Add Integer Value To Access Database?

Sep 7, 2010

I need to learn how to update a value in a database on a button click. What I have is 2 text boxes, txtpartnumber and txtquantity. When the button on the form is clicked, I want it to search for the partnumber in my database and add the quantity to the corresponding part number. This is for an inventory system so there will be a number already in the database. I am just simply wanting to add to it.

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Select Integer From An Access Database Using SQL?

Dec 3, 2010

Trying to select an integer from an Access Database using an SQL statement in VB[code]...

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Can Save Data To Access Database And In Access Database Field Set It To Date / Time

Jun 4, 2011

I can save my data to access database and in the access database field I set it to date/time.But problem is when I get the value out from the database.. the format is always month/day/year hour:minutes:seconds example today: 5/2/2011 12:00:00..How to get the value into listview becoming May/2/2011 without the hour..Here's my code to get it from database ListView1.Items(i).SubItems.Add(dt.Rows(i)(14).ToString).The second problem is.When I would like to edit, how can the datetimepicker get the listview value ? [code] info: using access 2003 (.mdb) the Date of Birth field has been set into Date/Time.

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Split String To Access Integer Within It?

Feb 19, 2012

I have a string "<PinX F='53mm'></PinX>", I want to access the 53 within the string and do some addition to it and then add the answer back into that string. I've been thinking about this and wasn't sure whether this can be done with regular expression or not?

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Running Access - Application That Has An Ms Access 2007 DataBase Which Runns Great If Access Is Installed

Oct 15, 2011

I have an application that has an Ms Access 2007 DataBase which runns great if access is installed. Is there any code that I can use in vb that I would be able to run access with out installing it.

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C# - Get Access To An Incrementing Integer During LINQ Select

Dec 1, 2009


I am trying to replace tasks.IndexOf(t) + 1 with something a little simpler. Is there any built in functionality for this? Hrmm xml literals do not seem to translate well on here....

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Export A Table From An Access Database To Other Access Database In VB2k5?

Mar 30, 2009

I have two Access database, say database One.mdb and Two.mdb. I want to use VB2005 to export tblCustomer from One.mdb to Two.mdb, and replace the existing tblCustomer in Two.mdb, during run time. I basically want to simulate the export function that is available in MS Access (which can export one table from one Access database to another) with VB2005 during run time. I can think of a way by querying the table to a dataset and then delete everything on the other database before filling the table in that database with the dataset

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VS 2010 - Import Data From An Access Database To Other Access Database

Jun 22, 2010

I am trying to import data from an access database to a access database that my project uses I am having problems with combo box fields in the database with the data. I want to import what is displayed instead of the numerical key value. Example: The combo box displays employee names but the value stored is the key value from the employee table so instead of importing John Doe it imports 2 is there a way to make the actual name instead of the number?

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Access DB Update Storing Numbers As Integer Instead Of Decimal?

Oct 26, 2010

I am taking data from a datagridview and storing it in an Access 2007 DB table

using the Datatset/TableAdapter Update command.
'Add rows to Table'
FoodDatabaseDataSet.Meals.Rows.InsertAt(DR, MealsRwCnt)
'Update Data Base'


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Change Database Column From String To Integer?

Oct 19, 2009

I need to get the AVG of a column in my database i am retrieving. (.csv) I tried using the datatable.compute method but it doesnt work because my data in column is numbers in string format.So i need to either run another query and have the data in integer format?or change the column to integer format? I don't know I am asking as I am brand new to VB and programming for that matter.


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How To Generate CheckBox Field According To Integer Value In Database

May 9, 2012

I want to generate checkbox field using GridView and system will calculate how many field to display according to number of totalDay. If totalDay stored in database is 7, so upon calling the eventID it will generate 7 checkboxes, D1-D7 checkboxes field will appear; if totalDay is 5, it will generate 5 checkboxes, D1-D5 checkboxes field will appear.

In PHP, I manage to auto generate number of D field I want according to value totalDay. But I do not know how to code in VB. The PC Fair Event has duration 7 days, so it will display 7 checkboxes after user select event and booth to book: The Carnival 2012 has duration 5 days, so it will display 5 checkboxes after user select event and booth to book:

The code in PHP which can generate the checkbox:
$query = "select * from booths, eventinfo where booths.eventID=eventinfo.eventID && booths.eventID = ".$id."";
$result = mysql_query($query);
$result2= mysql_query($query);
[Code] .....

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Minus An Integer From Database (from Columns In 2 Table)?

Jun 27, 2009

-in my database..there are 2 tables..


-how do i type the code to minus out the number from "Leave_balance" (in the Staff table) with the number from "Days_apply" (in Leave_application table) eg: 10 days (from "Leave_balance" Staff_ID "S0001") - 2 days (from "Days_apply" ID "abc") = 8 days and then update the "Leave_balance" of staff_ID "S0001" with 8 days

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Minus An Integer From Database (from Columns In 2 Table) In Vb2005?

Jun 28, 2009

-in my database..there are 2 tables..



-how do i type the code to minus out the number from "Leave_balance" (in the Staff table) with the number from "Days_apply" (in Leave_application table)


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VS 2008 Cannot Read Integer As Primary Key To Save To Database

Nov 13, 2009

I'm using Visual Studio 2008 and MS Access 2007.

I have linked the database to vs2008.

The first problem I have now is how to add all the data to the combobox from access 2007? [I have solved this myself accidentally.]

The second problem I have is I cannot save the primary key.

Assume that I have these:
Table name: tCustomer
ID Datatype [Text]


Now, the user fills in the form. The ID cannot be edited by them where it's automatically counts the number of customer in database and give the id. For example, I already have 3 customers in the database so when I add new Customer, it will be 4 for the ID.

When I click save, it shows me the message of "Index or primary key cannot contain a Null value." I have set an input mask for my Customer. So, can I make it to save in a format like CT001, CT002, CT003 automatically?

View 11 Replies

Save String Characters As Integer From A Listbox To Mysql Database?

Feb 26, 2012

Is that possible to save values from a listbox to mysql database? I guess yes. I have a list of values in a listbox obtained from splitting a file. The strings are like numbers but they are of type string. What I need is to get those values in the database in the integer type. How can I proceed?

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VB - Access - Registration Form That Connects To Access Database And Inserts Values In Table

Mar 14, 2011

I'm writing an page with a simple registration form that connects to my access database and inserts the values in the table. So I have my database, my registration page, everything looks fine in my code, but there's a syntax error I can't seem to figure out. When I go on my webpage and click submit, it says : Syntax error in INSERT INTO instruction.

Here's my code:

<%@Page language="vb" explicit="true" debug="true"%>
<%@Import Namespace="System.Data"%>
<%@Import Namespace="System.Data.OleDb"%>


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Compare Two Access Databases With Two Fields Each And Write The Results To A Third Access Database?

Apr 22, 2010

I am using the code shown below to compare two Access databases with two fields each and write the results to a third Access database. I am getting an error at the "Do While DMReader02.Read = True" line: "Invalid attempt to call Read when reader is closed." Why would the reader be closed at this point if I am using different DataReaders in the two loops?

Imports System.Data.OleDb
Class Form1


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Project Using VB And A Database In Access - Check If My Application Requires Access To Be Installed Or Not?

Feb 16, 2012

I'm using VS 2010, and I did a project using VB and a database in Access. The problem is that when I try to put that "application" on other computers, sometimes, is not working. I thought it can be because on these computers they don't have access, but on one computer, is running another app which is using Access and there is no Access installed. How can I check if my application requires Access to be installed or not?

Here is a example of how I did the connection:

Public AccessOLEDBConnString= "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0; Data Source=" & myfullpath & ";Jet OLEDB:Database Password=password"

Function getConnection() As OleDb.OleDbConnection


And when I want to have access at the data I'm doing like this:

dim conn as Oledb.OledbConnection

dim sql as string

dim ds as Dataset


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Get This Message : Operator '+' Is Not Defined For Types 'integer' And '1-dimensional Array Of Integer'?

Sep 25, 2010

ive got some simple problem i cant understand how to solve.

str(1) is an array and integer(or double, tried both)
a(1) is an array and integer (or double, tried both)
a(1) = a(1) + 1
Label1.Text = str(1) + a

the big part is where i get: operator '+' is not defined for types 'integer' and '1-dimensional array of integer'.why do i get that message and what does it mean? how do i make the code do what i want?

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Error : 'AddressOf' Expression Cannot Be Converted To 'Integer' Because 'Integer' Is Not A Delegate Type?

Aug 11, 2011

I faced an error when upgrading VB6 code to VB.NET. The error occurs at AddressOf WindowProc

AddressOf expression cannot be converted to 'Integer' because 'Integer' is not a delegate type

My declaration for SetWindowLong is:

Declare Function SetWindowLong Lib "user32" Alias "SetWindowLongA"(
ByVal hWnd As Integer,
ByVal nIndex As Integer,[code]....

What is the reason for the error I get?

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Error After Implicit Conversion Of 1 Dimensional Array Of Integer To IEnumerable Of Integer() ) ?

Apr 25, 2011

I'm trying to create a linked list of an array of integers. Why is the following implicit conversion required?

When I run the code that contains that conversion, I get the following error.

As a real-time data acquisition user control data (a packet of an array of bytes) arrives every second, is converted into an integer array and inserted into a linked list.

The most recently arrived data is painted as coordinates on a grid at the right of a PictureBox using Graphics.DrawLine (pen,X1,Y1,X2,Y2).

The oldest data (arriving 120 seconds ago) will be drawn at the leftmost portion of the Picturebox.

Why a linked list rather than a list? To display 120 views of time sequence data, the draw routine the most recently inserted node to a node that points to Nothing. How do I limit the length of the linked list to 120 nodes and always ensure that the last node points to Nothing?

Do While Not item Is Nothing
item = item.NextItem

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'AddressOf' Expression Cannot Be Converted To 'Integer' Because 'Integer' Is Not A Delegate Type

Aug 3, 2009

I am a newbie in VB and I got a piece of code which can display the current running program. I need to use that in VB2005 and I got the below error message. Can anyone help how to fix it?[code]

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'AddressOf' Expression Cannot Be Converted To 'integer' Because Integer Is Not A Delegate Type

May 13, 2009

I'm trying to convert a VB6 project to .NET, but I get problems with some callback functions, and the following message comes up: "AddressOf' expression cannot be converted to 'integer' because integer is not a delegate type" I've seen several solutions to similar problems like this, but I am not able to understand this issue with delegates.

After the conversion, the code look like this:

Declare Function vsmsgwSetDataPackageCB Lib "vsmsgwW.dll" (ByVal PACKAGE As Integer, ByRef arg As Integer) As Integer
Dim arginitP As Integer


Which gives the error: Method 'Public Function PackageCB(HisNodeID As Integer, ByRef data() As Byte, ByVal length As Integer, ByRef arg As Integer) As Integer' does not have the same signature as delegate 'Delegate Function DelegatePackageCallback(hwnd As Integer, lparam As Integer) As Integer

View 1 Replies - LINQ - Putting Result In A Dictionary(Of String, Integer), Where The Integer Must Be 0?

Sep 19, 2011

I have a LINQ2Entity problem, I want to get the value, string, from a database, so I select FProducts.Serial_number, and to end the query, I do .ToDictionary. The problem is, it tells me that it doesn't have sufficient parameters, to convert ToDictionary. So I need something like select FProducts.Serial_number, Nothing). ToDictionary. Also FProducts.Serial_number, 0).ToDictionary doesn't work.

Sub GetStatistics(ByVal ProductNumbers As List(Of String), ByRef Passed As Integer, ByRef FailedProducts As List(Of String))
Passed = 0
FailedProducts = Nothing


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Operator '>=' Is Not Defined For Types '1-dimensional Array Of Integer' And 'Integer'

May 9, 2012

this is for a BINGO game final project that I already turned in but this just bugged me that I could not get the sorting figured out. I am trying to get this to sort the random numbers in to columns under the correct letters but I keep getting the error Operator '>=' is not defined for types '1-dimensional array of Integer' and 'Integer' under the line:


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Value Of Type 'System.Linq.IQueryable(Of Integer)' Cannot Be Converted To Integer?

Aug 11, 2011

I am new to EF Linq and I have been struggling with this query for a few days. From reading this forum, I have managed to get this far:

Dim noPic = (From f In myEntities.FriendLists
Where (f.UserID = Profile.ID)
Select f.FriendID).Except(From g In myEntities.GuestLists
Where g.EventID = _id
Select g.FriendID)


I am trying to get everybody from the FriendList who is not already on the GuestList to display in a Repeater control. After reading the forum I was able to append .First() to noPic at the myNoPic declaration and finally get a result but that only gave me the first element. Does anybody have any advice on how to accomplish this?

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Why Doesn't CDate(integer) Work Where Integer Has Format Of YYYYMMDD

Mar 14, 2012

Why doesn't CDate(integer) work where integer has format of YYYYMMDD ?and why won't this stupid site let me submit such a short question when I have nothing else to add except some waffle at the end

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Automate Access Error - Open Up An Access Database ?

Mar 16, 2011

(using VB2008) I am trying to automate Access from VB.Net. To do this, I added two libraries to my project, Microsoft.Office Interop.Access v12.0.0.0, and dao v10.0.4504.0. This seems to give me all the necessary commands, yet when I tried to open up an Access database via the following code:


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Example Code To Work To Access An Access Database Through Automation?

Oct 13, 2010

I have a similar problem posted in the forum similar to this : started learning VB. I am not able to get my example code to work to access an Access database through automation. The author of my book suggested that I might not have the correct Jet 4.0 engine. The specs I have are: MSJet40.dll, Dated 7/14/2009, Prod Ver 4.00.9756.0.

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Export A Table From An Access Database To Another Access Db Using VB 2005

Mar 31, 2009

I have two Access database, say database One.mdb and Two.mdb. I want to use VB2005 to export tblCustomer from One.mdb to Two.mdb, and replace the existing tblCustomer in Two.mdb, during run time. I basically want to simulate the export function that is available in MS Access (which can export one table from one Access database to another) with VB2005 during run time. I can think of a way by querying the table to a dataset and then delete everything on the other database before filling the table in that database with the dataset. However, there should be something simpler and faster than that, shouldn't it? Any idea?

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