Accessing The Selected PictureBox In A FlowLayoutPanel?

Nov 8, 2011

I've got a form with a FlowLayoutPanel (flpPhotos) containing several PictureBoxes that are created on-the-fly based on the photos in the specified directory. What I'm trying to do is right-click on any photo and select an option to delete that photo, view a larger version, etc. When I right-click on an image and select Delete in the PictureBox's ContextMenuStrip, I'm getting a NullReferenceException in the deletion method. When debugging, _selectedImg is Nothing, for reasons I don't understand, as a reference is saved to it in the selected PictureBox's MouseDown event. Incidentally, _selectedPB is also Nothing.

Private _selectedImg As String ' The file path of the image in the selected PictureBox
Private _selectedPB As PictureBox ' The PictureBox whose ContextMenuStrip has been instantiated


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VS 2008 Accessing Dynamically Created Picturebox?

Mar 22, 2012

For school and other reasons, i am making an application in which the user can draw tile based backgrounds, to then turn into long line of code , i think called CSV , which can then be used in programs such as flash, to draw a tile based background. I am currently making a flash game, and dont really like the other tile array making programs out there.

For instance, code such as [1,0,1],[0,1,0],[1,0,1] with the correct code would generate a 3x3 tile background with an X shape.Anyway, at the moment i am currently stuck.I have code up and running which generates a 2 dimensional background out of pictureboxes randomly, however thats as far as i got, i dont know how to access the pictureboxes created.

What i have right now is two variables, gridX and gridY, which determine the amount of tiles placed in a for loop. These variables would be used to determine the size of multidimensional arrays that store the tile data, and determine the map size.i intended each image to be clickable, so that its picture would change from black to white when clicked

When clicked, the tile would switch between two images, to represent two different tiles. at the same time, a value in an array created with the tile, would change from 1 to 0.Then when its time to make the code, i simply use a for loop to spit out the array in the way i want.

I understand that i could perhaps create a class for the pictureboxes, but i dont know how to, since ive never dealt with them, and i dont understand any of the guides and to use a class so that i could add and change the properties of multiple dynamically created pictureboxes, but also change the value of an array created with the picturebox, when clicked?

i need all of this to be done however without adding or including any additional libraries or anything to visual basic as it will be graded on school computers.

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Accessing Datagrid Selected Row's First Cell Value?

Feb 18, 2009

I would like some help for getting a value out of a selected row of a datagrid. I am beginning ti find out that it is not very intuitive in VB2003 which is what I have to program in.

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Game Programming :: When Accessing Form2, Text Is Selected?

Jul 23, 2008

I am creating a game with VB2005. On Form2 I have placed a textbox containing the Rules for the Game. When I click on Rules from the Menu in Form1, Form2 opens and displays the information, but the text is selected (highlighted blue) what have I done?

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Add Selected Item From Listview To Picturebox?

Aug 12, 2008

I thought that instead of directly downloading the images, usic, or whatever to the computer right away-why not have the user pic and choose. So, the transfering of the items that the user might want to download is sent to a new form. I have a picturebox that shows up a X symbol showing that it can't be loaded.

Here's a code just so you guys can see:

PictureBox1.ImageLocation = ListView1.Items.IndexOfKey

The one I wrote above I'm still working on.

I tried different methods such as:

Private Sub ListView1_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ListView1.SelectedIndexChanged
PictureBox1.ImageLocation = e.tostring

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Change Size Of Selected Image To Fit In Nice Into Picturebox

Mar 22, 2010

I want to allow the user to be able select the Image path by clicking on the textbox. Hence the selected image path will be shown on the picturebox. But the selected image size is not the same with the PictureBox. So my question is, how can i change the size of the selected Image to fit in nice into picturebox? [code]

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Array Picturebox That Depends Of The Number Of Files In A Selected Folder?

Apr 15, 2012

I'm filling a FlowLayoutPanel with an array picturebox that depends of the number of files in a selected folder. The problem is that images appear stretched, and I want to keep the aspect ratio. Resizeimage is the resizing rutine and works fine. The clicked image wil be shown in a picturebox with a new sise (bigger).

Private Sub Button5_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button5.Click


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Selected Radio Button Display Related Image In PictureBox

Sep 12, 2009

I'm new to VB.NET BTW. I designed a form and radio buttons and a submit button with a picture box ! Every radio button selected will display the image related to it in the picture box !

So, we have
O smile
O sad
O mad
O happy
O ...etc
When pressing the submit, the selected radio button will display a face of the mood !

Here is my code.
If RadBtnSmile.Checked Then
End If
If RadBtnSad.Checked Then
[Code] .....

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VS 2008 How To By A Listview Selected Item Make An Picturebox Appears

Jun 4, 2011

how to, by a listview selected item make an picturebox appears?for exemple. got a listview in a form, and a hide picture box, and when i select an listview item, the picture box appears, turn the visible to true.

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VS 2010 : Adding Selected Items In List Box To Multi Picturebox?

Aug 9, 2011

building simple program that i could print index pictures to 11x17 size paper. and came across with listbox multi items selected and wanted to add them to different picture boxes?

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MovablePictureBox - Set The Flags In All Other Existing Instances Of The Class, When It Is Set To True In The Selected PictureBox?

Apr 17, 2010

if I have several of these movable PictureBoxes added to a Form (Form1) and want to display a selection rectangle only on that PictureBox, that is just selected,then I think I should use a flag to mark whether a PictureBox is selected or not. The flag could be used in paint event to decide,whether the selection rectangle is to be drawn or no .To add a flag property to the new class is no problem. But how can I set the flags in all other existing instances of the class, when it is set to True in the selected PictureBox?

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VS 2010 Loading A Sequence Of Images From A Selected Folder Into A Picturebox Control

Dec 30, 2011

i have a simple photo viewer application where i want the user to click a "load sequence" button and then i want something like a folderbroswerdialog to appear then the user can pick a folder with images in it then the images get loaded into the picturebox and the user can click a "forward" button to go to the next image in the sequence and a "backward" button to go to the previous image in the sequence, it's kinda like windows 7 photo viewer.

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FlowLayoutPanel Will Not Scroll?

Sep 4, 2009

FlowLayoutPanel will not scroll. The mousewheel event will not fire. The scrollbar appears when it is needed. I thought it was a focus problem, but the panel responds to all other mouse events.

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Gap Between Pictureboxes In A FlowLayoutPanel

Jan 27, 2011

I want to create a chess table, and I've made one with a FlowLayoutPanel and 64 PictureBoxes but I have a little problem. After i add the PictureBoxes I hava a gap beetwen them and I don't want to have it, i've tried 2 posibilities but nothing, I will put an exemple from my code

Private Sub init_table()
Dim color As Integer = 0
Dim boundX = 0


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FlowLayoutPanel Not Showing All Contents?

Jan 26, 2012

I have been dynamically adding user controls to my panel. This user control has a height of 105. If I have my FlowLayoutPanelwidth to only show 1 "column" of controls, it will only display 296 of them. The rest of the controls are grayed out at the bottom of the flowlayoutpanel. If I widen the flp to allow 2 "columns" of controls, I can see 592 of them, with the remainder grayed out at the bottom. I have gone in and resized the user control to make it shorter in height, which works in some respects (i.e. it works when I have two columns, but not just 1), and can go forward with this work-around.

So, I guess my question is, why does the FlowLayoutPanel behave in this fashion? It seems (based on what I saw) that there is a limit to how much data the FLP will show at one time.

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Add User Controls To FlowLayoutPanel?

Feb 13, 2010

When I add my user control to a flowlayoutpanel its going left to right even though the flowdirection is set to TopDown

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Clickable Picture Box In Flowlayoutpanel

Jul 21, 2011

[code]I can't figure out how to make those pictureboxes in flowlayoutpanel clickable. Any example will do - opening it in default picture browser, using it as panel background or using it as a picture for separate picturebox - anything will do - I simply do not know how to get the file name assiciated with the particular picturebox in the flowlayoutpanel.

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Flowlayoutpanel And Repositioning Objects In It

Jan 13, 2011

I normally hate posting to these forums - but I've reached my wits end. Before posting I've searched all over the internet and no one seems to have come up with the solution.

I have a flowlayoutpanel with a number of buttons in it - I simply want to be able to click and drag a button and reorder it. Sounds simple but its driving me mad! I've spent hours searching the net for an answer but with no luck - the closest I got was a guy showing how its done in C#....No clue how to translate it.

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Get The Real Size Of A Flowlayoutpanel?

Jul 2, 2011

i've a flowlayoutpanel that will be filled with other controls dynamically. this flowlayoutpanel will not have scrollbars. now my problem is to get the real size, comprensive of the invisible part of the flowlayoutpanel.

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How To Double Buffer A Flowlayoutpanel

Jan 12, 2012

I have a need to double buffer a flowlayoutpanel. I have the form set to doublebuffered which is half the story but their is no property in the list to make the flowlayoutpanel do this (although MSDN states that it has this property) how i can set it to true for the panel?

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.net - FlowLayoutPanel - Automatic Width For Controls?

Mar 22, 2011

is it possible to make the inserted items in FlowLayoutPanel automatic size of the FlowLayoutPanel? Here is an example:

A form with 1 FlowLayoutPanel and 3 buttons inside:

if I resize the form, the controls look like this: they arrange "left to right"

What I want is this: The controls should have the width of the FlowLayoutPanel:

how to do this? I changed the FlowDirection and played with the Anchor property but with no luck.

I could of course Resize the controls in the FlowLayoutPanel_Resize event, but I want to add about 500 usercontrols - I tested it and it is slow.

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Display Pictures From Directory In FlowLayoutPanel?

Aug 24, 2010

'for each item in directory C:/temp
Dim pbx As New PictureBox
pbx.Width = 98


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Load All Images From A Directory To A FlowLayoutPanel?

Oct 3, 2011

I am attempting to load all images from a directory to a FlowLayoutPanel. I am using the GetFiles() method to retrieve the files with a filter to just retrieve JPG files. When I run the program, it returns 'Conversion from string "*.jpg" to type 'Integer' is not valid.' exception. The offending line of code is:

For Each foundFile As String In My.Computer.FileSystem.GetFiles(FolderBrowserDialog1.SelectedPath, "*.jpg")

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Save Form With Pictureboxes In A FlowLayoutPanel

Feb 1, 2011

I have small program that allows the user to add clickable pictureboxes to a FlowLayoutPanel. The .Tag property of these pictureboxes contains the link that the user has added to them. I have been doing a lot of research on ways to save forms and data in VB and am kind of overwhelmed with all of the options to choose from. Is there one best way to save the form and data?

I'm pretty sure I have to use XML Serialization in order to properly save the pictureboxes with their respective properties kept intact, but would like some input from the pros.

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Saving A Control (Custom) From A FlowLayoutPanel

Aug 6, 2011

I've been working with controls and a flowlayoutpanel (see image) to provide a user a good looking "Menu" from a list of items on my server. Anyway, since there will be a lot of custom controls (The boxes inside the flowpayoutpanel) I am trying to save them some how on the user's settings so it won't have to request the list from my server every time. Thus making the program load faster and saving my server a heavy load of bandwidth. I'll go into a little more detail what the controls consists of. Its mainly just labels, pictureboxes and some hidden strings, when the program gets the list of all items from the server it will grab and separate the info for each control.

So the main question here is, is it possible to save a control and load it again even after the program is closed / reopened? The first thing that came into my head was to write a code on exit, that will go through all the controls in the flowlayoutpanel, get the label's text and picturebox's image locations, etc.. save all that info to a setting, and on the next program startup, it will load the setting instead of fetching the data from my server.

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Scrolling During Drag And Drop In A FlowLayoutPanel?

Nov 27, 2009

I am currently implementing a drag and drop feature to reorder a set of user controls that I have put in a flow layout panel. I've turned off wrapping and the flow direction is from top to bottom. Here's how I've implemented the drag and drop feature itself:

UserControl_MouseDown event:

1) Get the mouse offset from the upper left corner of the UserControl

2) Remove the control being dragged from the FlowLayoutPanel and put it in the form

3) Calculate the rectangle relative to the form of the FlowLayoutPanel

UserControl_MouseMove event:

1) Using the mouse offset of the UserControl, figure out the UserControl's new location on the form

2) if that location is outside of the FlowLayoutPanel's rectangle, change the calculation to move it to the edge of the FlowLayoutPanel

3) Move the UserControl

UserControl_MouseUp event:

1) Find the underDrop control (the UserControl under the UserControl that's being dragged)

2) Figure out if the dragging UserControl should go above or below underDrop

3) Add the dragging UserControl to the FlowLayoutPanel and set it's index.

This is working beautifully! It reorders just fine.My issue is when there are more controls than will fit in the visible area. I have AutoScroll set to True, so the scroll bar turns on. When I drag a control to the bottom I turn on a timer that periodically adjusts FlowLayoutPanel.VerticalScroll.Value depending on if the UserControl is at the top of the FlowLayoutPanel or the bottom.

When I move my mouse left or right, the UserControl (who's parent is the form) still gets moved left or right. When this happens, FlowLayoutPanel.VerticalScroll.Value is reset to what it was before I started adjusting the scroll. On top of that, even if I'm careful to move the mouse only up or down back inside the FlowLayoutPanel's rectangle, when the UserControl gets moved, FlowLayoutPanel.VerticalScroll.Value is reset again, so I can't drop it where I want to.why move a control over the FlowLayoutPanel would reset the VerticalScrol.Value? Is there a way to stop this? Is there a better way to scroll inside a FlowLayoutPanel?

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Sorting A Bunch Of Controls In A FlowLayoutPanel?

Oct 22, 2010

I have a flowlayoutpanel, and a bunch of controls inside it.

I would like to actually SORT the controls, depending on some values.

For Example:

The FlowLayoutPanel has 4 Controls:

Each control has: Name (string), Maker (string) and Rated (integer) values.

So what I thought of was:

s As


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VS 2010 : Detect Scrollbar In FlowLayoutPanel?

Apr 5, 2011

I need to detect if a FlowLayoutPanel is showing the vertical scrollbar or not.

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Implement Paging Effect In A FlowLayoutPanel Control?

Feb 2, 2011

The implementation is pretty simple. I read the available images within the directory and call the following sub procedure.[code]...

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Invisible Flowlayoutpanel Items When Size Changes.error

Apr 2, 2011

I have some forms that include a flowlayoutpanel with some items.A button expands/hides this panel.I want to make this show/hide change smoother to the users eye so added this code:

Private Sub Resize_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click
If RadioButton1.Checked = False Then


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