Add A Resource Via Project Properties Resources Tab

Aug 10, 2011

In a VB project I can add a resource via the project properties resources tab, or I can right-click the project in the solution explorer, click add, then click add existing item. What are the differences?If I want to add a DLL file and include it as an embedded resource, do I have to add the file via both methods? Only one?

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Using Resource Expressions With The Resources In A Separate Project?

Oct 26, 2010

I'm pretty sure this is something super easy, but how do i access a resource that is in a separate project using the expression syntax?I thought it would be like so:

<%$ Resources:SomeNamespace.Resources.Web, PleaseSelectAnImage %>

where SomeNamespace.Resources is the project that the resources are located in.

i normally just do <%= SomeNamespace.Resources.Web.PleaseSelectAnImage%> but i need to have this inside a control. <kw:SlickUpload ID="SlickUpload1" runat="server"
ValidExtensions=".png, .gif, .jpg"
InvalidExtensionMessage="<%$ Resources:SomeNamespace.Resources.Resources.Web, PleaseSelectAnImage %>" >

so when i just do what i normally do, it puts <%= SomeNamespace.Resources.Web.PleaseSelectAnImage%>" project name is SomeNamespace.Resources. the resource file name is Web. and the key is PleaseSelectAnImage.

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Unable To Debug Project - Warning    1    Could Not Find Type 'WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.Resources, Time Table'?

Feb 28, 2009

i'm unable to debug my project that i made. i save it and everything, but it just won't playit says Warning 1 Could not find type 'WindowsApplication1.My.Resources.Resources, Time table'. Please make sure that the assembly that contains this type is referenced. If this type is a part of your development project, make sure that the project has been successfully built. C:SchoolIPTTime table, using 2 loopsTime table, using 2 loopsForm1.Designer.vb 123 0 now when i open it up and try to debug it , it comes up with an error, i even try referencing it but it does nothing ,

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Delete A Resource From Resources Folder?

Dec 10, 2009

Whenever I delete a Resource from my Resources folder, I get an error. How do I fix that?

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Get The Names Of All Resources In A Resource File?

Jun 16, 2009

Within a Visual Basic Project I have added a resource file (resx) that contains a bunch of images.Now I want to query the names of the images.If I open the resx file in the designer view in the Visual Studio IDE and select an image, the property grid shows me a name property (defaults to "filename without extension but can be changed).The background is that I have a imagelist that is created at runtime and populated with the images from the resource file. To be able to access these images by the key, I have to set it.My code looks like this (everything hard coded):

Dim imagelist as new Imagelist
imageList.Images.Add("A", My.Resources.MyImages.A)
imageList.Images.Add("B", My.Resources.MyImages.B)


And I want to achive this:

Dim imagelist as new ImageList
For Each img in GetMeAllImagesWithNameFromMyResourceFile
imageList.Images.Add(img.Name, img.ImageFile)

where Name is a string and ImageFile a System.Drawing.Bitmap

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Local Resources Vs Embrdded Resource?

Oct 29, 2009

I am creating a project in which i need a background image for every form in VB 08,initially i took the images as embedded resource and had a problem so then i replaced them as local resource, now,my question is that when i install my project on different computer will it display the background image.

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My Resources Object - Access Resource Images Without Strongly Typing?

Jun 18, 2009

I am having a problem accessing my resource images. a brief history, my image name is the same as my item name I want to display the proper image with the associated item in a data grid, as I loop through and load my datagrid I need to combine "My.Resources._" with the item number to correctly associate the proper image.


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.net - WinForms - Prevent UserControl's Resources Being Copied Into The Form's Local Resource?

Dec 29, 2009

I have a simple windows Forms application where in I have a usercontrol called "MyControl" derived from PictureBox.

In this MyControl, I have the following code :

Sub New()
Me.BackgroundImage = My.Resources.MyImage 'This is a project resource image
End Sub

Now when I drag and drop this MyControl into a form, I get the image and also those stuff. But the problem is that the BackgroundImage is being copied into the Form's local .resx file.So when I look into the form.designer file, I find the following :

Me.MyControl1.BackgroundImage = CType(resources.GetObject("MyControl1.BackgroundImage"), System.Drawing.Image)

This is a problem and also when I try to change the image in the control, it does not get reflected in the form's control instance.

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IDE :: Rogue Resource Parameter Error 1 The Item "objReleaseDvdDatabase.frmDVD.resources"?

Apr 1, 2008

I seem to have developed a strange problem with one of my projects I think this came about because a renamed a form in a windows application. Now whenever I try to run the application I get the error message: -

Error 1 The item "objReleaseDvdDatabase.frmDVD.resources" was specified more than once in the "Resources" parameter. Duplicate items are not supported by the "Resources" parameter. DvdDatabase frmDvd is the one I renamed to frmMain.Try as I might I cannot seem to find the "Resource" parameter mentioned in my IDE, VS Pro 2005,

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Extracting A Project Resource?

Dec 15, 2009

If I have say a wav file as a resource in a form, is there a way that I can extract it when the program is run and set it as say... the windows logon sound? Or perhaps an image and set it as the wallpaper? Or does it have to be an external file that the form would have to handle?

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Extract En-US From This String "C:\bin\x86\Debug\resource.en-US.resources"?

Dec 16, 2010

are 2 strings for which the CultureID's 'en-US' &


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In MS Project How Do I Sort Resource Tasks

Dec 11, 2009

How do I assign a priroity to a task for a resource and then sort within MS Project using VB.NET?

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Include A Resource File Into A Project?

Jan 6, 2009

how to include a Resource File into a project, and how to put image files into it for use in my program.

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Playsound In Resource Folder Of Project

Apr 12, 2009

actually i play a wav with this code :


my pb is that i want to play this sound who is in my resource folder of my project,
it's named tiic.wav and his property is Embedded Resource

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Adding All Of Files As Resources Into Project

Dec 31, 2011

I am adding all of my files as resources into my project (so they will work on another computer) however, I have some videos that I added as a resource for playing with AxVLC and I can't seem to figure out how to get them to work. I'm getting an error :Error 1 Value of type '1-dimensional array of Byte' cannot be converted to 'AxAXVLC.AxVLCPlugin'.

View 7 Replies - Unable To Access Resources In .net Web Project?

Mar 6, 2012

How do I access resources in a .Net Web Project. I created a web project and then in App_LocalResources folder added a resx file "AstroWap.resx". Now how do I access values from that. The property My.Resources itself is not available.

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Changing The Project Name - Missing Resources?

Feb 7, 2010

I actually don't care so much about the name of the project as I do the .exe it builds. So I went into the project properties, goto the Application tab and change the Assembly name. But when I build, it loses the resources I've included. It builds w/o errors, but the icon's and pictures I've included are not in the program, and then the IDE gives me errors telling me it can't find those files.

I do have those resources in the program, their persistence is set to "Embedded in .resx" and their Build Action is set to "Resource". They work fine in the designer and show properly, and they build and show fine w/o changing the Assembly name.

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Compiling Project At Runtime With Resources?

Sep 22, 2009

My app bundles a set of VBScripts (UTF8 text files) into a VB.NET assembly. I used to embed the script code into the classes as String members, but this is proving to be a poor design. I want to include them as resources instead. What's the best way to add resources to the CompilerParams?

What I've got so far (excluding all the error checks):

Dim comParams As New CompilerParameters()
comParams.OutputAssembly = DLL_Path


The CompilerParameters contain fields for EmbeddedResources and LinkedResources, but from the examples I found so far these seem to pertain only to framework resources???

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Download A File To Project Resources?

Apr 12, 2011

i use Visual Basic 2008. is it possible to download a file directly to project resources, or to import file to resources on running vb 2008 application.

for example i have : and i want to download it, but not to C: or C: drives, but to My.Resources.file..

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Image :: Get To Resources Of A Referenced Project?

Nov 4, 2009

I have a project which contains all custom controls and images; we'll call it projectBase.Now I have created a windows forms project (project1) that references projectBase. I need to access the embedded resource (images) of projectBase in project

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Use The Images Inside The Resources Within Project?

May 6, 2010

I am trying to use a combobox that when a user selects an item than that particular item (image) is drawn on the form.

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Add Image To Project Resource In Design Time?

Dec 15, 2011

I'm creating a custom button . when user select a image file for button image i want to add it to the project resource (in design time) .

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Add Two Images From The Project Resource Into An Imagelist Of A Button?

May 25, 2012

i'm in the need to add two images to an imagelist of a button. The problem is that when i try to use the code here below : Public ImageList1 As ImageList


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Display 48X48 Icon From Project/Resource?

Aug 2, 2010

Im in a win.form app. in .Net 2008 I have a lot of Icons that I want to display on a (TouchScreen enviroment) button The icons are in 8,16; 32 bit in the sizes 16X16 ; 32X32 ; 48X48

The buttons are large enough, they have a dimension of 252X132.The images are loaded via the Button propertie : Image. This has allso a size propertie, but is disabled. And I can see its loading the 32X32 32bpp format But I want the 48X48 size on there. Does some 1 knows how to get those sizes op the button.

I know its possible via a imagelist but why have a resource if you cant use it??

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IDE :: Option To Add Win32 Resource File To Project?

Oct 7, 2009

can anyone tell me if this option is available in VB.NET 05/08, I want to add Win32 resource file (.res) to project but i can't find any option to do that, and the option was in C#. This not a regular resource, it was created using native resources template. Below are the screenshots of Application tab in project property from C# and VB IDE. The option that im looking for is in red box on C# screenshot

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ITextSharp - How To Input Image (PNG) From Project Resource

Aug 3, 2010

I have iTextSharp creating a pdf for me in Everything was working famously, except now I want to embed an image. I tried this:

Dim test = My.Resources.MyImage
Dim logo = Image.GetInstance(test)

This an error though:

'GetInstance' cannot be called with these arguments

It appears as though it expects a path, and is getting a System.Drawing.Bitmap type.

Is there any way that I can add a project resource image to my PDF?

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ClickOne - How To Get Resources Folder Included In Project

Apr 23, 2009

With Visual Studio - 2008. I publish to my server. I have problem with the ClickOne, I cant find a way to include my DB connection and resources folder included in my project. It update correctly, but it does not include my resource folder a database connection. Maybe something with the rights to connect to the DB. Can can also see that every time I update my application, it make a new folder but it do not input my folders.

Any right way to do this:
Dim con As New OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.jet.oledb.4.0;data source=" & "Resources/" & "myDB.mdb")

This is my string to connect. And I have added "myDB.mdb" it to my resource folder in the project. I have followed this video: [URL]. What is the correct way to implement a DB connection to my project when I am using ClickOnes?

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Making Image Array Using Project Resources

Apr 18, 2009

I need to make an array of images using references to the resources folder. The following is my code which does not work:
Dim imgPictures(8) As Image
imgPictures(0) = Image.FromFile(My.Resources.cat_1.ToString)
How do I reference the images sitting in the resources folder for this task?

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Start Exe In Program That Is Stored In My Project Resources?

Aug 30, 2009

I am trying to bootup other executeable file from my project's resources folder, and I can't figure out how

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Updating Project Resources In Windows Explorer?

Jan 24, 2012

If I have some resources added to a project, such as images or sounds, they are placed in Resources folder. Say I created a new image file with the same name and want to replace the one I added earlier.

Do I have to do this via Projects Properties Resources tab by removing the old one and adding the new one? Or can I simply copy and paste the new file in Windows Explorer into the Resources folder (replacing the old one)? Would it break the project? Does it matter if the project is currently open in Visual Studio?

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