Will Statements Or Expressions Execute After A Return Statement

Jan 29, 2010

I was rooting around in one of our company apps which is done in VB.net. I'm not familiar with VB.net (I do stuff in C#) so I'm asking this question: Does the code after the clean up comment execute? [code]It is my understanding once you say return, you give the calling function control again.

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Execute A Statement Only If Both Expressions Are Met?

Feb 13, 2011

I am new to VisualBasic and trying to learn it online. For my first assignment I have to make a program that allows someone to input a time in AM/PM and select the time zone and automatically output a picture and three other time zones. I think I have it for the most part but I am having an issue with one part in particular. Since the time is input using AM or PM if the original time is 11:00 AM and I add an hour it should switch to PM. But I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong. I basically need to say If the time is equal to 12 and the meridiem is equal to am then it should switch to pm but I keep getting errors inidicating they are trying to switch to a boolean value.


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If <expression> Then <statement [:statement]> Else [statements] In Concrete Form?

Jan 1, 2010

I was convinced that If <expression> Then <statement [:statement]> Else [statements] in concrete form of If a = b Then SayHello() Else SayBye() End has sense. I read article on msdn on If-then-else, but I forgot why I was reading, so I concluded, that snippet above means this

If a = b Then HelloIsSaid : IsNotEnded Else ByeIsSaid : IsEnded But I have tested it now, and I see, that Else without statement is nothing more than decoration. It would be pretty good if it had function I described. Do you think its good request? Or do you know any circumstance where this Else has some function?

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VS 2005 Execute SQL Statements Through Text File?

Jun 1, 2010

with vb.net05 + access 03;how can i execute a bunch of SQL statements against a connectionwhich are written in a text file (as like we do in reading from backup file in MySQL)

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Execute 3 Commands (SQL Statements) To 3 Different Oracle Tables At One Shot?

Apr 24, 2012

I'm implementing an application using vb.net 2005 with oracle 10g and I came across a functionality that should Select/Insert/Update/Delete data from three different tables in oracle.So I`m wondering if there is a way to prepare all the 3 commands (SQL Statements) separately and then execute them in one shot to the oracle, so in this way I can guarantee that all of them are successfully executed or all are failed to execute, and also I could gain more performance which is critical in my case.Thus I`m looking for a syntax in vb.net that helps me execute more than one OracleCommand in one shot to the oracle.

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Execute SQL Statements To A MySQL Database Through ADODB.Connection

Sep 2, 2009

We have a VB6 program that uses an ADODB.Connection to establish a database connection and use its execute function to run SQL statements. The connection we have established is to a SQL Server. It has been working fine. Currently, I am trying to change the connection to a MySQL database. I changed the connection string and the connection is ok.

However, when it comes to running the execute function, it returns a runtime error 3246 - connection object cannot be explicitly closed while in a transaction.

I checked the connection.status before calling execute and found that it is open. When I use MySQL's server connections to check the status, I found that there was a connection before and after execute was called.

I encountered this same error whether I used MySQL ODBC 5.1 Driver or MySQL ODBC 3.51 Driver.

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If Statements - Program Look At 2 Different Values Then Return A Value

Feb 18, 2012

What I need to do is to have my program look at 2 different values then return a value.

Here's an example:

If my tube material = SA-214 and the tube gauge = 20 then my tube wall thickness = .032. The thing is I have 5 different types of tube material and 12 different tube gauges so based on which tube material is selected and which tube gauge is selected the tube wall thickness will vary. So if I select a TM of SA214 and a TG of 14 then my tube wall will be .076.

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Use The IF ELSE Statements OR The Select Case Statement To Write?

Oct 7, 2011

Im trying to figure how to use the IF, ELSE statements OR the Select Case statement to write this program.I'm using Visual Studio 2010. The program is suppose to allow the user to input their weight in a text box and from group box 1 the select whether theyre male or female using the radios and they select inactive or active from group box two and the calculate but will determine how many calories they should intake based on the criteria below.


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How To Make A Statement Run If All Conditions Are True From Multiple Condition Or If Statements

Mar 22, 2011

I have a form that contains multiple conditional or if statements on several defferent for controls.

Example: Radio Buttons, TextBoxes and CheckBoxes.

I am intending to create an order form(demo) where the user can select multiple products.

I have a default order number that changes by one everytime an order is successful.

An order is only successful if all the information on the form is entered correctly.

My question is where do I insert the code for the order number?

Basically for the order number I have a counter that count by increment of one if an order is successful.

Meaning when the user hit place order, and all the infromation is right, then the order numer goes to 1 from zero.

Where do I add the condition for the order number since all the fields must first be completed.

Do I have to create a whole line of if else statements?

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Return Statement Which Is True In An If Statement?

May 24, 2012

Return statement which is true in an if statement

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C# - How To Return The Execute Command

Feb 25, 2010

Using VB.Net and C#.Net

Using 3 Tier, I was executing this query in DataAccessLayer, i want to call this query in ApplicationLayer throgh BUsinessLogicLayer.


Cmd = New SqlCommand("Exec delTable", con)

I want to return this execute command like this,

In application Layer How to call this?

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Execute Procedure And Get The Return Value?

Jul 22, 2010

I've a procedure like this:


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Asp.net - Execute Stored Procedure Using Sqldatasource And Get Return Value?

Sep 15, 2010

How can I execute a stored procedure using sqldatasource and get the return value in vb.net.

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If - Then Statement To Let User Know Command Could Not Execute?

May 23, 2011

Lets just say we have this as Command1 Dim Command1 = "whoami.exe >> C:Hello.Txt" The program will read a list of users from a text file and then perform the action on each of them. If the user does not exist, or they are part of a password protected computer, I would like to see that in my printout. I have this but am Unsure how to write the If Then Statement (If that is the ebst route to take)


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Execute Reader Return Nothing Always When I Pass GUID As Paramter

Nov 1, 2011


What would be wrong in the above code. ExecuteReader is throwing excepion. Invalid cast from string to GUID. But My Sqlparamter was already uniqueidentifier nothing cast.[code]...

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How To Deal With Execute Scalar Command That Return Null

Jan 10, 2012

I want to retrieve total value from sales table in sqlcommand object. Below is my sample code.I will get error if there was no data in the tabel that matched my query saying that null could not be converted into decimal.

I would not get error if there was data that matched my query and returned the total value in tmpSales variable.My question is what is the best way to deal with this situation?

Dim CmdTmp As System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand

Dim tmpSales As Decimal

CmdSales = New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("SELECT SUM(Total) FROM Sales WHERE Date>= '1 Jan 2011' And Date<= '30 Jan 2011", ConDB)tmpSales = CmdSales.ExecuteScalar

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Method To Execute Stored Procedure And Return Datatable In C#?

Jan 21, 2012

I have some VB code like

Dim data As DataTable = DataAccess.ExecuteDataSet("AuthenticateWebServiceClient" _
, New SqlParameter("@ClientID", ClientId) _
, New SqlParameter("@Password", Password) _[code]....

Except PrepareSPCommand isn't recognized by VS. Does anyone know the correct way to convert this function to C#.

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Execute A LINQ Statement Without Assigning It To A Variable?

Apr 15, 2011

I have the following function

Public Function GetPositionBySchoolID(ByVal SchoolID As Integer) As CPAPositionsDataTable
Dim positions As New CPAPositionsDataTable


And I was wondering if there is any way to cut out assigning the LINQ result to tmp and just work with the result directly, i.e.

Public Function GetPositionBySchoolID(ByVal SchoolID As Integer) As CPAPositionsDataTable
Dim positions As New CPAPositionsDataTable


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Execute A SQL Statement And Put The Result In To A Data Table?

Aug 16, 2010

I want to execute an SQL statement and put the result in to a data table.

Sub getvehicletypes()
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim intLine As Integer = 0


Once Ive got it in a dataset I need to work out how to search the dataset for a code and return the corresponding description and vice versa

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VS 2010 Execute A Statement While Closing The Win Form?

May 11, 2011

I have a windows application. I would like to run a statement while exiting my application. I tried adding my statement on FormClosing event. but it only executes if the application is closed properly. However, If the application is closed via task manager or system is restarted or logged out, etc. then the statement in closing or disposed event is not getting executed.

Private Sub Form1_Disposed(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Disposed
MsgBox("disposed") End Sub Private Sub Form1_FormClosing(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As FormClosingEventArgs) Handles Me.FormClosing
End Sub

can some one tell me how to get my statement executed even the user tries to log out or shut down or application is closed via task manger.

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AjaxControlToolkit - ReorderList - Doesn't Execute The Update Statement?

Jan 25, 2012

It seems like a lot of people are having trouble with this piece of the control toolkit.I've looked for a few days on the internet for an answer and haven't been able to find one. Best solution I've seen so far is "write your own reordering procedure" which I don't want to do.

<asp:ScriptManager ID="smgrJobBidding" runat="server">
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="uPanelReorderList" runat="server"


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Modify Class For Permissions Determination, Which Fails To Execute A System.web Statement

May 1, 2009

I have found the class code below which should be activated to show the result for the selected option

Dim pc as new CheckPerm
pc.Permission = "Modify"
if pc.CheckPerm("C:WIndowsSystem32") then


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SQL Select Distinct Statement Fails To Execute Properly But Fine Is Access Directly?

Feb 6, 2011

Office 2010; Windows7; Visual Studio Basic 2008 (VB.Net)


The following strSQL string is not working as expected when run in VB.Net Interop to Access: (NOTE: The line-feeds " _" are used below are for reading only - are not in actual code line)


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If Statement Doesn't Return

Mar 22, 2012

Am I just being blind or does this If statement genuinely not do what it's meant to.[code]This displays the message box even though textSample is one of the letters. In my eyes that If statement should see that textSample is one of those letters and skip it, whereas if it was Z it would "Not" be equal to any of those and would therefore show the message box.

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Can't Return Datatable Within A Try Statement

Mar 18, 2012

I have the following piece of code that I am using to try and rip a csv file and turn it into a datatable. My problem is that the debugger never makes it to the return statement. Everything is appending to the datatable correctly, so I know that part works. Any idea's on what I can do to trouble shoot this further. Also, if you know of a simpler way to turn a import a csv file to a datatable I'd be very interested in learning about it.[code]..

It say that the Object reference is not set to an instance of an object. What's weird though is that it works through the whole data table fine. Could it be that the while loop is not terminating at the end of the file?

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Return Before 'End Function' When Using A Do And Try Statement?

Jul 14, 2009

I know normaly you have to use Return before "End Function", but now the Return is in the Try and Do statement and I can't find a way to variable the Return.[code]...

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VB Return Statement In A Function

Sep 28, 2009

I am a little confused about the use of a return statement in a function. If I understand correctly the return statement returns a value but where? Where is the value being returned to?

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DB/Reporting :: Use SQL Statement To Return Value To Function

May 1, 2012

I have 2 functions that need to work together.1 function is to generate a chart number. The other function is to search via SQL to see if the chart number exists. if the chart number doesn't exist then i need function 2 to return a boolean value so function one can generate a new chart number example code: [code] Now i know that i am probably using the incorrect sql statement, my main issue is that i dont know how return available back to the function.

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Method To Return From A Goto Statement?

Oct 26, 2009

I just want to know whether there is any method to return from a goto statement.


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VS 2005 - Return Value ID From Insert Statement

Aug 12, 2009

Dim SQLData As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("FixedLineProvisioningConnectionString").ToString())
Dim cmdSelect As New System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand("INSERT INTO tblTotalComms_custinfo SET nt_username=@nt_username; SELECT @ID=SCOPE_IDENTITY()", SQLData)
[Code] .....
I want to return the value @ID from the insert statement.

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