XML Serializing Delegates

Feb 10, 2010

I have a class that I want to be serializable but contains a public instance of delegate that, apparently can't be serialized: [Code] Is there a way to make it serializable however?

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Serializing And De-serializing Objects?

Feb 27, 2011

I am having problems with serializing and de serializing my objects.The following is my code for serializing buttons and labels which I have in my form.

Dim nodes As New List(Of nodeclass)
Dim objStreamWriter As New StreamWriter(filelocation)
For Each btn As Button In myNodeBtns
Dim u As New nodeclass


I get an error: There is an error in XML document (20, 3).Now I have found out that this is because I have 2 root elements and 2 xml declerations. When I save the xml for the button and te xml for the label in 2 different files, I have no problem. However I have no idea how to go about saving the xml for both of them in the same file and deserializing it back.

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Delegates And Multicast Delegates In .NET

Mar 27, 2009

What are Delegates and Multicast Delegates in VB.NET? How do I use them? provide a simple example to illustrate the concept.

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Serializing An Arraylist?

Mar 30, 2011

I have just finished my application and am stuck as to how I'm going to store my data. As it stands I have multiple objects that I created but each of them take multiple ArrayLists as properties. I'm aware that this will give problems if I try to serialize my data?

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Serializing An ObservableCollection(of T) In .Net?

Oct 9, 2009

I'm trying out MVVM in VB.Net for a while now and started out with some of my entities using List(of T)s, which I xml serialized to disk. Now, I updated the classes used by the Lists to implement INotifyPropertyChanged so I also changed the List(of T)s to ObservableCollection(of T)s.After which, the XML serializer stopped working :'( A colleague told me that ObservableCollections, unlike generic Lists, are not serializable.If so then how can I make them Serializable?

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.net - Serializing Type Definitions?

Apr 29, 2010

I'm not positive I'm going about this the right way. I've got a suite of applications that have varying types of output (custom defined types).For example, I might have a type called Widget:

Class Widget
Public name as String
End Class

Throughout the course of operation, when a user experiences a certain condition, the application will take that output instance of widget that user received, serialize it, and log it to the database noting the name of the type.

Now, I have other applications that do something similar, but instead of dealing with Widget, it could be some totally random other type with different attributes, but again I serialize the instance, log it to the db, and note the name of the type. I have maybe a half dozen different types and don't anticipate too many additional ones in the future.

After all this is said and done, I have an admin interface that looks through these logs, and has the ability for the user to view the contents of this data thats been logged. The Admin app has a reference to all the types involved, and with some basic switch case logic hinged upon the name of the type, will cast it into their original types, and pass it on to some handlers that have basic display logic to spit the data back out in a readable format (one display handler for each type)NOW... all this is well and good...Until one day, my model changed. The Widget class now has deprecated the name attribute and added on a bunch of other attributes. I will of course get type mismatches in the admin side when I try to reconstitute this data.

I was wondering if there was some way, at runtime, i could perhaps reflect through my code and get a snapshot of the type definition at that precise moment, serialize it, and store it along with the data so that I could somehow use this to reconstitute it in the future?

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C# - Comparison Of Serializing Methods?

Dec 25, 2011

Possible Duplicate: Fastest serializer and deserializer with lowest memory footprint in C#?

I'm using BinaryFormatter class to serialize an structure or a class. (after serialization, I'm going to encrypt the serialized file before saving. (And of course decrypt it before deserialization))But I heard that some other serialization classes are present in .Net Framework. Like XmlSerializer, JavaScriptSerializer, DataContractSerializer and protobuf-net.I want to know, which one is best for me?Less RAM space needed for serialize/deserialize is the most important thing for me. Also speed is important.

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Databinding To A Numbericupdown And Serializing?

Oct 8, 2010

I have a class:

<Serializable()> Public Class data
Public _needleCount As Integer = 1
Public percent As Double = 100.0
Public table As DataTable
Public part As String = ""


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Serializing A Custom Type?

Jul 8, 2011

it works perfectly.

Dim XmlFile As FileStream = New FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)
Dim Serializer As XmlSerializer = New XmlSerializer(GetType(gpxType)) ''here I get error
Dim GPX As gpxType = New gpxType


I get InvalidOperationException was unhandled. Whats wrong?

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Serializing An Array Of Objects?

Apr 5, 2009

I'm struggling with this Serializing of Data. and I've checked out the MSDN, and saw the Serializing an Array will make the out put like this:


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Serializing Linked List Into Xml?

Feb 26, 2009

I badly wanna Serialize a Linked List into XML and deserialize it back when required. I didn't get proper results when i did google. But, I learnt through the following link that it's not possible to do so. [URL]

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Serializing XML With Strange Namespaces?

Jul 14, 2011

Question: How does the class for the serialization of this XML content look ?

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<vcc:CreateTextSearchResponse xmlns:vcc="urn:veloconnect:catalog-1.1" xmlns:vct="urn:veloconnect:transaction-1.0">


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.net - Serializing An Extended Form Object?

Jun 2, 2010

I've been reading up on this whole subject, but I never came across this specific problem. I already understand that the whole idea of serializing an entire form is a horrible idea and just doesn't work. But, I am encountering a bit of a different problem. I have a class that inherits the "button" form object, that I call DataButton.

Now for my problem. I want to be able to serialize this class, but I don't need any of the information from the actual button class. Is there any way to bypass the fact that I can't set the button form object to Serializable() and notify VB that when serialization is to occur, it should simply skip over that information? Theoretically, if such a procedure were possible, I'd be able to do the entire serialization without a hitch.

I came up with the idea earlier of removing the "inherits" feature from the class, and having simply a button within the class, but that makes my program really difficult to work with as I am constantly changing the location, size, backgroundImage, text, and whatnot. Thus, immediate updates would be much tougher to work with.

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Optimize Classes Before Serializing And Saving

Oct 24, 2010

Often it is very usefull to save data as a class by serialize and compress it. From few experiments I have noticed that
Class A
Public name as string
Public List as new list(of string) <---- empty
End Class

Class B
Public name as string
Public List as list(of string) <----- not instantiated
End Class

If I serialize and compress the 2 classes the class B uses less spaces once serialized and compressed. This suggests me that if a class contains a list that is instantiated but empty it is better to set that to nothing and reset as new when it is decompressed and deserialized. Is there any dll that optimizes a class to be stored (serialized and compressed) and restore it when it is decompressed and deserialized?

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Remove Xsi:type From Generated Xml When Serializing

Oct 5, 2011

I am sending XML externally. One of the node called "datafield" has an element called "value". This may contain normal text content, or an html content (which I need to wrap in CData). So, I created a base class (ProvisionDataField) with 2 classes inherits from it (ProvisionTextField, and ProvisionCDataField) as follows:[code]

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Serializing A Generic Collection With XMLSerializer?

Jul 11, 2009

Why won't XMLSerializer process my generic list?

Sub Main()
End Sub


I get an exception on the "Dim ser" line, saying "Testing.Module1 is inaccessible due to its protection level. Only public types can be processed." ("Testing is the name of the application, and "Module1" is the name of the module; this is a console application).

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Serializing Collections To Binary File?

Mar 17, 2011

How to serialize a collection to a binary file?
Structure MainServerInfo
Dim Name As String
Dim IP As String
Dim Uname As String
Dim Pass As String
End Structure
[Code] .....

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Serializing Multiple Objects Internally

Nov 11, 2009

I am in the process of writing a base class for gadgets that will be displayed on a form.I want the gadget to be fully self contained and reusable.At this point it does everything that I need it to do EXCEPT, i'm having trouble figuring out a creative way to serialize my objects using only one object.I have a feeling the answer lies somewhere within the context of using shared functions but I'm having trouble wrapping my mind around it.

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Serializing Serveral Objects Through NetworkStream?

Jan 4, 2010

I apologise if this thread has been posted in the wrong section I was not certain whether it was the serialization or the networking that was causing this problem, but I feel that it is likely that it is the serialization.I am currently building two applications a client and a server, where several objects have to be sent between the applications, a couple objects each way.The applications are called "ACME Server" and "ACME Client" (yay for originality).

While I can get the first object to be transferred from the client to the server, but I can't get the second object to be transferred successfully from the server to the client, the error is occurring in the client program, I have taken a printscreen of the error that I am receiving, which I have uploaded to [URL]..All objects that are being sent are serializable (well there is an Interface called Action which I am unable to make serializable I believe due to it being an Interface).


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Serializing/Deserializing A 2- Dimensional Array

Apr 21, 2009

I have a Problem Serializing and Deserializing a 2-Dimensional Array. I have a 5x5 Integer Array and want it to format it into one String (like Base64) to store it as an Attribute in a XML-File.

To store it i use this code:


To Read and Format it i tried following :


But Deserialize only Returns an Integer not an Array. How i can Deserialize an complete Array ?

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Xml - Error Serializing Linq Result?

Dec 2, 2010

I'm trying to serialize a LINQ result in this way:

Private Sub btnXML_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs) Handles btnXML.Click


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Infinite Loop When Json Serializing A Collection

Sep 1, 2010

I am trying to use a Web Service to return Json for a Collection of Users from a Database Table. I'm only new to .NET (< 1 week experience), and I don't want to use the UpdatePanel for AJAX. I have tried using the JavaScriptSerializer as well as Json.NET to serialize. Both cases seem to spawn an Infinite Loop.[code]

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Difficulties Serializing Classes With Attached Events

Jan 27, 2010

Surprised this question has not been asked yet here, but here goes: Serialization in VB.NET is a bit of a pain. If you use the standard Serializable() attribute, and attempt to serialize a class that has events which are attached to handlers, it will attempt to serialize the handlers as well. Coming from a C# background I am not used to dealing with this problem, and the best solution I can find is using a class off of CodeProject.


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IDE :: Visual Basic IDE - Public Class Serializing

Feb 10, 2010

how can i sereailize a public class?? and make it <serializable()> _

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Serializing System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand To XML?

Oct 8, 2009

Trying to write a list of oracle commands to XML but keep getting this error. "There was an error reflecting type 'System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand'."

Friend Sub WriteDataToFile(ByVal Commands As List(Of System.Data.OracleClient.OracleCommand))
Dim PathName As String = OffloaderDataPath() & "Commands " & Now.ToLocalTime.Ticks.ToString & ".XML"


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VS 2008 (De)Serializing Multiple Objects Into One File

Dec 21, 2009

I am trying to create a load and save function for my customizable Menu/Tool/StatusStrip controls (see signature). Those three controls use a single AppearanceControl class, which is mainly just a large list of properties (Colors) which control the colors of the Menu/Tool/StatusStrip.

I want to be able to save and load the values of these properties so the user can store them and load others with ease. Serialization seemed the obvious answer, although I never used it before.

Now, there is a slight problem that I cannot serialize Colors, so I simply gave each Color property the XmlIgnore attribute, and created an Integer property that gets and sets the Color property (using Color.ToArgb and Color.FromArgb). This way I can serialize the color properties succesfully.

Then, there is another problem. The properties are not all in the AppearanceControl class. Instead, the AppearanceControl class has a large number of subclasses, which in turn contain the color properties.

As a small example, I may have this:

Public Class AppearanceControl
Private _toolStripColorProperties As ToolStripColorProperties
Private _menuStripColorProperties As MenuStripColorProperties


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VS 2008 Serializing Serveral Objects Through NetworkStream?

Jan 4, 2010

I am currently building two applications a client and a server, where several objects have to be sent between the applications, a couple objects each way.The applications are called "ACME Server" and "ACME Client" (yay for originality).While I can get the first object to be transferred from the client to the server, but I can't get the second object to be transferred successfully from the server to the client, the error is occurring in the client program,I have taken a printscreen of the error that I am receiving, I have uploaded to [URL]..

All objects that are being sent are serializable (well there is an Interface called Action which I am unable to make serializable I believe due to it being an Interface).


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Constrain Arguments NOT To Be Delegates?

Feb 3, 2012

Consider these two functions[code]...

My question is: what is the right way to accomplish this to resolve the ambiguity so that I can pass value or references types and get overload 2, but pass Functions and get overload 1? Can I constrain the types in some way to make this happen?

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Displays One Of The Two Delegates Per Invocation?

Mar 27, 2011

I've been tinkering with Delegates, and now Multicast delegates. Every time I invoke two delegates It only displays one of the two delegates per invocation.


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Extra Variable For Delegates?

Feb 17, 2011


So func is a function that accepts a string and return a string. In practice, internally, func also utilizez text1, text2. In fact, func can even be a member function with access the object that owns it (something like me or this operator).

And all that can be accomplished without changing the signature of func? How do the compiler do this?

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