Add A FooterRow To A Gridview Which Has No Value Initially?

Apr 17, 2009

datasource to gridview.I have to populate gridview by adding footerrow.I have given visibility of footerrow as true.So one error is coming as 'Object not set to an instance of an object'.what may be the reason for this?Actually i need to add data into the Gridview through the FooterRow.After inserting a few records,i need to insert this data into the database.So, i want this Gridview only to insert data into the database.For a particular "FileID", i have many records,thats why i am using Gridview.Is there any other method for this?

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ADVERTISEMENT - Why Is GridView FooterRow Referencing The Wrong Row

Aug 26, 2010

I have a GridView and, using a fairly common method, I'm using a FooterRow and TemplateFields to provide the missing insert ability. So far so good.The footer contains a TemplateField with a LinkButton to provide the postback that does the insertion. In the handler for the LinkButton's click, the Insert() method is called on the ObjectDataSource that the GridView is bound to. The ObjectDataSource's insert parameters are populated in the handler for its Inserting event. The code for all of this (abridged) looks like this:


<asp:GridView ID="gvComplexRates" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
DataKeyNames="id" DataSourceID="odsComplexMileageRates"
EnableModelValidation="True" ShowFooter="True">


The first of these shows a tag of td. Which makes sense. The second shows text of "10" which is the content for the row above the footer.

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Indicate Which Code To Execute Initially?

May 17, 2009

I am totally new to VB2008, so please bear with this likely dumb question.

I have seen numerous "my first program" tutorial that show you how to create your form, put controls on it, etc. I can get through those just fine.

However, I am wondering: If I compile a set of subroutines into a .exe, how do I indicate which code/sub to execute initially? I am an old school programmer (remember COBOL?), and we always had a starting point; a set of code execute, that initiated execution of other subroutines, functions, etc.

I have dabbled in VBA for Excel, and MS Access, and even those, you indicate in the interface, and menus you create, that first bit of code that brings up the menu, or perhaps the program's main interface.

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Data Not Showing Up Initially In Datagridview

Apr 16, 2010

Okay I have everything working as it should but when I first start up the data doesn't show up in the datagridview until I enter another record. It seems to be at the End Sub part of the button click Enter Record.This is what I have at form load event.


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Declare Array That Initially Is Empty?

Jan 27, 2010

How do you declare an array when the array is initially empty?? I am taking multiple measurements from a meter that I want to put into an array. How would I declare that?? Here is my code to accept the last measured value.

Dim measResult as string
For I as Integer = 1 to 4
measResult = objDevice.gpibRead(i, 30) ''30 is the buffer size

How can I set up measResult so it is an array that will hold all of the measurements from the meter?? I have tried Dim measResult() as string, Dim measResult() as String = objDevice.gpibRead(1, 30) but no luck.

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Get A DataGrid That Uses A Stored Procedure To Initially Populate To Refresh?

Mar 3, 2010

I've got a database that I've been working on for over a year and a half but I've just recently finished the back end to the point of feeling comfortable with starting on a front end.


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Make A Program That Will Draw 700 Random Lines On It Initially?

Oct 17, 2010

I am currently using Visual Basic 2008 Express Edition.I want to make a program that will draw 700 random lines on it initially. I tried my code but the lines only appear in the same way such as straight line and diagonal line. Here's my code:

Public Class Form1
Private Sub Form1_Paint(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs) Handles MyBase.Paint


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Getting Error In Code As Initially Array List Is Null / NullReferenceException Was Unhandled

Oct 19, 2009

The code below is used to check if the application setting, an arraylist is populated or not via the count method.

When running the program fails with error "NullReferenceException was unhandled" as initially the setting (arraylist) will contain no values.In similar circumstances I would declare a new instance of the object or set value to string.empty or check if DBNull.

I know application settings have a save method but to reference/load them one is not needed.I also left the value field in the projects -> settings to be empty.[code]...

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VS 2008 Dinamic Datagridviewcolumn Item - Any Chance A Column Is Set To Be A Textbox Initially?

Aug 28, 2010

I am working with a datagridview. Is there any chance a column is set to be a textbox initially but for example I want the top item to be a combobox??? This should enabled the user to select something of the list but also load in what was selected and saved before... So for example I have a column called Product Name and it has 5 rows 4 of them should appear as textboxes but one top cell should appear as combobox

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In-project Components Fail If Project Is Opened With In-project Component Used On Initially Open Form?

Dec 20, 2010

Public Class ExtendedDateTimePicker Inherits DateTimePicker

View 5 Replies - Show Pop Up Menu From Database In Gridview On Each Gridview Row Items?

Dec 6, 2010

How to show pop up menu from database in gridview on each gridview row items ?Example of this is : http:[url].....Move your cursor to Departure time and arrival time...a want this type of popup in gridview items....which fetch entries from database..

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Manipulate A Gridview In When Columns In Gridview Are Generated During Runtime

Sep 24, 2009

In my application,i have a gridview in which columns are created at runtime.Actually these columns are created when i am entering data in a database table.[code]where Column1,Column2,column3 may vary during runtime.i need to enter values to these columns during runtime.But i cant bind these columns because these are created during runtime.The first column "Description" will not change.It will remain constant.For each description, there will be values for each column.At last these data will be saved to the database.How to add columns in the gridview during runtime?

View 2 Replies - Export Gridview To Excel Without The Gridview Formatting VB

Sep 23, 2011

I am able to export a gridview to excel, my problem is that I cannot figure out how to remove the formatting from coming over from the girdview. Here is the code I am using to export the gridview: Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click


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Reload A Gridview Onclientclick Of Another Gridview's Button?

May 25, 2009

I have a modal popup that contains a gridview. On the click of a button inside of a grid i reload the gridview with the data that depends on the id of the row clicked in the gridview. I would have like to reload the gridview onclientclick but I couldn't find a way to do that. Is it possible to reload a gridview client-side without the user even knowing the page partially loaded?

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Insert Row Into Gridview From Another Gridview?

Aug 15, 2010

I am using

I need to fill a gridview(1) with data that cames from another gridview(2), ie:

(2) - All articles in the database.

(1) - Selected articles from (2)

What is the best way to do that?

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Add A New Row In A GridView?

Apr 7, 2009

EDIT: forgot to mention, so better state this before anything else... I'm running VS 2005 with Framework 2.0.I have a GridView (gdvN) with 7 columns (N1, N2, N3, N4, Edit command e um Delete command). In the same aspx, 4 textbox (that would be a new line with new N1, N2, N3 and N4 values.).

After filling the textboxes and pressing a button, it was supposed to insert a Row in the gdvN.


Unfortunately that didn't solved, as it edits an existing row instead of adding one. As I can see, that may be two paths for this to be solved:Is there a way to make _newitem be created with the same structure as the gdvN rows. I didn't found how.Or there's another logic (or a mistake in the coding) I'm not looking?

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Add Gridview In Sql?

Jun 2, 2011

Add gridview in sql? This is my [code]...

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New Row In GridView?

Apr 27, 2011

have Create the following Code For GridVie____

dim dr =new GridViewRow(0, 0, DataControlRowType.DataRow, DataControlRowState.Normal)
dim dc1 as new TableCell


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Sql - Add New Row To Gridview?

Jul 19, 2010

I'm using a gridview to display and access a sql database and using databinding. I'm also using autogenerate columns as one gridview has multiple sources and toggles between them. What would be the best way to allow the user to insert a new row?

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Add Hyperlink In GridView?

Jun 20, 2011

I have a Category table that have the following columns CatgeoryID, CategoryName, and CategoryPicture and i have Product table linked by Foreign Key to Category table.[ocd]e....

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Add New Column In Gridview Using .net?

Sep 23, 2010

do anyone know how to add a new column in gridview using syntax?the column that i want to add is not bind to any database unlike the other column in the same gridview.

i try to use GridView1.Columns.Add("Percentage")but it turn out to be error.the error said " Value of type 'String' cannot be converted to 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.DataControlField'"

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Add Several Textboxes To One Row In Gridview .net?

Jul 28, 2011

My problem is that I have a gridview with five rows and an unknow number of columns. What I want to do is in row 1 I want each column to be a textbox and in the next row create a button/link to create a report for each column. My problem is only the last column is being changed to a textbox. Here is my code.


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Add Text Box Value In Gridview?

Aug 7, 2011

how can i add text box value in gridview

View 1 Replies - .NET Formatting Every Row Of A Gridview?

Sep 14, 2009

I have a Gridview that has a timestamp as one of the rows. When I read the data from the database the data is in the format( mm/dd/yyyy hh:mm:ss ). I've figured out how to format the way I want it which is just the ( mm/dd/yyyy ) and droping of the (hh:mm:ss) with the following code:


View 6 Replies - Add Filter Row To Gridview?

Jul 7, 2009

I want to add a row to that will contain dropdowns,search textboxes, and maybe other controls to allow filtering to the gridview. I've looked at This Question but it did not help me. How can I add a row so i can add these controls to my gridview?


View 1 Replies - Add The Gridview Cells Using .net?

Jan 26, 2011

My Gridview has following Fields

ID Product Price ($)
1 Pencil 1
2 Pen 1
3 Rubber 2

I want to calculate the total price of price fields in Gridview Footer

Total Price = 4

How to do it using VB.NET ?

View 2 Replies - Get Dataset From A GridView?

Apr 19, 2011

how can i get the dataset from a gridview i have populated?

i tried this:

Dim importedDS As DataSet = gwResults.DataSource

but it's coming out blank all the time. is there another way?

View 2 Replies - Get The Row Number In Gridview

Aug 11, 2009

I have a gridview in which I have set datasource as a datatable. Whatever update I make to the gridview, it should reflect only in the datatable and not to the database. When I click update, I have to get the row number of a particular row which I want to update. How can I get the row number in rowupdating event of gridview in order to update the datatable? Suppose I have a datakey and if I get that unique id, how can I update the datatable which is the datasource?

View 2 Replies - Gridview Does Not Display

May 2, 2012

The gridview on my page is set up with templat fields in each column so that I can enter information and save it to my database. There is no data that ties directly into the gridview just the ability to add multiple rows at a time to save the data. I had it displayed with empty textboxes and it was working fine and all of a it stopped and now won't show up. Any clues as to what is happening. Code follows...


View 2 Replies - Using Gridview Within A Masterpage?

Apr 14, 2011

I am creating a new page in VS2005 (VB) and it has a gridview, my problem is when I try to insert the grid into the ContentPlaceHolder (in design mode) it ends up somewhere else on the page all together.

ASPX code

<%@ Page Language="vb" MasterPageFile="~/secure/Master1.Master" CodeBehind="Master1.Master.vb" Inherits="Main.LiveCalendar" %>
<asp:Content ID="ContentPlaceHolder" ContentPlaceHolderID="ContentPlaceHolder1" runat="server">
<h1>Live Calendar</h1>


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