What Is The Difference Between MsgBox() And MessageBox.show()
Jan 15, 2011
I wanted to display a title on my message box i tried this code MsgBox('Cannot Conncet to the db',"Conncetion Error!") but it gives me a error, so i read on some blog they included 1 as an addtional parameter inside the msgBox MsgBox('Cannot Conncet to the db',1,"Conncetion Error!") . why that addtional parameter is needed.
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Jan 10, 2012
Is there any difference between the two:
Some tutorials use msgbox() some use the other messagebox.show()---I see that both can have an editable style but I was wondering why there are two.
Is it to accommodate for older programmers (who have learnt on an older version of visual basic).
So in that case which one should I use on VB 2010 (VS 2010)
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Mar 7, 2011
My converter shows the answer using the message box. i want to have a icon on the message box and a title at this top bar. my code is this: MessageBox.Show((number * multiplier), vbInformation, "Answer").ToString()
i used that because it was stated in a vb.net tutorial website. but when i check it again, it states that MSGBOX not MESSAGEBOX.show. what's the difference within the two? i cannot used msgbox for showing the answer and i don't know why. what's the code for the messagebox.show to have a icon or a sign?
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Jun 17, 2012
If NewEntryName.Text = "" And OpenFileDialog1.FileName = Nothing Then MsgBox("Please choose a name for your game.", vbExclamation) MsgBox("Please find your game.", vbExclamation) Else Button1.Text = NewEntryName.Text game1 = True Panel1.Visible = False End If
I want it to show the first MsgBox if the NewEntryName.text = "" and I want it to show the second MsgBox if openfiledialog1 = nothing... how do I do it?
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Feb 16, 2010
I have another probably easy question to answer but i can't figure it out... I have made a little snake game with a score attached to it running through a timer that outputs to a label.
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Sep 7, 2011
how i can do this to show many message box without click OK to see the another like in this video [URL]
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Jan 18, 2010
showing MessageBox's from background workers.My program is a utility that has several functions and each function is boxed in a UserControl and then placed on a TabControl on the main form. A few of the utilities are batch functions that take quite a bit of time to complete their task. In order to allow the user to use the other utilities while a batch utility is running I make use of the BackgroundWorker class. It's quite handy!
My only problem is when I need the user to interact with the background thread, usually due to an error condition. I want to be able to halt the thread and display a MessageBox to the user. At first when you just do it from the background thread as demenstrated in the code below, it appears to work fine. But the MessageBox is not actually parented by the Form. If you select the Form, it will hide the MessageBox and the user thinks that the program has stalled. What's worse is that my program has a setting to allow the user to make the window TopMost, which means that the form will always hide the MessageBox when TopMost.
Option Strict Off
Public Class Form1
Private Sub chkTopMost_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles chkTopMost.CheckedChanged
Me.TopMost = chkTopMost.Checked
I have thought about passing the message using ReportProgress(), but the problem with this is that the BackgroundWorker will not halt it's opperation, and there is no built in mechanisim to send a message back to the BackgroundWorker.
View 11 Replies
Apr 15, 2011
I am using visual basic .net 2005 win application.
My code,
coyCollect As
New Collections.Specialized.StringCollection
i am sending list of company codes to the function. and in function i loop through to do something. if success i will return 1 if some error occures i will return 2)
If Res = 1
"My App"
My probelm, sometimes messagebox.show method don't show messagebox on screen. It will appear in task bar but we have to click it to show it on screen (looks like it is hanged but messagebox is already there in taskbar so click it to show message "success" then click ok to close the messagebox). then only we can click "ok" to close it. without clicking it my "in progress" window won't close. sometimes messagebox will appear with no problem.
View 8 Replies
Jun 2, 2012
I have the following code Sub Timer1_Tick(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Timer1.Tick Dim mesaj As New Integer
The timer interval is set to 5000(5 seconds), but every time when the timer is ticking the msgbox appears on screen but the in the file msg.txt is writting once. So, The timer check if that unic is different from unic1, and if is different shows up a msg box, and it's writting the new line in msg.txt, but on next timer tick, even if the unic and unic1 are equals the msgbox shows up anyway, but it's more interesting because it doesn't write again in file, only shows up the msgbox. I don't understand this.
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Apr 13, 2009
How can I show the value of Cells of DGV in MsgBox vb
MsgBox( & Me.DataGridView1.Rows(0).Cells(1).Value & )
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Feb 11, 2009
i'm using a menustrip. the menuitems click events won't show a messagebox properly. i think it does load, but i've no idea where, because it disables the form + i can't see it anywhere. it might be behind the form. i have to push the enter key to free the form. [Code]
View 8 Replies
Feb 17, 2012
When i run this project, only messagebox button ok appear, but button cancel do not show. i'm using visual basic express edition 2008. and this is my codding.
Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click[code]...
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Oct 15, 2011
I have a button that when clicked i want the user to make sure that they want to clear data in textbox's so i did a vbYesNo box inside the messagebox.show.i cannot figure out how to determine if its a Yes or a No.If they click YES then i want the text cleared ... if no then show nothing. I know that i have a msgbox there but thats meaningless its just to show if it works or not. once it works then i will remove that code.[code]
View 5 Replies
Jan 16, 2012
This code isn't working...
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May 1, 2011
i have visual studio ultimate 2010 and i was using visual basic and when i tried the messagebox.show command it does not work , am i missing any libraries that need to be installed or did they change this command , if i am missing some libraries , is there a patch or something that needs to be setup.
View 6 Replies
Dec 7, 2009
why intellisense does not work for MessageBox.Show() in a class library? It works for MsgBox.
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Mar 5, 2010
The coding in under lostfocus event for a combo box. When user type in the some item that not in the list it will promt out a messagebo box telling the user that the item is not found in the list. Then i set the focus back on the combo box. But what happen now is, it keep promp the messagebox, like a infinite loop. Here is the sample coding. How i goin to make the message no more looping and focos on the combo box.
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Jun 22, 2010
I want to show a messagebox with the text of a listviewitem that is selected in my listview.
I can do this with this code
But the 1 is fixed, how can i do with on the run finding the number of the item that is selected.
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Mar 11, 2010
Problem regarding in using Listview in vb.net. I can manipulate some flow like searching and selecting data coming in database (SQL) but my problem is that i need a message thtat will pop up that there is no particular data in the database where ever i find a data.
View 4 Replies
Sep 8, 2009
I'm working on a program to calculate Exp left until a title is available in game. I'm trying to validate that the user enters only numbers into the text box. Should s/he enter a letter I want my message box to show and then select the text that was incorrectly entered. My problem is in when the backspace key is hit it again shows the message. I believe it's in the TextChanged event but i'm not certain..
'Handles txtXP Box & Validates user input
'Converts over to a Double Number
'Provides Error Correction if anything other than #'s Used.
View 3 Replies
Mar 8, 2011
My converter shows the answer using the message box.i want to have a icon on the message box and a title at this top bar. [code] what's the code for the messagebox.show to have a icon or a sign, a title bar, and some text.. ??
View 4 Replies
May 6, 2010
I've a really nice fullscreen code I found on the internet, the only problem I found was that you can't make msgbox show or open another form! Which is really bothering me making panels.visible = true/false to make a cheap way of "Forms"orm1.
Private Sub TryToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Call normalScreen()
View 5 Replies
Apr 21, 2009
I want a MsgBox to popup right after Form.Load. I can't seem to get my program to accomplish this with the program code I have tried so far.How do I tell my program to load a MsgBox right after it loads the Form??? Here is the code I have after several attempts:[code]....
View 8 Replies
Jun 10, 2009
Let's say I have the this statment If textbox1.text <> textbox2.text Then
Now I want the msgbox to show me both values at the same time. I know if I want it to show me the value of one of the textbox i just have to use & val(textbox1 or 2.text) &. How do I make it show me both of them at the same time.
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Mar 8, 2009
How do I show a defined string in a msgbox, I have the following example:
MsgBox("Nice try! The correct answer is" input)
I'm getting a "a valid expression continuation expected" error
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Mar 7, 2010
I have a form reading from an Access file now everything seems fine until i go to add record if i then press the first Btn or pre Btn without entering any data then it gives me the error Column 'Membership ID' does not allow nulls. [code] i have been trying to get it to show a msgbox saying the box cannot be left empty but so far no luck.
View 4 Replies
Nov 2, 2009
I am making a picture viewer in vb.net. When I click a button to show images from a listview it does not work without the msgbox! I included code
Sub shows()
Dim k, s As String
Dim i, j, m As Integer
''' When I use this, it doesnt work!!!
'Dim cbz As New Thread(AddressOf shows)
[Code] .....
View 1 Replies
Oct 22, 2011
I have an 'invoices' table with a column for the invoice number.
When adding a new invoice, I would like to check if it already exists. If it exists, produce a MessageBox to the user that there's already a record with this number.
I'm using Visual Basic 2010 and SQL Server 2008.
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Mar 3, 2011
I know that
Displays a message box pop up. How do you go about creating a listbox pop-up similar to the message box pop-up? What is the listbox code equivalent to the above code?
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Feb 28, 2011
I teach VB in college, using the Express edition. I was doing an exercise with my class today using the MessageBox.Show() method in a Windows Forms application. But when I tried entering it in the edit window, it gave me the following error message: 'show' is not a member of 'MessageBox' and it did not show up in the Intellisense box. Most of my students' computers did work with that method, but one or two of them didn't. Meanwhile, I had to revert to the MsgBox() function to get through the exercise.
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