What Is [Android] Java's Equivalent Of Static Keyword

Jan 25, 2012

Is there a Java equivalent - specifically on Android - for VB.NET's Static keyword? For those not familiar with VB.NET, take the following code snippet...

Sub MyFunc()
Static myvar As Integer = 0
myvar += 1


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Android - Convert Java Byte[] To MemoryStream?

Feb 15, 2011

We are developing an Android Application (Java) that reads an image, encode the bytes in base64 to send them over HTTP (via GET) to a WebService written in VB.NET.On .NET side, they are using this :

Dim Pix As Image
Pix = Image.FromFile("C:UsersPublicPicturesSample PicturesTree.jpg")
Dim ms As New MemoryStream[code]....

How can I pass the correct string to them to correctly decode the image from Java encoding (unsigned) to .NET decoding (signed)?

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Convert Encryption Algorithm To Java (Android)

Dec 21, 2011

i'm using the following algorithm to encrypt and decrypt a string in VB.NET and wanted to do that same method in Android also.


Private Function decryptStr(ByVal key As String, ByVal enc As String) As String
DES.Key = Hash.ComputeHash(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(key))


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TCP Connection To Send And Receive Java / Android With Server

Mar 24, 2012

I have searched everywhere to find an answer for this question: I have a TCP client on my android application that sends an message to the server which is written in Visual Basic .NET Framework 4. Now i want to send an message from my server to the phone over 3g, it works on wifi and 3g..


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C# - .Net's With Keyword In Java?

Jun 6, 2011

Possible Duplicate: WITH statement in Java? does anyone know if there is the With Keyword in Java?

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Equivalent Keyword For App.path

Apr 11, 2010

We have a keyword 'app.path' in VB6 What is the equivalent key word in VB.NET

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Equivalent Of The C# Readonly Keyword?

Mar 3, 2009

In C# you can do this to make your member variable immutable: public readonly int y = 5; What is the equivalent "readonly" keyword in VB.NET?

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LINQ Equivalent For SQL Between Keyword?

Feb 12, 2010

Is there a LINQ To SQL equivalent to the SQL between keyword?[code]...

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What Is Equivalent Of A Static Class

Nov 30, 2007

what is the Equivalent of a Static class in VB.Net. Is it Modules?And When i used one of the C# to VB.Net conversion tools then the code "Public Static class Class1 " was converted to "Public NotInheritable Class Class1"

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Equivalent Of 'Unchecked' Keyword Expression

Apr 8, 2010

I have converted the following C# code to VB.NET.But I am unable to find the equivalent of C# "Unchecked" keyword in VB.NET.Below is the C# Code and following the C# Code is converted VB Code.After conversion and building the VB Code I am getting the error :"Constant expression not representable in type 'UInteger'." [code]

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Equivalent Of A C# Internal Static Class?

Jun 9, 2010

If I have a module in a VB.Net class library, will it's visibility be limited to the assembly? What I'm looking for is the VB.Net equivalent of a C# internal static class.

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Can't Define A Specific Instance Of Static Method Created As A Java Class

Mar 12, 2011

Under Visual Basic 2010, I am trying to define a specific instance of a static method that was created as a Java class. I have a vendor supplied dll added in as a reference.[code]...

But, I can't seem to define a specific instance of this method. Using "IntegrationMethod.getIntegrationMode()"always returns a value of zero.

There doesn't appear to be any way to "setIntegrationMode" to a specific value.

The documentatoin for this Class as provided by the vendor are shown below.

When I asked the vendor for assistance, their response was: "

Our javadocs for the IntegrationMethod class show that we provide three predefined instances of the IntegrationMethod class[code]...

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.net - What Is The VB Equivalent Of Java's Instanceof And IsInstance()

Jun 16, 2009

What is the equivalent statements to compare class types in VB.NET?

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Equivalent To Java's System.currentTimeMillis() In .NET?

Sep 2, 2011

Is there a .NET equivalent to Java's System.currentTimeMillis()?

I want to find the number of milliseconds since 1970.

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VS 2010 What Is The Equivalent To Java Properties In VB

Jun 1, 2010

Is there an equivalent to Java Properties in VB. A Properties file in java is a place where you can save propeties for an application. So if an application looks at a file on a server (which could change) you could save to location in a properties file the if the location changes you just change the properties file. You do not have to recompile the program.

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Equivalent To C# Var Keyword - Retrieve The Result Of A LINQ Query?

Mar 19, 2010

Is there a VB.NET equivalent to the C# var keyword? I would like to use it to retrieve the result of a LINQ query.

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Equivalent Of The C# "is" Keyword?

Jul 2, 2010

I need to check if a given object implements an interface. In C# I would simply say:

if (x is IFoo) { }

Is using a TryCast() and then checking for Nothing the best way?

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Android SDK On .NET?

Aug 17, 2010

Ok i know theres a program called eclipse for which you can download android plugins that let you develop application for the Android MObile Phones using the Android SDK.Is there any similar interface/plugins or anyway what so ever, that will allow you to develop apps for the android using say vb.Net 2008??

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Is VB Compatible With Android

Oct 24, 2011

If something is written in VB is it compatible with android?If so, can you give me some documentation?

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.net - Making A Vb6 Application That Can Run On Android?

Jan 20, 2012

Sir, I am a vb programmer. I want to develope a vb application that can be run on an android phone or tablet.What I should do for that and how can i install this application on android phone or tablet and run it successfully? Generally i use ms access or sql server for my desktop application. Which data base should i use with my vb application on android phone or tablet?

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Android To WP7 - Language To Select: Either C# Or VB

Sep 20, 2011

I'm going to migrate my Android application into WP7 platform. Android one contains heavy enough calculation stuff (encryption/decryption), plus extensive usage of DB (SQLite) and some graphics (simple) and I'm trying to figure which language to select: either C# or VB. I have some experience both in C# and VB.net, but can't decide which one to select.

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Asp.net - Communicating With Android C2DM Using .NET?

Mar 8, 2012

I've set up this function in my web app to send push notifications to Android devices:

Private Function SendNotification(ByVal authstring As String) As String
Dim request As WebRequest = WebRequest.Create("https://android.apis.google.com/c2dm/send")
request.Method = "POST"


However, whenever I call this function, I get the following error message: The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure."

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Communication Between Android And Web Application?

Jul 28, 2011

Here my problem is that i wants to write a web application in vb.net which receive the request from android application for login purpuse in xml format and after create a xml format responce, which receive by android application.

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Using DLL File On Android And Iphone?

Nov 29, 2011

I am having VB.net dll files which I need to use in Android and iPhone application.
Creating web service doesn't satisfy my requirement as I need to use this in offline mode.

how can I use this in Android or iPhone application development.

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.net - Android App Won't Return Result From WCF Service

Dec 1, 2010

here is my WCF server code (VB.NET)...

Public Class Service1
Implements IService1


For some unkown reason, I can run the VS 2010 client test and it the WCF host works fine. The code above just returns nothing (it's supposed to return a string)

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Android - Json String Mutating?

Dec 4, 2011

I have a .Net WCF Rest service returning Json to be consumed by an Android app.

In debug, the WCF service correctly has the return value (Json) as:

{"BaseLoyaltyPoints":1480,"BonusLoyaltyPoints":0,"BrandId":1414, [etc...] }

Also in debug, when it returns to Notepad, the return value has changed to:

{"BaseLoyaltyPoints":1480,"BonusLoyaltyPoints":0,"BrandId":1414, [etc...] }


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Encrypt/Decrypt Between VB2008 And Android?

Apr 23, 2012

I use these code to encrypt any plain text in vb2008.I want decrypt and use generated file in my app in android.I know that put files in assets folder and i use it.this code use Cryptography to encryption.how i can decrypt generated files in my android app.and how i use them in my android app.

Imports System.Security.Cryptography
Public NotInheritable Class Simple3Des
Private TripleDes As New TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider


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Android - ASP.Net Wizard Control On A Mobile Browser

Jul 25, 2011

We are using a .net wizard control for a mobile website. Everything works great except on android devices when the user exits the browser to take a call or send a text message. When the user returns to out web page the android browser is refreshing the web page. Our problem is when the web page refresh the wizard is losing the view state So if they are in the middle of the wizard there previous work is lost. how to combat this. Is there a way to persist the wizard even if the user refreshes the webpage? I basically want to make my asp.net wizard control truly stateless.

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Android - Web Service That Stores JSONArray In SQL Server

Apr 22, 2012

I have an android application that is creating a JSONArray with:

List<String[]> sqlist = MySQLiteHelper.selectAll();
JSONArray jsArray = new JSONArray(sqlist);

Which is calling

public static List<String[]> selectAll()
List<String[]> list = new ArrayList<String[]>();
Cursor cursor = db.query(TABLE_BREADCRUMBS, new String[]


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C# - Serialize List Of Objects In Android And Deserialize In WCF?

Apr 17, 2012

I have an ArrayList in android that I'm trying to convert to a Base64 String, then passing that to a wcf service though JSON and the wcf service inserts the string into a database. Then I need to be able to read that from the database and deserialize it in a .NET application.

This is how I am serializing the ArrayList in android:

private String convertByteArrayToSave(byte[] b){
if(b != null){
return Base64.encodeToString(b,0,b.length,Base64.DEFAULT);


The ultimate goal is to be able to be able to create a list of these shapes in the .NET app or android app and be able to read the list in the .NET app and android app no matter where it was created from. I'm able to it when you create the Shape from .NET and read it into android using WCF but creating it in android.

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