23, 2009

what libraries can i use to make http connections in visual basic? like cURL library for VB ?i am looking for something like cURL for visual basic.

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.net Class Libraries For Accounting And Payrolls?

Mar 22, 2012

im searching for .net class libraries that could help me in accounting and calculating payrolls and other financial processes is there any libraries like that?

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Adding Folders To Libraries - Windows 7?

Feb 19, 2012

At my workplace, we're having troubles with Windows 7. Folders that are supposed to be in the libraries (e.g. Documents Library) aren't appearing. While we sort the issue out via Group Policy, I'd like a "DIY fix" that people can run and keep working instead of flooding IT support with requests. From snooping around, I've found that the folders are stored in an XML file here:


I can edit it by hand or programatically, but there is a node called <serialized> which is a long string of alphanumeric characters. It's not necessary (I can manually add folders without this and it works fine) but I was thinking there must be a better way to go about this, so my question is:

Is there a VB.NET function or class that lets me add and query folders in the library without manually creating the XML and inserting it myself? I'm happy to do it myself, but if there is a better way to go about it, I'm all for it!

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C# - Burn A (Video) DVD In .NET Without 3rd Party Libraries?

May 4, 2011

Maybe this is a stupid question....I'm looking at a project that would require me to burn a video to DVD in such a way that a traditional DVD player could play it. I've found several '3rd party tools' that do this, which is great and the direction I'll probably take.

But, I can't, for the life of me, fathom how to sit down and write a video to DVD. I know this is largely academic (Just use the available libraries!) still, I'd really like some direction on how I would/could go about doing this myself.

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Form Control And Class Libraries?

Jan 14, 2010

I want to create a library (.dll) of custom dialog forms. Which type of project do i make? Class Library, Windows Forms Control Library, other? Whats the difference between the two?

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Messagebox.show In Class Libraries?

Dec 7, 2009

why intellisense does not work for MessageBox.Show() in a class library? It works for MsgBox.

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Use Of Excel Libraries In Batch Process?

Apr 7, 2010

I am deploying the batch process on a production server and need to have the excel libraries loaded. The process runs at 6am and creates an excel spreadsheet that is ftp'd elsewhere. Anyhow - I cannot seem to find a way to load the libraries I need without loading Office on the production server which for obvious reasons we do not want to do. So how do I deploy this application?

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VS 2008 - Why Are Certain Libraries Suddenly Not Recognized

Dec 28, 2009

After successfully running an executable file several days ago, I am suddenly encountering a number of inexplicable errors. One concerns the lack of recognition of two libraries:


How could they previously be found but not now?I am using another workstation but loaded (so I thought) the same application and references.

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VS 2008 Class Libraries - Not Compilled?

Oct 19, 2009

I'm looking to create a bunch of re-usable classes. I understand the strength of creating a DLL that is reusable, but I would rather keep them un-compilled. When adding an existing .vb file, visual studio makes a copy of that object instead of a simply reference.Is there any way to do this or creating a class library with .DLL the only way?

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Writing A GPS Application - APIs Or Libraries

Jun 6, 2012

Am writing a GPS application but I need APIs or Libraries I can easily use. It's supposed to work real time...

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Connect With Microsoft Exchange With Free Libraries?

Mar 3, 2011

Are there any free libraries for VB.net to use for connecting to a MS exchange server?I have found some paid ones but I'd rather not invest, so couln't find any free libraries..I tried using java as a protocol layer for mapi but it wouldn't work

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Does IIS Installed Libraries Include System.Collections.dll

Nov 19, 2009

I am having trouble developing an asp.net page. I can create custom collections and use them in win apps, but when i reference the system.collections namespace, the page response hangs up. No exception info is passed back or anything. The page just freezes. Is this a common problem. I am wondering if its due to the assembly not being present (but am unsure why an exception wouldn't indicate this.).

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Get Full Path Of Libraries / Pictures In Windows 7?

Sep 11, 2010

Under windows 7, in the windows explorer view there is a new feature called "Libraries" which have virtual links to "Pictures", "documents" etc.. plus you can add your own virtual link.


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Get Full Path Of Libraries/Pictures In Windows 7?

Sep 11, 2010

Under windows 7, in the explorer view there is a new feature called "Libaries" which have links to "Pictures", "documents" etc.. plus you can add your own.These libraries are virtual paths.In either vb.net of c#:how I get the full physical path of any of the libraries.Lets say for example "Pictues" how do I get the full path.

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How To Get Full Path Of Libraries / Pictures In Windows 7

Sep 11, 2010

Under windows 7, in the windows explorer view there is a new feature called "Libraries" which have virtual links to "Pictures", "documents" etc.. plus you can add your own virtual link.These libraries are virtual paths.In either vb.net of c#:Can anyone please tell me how to get the full physical path of any of the libraries.[code]I have looked a special folders but I cannot see anything that refers to these new "virtual libraries".

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Remove Default Namespace For Class Libraries?

Jan 14, 2011

I've wrote a class library in vb. it only has a class called MathEx. Now when i add a reference to a test project, i had to refer to the class as MathEx.MathEx is there anyway i could refer to the class as simply MathEx? (in other words i do not wish to have the default namespace added to my class libraries)

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Set The Timeout For The Execution Of A Set Of Statements When Using The SQL Server SMO Libraries?

Jul 25, 2011

I have the following bit of code that is timing out when I pass it a long running set of SQL statements. I'm using the Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo library from SQL Server 2008.

Using cn As SqlConnection = GetConnection(_destinationCNS, True)
Dim smoServer As New Microsoft.SqlServer.Management.Smo.Server(New ServerConnection(cn))


I'm having trouble figuring out where to declare that timeout duration. What object and property should I be setting the timeout duration for the statement execution, not the connection timeout. On the SQLCommand object there is a convenient CommandTimeout property but I'm not seeing anything like that here.

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