Write Privileges - Files Do Not Show Up In Output Folder?

Mar 3, 2010

I have a video encoder app made with VB6 that users frequently have issues with. The problem that people encounter is that files do not show up in the output folder where my application is set to write them. The output folder is located in C:Program FilesMyAppOutput. Vista users can sometimes click "Compatibility Files" and see the outputted files. Sometimes I must tell users to "Run As Administrator.."

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Copying Font Files Into Fonts Folder With Administrative Privileges?

May 30, 2012

I want to copy and paste some files into the C:WindowsFonts Folder .These are just four small files for the font I need in my application , now a normal file copy procedure in vb.net wont work because it requires administrative privilledges

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How To Copy, Delete, Show Files, Show Current Directory, Change Directory, Make Folder, Rename Folder

Jul 22, 2011

how to copy, delete, show files, show current directory, change directory, make folder, rename folder. My problem is i have a method on deleting a file and copying a file, but i don't know how to pass the method so that when i click the delete button it would let me choose what file to delete. By the way im using buttons on each function.[code...]

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VS 2008 XML Files Not Copying To Output Folder?

Mar 11, 2010

I have some XML files that are needed with my application, they are included in the project, I have the properties set to:Build Action: ContentCopy to Output: Copy if NewerWhen I publish, they get included with all the other setup files, but when it actually installs they are not getting copied to the output folder. (I also tried Copy Always and that didnt change it)

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Show The Files In The Particular Folder Using Treeview?

Jan 11, 2010

show the files in the particular folder using treeview but i dont have icons for all files windows select the icons for particular files can i select in the same way

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Read And Write Files To A Shared Folder On A Network

Dec 2, 2011

All i am trying to do is read and write files to a shared folder on a network in visual basic (VS 2010). I can go to the folder through windows without a problem and without being prompted for a password. However when i try to do it through visual basic, it cant find the directory. Here is my small snippet of code that i (hope) is telling me that the program cannot connect to the folder. [code] Are there any known issues with VS 2010 that may cause this? Maybe something else in my code that could have an effect? This is in my form_load event though, so it is literally one of the first things that runs.

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Write A Loop That Will Read Through A Number Of *.csv Files In A Folder?

Feb 21, 2010

Im trying to write a loop that will read through a number of *.csv files in a folder and then stuff the data into SQL. The code works and will happily put the data i want for a named file into SQL no problems. So when i had that working i then tried to loop it so that it would do the same for all files in the folder until all files had been done, and not error out if there where no files etc.

Maybe im tired (well, i am) or not had enough coffee but i just cant get this to work, it should be simple - i know it is infact, but its making ME feel simple.i think i should have an integer count in there, but similar examples ive seen dont use one. Also when trying to open the path i get an error at runtime "the path is not of a legal form"

Public Sub ImportCUSTCSVs()
Dim dt As New DataTable()
Dim line As String = Nothing[code].

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Adminstrative Privileges - Grant Rights To Just The Folder Where I Am Writing Data?

May 20, 2012

I understand all about giving Administrative Rights via the manifest. However...I'm sure I will have customers that may not want users to have Admin privileges. Is there a way I can grant rights to just the folder where I am writing data to(database and pdf files). The folder will be in Program Files/my company/....

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Display Folders In A Directory And A List View To Show The Files Within That Folder?

Jan 27, 2009

I link a combobox to display folders in a directory and a list view to show the files within that folder?

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Copying File Tool Strip Menu Item To Show Certain Files From A Folder?

Jan 21, 2010

In word/excel/office programs when you press the file menu item at the bottom a list of files recently used are shown, i would like to do a similar thing but i would like to put files from a certain folder with a certain extension (.xml) into my file menu item so the user can select to view the files.

I think i need something like:
For each file (extension .xml) in myFolder
If menuItem = Nothing


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Create Exe In Build Output Target Folder Instead Of Default Bindebug Folder

Nov 21, 2010

I installed the new one. I then imported an old project made using vb 2008 EE.I found that a few errors were reported.In the project I addressed some function from a dll called "rsource.dll". I used the following function call:Public Declare Function rs_init Lib "rsource.dll" Alias "init" () As Double.The other different thing is the projevt was developed on a 32 bit OS but since then I have upgraded to 64bit (if this makes any difference). he other thing is where is the debugger PAUSE button. has it been removed from vb 2010?Also when i run debug it seems to create the exe in the Build output target folder instead of the default bindebug folder why is this?

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VS 2008 Obtain CRC32 Checksum Of Files Within A Folder Then Rename Files And Folder

Mar 4, 2010

in the current project im making i've decided to add in some tools, 1 of which is a renamer based of a renamer app that already exists (called scdtoolz), i want to build my own version of it so i can learn some new things, and build a nice GUI version of it.[code]So what i have managed to determine is that the current app scans the folders contents for the CRC32 Checksum, and renames based of that, since the 456.bin's CRC32 Checksum was 2274F80B, and in the text file 2274F80B is found here 'WWF - Rage in the Cage (T-81015)(U)#2274F80B#'So now i have determined game identification is based of the CRC32 checksums, how would i go about coding a similar ap in vb.net?first i need to make the app scan a folder, but how to return crcchecksum? and then rename if check = XXXX? If MD4 sums are easier/simpler i can use those instead, im lookin at a few hash app sources now, so i think i can see how to get the md5 but not the crc32 yet, or how to rename the 2 files and folder based of the text file.

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Copies Files From Folder(A) Into Folder (B) First It Checks If The Files Exists If Yes It Will Copy Them

Nov 3, 2011

I wrote an application that copies files from Folder(A) into Folder (B) First it checks if the files exists if yes it will copy them and it will over write the them in fodler (B) and is working great , but if I have a file in Folder(B)that is located in a subfolder the file inFolder (A) will not be copied to the new location.

belwo is the code to copy the files if they exist :[code..]

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Cant Get My Program To Write Into A File That Is Several Folder Deeper Into The Bin Folder?

Apr 29, 2010

the first problem is getting my program to load rss feeds from other websites mostly here:http:[url..... im trying to load it using the webbrowser. i want the rss feed to load right onto the form. im positive that its possible. i have the imports system.net in my code already for xml documents.the second is i cant get my program to write into a file that is several folder deeper into the bin folder.[code]......

ive tried playing with the code moving around the folder names, making sure there capitals are correct, etc. but nothing works. it creates the file in the wrong spot.

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Script That Will Check Files In Certain Folder Against Files In Another Folder

Jul 20, 2009

I need a script that will check files in a certain folder (lets call it folder1) against files in another folder (folder2), if there are any new files, or changed files it updates them in folder2.

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Show Current Folder In Folder Browser?

Dec 5, 2011

I have a program load the saved folder (from last use) into a textbox, now, user click browse button, it launch the folder browse dialog, I can use selectedpath to set selected folder, but most of time, the folder is deep in the c:, so, the folder browser dialog window does not show it, user has to scroll down to find it.is there a way to automatically show the selected folder in the view?

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IDE :: VS 2008 - Setup Project : Adding Folder Structure To The Program Files Folder?

May 13, 2009

I am using Visual Studio 2008 Setup project. I need to copy one folder and the sub folders into the program files but when I tried to copy or add the folder to "Application Folder" in File System editor, I am able to add only files and not folders.

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Change Appliaction Folder Path From Program Files To Public Folder

Sep 27, 2011

how to change the install folder path in a setup and deployment project/Installer class from program files to C:usersPublic in windows 7 and allusers folder in xp.Want to add MVP with my name.

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Reading .txt Files And Output Batch Files

Mar 24, 2012

i have 2 problems the first problem is if i have a .txt file how can i extract specific data. the second problem can i create batch files on the fly because of the need for a variable again it may not make sense but shout tyrannically

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Add All Files From A List To Programs Resource.folder Instead Of A Seperate Folder

Apr 14, 2009

I have made this installation program and everything work just fine, but I wish to improve it a little. Atm. all the files being installed is in a seperate folder, and the installation program simply move them to the right location.There is a builder program too.I would like it to add all files from a list to the programs resource.folder instead of a seperate folder.Atm I add the installation file to the destination folder with the following line. [code]

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Add All The Files From The Selected Folder In A Folder Browser Dialog To A List Box?

Feb 6, 2010

Code so far:

Private Sub Button6_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button6.Click
If FolderBrowserDialog1.ShowDialog = Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK Then
End If
End Sub

I have managed to get drag and drop working if this is any help:

Private Sub ListBox1_DragEnter(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As _
System.Windows.Forms.DragEventArgs) Handles ListBox1.DragEnter
If e.Data.GetDataPresent(DataFormats.FileDrop) Then


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Get A Complete File/folder Listing And Then Copy These Files To Another Folder?

Feb 3, 2012

I am wanting to get a complete file/folder listing and then copy these files to another folder.

Here is my


This happens on many folders. How can I get a listing of these folders and also copy these files?

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Searching A Folder For Audio Files And Adding That Folder To An Array?

Aug 23, 2010

So I've been using some code to generate directories and such in a custom treeview, but am looking to expand upon this idea. While it's not using recursive functions, and only calls functions when expanding levels, I'm not quite sure how to put some of these together.find a way to just search through all folders on the PC. If the folder contains audio files, that folder is than added to an array (searching a folder for audio files and adding that folder to an array is done). It's just recursivly searching all folders on the PC.Here is the code I've been using for the treeview (I'm not sure if it can be adapted):

Public Function ListAllDrives() As String()
Dim arDrives() As String
arDrives = Directory.GetLogicalDrives()[code].....

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Folder Selection - Enable The User The Ability To Select A Folder And The Folders Music Files Populate A List Box

Jan 6, 2009

Basically I am trying to enable the user the ability to select a folder and the folders music files populate a list box. I want two list boxes on the page, one with all the contents of the folder and then the other one for files selected from the first box. I have no clue on how to do this at all...

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Move One File In A Folder To Another Folder With Tons Of Files In It?

May 6, 2010

Ok so i have a program that pulls up all the video files in a video folder. I need a code that will move one of the files in the listbox to a recycle bin i made. But i dont want to replace any of the files in the recycle bin i just want a code to move one file out of one folder and into another. So if there is a code for this then great.

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Write Output To A Text File?

Oct 20, 2011

If I want the my output to be written to a text file do I just need to add:

Respone.clear() , Respone.ContentType = "text", Response.OutputStream.Write(bytes, 0, bytes.length) , Respone.flush()


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Add To 'Show Output From' DropDown?

Oct 14, 2011

Is there a way to add to the "Show Output From" dropdown list. I've been going in circles on MSDN looking at Listeners, Writers, Trace, Debug, ConsoleTraceListeners etc. with no luck. I really would like my own pane for debug output because I don't want to disable any of the messages in the debug pane, and a lot of stuff gets pumped out there.

I found a way to add a new pane to the output tab through a macro/addin but don't know how, or if, it can be written to through code.

Short of that I'm really just looking for a better/more intuitive way do display debug output. Colored would be nice. I've tried very unsuccessfully to use nLog - but the configuration/documentation left me scratching my head.

Is the output window really what most people settle for?

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SortedList - How To Show Output

Aug 9, 2010

I'm making a sortedlist I can read a file into my program but do someone now how to show the output? Its made with classes and they will work. How to show the output of the file because I can't find.

This is the Form1
Public Class Form1
Public lijst As New SortedList(Of String, bankrekening)
'Dim spaar As spaarrekening
'Dim zicht As zichtrekening
Private Sub OverschrijvenToolStripMenuItem_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles OverschrijvenToolStripMenuItem.Click
[Code] .....

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Evaluate Code And Write The Output To Response?

Apr 7, 2009

I need help with ASP.NET in the VB.NET language.Currently I have a server that contains a script called Query.aspx. I want this script to evaluate another script, as an example "Test.aspx", and print the evaluated response out as Query.aspx's response.

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Forms :: Unable To Write To Output File

Feb 6, 2007

I have been at VB.NET for a very short while now (about 1 month) and I can say without a doubt my knowledge of VB has continued to amplify from the information posted in these forums.Along with my first post I also have a question about setting an icon for my application .exe file.I have read that I need to go to Project > properties then on the Application tab there is a section to change the icon from the default to something else. However when I do this and choose the icon that I want, I get an error when I use the debug to run my application.It says "Unable to write to output file C:/... the specified image file did not contain a resource section".

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